Teacher Conference Morphed

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A tangled web.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/17/2021
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This will be a lot more fun if you read part 1 -- Teacher Conference -- first. Usual disclaimers: No one having sex is under 18; Word and I edit; I don't live where you do and my POV may be different from yours.

The grins turned to grimaces and then terror when my right hand appeared from under the couch holding the pistol. I double tapped Wayne in the groin, and did the same to Tim, who was frozen in fear. The .22 was a small caliber weapon, but the long rifle hollow points caused a hell of a mess inside a man.

The bats clanged on the floor, and my accosters fell to each side screaming. Terry was directly in front of me, with his arm around Kylie, who was crying. Shock had held him in place, but now he pulled her in front of him, locked his arm around her neck, and shouted that he would kill her if I didn't put down the gun. His leg was visible between hers, so I shot him in the calf; he shrieked, turned her loose, and grabbed at his leg. I shot him in each shoulder.

Kylie ran across the room. I pulled myself up using the couch, ignoring the excruciating pain, and turned to face my betrayer. The pistol steadied as I prepared to kill the bitch that caused all this.

Jana was there, all right, but she was bound to a chair with duct tape, and she was gagged. It crossed my mind that perhaps she wasn't the planner and perpetrator, but that didn't mean it wasn't her fault.

Hearing a sound behind me I turned and saw that Terry was trying to crawl. Where I don't know, but I took that as a threat, and shot him in the ass. I was aiming at his spine, but I couldn't tell exactly what I hit because I was too dizzy. I collapsed back onto the floor.


The whirring and beeping around me got louder when I tried to sit up. I heard a voice yelling "He's awake!" and hands squeezed my hands. I turned my head to the left and saw Kylie; she was crying and smiling. I turned my head to my right and saw The Bitch. I tried to pull my hand away, but she clung to it and I was too weak to break her grip. She was crying too, but her face was grotesquely swollen and discolored. "Please Dan, please! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I..."

Her manta was interrupted by a couple of medical professionals, who told the ladies to turn me loose and leave the room so they could examine me. They argued, but reluctantly left when the doctor's voice became stern, promising they would be outside in the hall.

The examination was physical, mental, and emotional. I was quizzed about where I was, why I was here, and other asinine things like who was president and what year it was. Apparently I got most of it right, because he beamed his approval and told me he was pleased with my progress. "We were worried when you didn't come around for three days after the surgeries, but you don't appear to have suffered any brain damage. Your kidney is healing, and you can live without the spleen you lost. The contusions are bound to hurt, but that will pass with time, and we don't believe there will be any lasting effects on your joints or spine. We can remove the tube from you lung and leave it out if you pass the blow test, and I think you will. All in all, Mr. Wood, you are a very fortunate man, given the beating you took!"

"I don't feel very fortunate, Dr. Young, but I do have a question. How are the men who did this to me?"

"I'm not their physician, but from what I hear, two are handcuffed to beds after extensive surgery to repair organ damage caused by the hollow point bullets. The third is paralyzed from the waist down, and he is on suicide watch. All three are under guard by deputies. Oh, and I'm to call the sheriff when you awaken and are able to give a statement; are you able?"

After assurances that I was able, ready, and willing, he scurried off to find a deputy. As soon as he left, the women returned. I crossed my hand on my belly, signaling I didn't want any hand holding. When they were seated, I looked at The Bitch and asked, "Are Junior and Carrie all right?" She assured me they were.

"So, Slutwife, how did those murderous sons of bitches come to be in my locked house? The only other key was entrusted to Carrie; did you give it to them?"

"Please, Dan; they broke into our home! The kids were asleep, and they threatened to kill them if I didn't help. They said they were just going to beat you up like you had done to Perry and Coach Long, because you were threatening them. I refused, and Terry punched me in the left cheek; when I got up, he backhanded me, and told me this was my last chance: if I didn't help he'd kill me and the kids!

I gave them the key from Carrie's jewelry box and promised I wouldn't call you or the police; they laughed and drug me along, saying the kids were old enough to be home alone. I couldn't stop them, so I prayed the kids would sleep late, or something.

