Supergirls and Stupid Men Ch. 03


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"You said 'I love you' this afternoon when the biker dragged me upstairs. Did you mean it?" Alina looked questioningly into Pete's eyes.

Pete was rubbing his cock on her nylon panties and sheer pantyhose, trying to find the hole so he could put his cock inside her and would have told Alina anything right then but he had truly fallen in love with her.

"Of course I love you Alina. I love you more than anything in the world," Pete sighed and kissed her passionately.

"I love you too Pete," Alina sighed and opened her legs so that Pete could put his cock inside her warm buttery cunt.

'Well I love you as much as I need too to get safely to Mexico and get my hands on some of that cash,' she thought as she raised her hips a little so that Pete could get all of himself inside her.

Alina wrapped her legs around his torso and rubbed her silken-encased limbs on his flesh and dug her heels into his flanks, encouraging Pete to fuck her while she drove her tongue into his mouth and crushed her lips against him.

She squealed with delight as Pete's cock began to convulse and tremble and his hot spunk filled her quivering cunt. She didn't need to fake her orgasm as she ground her pubis against his so that her clitoris was fully stimulated. She scissored her legs knowing that Pete adored the feel of her soft, satiny pantyhose on his tender flesh.

They rode their orgasms to the zenith and slowly came down, clinging to each other, whispering sweet terms of endearment until it was too cold for Pete to lie naked above the covers.

Alina kicked off her heels and took off her skirt and blouse but left on her pantyhose and panties, knowing that Pete liked to snuggle up to her spooning with his cock in the crevice of her ass, rubbing it on the gossamer-like garments, which is exactly what he did as they canoodled under the covers in the dark room.

They both sniggered when they heard the bedsprings creaking and the old bedframe squeaking in the bedroom next door combined with the impassioned cries of Harlan and Olena fucking.

"Harlan. We don't need Alina. She's nothing to us. It was me that told you about the counting room and I unlocked the door; that ditz just blew and fucked a couple of Russians and hid under the bed when the shooting started," Olena's muffled voice came through the wall.

"Yeah I know honey but Pete's kinda sweet on her," Harlan replied, his voice hushed but Alina would still hear it through the thin walls.

"Pete's just pussy whipped. Once we get to Mexico I will find a nice Russian girl for him. I know plenty of girls who work down there," Olena's muted voice came through the wall.

"Well to be fair, she took care of Duane and those other bikers while Pete just sat bleeding in the kitchen," Harlan countered.

"Harlan! We split the money three ways ok? Only three ways!" Olena hissed.

"Well that's always been the plan and I see no need to change it. If Pete wants to share his portion with Alina that's his business; now do that thing with your ass again," Harlan's voice sounded croaky through the wall.

The bed started to creak again.

"Don't worry Alina. I love you and nothing is happening to you. You're my girl and I will share everything I've got with you," Pete snuggled up to Alina and whispered in her ear reassuringly while his hard cock nestled in the crack of her ass.

Alina obligingly moved her panties aside and helped Pete slip his cock into her sloppy sex. She was tired and fell asleep while Pete humped her. She didn't mind; her pussy had always been her money-maker and if Pete wanted to use it, well let him.


In her suite in the Balwyn Hilton Jennifer Jones lay on the big bed dressed only in flesh-toned sheer thigh-high stockings, white diaphanous silky white panties, matching satin and lace bra and a knee-length white satin robe.

Pavel Ivanoff lay naked on the bed sucking her cock.

Jennifer had seduced Pavel as a distraction while she waited for Katya to get back to her. He had been easy. Jennifer's beauty beguiled him and she was so tiny that when she fell into his lap he automatically wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. He did all of the things women expect from men when they engage in foreplay but he became hesitant when he found her hard cock inside her panties.

He had no objections when Jennifer straddled him and guided his well-endowed engorged member into her pre-lubricated anus. Pavel had fucked women in the ass before and to him this was no different except that Jennifer's front plumbing was different. Jennifer guided Pavel's hand to her engorged phallus but he snatched it away.

Jennifer bit his lip and ground her ass into his crotch and squeezed his cock with the muscles of her anus and Pavel groaned as he expended himself inside her. When Jennifer felt his hot seed deep in her ass, she too ejaculated and her hot semen spattered on Pavel's muscled tattooed belly.

