Suzanne Comes Again Ch. 03

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Two good guys for Suzanne.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/10/2017
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Best enjoyed if you begin with Part One.


I don't know how, exactly, the conversation got around to the "two-on-one" conundrum, but it became our topic of discussion in that overheated cabin resort room, now smelling of sperm and sweat and the aftermath of desire. I know I didn't raise the idea, but when I get around to rethinking our conversation, I just cannot pinpoint the exact moment or the actual words that started us down that fraught but alluring path.

We were all hot and sweaty after our lovemaking. All checking each other out, our post-sex bodies damp, spent and de-tensioned. I usually most enjoy looking at Jim's penis when it is stiff and excited, and I know that good things are just imminent, but that night I was unusually pleased to see it limp and dangling, still a bit wet, knowing that I had been the cause of its satisfied, exhausted condition.

Sharon's hair was all mussed up, her eyes a bit wide, she was standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips, dark dampened groin hair at the apex of her meaty legs. Her face was flushed, a faint smile on her face as she looked at each of the boys. Hesitating a moment while she contemplated her next move, she got a guest towel from the bathroom and spread it out on a chair before sitting down.

Rob had grabbed a couple beers out of the cooler and handed one to Jim. I watched as they each comfortably popped the caps and took their first long swigs. Rob's penis hung down and looked a lot thicker than Jim's. The tip of his prick stuck free from his foreskin, like an acorn held in its cap. His balls were beefier, hanging low in their wrinkled nest.

"Wine?" I asked Sharon, who nodded. I poured each of us half a glass and we raised them in a toast up to the men.

"To love," I said, "and good men."

The boys looked pleased and both raised their bottles.

"To fine women," went Rob.

"And good sex," added Jim, surprising all of us with his vehemence. How he emphasized the last word. Sharon stifled a giggle.

"I love a nice cold one after a good fuck," went Rob, taking a long swallow.

"And leading up to another," he continued. "Perfect summer night."

"Huh?" went Sharon, her eyebrows arching. "When the hell is the last time you had a beer after a fuck? And instead didn't go right to sleep? Or even did two times in one night?"

I wasn't sure I liked her tone of voice. Or where this was going.

"I seem to remember a few times," drawled Rob, looking at her carefully. "I admit it was awhile ago. I think I've been wanting more of this than you lately though."

"Twice is great," I broke in, trying for a redirection, some optimism. "But only if stuff is just right."

Jim raised his beer bottle. "I think we got pretty good conditions here. No kids, no work, no worries. Nice vacation house. Rested." He looked down at his limp penis and gave it a little flick. It swayed, lifeless. "Might take a little recovery time though."

He looked around the room. "And plenty handsome folks." His eyes strayed to Sharon, or rather her chest, her boobs sprawled to each side as she sat back in her chair. She looked away, then at me, undone by the attention. Jim made sure to catch my eye as well.

So we talked sex a bit. It was interesting, liberating. We had all just copulated in front of each other. The four of us now on a new threshold. We'd cruised through some barriers. We chatted, slowly downing our drinks and refilling.

Sharon commented that Jim and I looked so handsome when coupling, that we took so much more time than they had.

"Ours went so quickly..." She didn't look at Rob. I wondered if she was anxious to have her own desire addressed. She had not climaxed, I was sure.

"It always goes too quickly, however you manage it," said Jim, ever the peacemaker.

A few mosquitoes had wandered in so we reluctantly shut the balcony doors, keeping whatever windows which had bug-screens on them open. The breeze felt good, the evening darkening enough so that we turned on a couple lamps which cast a low warm light over the proceedings.

So we got to the "two-on-one" part in some fashion. What it would be like to have two folks of the opposite sex paying attention to you. Hypothetically of course. We were all careful with our wording. Jim didn't raise it, although it was his fantasy. I didn't either so it must have come from Sharon or Rob somehow. I cannot remember exactly how we got there, it wasn't a direct route, we eased into it.

I looked at the others. Each of us had been involved in some sort of multiple, but not everybody knew the whole picture, just Jim and I. Neither Rob nor Sharon had ever had two sexual attendants before, at least as far as I knew.

"Two girls at once!" Rob's eyes bugged out. "That would be sweet." He eyed my chest, then my quim, then shot a quick, darting look at Sharon, maybe checking for her reaction.

"Four nipples!" he said and made to lick his lips. We all laughed at how lascivious he was trying to appear. "Two wet excited cunts." I winced at the phrasing. "You could go from one to the other!"

