Support Bubble

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Woman joins the support bubble of a friend and her hubby.
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Here in England, the government has introduced a relaxation of the lockdown rules. One of the restrictions they removed involves the 'support bubble'. This is where a single person can join other individuals in an existing 'locked down isolation bubble'. After three months in lockdown, left to their own devices, who knows what might happen.


"Come on Lou, it will be fun! Plus, it will get you out of that little London flat of yours," laughed Kaz as she smiled at the face of her best friend on the video call. Lou raised her right eyebrow as she thought about it, and Kaz seized on the 'tell' and went on, "You can still work from home here, as we can set up an office for you and anyway it will give me someone else to talk to apart from Kevin."

Lou seemed to be seriously considering it. At 31, she and Kaz were still best friends, a friendship that had started when they roomed together at university, 13 years ago. The friendship was strong enough to weather the changes in their lives, which had taken many different directions after leaving school. Lou had joined a large consultancy firm in London and travelled all over the world, from New York to Hong Kong, Tokyo to LA. Yes, she earned quite a considerable sum for her expertise, but at the expense of her personal life. Her lovers, both male and female, had been short term affairs and this meant that she had been on her own for the last three months with just her toy collection to keep her company. Frankly, this was getting somewhat stale!

Laughing, she said, "OK then, if that's what you truly want. I'll move up this weekend, though I suspect it will only be for a few weeks since I believe they're looking to reopen the office." Muttering silently to herself, ('whether that includes me or not, who knows?') She hadn't shared that with her best friend yet, as there was every possibility of redundancy. She wasn't that particularly bothered by this as, financially, she was pretty secure for a few years. Who knew? Maybe, if it did happen, she would take a different direction with her life. Perhaps find a nice man, or woman for that matter, to settle down with and enjoy the more relaxed life that Kaz seemed to have mastered.

Clicking the call closed, Lou looked round her flat and walked, still naked, in front of the floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse, not caring who saw her. She hadn't revealed to Kaz that she was naked, but would have done had Kaz shown the slightest interest. "She's in love with cock far too much," said Lou to the empty flat as she padded into the walk-in shower. As she soaped her 5'4" frame and caressed her own full round breasts, she yearned as she always did for the fingers tweaking her nipples to be that of her best friend. Lou had always made it very clear to Kaz that she lusted after her tall 5'8" willowy frame. In their university days, when they shared a flat, she would often amuse herself by masturbating in front of Kaz and tell her exactly what she was thinking. To her frustration Kaz never reacted, or got angry, or, for that matter, showed any emotion other than amusement, as she would wander out of the room muttering, "But I really do love cock!"

Lou's lewd behaviour never spoiled their relationship to the point that, when Kaz announced she was getting married, Lou accepted her request to be her bridesmaid with great delight. Yes, Kaz and Lou's life had taken different directions, although Kaz had graduated with a degree and started to pursue a career not dissimilar to Lou's. But then, Kevin had come along. Lou had laughed at her when she was told that he was a real-life African prince! "Just don't buy into the deal about sending him your life savings so he can share that 50 million quid he has stashed in a Swiss bank!", she advised. Kaz just smiled. However, her doubt died when she met him and found out it was true.

Kaz was 22 when she met Kevin, who was just over 15 years older than her but you wouldn't have known it by experiencing his youthful attitude. He was like a statue, chiselled from dark, highly polished mahogany, with skin as smooth as silk and a voice that rumbled like distant thunder. When he laughed, which he did quite often, his whole body shook with joy, his pearly white teeth filling his face. Clearly, from the way he looked at Kaz, he was devoted to her and at the first dinner the three of them shared, Lou was captivated by her best friend's fiancé. Kevin was worth a fortune and had built a technology business that he had sold to an American firm. This allowed him and Kaz to retire young, with the intention of having lots of children. Sadly, the following 9 years of marriage had not been kind to them. They had not been blessed with the children they both so desperately desired. Despite numerous tests and treatments, it looked like that was not going to happen, though their marriage was still strong.

The two women didn't see each other as often as they used to since Kevin and Kaz moved to the country, but every six months or so, Kaz would come to London for a 'girl's weekend'. Lou remembered the time not long after Kaz got married, with the pair sitting and chatting after a drunken night out, pub crawling and dancing their way across London.