He didn't seem to mind that so much and Jennifer took him to bed and toyed with him using her beguiling ways to eventually coerce him into playing with her penis through her panties while he sucked her tits and she stroked his cock back to tumescence. She played the long game, taking Pavel close to orgasm and with her hands and her mouth and then backing off, even when he pleaded for release.

She smiled triumphantly when Pavel's curiosity overcame his revulsion and he took her turgid tool in his mouth. He wasn't that good at it and after a while Jennifer eased his face away from her crotch and slid underneath the big man and let him put that huge Russian cock deep inside her. Pavel might be a peasant but he knew how to fuck and he soon had Jennifer squealing with delight.

Her phone rang while Pavel, dressed in a hotel dressing gown, was making drinks and Jennifer snatched up a writing pad off the bedside table and began to scribble. Pavel sat down on the bed and tried to nuzzle Jennifer's neck and she impatiently pushed him away and gave him a harsh look. She finished writing down the information provided by Alice Leasingham and relayed to her by Katya Kuznetsova.

"Thank you Katya. I'll take it from here. Alice still doesn't know that you are feeding me the information?" Jennifer asked.

"She's visiting me soon. I'll be nice to her and when the time is right I'll let her know what she needs to know," Katya's husky voice sent little shivers down Jennifer's back.

"Entrapment was always one of your better skills," Jennifer whispered.

"You'd know Ms Jones," Jennifer could sense Katya smiling on the other end of the line and she subconsciously stroked the scorpion tattoo above her left ankle.

In her well-appointed cottage in Southold on Long Island Katya also stroked her scorpion tattoo and then broke the connection.

"Go to your room and get dressed. Meet me in the car park in fifteen minutes. Be prepared to do a little wet work," Jennifer said dismissively to Pavel who complied immediately.

"They are staying at a farm leased by one Harlan Decker, some sort of enforcer with a motorcycle gang. He is with Olena Svetlana, Alina Kunis and his brother Peter. The police will have the same information later today; Alice can only keep it from them for so long. We need to move quickly. We will take both cars," Jennifer said brusquely to Pavel who nodded and climbed into a black BMW X5 identical to the one driven by Jennifer.

Jennifer was wearing the same Lorna Jane black spandex leggings over sheer pantyhose, matching long-sleeve sports top, hooded fleece-lined coat and black Nikes that she had worn to Supergirls only two days earlier..

She wore her Walther PPS M2 9mm and spare magazine in a shoulder rig under her coat. She pulled a black ballcap over her flaming red hair and started the car, punching the information she had been provided by Katya into the vehicle's navigation system.

Jennifer pulled out of the underground car park with Pavel Ivanoff close behind her. She reached for the encrypted hand-held radio on the passenger seat and checked in with Pavel.

"Keep up tight. I'll pull over near the entrance to the farm. The farmhouse is set back from the main road so they won't see us. We'll assess the situation when we get there. My main priority is to get my money so if we have to kill them we will but I'd like to rain down a little hurt on those fuckers before we put them out of their misery," Jennifer hissed into the radio and then threw it back on the passenger seat.

"Fuckers!" Jennifer slammed her fist into the steering wheel.

Jennifer took a few controlled breaths to calm herself. She needed to curb her anger to get the job done right. Jennifer thought she had all the information that she needed... more information than Penelope's Task Force presently had in fact but they were both missing one vital piece of information.

The Decker boys had automatic weapons.


Alina cooked a big breakfast using most of the remaining groceries while Harlan and Pete loaded the money into the concealed spaces in the motorcycle trailer and the crash car and then hitched the trailer loaded with Harlan's bike onto the Raptor. The boys came inside and laid out their weaponry on the table, inspected it and loaded it.

They each took a nine millimetre Parabellum Heckler & Koch MP5, a sawn-off twelve gauge shotgun and the nine millimetre semi-automatic pistols they had used in the hit on Supergirls. They left the remaining weapons in the carryall. They only needed the weapons to get them as far as the border then they would ditch them. They didn't want to get stopped for carrying weapons into Mexico when their objective was to just get safely across the border with the money. They could buy as many guns as they wanted once they were across the border.

Olena did nothing other than preen, check and recheck her makeup. She was wearing a cute little low-cut red romper, tan pantyhose and red high heels. Her makeup was heavy and seductive and the black bob hairstyle she was sporting suited the look. She had been briefed to make a show of her tits and legs at the border crossing to keep the inspectors eyes busy.