Then a silence. Eyes traveled the room. Mental gears were turning. Was anyone going to suggest something?

I said something impulsive. Restraint is not always my strong suit.

"The trouble is that when a girl has two guys, they are likely to get real excited and be done too soon. Take care of their own pleasure before the girl has come."

Sharon stared at me, as if maybe I had done something like this before.

"You've had two guys?" Her eyes incredulous. "At the same time?"

"Well, not exactly," I hedged on a technicality, it had been four. "A bit ago," thinking I had maybe taken a wrong turn here. Jim and Rob were careful not to look at each other, or me for that matter.

"I would think that two guys means that things go on a little longer," countered Rob. "One hard penis times two should mean twice as long."

I tried another gambit.

"But two girls and a guy? As long as he comes last, he can dish out a lot of pleasure, if he is careful and waits his turn."

I was unhappy with the increasingly illogical nature of my reasoning, regretting that I had started this line of thought.

"Well either the guy's got to be able to fuck for an hour," said Rob, "or else..."

He paused and looked at me.

"The cunts get their pleasure some other way."

"But we can go several times to a guy's once," I insisted, looking at Sharon. "Right?"

She didn't know whether to nod and it didn't look like she was going to back me up. I knew from experience she was capable of coming twice, but didn't know if that was a common occurrence for her. It felt like I'd reached a dead end.

"Multiple orgasms for the females," sighed Jim. "One after another."

"Lucky cunts," muttered Rob, running his fingers back over his thinning hair.

I was suddenly annoyed.

"Would you kindly not say 'cunt'?" I snapped. "I've never liked that word."

Rob eyed me evenly, a little exasperated. "What do you suggest then? 'Vagina?' " he leered.

He drew the word out and exaggerated each syllable so that it sounded ridiculous. "Vaag-EYE-Naah?" We all laughed. He shook his head.

"What do you call it?" he directed this to Jim. "If she doesn't let you say 'cunt.' Instead of 'Suzanne's cute little cunt' what do you say?"

Jim smiled like the Cheshire cat.


Rob rolled his eyes. "Naomi?" He looked from Jim to me.

"You say 'I just shagged Naomi'?'"

We all busted up.

And then I shared our little tradition, our code words for nether parts, in some detail, to Rob and Sharon's vast amusement.

"So, maybe your own penis has a name?" My eyes teased Rob. I figured if Jim had named his penis, Rob would certainly have done so too.

"There's 'Sir'," I pointed to Jim's cock. "Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?" directing my gaze to Rob's dangling penis, nestled between his legs, below his round taut torso.

Sharon smirked.

"No one," said Rob smugly.

"Ah come on, I know you've named your penis. I have never met a guy who hasn't. You're telling me straight up your dick doesn't have a name?"

Rob smiled a low calculating smile and shot a side-long glance to Sharon.

"It's more complicated than that," he said. "You might not understand."

I wasn't about to be patronized.

"Yes?" I wasn't going to back down.

"This thing," he pointed to his damp, limp dick, "is nameless. But when erect, it has a name, an honorable name, a noble name, but not before."

I looked at it intently.

"What happens, when it gets erect again, assuming it can." I intended this expressed doubt as a provocation. "Will you say its name then?"

Rob nodded slowly and deliberately.

I looked at Sharon. "Would you...?" I let my words trail off to an unasked question.

Sharon's eyes went from me to the boys. Rob sat back in his chair and deliberately spread his legs.


Sharon pursed her lips. "Okay. Guess you've already seen him hard." If only she knew.

She slowly made her way across the room to Rob, her soft wide ass jiggling as she went. She stood in front of him, their eyes locked, and she leaned over to give him a kiss and run her fingers along his penis. I could see the soft white flesh on the undersides of her breasts as they swayed with her motions.

This was enchanting. Mouthwatering.

It took a few minutes but Rob's penis began to lengthen, aided perhaps because he used both hands to fondle Sharon's boobs dangled in front of him, and their kissing grew more intense.

Slowly at first, then more rapidly as Sharon slid her fingers up and down his length, tracing gentle fingertips along his still damp cock-head, it grew.

Rob spread his legs wider. And he may have given Sharon some other sort of non-verbal signal that I didn't detect.

Sharon slowly knelt in front of him and took his penis into her mouth.

I swallowed hard. Jim's eyes were fixed on them.