"How's married life treating you, then?" Lou asked as she sipped the large gin and tonic she had made and at the same time ogling her best friend' breasts, wondering if she should make another try at getting her into bed.

"Absolutely wonderful," Kaz giggled, "though I am surprised I can walk."

"So, it's true then, what they say?" said Lou,

"Oh yes," Kaz drawled and as she held her hands far apart. She then made a large 'C' with her thumb and forefinger to indicate a girth that shocked Lou, causing her eyes to open wide in disbelief and, at the same time, sending a pulse to her pussy.

"Guess there is no chance of me getting inside your knickers, then?" Lou said half hopefully but, in her mind, she was seeing Kevin's huge tool as described by her friend and could feel her mouth going a little dry and her pussy getting wet.

Kaz roared with laughter, "You never give up, do you? Now tell me about your love life, any man... or woman currently occupying your bed?"

Lou had described the brief one-night stands, with more glamour and excitement than they actually contained, but all the time she was thinking about how far Kaz's hands had been apart and how big that 'C' had been when she described Kevin. That night, after they had gone to their separate beds, Lou lay on her back masturbating, as she pictured her best friend with her legs draped over Kevin's shoulders, being ploughed into ecstasy by his long black snake.


Lou hummed happily to herself as she packed what she would need for a few weeks into two suitcases. These she hauled down to her car in the basement garage. Returning back to the flat, she cleared the fridge of anything perishable, then packed her laptop and overnight bag with her essentials. A final walkthrough of the flat and she was ready. Not knowing what the set up was likely to be at Kevin and Kaz's, Lou decided to have a quick look at one of her favourite chat sites.

Since the lockdown started three months ago, Lou had been starved for actual human company to the point where she had started chatting online, just to communicate with another person. Normal text chat quickly evolved into much more explicate chat and, being single and having both the privacy and the technology available, that quickly developed into video and audio chat. Although these 'chats' were very much of an adult nature, Lou was always careful to keep her face off camera as she displayed other parts of her body and never revealed anything personal about herself. Her PC was set up so that she could switch between the face camera and an external camera she had positioned under the desk pointing between her legs and directly at her pussy.

Ignoring her usual sites, Lou went straight to a 'chat roulette' site where they matched you with a random stranger. Normally Lou would text chat for a bit to see if she felt she had a connection to the person, but not today. She knew exactly what she was looking for and, much to the squeals of frustration coming from her potential partners, she clicked off as soon as an average to small cock was revealed. Finally, her search was rewarded as the screen filled with a stiff cock that the guy was holding with both hands, revealing just the purple head that was leaking a pearl of pre-cum. Having already stripped her jeans and panties down around her ankles, she flicked on the mic and could see from her half of the screen that her pussy lips were already puffy and dripping with her juices.

"Is that for me?" drawled Lou in a poor imitation of an American accent as she pulled her pussy lips part with the fingers on one hand and started to circle her clit with the fingers of her other hand.

"If you want it, it's yours." the voice said back as he worked his hand up and down the thick cock, causing the pre-cum to dribble over his fingers. "But are you going to show me what you would do to it?"

Reaching for the dildo she had left out on the desk Lou looked at it and admired its lifelike appearance, with its veins running down its eight-inch length.

"That looks great baby," said the man on the screen as Lou teased herself with the head, coating it with her juices. Working his cock faster he went on, "I would fuck you so hard."

An unintelligible groan came from Lou's mouth as she drove the dildo between her splayed fingers and as deep inside her cunt as she could. Then she commenced to start fucking herself, first fast, then slowing a bit, then fast again, rotating the dildo round and round in her channel. As the words of encouragement floated from the speaker, Lou kept up a relentless pace, driving herself quickly towards an orgasm, her juices bubbling around the fat dildo causing squelching sounds to fill the room. The man worked his cock up and down and as he groaned loudly a thick jet of cum spurted out in an arc towards the camera. This pushed Lou over the top and with a loud yell she came hard, her pussy gushing a steady stream of her sexual juices to soak the towel she was sitting on ('I am not buying another damn chair!',) she thought.