Alina had been briefed correspondingly and wore the same heavy makeup, same hair style, a blue denim micro miniskirt, yellow tube-top, sheer pantyhose and blue high heels.

The boys were wearing blue jeans, plain white tees. Pete with a flannel checkered shirt over and Harlan with his Beast of Burden colours over, and scuffed boots. Harlan wore his colours because his contacts at the border thought he was still working for the OMC. If they knew he was conducting 'private business' they would want a bigger cut of what he was smuggling across the border.

Alina brought the food to the table and everyone tucked in. There would be no stopping once they hit the road. They ate silently, the resentment between Olena and Alina palpable; Olena pissed because Alina was coming with them to Mexico and Alina pissed because she knew that if Olena had her way she'd be left behind, preferably dead.

Harlan called Pete on the burner phone to make sure they were working then they loaded up their remaining belongings and the weapons into the vehicles. The four of them stood in the dust next to the vehicles and Harlan checked his watch then nodded at his brother who was walking nervously in circles.

"Keep to the speed limit and stay safe. I'll call you every thirty minutes to let you know our progress, any calls outside the agreed times means trouble. I'll see you in the car park of the Del Rio duty free store; we'll cross the border together as planned at noon when our guys will wave us through," Harlan said to Pete and they shook hands and clenched into a brief man-hug.

Olena kissed Pete on the cheek and glared at Alina and then Harlan and Olena climbed in the Raptor and drove away.

The farm was eerily quiet.

"We got time for a knee-trembler in the kitchen; we don't leave for another half hour," Pete grinned at Alina.

"You're not fucking up my clothes and makeup; plenty of time to fuck when we get to Mexico. Come and sit in the kitchen and I'll give you a blowjob," Alina smiled at Pete.

Alina figured that providing Pete with fellatio would keep him occupied and calm his nerves and it would only take her a minute to reapply her lipstick after.

Penelope pulled into the dirt road that led up to the farmhouse. It crossed a cattle grid with weathered wooden fence posts either side with a battered mailbox that read Harrison. Pavel pulled in beside her and they both got out of their vehicles and checked their weapons. It was first light and they expected the Deckers to be snuggled up to their girls fast asleep, still on the lam and waiting for the law enforcement presence to quiet down.

"A simple plan is usually a good plan," Jennifer brought up Google Earth on her tablet which she had placed on the hood of her SUV.

"The farmhouse is two stories with three bedrooms upstairs. You lead the way in and drive right up to the porch, kick in the door and... what the fuck!" Jennifer was interrupted by the roar of the Raptor heading towards them throwing out a plume of dust behind it.

Harlan saw the BMWs parked beside the entrance gate at the same time that Jennifer and Pavel saw the Raptor.

"Call Pete and tell him we got visitors," Harlan threw the mobile phone to Olena and snatched up the MP5, stuck it out the window and started shooting.

Pavel Ivanoff was a Major in the Spetsnaz before he joined the Russian mob and came to America and he was steadfast under fire. He pushed Jennifer down between the two BMWs and reached into his car and produced a Steyr AUG assault rifle chambering 5.56×45mm NATO intermediate cartridges in an extended 42 round magazine.

While Harlan sprayed his 9mm H&K randomly in their direction from the speeding Raptor, Pavel trained the 1.5 magnification telescopic sight integrated into the receiver casting of the Steyr and trained the black ring reticle on the windscreen of the Raptor and opened fire in three round bursts.

His first three founds entered Harlan Decker's neck and chest killing him instantly. The next three rounds took off most of Olena Svetlana's face. The phone fell from her dead hand. The Raptor careened into the drainage ditch on the side of the road, the trailer slipping its hitch and rolling onto its side. The Raptor came to a halting stop at a crazy angle half in, half out of the ditch.

The silence was deafening after the sound of the high-powered weaponry.

Jennifer got to her feet a little pissed that Pavel had pushed her down but grateful that he had taken out the threat. She and Pavel approached the truck carefully with their weapons trained but soon ascertained that the occupants were dead.

"Two to go. Up at the farmhouse I bet," Jennifer said brushing dust off her buttocks noticing that even in the current situation Pavel gave her spandex-clad ass an appreciative glance.