When I saw the baseball bats I knew they intended to kill you, but they taped my hands together and gagged me. Wayne carried me inside; they taped me to the chair, and, well, you know the rest."

"Dan, there is something Jana told me that I think you and the police need to know," Kylie interjected. Judge Thomas has been screwing all five of them, and some others, for several years. They mentioned her in their conversation, indicating that she held you responsible for the fact she's way behind in the polls, and would be happy if you weren't around to cause more trouble."

Sheriff Garcia was standing in the doorway listening to Kylie, who had no idea he was there. "Did you ladies include the information in your statements?" he asked, startling both. They admitted they had not, and he told the deputy with him to take an amended statement. "And this time, ladies, tell us EVERY DAMN THING that might possibly affect his case -- am I clear?"

They scurried off with the deputy; the sheriff entered with a woman who identified herself as a court reporter, and asked if I felt well enough to answer a few questions. I said I did, and, with a wink and a slight shake of his head, he asked if I wanted my attorney present. I said that would not be necessary unless I was a suspect in something.

They took seats on either side of my bed, and the sheriff stated, "We have statements from the former Mrs. Wood and the former Mrs. Hammond. We also have statements, given with their attorneys present, from Mr. McAuliffe, Mr. Garity, and Mr. Simmons. Additionally, we have gone over your house with a fine-tooth comb and gathered quite a bit of evidence, including the bats and gun. I tell you all that so you will be aware; do you still decline having your attorney present?

"Sheriff, I don't want to put you and the reporter out by waiting for my attorney to get back here from Austin, but the fact those bastards lawyered up and lied tells me I need one. How about I call him on my cell phone and we include him in our little group meeting? I can't imagine why I'd need him, but just in case." He smiled and nodded; I called Morris and told him the situation. He said he'd prefer to speak with me privately first, but I told him I would prefer to tell the story once. He laughed and called me hard headed. I put the phone on speaker; he said hello to the sheriff and the reporter, and told the sheriff to begin the interview.

Sheriff Garcia replied, "How about we turn it over to you, Dan? Just tell us what happened, starting with last night. Don't leave out any details you think are relevant, including the names of anyone who can attest to your whereabouts last night through the problem this morning."

I began with the teacher conferences and proceeded through Joe's Place. I disclosed that Kylie Hammond's divorce was final at mid-night and she didn't want to be alone, so she came home with me. I didn't provide details, but made it clear we had sexual relations pretty much all night, and that Kylie was coming with me to pick up my kids since there was no school on Friday and it was my weekend with them.

I didn't leave out a single detail I could remember about the ambush. Morris didn't interrupt me, so I assume I didn't do anything to incriminate myself. When I finished, Mo said "Damn!" and the sheriff asked, with a smirk, "So, did you hit where you aimed?"

With a straight face I replied, "You gotta remember, I was lying down on the floor bleeding, in great pain, dizzy and nauseous, so I'm sure I missed my targets by a bit."

"Why two shots for each?" he asked after he laughed at my previous reply.

Morris cleared his throat as if to intervene, but I quickly replied, "Because I lying on the floor beat all to hell, spewing blood when I breathed, dizzy and nauseous, in danger of passing out, and I was firing a twenty-two. Not much stopping power, so I fired twice. My purpose was to keep them from killing me, or getting my daughter and raping her and then killing us both, as well as my son and Kylie! If it had been my .357 or .45, I wouldn't have had to fire twice, but I might have anyway: it was a life or death situation!"

Morris and the sheriff were quiet for a few seconds; I think they were putting themselves in my place and it gave them pause. I looked over at the reporter, who maintained a bland face but looked pale. "So, sheriff, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. What else can I do for you?"

"I think that's about it, but -- Linda, you can quit recording now - I do have one more question for ya. Were there more than five, or are you not through now?"

I gave him a hard look: "You would need to ask my loving ex-wife about that. I didn't even know there were five until last night at Joe's. Seems like everyone but me knows, so perhaps you can tell me the real number and then I'll answer your question!"

"I didn't know there were five either, Dan. I understand, but I'm just concerned about the violence."

"Did all that go down in McAuliffe's house last night? Nah, they came looking for me...with bats! The SOBs are lucky -- I could have put a .22 hollow point in each nostril, and then you'd be looking at three burials!"