Lou slumped back, sated for the moment, as the man from the screen said, "Hey baby that was great, after this is over, we must get together. What's your na..." The final word was cut off as Lou terminated the connection. Holding the dildo to her lips she took it into her mouth, licking and sucking it clean of her juices before slipping it into her overnight case. Pulling up the pair of skin-tight jeans over her brief cotton panties, Lou grabbed her laptop, purse, and the overnight, locked up and headed to the lift, dropping down to the underground garage, a smile of serene satisfaction on her face, the taste of her own juices still on her lips.


A couple of hours later, Lou arrived at Kaz and Kevin's home, which was at the edge of a lovely, quiet village. Ringing the front doorbell of the imposing house, she waited and started to shuffle from one foot to the other as she needed to pee, and had not wanting to stop on the journey. A head appeared round the back of the house and Lou saw the wide grin of her friend Kaz beaming at her as she said, "We're round the back. Leave your stuff and come join us. You did bring a cossie, didn't you?"

Following the direction of her friend's disappearing head, Lou turned the corner and saw a beautiful terrace with a raised and covered hot tub which Kaz was just climbing into. At first, Lou thought she was naked but then saw the string around her waist that held up the thong that also vanished between the cheeks of her pert ass.

"Come join us!", Kevin exclaimed, his smile filling his face as he held up a glass of champagne.

"I would but if I don't pee first, I fear I'll raise the level of your tub!", laughed Lou.

"Of course," said Kevin standing up, "let me show the facilities and also your room."

As he stood there, it wasn't that finely toned body that drew her gaze. No, indeed! It was that very firmly packed pair of swimming trunks that he had on that had her eyes riveted to what looked like a man trying to steal a loaf of French bread by stuffing it into his shorts! 'OH, MY FUCKEN' GOD!' she thought. ('No wonder Kaz keeps telling me she's addicted to cock! I would be too if I had something like that to keep my pussy filled whenever I wanted it!') The cock that was defined by those swim trunks was every bit as big as Kaz always described it and, truth be told, would cause your average donkey to go green with envy!

She blushed a little as Kevin pulled a towelling robe around him and then she blushed even more as she caught Kaz's smirk, clearly watching her and amused by her reaction to Kevin's package. ('Bitch!'), she thought, her mind going a nice shade of envy green.

Lou was in a daze, wondering how a cock that size would feel when Kevin's deep voice bought her back to reality, "The downstairs WC is here", he said, pointing to the door in the hallway just inside the patio. Lou, feeling like she was about to explode, dived into the toilet, pulling her jeans and panties to her ankles almost before she had shut the door and hitting the seat just as that first stream burst out of her.

After she had finished, she went to pull her clothes up and smelled the faint aroma left by her activity in front of her laptop. ('Christ! I should have changed my panties before I left! I wonder if Kevin got a whiff of me? I smell like I just got laid!',) she thought. She couldn't help herself, as she touched her clit, which was tingling. To her embarrassment, she found she was soaked and knew instantly it was due to the mental image of Kevin's concealed black snake. Teasing her clit Lou closed her eyes for a moment and could see it in her mind, standing proud and ready to bestow realms of pleasure beyond her wildest imaginings. But before that vision developed there was a knock on the door and Kevin's polite voice.

"You OK in there? Lou?"

Still blushing a little from her thoughts, she managed to choke out, "Yes. Just fine! Be right there." ('Damn! That was a great thought! Have to keep that picture in my head for later!',) ran through her head.

She opened the door and stepped into the hallway, following Kevin upstairs to a beautiful airy room.

"The wardrobes and drawers are yours to use," smiled Kevin, "and the bathroom is just down the hall. No en-suites here I'm afraid, Grade II listed building, so we're not able to make many alterations. I'll show you your office later but I for one need to get back into that hot tub!" With that comment, Kevin left and went downstairs.

Not bothering to unpack Lou rummaged through her suitcase and with a cry of delight found the swimsuit she was looking for. Quickly divesting herself of her clothes, Lou bent to step into the one-piece when a voice from the behind her stopped her movements.