Rob gave me an level, wanton stare while she worked him.

Her eyes closed, she slid her mouth up and down his shaft, licked his cock-head, cupped it with her lips, suckled it lovely.

Couple of minutes and he eased her off. He stood up, real slow, almost regally.

His beer belly stood out, but his whole body was taut, strong. His penis pointed straight out from under his gut.

He aimed it right at me.

"Meet 'the Beast.' "

I smiled inside.

"The Beast?" I asked.

"The Beast," he repeated.

"Beauty and the Beast," said Jim, his keen eyes darting in Sharon's direction. Sharon gave him a look - grateful? Pleased?

Rob crossed his arms over his barrel chest and looked around the room.

"Another round?" he asked. "Among friends?"

He didn't wait for an answer.

"So this 'two-on-one' deal?" began Rob, eyeing both me and Sharon. "I could imagine that would be fun." His eyes were hungry when he looked at us.

"Can you handle that?" He looked hard at Sharon, whose expression I couldn't read.

We were all silent.

"You wanna talk separately?" suggested Jim softly.

Sharon nodded and she and Rob retreated to their room.

I sidled over to Jim and put my arm around him.

"You okay?" I asked. He gave me an enigmatic smile.

"Isn't this just what you want?"

"Yes, but only if everyone is on board." I was mostly thinking of him. Maybe Sharon too.

At that point in the weekend my mind wasn't set on anything, we were already off to a good start. Sex infused the air. My groin was warm and wet and happy.

Rob and Sharon returned hand in hand. I was a little surprised that Sharon spoke.

"The idea of two guys having a girl, that is certainly intriguing. A little harder reversed." This second part was odd since this was the only two-on-one she knew anything about. I didn't know what she was going to say next.

She looked sideways at Rob. I couldn't quite read her expression. Not apologetic, not quite questioning, but tentative.

"I'd feel better if we could square a couple things away first though."

I saw Jim change his position slightly.

"I think if anyone doesn't like something, or has a little hesitation, that person should speak up, and we should honor that?" Her eyes looked questioning, first at Jim, then me.

"Of course," said Jim, immediately. I nodded.

"Someone gets jealous?" I suddenly blurted, stating the obvious.

"I think that's why we're talking right now," Jim softly now. "So all the cards are on the table."

"It is going to be different, that is for sure," he continued.

He paused. "But I am not sure I could find friends I could trust more."

His glance flickered towards Rob, then Sharon, then settled on me.

"Can I make one more suggestion?" He looked around the room, everyone expectant.

"No talk of this outside ourselves?" We nodded. "And besides Sharon's good point, about for any of us not feeling any obligation to do something uncomfortable, can we also agree that if anyone, for any reason at all, wants to call a halt to the whole business, now or in the future, that that is okay?"

I didn't think what he was saying applied to him, but maybe it did. It wasn't a bad condition, however. We agreed. But he also had slipped in that phrase "in the future." This was more daring, and further down the road, than I could ever have imagined.

Sharon let out her breath.

"Oh god, this might be good."

Rob laughed.

"Might? With my best bud and two handsome ladies? Don't see how you can lose."

After drooping a bit while we talked, his penis had lengthened again, perhaps one indication of his conviction. It had stiffened, not fully but nearly so, hanging long in front, his balls heavy behind.

I swallowed.

"So how, exactly, are we going to divide up?" Jim, ever the pragmatist.

"Easy," went Rob. "Already thought of that. We got tonight and three more nights. Four times." He paused. "Four chances. Everyone gets a turn."

"But the order? And who?" said Jim, patiently.

"Cards," Rob announced.

"Two cards dealt to each of us, highest set goes first tonight, then down the line."

We all looked at each other. I finally let out a long laugh.

"Cards! Of course. How was it going to be otherwise?"

Rob went back to his room and returned with a deck. He shuffled and dealt two cards to each of us.

I was the the "winner" with a pair of eights.

Rob smirked. "Cannot think of a better beginning." His eyes bored into me. I felt my nipples hardening.

Rob had a nine and a king, Jim a jack and four, Sharon drew a seven and four combo.

"Excellent," Rob beamed. "Suzanne first, then me, Jim, then my lovely wife for the finale on Monday. Perfect!"

"No concerns with pregnancy, everyone healthy," said Rob, although we all knew this. It was almost like he felt he had to state this for the record.

"Bathroom break anyone?" he said. "Before we start?"