"Okay, don't get your dander up. I said I understand, and I appreciate your lenience. Better to lose parts of your stomach, bowels, and bladder than your brain, but I'm not sure they are taking it that way. Especially McAuliffe, who's looking at a wheelchair and pee bag for the rest of his life.

Anyhow, thanks for the information, and I'll get back to you when we finish the investigation. Doc says you will be here a week or longer, so I know where to find ya."

The sheriff and reporter saw themselves out and shut the door. "You were a lot of fucking help, Mo! Cat got your tongue? Did you let me hang myself?"

"You did good, buddy! Besides, the way I hear it, everyone in the courthouse down there thinks the assholes will get very, very long prison sentences. Assaulting and kidnapping Jana, assault and illegal restraint of Kylie, and attempted murder. I also hear Judge Thomas has resigned and moved to Nevada. Anyone else I should warn to join her?"

"If she'll leave the kids, she could take Jana with her. I hear prostitution is legal in Nevada."

Mo laughed long and hard; "Dude, you are RELENTLESS! Didn't she try to help you after the beatings? Give her a break!"

"Would there have been a beating if she had kept her legs together? It's ALL her fault, any way you slice it!"

"Alright, BAMF, or PO-BAMF, or T-BAMF, or whatever you are after the ambush and shootout; I get ya! You will never forgive her, but at least give her credit for doing a good job raising your kids."

"You're shitting me, right Mo? Bitch lies to get custody and then farms them out to a high school girl so she can go get her cunt filled with cock! Her lovers come into MY HOME -- the damn mansion where my kids and I should be living while the slut sleeps on the street! She takes my daughter's keys and directs them to my shack so they can kill me! She says it was okay because the kids were sleeping -- Bullshit! It was fucking after sunup -- I was coming to get them!

You need to quit feeling sorry for the slut, get off your ass, and get me full custody! If her pussy-lickin' gangbang buddy really resigned, every other judge in the area will give me full custody and you know it! Get 'er done!"

"Dan, I'm serious when I say this: if you take the kids and your house, she will kill herself. She's so ashamed and regretful as it is that another blow from you will kill her. Talk to her, work out a better custody arrangement, and move on -- this much hatred and anger isn't good for your heart, and you don't want her death on your conscience."

"If the bitch hadn't spread her legs..."

"I know, Dan, I know. But that was then; let's live in the now, not the past!"

I sat silently for a few seconds; "Oh, I get it; you're number six!"

"Fuck you, Dan. You want to kill the one you loved so much for so long, do it without me -- get a new lawyer!" He hung up.

I was still pissed off when I turned back to the door; Kylie was holding Jana up to keep her from falling to the floor. Jana looked like she was in shock, and Kylie looked astounded.

"How much did you hear?"

Kylie answered, "From Nevada on. Dan, I had no idea you could be so cruel. I think we're going to leave. We wanted to be here for you, but it's clear you don't want us here. Goodbye."

I loudly chased them down the hall with "And good riddance!"


The rest of my hospital stay was spent recovering, doing PT, reading, and visiting with my buds. A couple came by each evening to catch me up on things and lend moral support, and my partner dropped by a couple of times to talk about problems at our business. I heard nothing else from or about Jana, Kylie, or my kids. The stillness of the hospital at night did promote review and rethinking of my situation and decisions, and, perhaps, my loathing for Jana came down a few notches. Not all that far, but some.

They said a week or more, but on the fifth day JB was opening my house and I was carrying my walker inside. I'm not sure if they let me out early because I recovered so quickly, or because they were sick of my bitching about being there.

The insurance company had done their job; the carpet had been replaced, and I could find no evidence anywhere that three people had been shot in the living room. JB and I looked around to see if there were signs anyone had been around; we saw nothing, but a sense of paranoia made me insist he distribute guns around in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. When he left, I had a shotgun and a pistol in each room.

I felt more secure, but to tell the truth, my house was quiet, lonely, and harder to navigate than I thought it would be. I was still hurting in too many places, and the broken ribs on each side prevented me from being comfortable in any position for very long. Sleep...well, the elevated hospital bed was so much better than my $2000 gel mattress that I ended up sleeping in my recliner for the first four nights.