Jennifer ascertained that the Raptor was far enough away from the gate that it wouldn't be immediately discernible from the main road. She tossed her tablet onto the back seat of her BMW and put her Walther on the front passenger seat.

"Well there goes the element of surprise. You lead the way and let's go get the other two," Jennifer slapped Pavel on the back and he climbed into his BMW and led the way up the road to the farmhouse.

Alina was on her knees sucking on Pete's cock thinking about how great things were going to be once they got to their five star hotel later that day when they heard the unmistakeable sound of automatic gunfire in the distance.

Pete pushed Alina off him and ran to the door and saw a black BMW careening through the treeline, heading straight for the farmhouse. Then he saw the second one behind it. He raced outside and snatched up the MP5 and his pistol from the crash truck.

Pete may have been stupid but he was no coward and was itching for a gunfight. He figured that these guys had taken out his brother and were now coming for him and he was hot for revenge.

He gave rebel yell and levelled his weapon at the oncoming vehicle and flicked the safety.

Pete's courage held true as he stood in the yard emptying the magazine of the MP5 into the lead vehicle which came to a sudden stop causing the vehicle behind it to swerve around it. The driver's door flew open.

Pete dropped the Heckler and Koch and pointed his pistol at the other BMW. Jennifer's diminutive body worked to her advantage as Pete began firing into the open driver's side door at about the height where he thought the driver might be hiding.

Jennifer dropped prone into the dust, raised her Walther and fired six rounds, four of which were kill shots. She scrambled to her feet and raced towards the farmhouse putting two more rounds in Pete's head as she ran past just to be sure.

Alina Kunis was kneeling on the floor in the kitchen with her hands in the air, trembling with fear.

Jennifer pistol whipped her and Alina fell in a heap. Jennifer searched her and then dragged her to her feet and outside to the scene of the carnage in the courtyard. She pushed Alina towards her BMW.

"Get in! Sit in the passenger seat, put on the seatbelt and keep your hands on the dashboard or I'll kill you," Jennifer snarled.

She went over to other BMW and found Pavel lying on his side, his face contorted with agony but he remained silent. He was bleeding from a stomach wound and his eyes looked at Jennifer beseechingly.

"Doctor," he gasped through the pain.

"I don't think so. You lost my counting house and you shouldn't have been so disgusted by my cock," Jennifer gave Pavel a withering look.

Pavel recalled the fable of the scorpion and the frog just as Jennifer raised her weapon and put three rounds into his big bald head.

Jennifer walked back to her car and stared at Alina.

"Where is my money?" she asked casually aiming her pistol at Alina.

Alina told her.

Jennifer recovered the money from the crash truck, threw it in her BMW and drove down to the wrecked Raptor and trailer near the gate. She had to fuck around a little to get to the money hidden in the trailer but she got it eventually. All the time Alina looked out the window of the BMW staring at Olena's shattered face.

"Are you going to kill me?" Alina asked, staring straight ahead out of the windscreen of the BMW when Jennifer drove away from the farm.

"Tell me everything. Then I will decide. You have from now until I get to the airport to convince me not to," Jennifer said.

She called ahead to the pilot of her private jet and then talked to the concierge of the Balwyn Hilton and arranged to have her belonging packed up and sent to the airport. Between phone calls she listened to Alina's story.


Jennifer Jones was crossing the flyover states by the time Penelope Bishop and her team arrived at the Harrison farm.

Alice Leasingham informed Penelope and her team that Harlan Decker had taken a lease on the old Harrison farm and a man and a woman fitting the description of Harlan Decker and Olena Svetlana had recently purchased groceries at shopping centre in Menard.

Mitch and Justine might be old hippies who didn't have much time for law and order put they were pissed that Harlan and Olena had abused their hospitality by switching licence plates.

Penelope led the Balwyn PD SWAT and her Task Force out to the Harrison place and found the carnage. There was no sign of the alleged millions from the Supergirls counting house and Alina Kunis was nowhere to be found.

"Fucking Jennifer!" Penelope fumed, kicking the dust out front of the farmhouse.

Gary Rasmussen wasn't that pissed. He had no real interest in the so-called missing millions. The money was proceeds of organised crime not money taken from a legitimate corporation. Balwyn PD got kudos for solving the murder of Sandy Spiffle and two men later identified as Russian businessmen but suspected of being heavily involved in organised crime.