"Good to see you have kept in shape during the lockdown."

She looked back over her shoulder and saw Kaz's smiling face in the doorway. She was clad in a thin, gauzy, practically see-through robe that gave a view of just a bit more than an outline of her body under the moving folds.

Lou smiled and carried on wriggling into her swimsuit pulling it up and over her body. The suit had cost her a fortune but the material and cut accentuated her breasts rather than flattening them as so many cheaper suits did. At the same time the sides were open enough that any casual glance would be able to get a good view of her breasts. The legs were cut very high and above her hips, which resulted in a view from the back of a fair portion of her round, firm ass and, from the front, the clearly outlined 'camel toe' of her pussy.

"Any time you want a closer look you know you are always welcome." Lou said with a laugh expecting one of Kaz's normal retorts like, "I didn't swing that way", or "I love cock too much". Instead, her reply left Lou a little breathless and wondering.

"Good to know it's still on offer."

Before Lou could reply, Kaz had left the room and she could hear her faint tinkling laughter as she walked down the hallway. For the second time that day, she thought, ('Bitch!',) after her departing friend.

After that exchange, with the thoughts of Kaz, all naked and spread out before her questing fingers and tongue, and the picture of Kevin's massive pole probing her pussy as she kneeled between those quivering thighs, she couldn't help but pull the gusset of the suit to one side and push a finger deep into her wet pussy. Bringing the sweet-smelling, juice covered finger to her mouth, she sucked it like a small cock as she muttered to herself, "This could be an interesting stay." Then adjusting her swimsuit, she smiled as she went to join them in the hot tub.

Sliding into the bubbling water next to Kaz, Lou sighed with contentment and then looked around realising Kevin wasn't there.

"Where's Kevin?"

"He is cooking dinner," Kaz replied,

"A man of many talents, he can cook as well as being hung like a horse," Lou laughed, watching for her friend's reaction.

"He is very good at both," Kaz laughed, "but before we get into sordid stories tell me about what's been happening to you since Christmas."

Over the next few hours, the two women caught up with each other's lives. Lou shared her concerns about possible redundancy and Kaz talked about their fruitless quest to start a family. Eventually, the subject moved round to sex and, normally at this point, while Lou recounted tales of her adventures, Kaz would listen in awe. But, with the lockdown, this time it was different.

"Honestly, Kaz, my sex life has been a fuck'en desert." Lou said sadly, "I haven't gotten laid for nearly five months and the only pussy I've tasted has been my own. Not like you, you lucky bitch, with a cock like that on tap any time you want it."

Kaz giggled and then lowered her voice conspiratorially, "The pair of us have been at it like rabbits, especially since Kevin set up the playback system."

Before Lou could question her on that last comment, Kevin appeared and said, "Ladies, dinner is served on the side patio."

Grabbing a spare robe from Kaz ('two sizes too small, damn it!) the three of them sat around the glass-topped table on a very comfortable armchair like outdoor seats. The dinner was a fantastic dish of white fish served in a sauce that tingled without burning and the crisp cool white wine that flowed like water, a perfect accompaniment. The conversation flowed, with Kevin being his charming and entertaining self, but Lou was desperate to get Kaz on her own and question her more about her 'playback system' comment.

The evening had long since drawn in and it was quite dark as they sat over a wonderful dessert of strawberries in clotted cream, followed by the most delightful cup of coffee Lou had ever tasted. When she asked, Kevin said, "Peruvian. Single sourced. My family owns the plantation this comes from. If you like it, I'll have a few pounds delivered to you in London when you go back."

With night coming on, the warm weather made it comfortable to continue the conversation outdoors and, when Kevin went to get them a nightcap of Bailey's to go with that last cup of coffee, Lou hissed, "So what's this playback you mentioned earlier?"

Kaz just giggled, a little tipsily from the wine she had consumed at dinner (She never could hold her wine!,) Lou thought, "Best you watch channel 69 on the telly in your room later then."

Before Lou could question her further, Kevin returned with a tray and served drinks. Lou was bursting to ask more but was too embarrassed to do so in front of Kevin. Although he was her best friend's husband, she didn't really know him that well and certainly not well enough to talk about sex!