My partner picked me up on the fifth day at home and took me to work. I got a rousing welcome from our staff and crews, and David made a nice speech about how glad he was to have me back. I assured them I was happier than he was, because for a while it looked like I was gonna be pushing up worms instead of at work. That got a laugh, and we all got back to our jobs.

It was the same ol same ol for the rest of the week, and still no word from or about my exes or my children; I was close to calling the sheriff, but decided I'd go looking tomorrow. I also decided it was time to get another lawyer, since mine was intent on making sure my bitch...my ex-wife got treated fairly, in spite of the fact that she and her fuckbuddies' fuckbuddy judge had treated me like shit!

Saturday dawned bright and cool, which isn't unusual for November in central Texas. I felt better than I had since the ambush, so I put on my boots and camo to go hunting -- for my kids. With a bacon and egg taco and a giant cup of coffee in hand, I started for the side door to the garage. Just before I got to the door, I heard the front doorbell ring. 'Well,' I thought, 'the damn bitch...woman finally brought me the kids'.

I eagerly flung the door open only to be confronted by a 5'2" blonde-haired bumblebee buzzing past and spinning around, hands on hips, to accost me. "Your wife and her kids, and my daughter and her kids, are at my house, crying about what an asshole you are! You..."

"Why are my kids crying; what did The Bitch -- Jana -- tell them?" I asked with just as much ire.

She looked confused, regrouped, and began anew. "I didn't mean the kids are crying; Kylie and Jana are crying -- the kids are playing with each other and having a great time!

My daughter and your wife..."

"I'm not married; she left me to be with her fuck buddies, or did she fail to mention that while she was describing what an asshole I am?" I interjected.

"You know what I mean! They are crying and talking about you non-stop. They told me how cruel you are and..."

"Wait a fuckin' minute, here! Did your daughter tell you how she seduced me? I didn't go after her, she came after me, and I have a dozen witnesses to prove it! Other than making her cum about a dozen times, I can't think of anything I did or said to her that was cruel, so what is her gripe?"

The shorthaired bumblebee was no longer punching her finger in my face; in fact, she looked cowed. No, she looked cowed and...horny? No, maybe not horny -- curious? I took a step toward her; she stepped back against the wall. I made a show of looking her up and down. Odd costume for a confrontation: knee-length red skirt, white boots and V-neck sweater. She had a pretty face and a petite but shapely body.

"So, Kylie's mom, let's talk about YOU for a while. Your daughter told me YOU were the one who preached that sex is a wife's duty to her husband, and its only purpose is to create children. She said that YOU told her that it was wrong to enjoy any form of sex except procreation; is that true? Why would you fuck up her brain like that?"

I moved closer; we were only inches apart, and she looked panicky. Her little hand came up and feebly rested on my chest, as if that would keep me away from her. Her cheeks were red, her breath shallow and quick, her body tense, and I swear I could smell her pheromones; she came here to get bred!

"Or maybe you don't know better. Maybe you told her that foolishness because you don't know how wonderful sex can be. Maybe you came here not to chastise me, but to find out of their stories are true. Is that why you're here, Gail? Do you want me to show you what I showed your poor, misguided daughter?"

She was positively quivering; her full red lips slightly parted and her breath raggedy, she looked delightfully ready to fuck! In a way I was intrigued, in a way repulsed; after all, she WAS Kylie's mom.

I'd never done a daughter-mother combo, but the quivering mess in front of me made the idea intriguing. Hey, both are good looking in very different ways and neither knows shit about good sex, so...

I decide to push her and see what happens.

I moved against her, with just enough pressure that she could feel my body against hers. She kept looking up at me, hand lying on my chest, big blue eyes wide, and quietly whimpered. I brought my lips within an inch of hers. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips; she was panting. I stayed in place, an inch away. "If you want us to kiss, you kiss me," I whispered. Eyes still closed, she shook her head very slightly. "What do you want, Gail? Why are you here? Do you want to find out what your daughter learned? Find out what you've been missing?

You come in here acting pissed off at me, but you look, act, and smell like you want to be fucked; do you want to be fucked, Gail? Is that the scent of a bitch in heat I smell? Talk to me: tell me what you want."