Two guys for me tonight, I had to process this. Dream material. Sanctioned even.

Suddenly, I wondered what this might do to all of us. How Sharon would take it. To watch Rob's penis violate me tonight. The things I would find a way to do with that noble penis - "the Beast" - the things I was dying to do with it. I shot her a look and got a small smile back.

I sat there in my chair while everyone took a turn in the bathroom, my thoughts whirling, my head infested by the idea of penises, plural, to play with.

I looked at Rob when he returned. His eyes were boring into me. Not "undressing me with his eyes", not that over-used phrase. I was already devoid of clothing. I'd already been scrutinized while I coupled with my husband. It felt like his eyes were inside me now, invading, envisioning the places his penis would go, what pleasure they would take there and how.

He smiled slowly, patient but with hunger. I looked at his penis.

Jim's penis is quite different from Rob's. If you blindfolded me and stuck each member in front of me to touch, I could tell you which was which in an instant. Now that I think of it, that would be a most arousing little exercise. Of course the smell and taste would do it too.

Jim's is handsome, stands beautifully vertical with a pleasing curve when erect and is much thicker than you would think given his slender build. He has a nice firm acorn-like head surrounded by a lovely sharp ridge that I love to feel whether by lips or tongue. His balls retreat way up into his sac when he is fully hard, all in one mass. I love their smell and texture.

Rob's is perhaps longer but definitely much thicker, with a shaft covered in visible veins that grow more pronounced the harder he gets. His cock-head is round, full, intensely smooth and taut to the touch. He has balls about the size of small walnuts that sit heavily and separately in his wrinkled, hairy scrotum.

Sitting there at the edge of my chair, I looked at each of them and began to salivate. I would have both of them tonight. For myself.

Rob stood there and exchanged a glance with Jim. He reached down and slowly fondled his cock. I stared. Probably my mouth was open.

I wanted Rob so badly. I had to stop my thoughts. His penis, under his ministrations, was turning into an erection. His eyes were on me.

Did I want Rob? Or did I want his penis? Or both? Or was it just that he wasn't my husband? That I wanted something different? I was a bit shaken, but aroused to a white-hot intensity.

I didn't want Rob, the person, did I? Just his cock, "The Beast," that fine, stiff penis just in front of me, wanted him in me, one way or another, knowing his balls were churning for me, that he desired nothing more than to inject his sperm into me?

I almost was shaking.

Time stood still. Despite intense desire, I didn't know how to begin, didn't want to decide what would happen next.

I didn't have to decide.

Rob slowly walked over, erection wagging from side to side. He stood in front of me and pushed his penis into my face. I closed my eyes and slid my lips over him.

I wanted to go fast and had to force myself to slow down. Make the tease go on. This was just the start.

I cupped my lips around that head, the ridge under that rounded jewel. I licked the underside of his penis, that long central tube that would be conducting his sperm home. Slowly I suckled the head.

I licked his balls, reveling in their scent, his soft groin hair almost tickling my nose.

But my mind started up again.

I was married to Jim, I didn't need anyone else. I told myself I didn't need Rob. But right then I needed his penis. I convinced myself that that was okay. That Jim was safe. That he had given his consent. Hadn't he?

I was thinking way too much. I eased my mouth off Rob.

So we all looked at each other, for the second time I was wondering exactly how to continue. It was my turn first this night. But my normal decision-making expertise was failing me.

The opportunity to have both Jim and Rob simultaneously was exactly what I wanted and I sat there paralyzed.

I saw Jim standing in the corner, his eyes on me, perhaps waiting to see what I would do. I was struck, for the hundredth time, how handsome he is. Arms crossed across his narrow chest. Nice sinewy legs, kind sharp eyes. That silly beard of his, so sparse but endearing. His penis hanging, nearly full length but not hard. That would change soon.

Finally a look at Sharon. Her eyes were wide. Whatever happened next would be unprecedented. Me, her friend, taken by two men, in front of her. One of them her husband. Another whose penis she had only just recently experienced.

She gave me a small smile. That was what I needed.

I looked at Jim, and slowly stood up.

I was aware of my body's movements as I carefully made my way to the head of the bed. My legs moving in slow motion, conscious of how the extra flesh on my ass would ripple in the soft cabin-light as I walked. The swaying motions of my breasts, side to side. I arranged the pillows at the top of our bed, which had gotten tossed about, and carefully sat down amongst them at the headboard.