Teaching My Daughter

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Soldier teaches his daughter about sex.
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I had several comments about my last story about a guy having sex with his Daughter-in-Law while his son was serving in a combat zone. The comments were about how bad the father was to do that to his own son. I shouldn't have to do this, but please understand, these stories are fiction. The people are not real, the stories aren't true, and the things that occur in the stories didn't really happen. As for this story, it's not real. I don't even have a daughter and I don't condone incest, even though I do enjoy reading about it.

Teaching My Daughter

Soldier Teaches His Daughter About Sex©

My name is John, and I was raised in Los Angeles, California. I went to UCLA and graduated with a degree in Political Science. I married my High School sweetheart, Monika, right after graduation and we moved into a small apartment in West LA.

I'm not sure why, but I decided to join the Army and they sent me to the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. I volunteered for Airborne Training and after attending Jump School at Fort Benning, Georgia, I became a paratrooper. I was then assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. After being promoted to First Lieutenant and serving for a year at Fort Bragg, I volunteered for Special Forces and became a Green Beret. I have always tried to stay in shape. I was 6'1" and weighed 210 when I started Special Forces training. That was by far the hardest physical training I had ever been exposed to.

My wife had a baby girl near the end of my training. She was two weeks old before I got to see her. We named her Cindi, and I knew from the first time I laid eyes on her that she would be my princess, and I would always do anything for her. Unfortunately, due to my duty assignments, I spent much more time away from her than I wanted. When I finally got my coveted Green Beret, I was assigned to a Special Forces unit at Fort Bragg. We had a good life and got to do some travelling while in North Carolina. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC, spent three days in Washington, DC, and explored the Smokey Mountains. We were stationed in Italy for two years where we travelled throughout Europe. Like I said, life was good. However, since we were at war in the Middle East, I soon found myself assigned to a Special Forces Team in Afghanistan. I sent my wife and daughter back to Los Angeles to live with her parents.

While I really loved being in the Army, my wife had a hard time dealing with our frequent and sometimes lengthy separations. Her Dad told me she was suffering from depression and drinking a lot. We tried to Skype at least once a week and I tried to get back home as much as I could.

When we married, my wife was every man's wet dream. She was Playboy model beautiful, and we had a great sex life. Over the years, she had become somewhat cold and aloof. When I came home on a 30-day leave, on the first night home, she fucked my brains out. We fucked almost every night for five days, and then she would only show interest about once a week. And I confirmed what her dad had said. She was showing signs of depression and she drank herself to sleep every night.

My daughter, Cindi, had just turned eighteen and graduated from High School. She got a scholarship to UCLA and would be starting in the fall. She looked just like her mother, about 5'7", 115 pounds, blue eyes, shoulder length blond hair, and 36C cup breasts. She was a knockout.

As I mentioned earlier, I treated her like a princess and gave her everything she ever wanted. Although I missed her graduation, I arrived home a week later, and I made up for my absence by buying her a new Ford Mustang.

The second week I was home on leave, my wife had polished off a full bottle of wine and had taken some anti-depression pills, so she went to bed early and passed out. Cindi was sitting in my lap while I was watching TV. She had been doing that for as long as I could remember, and it didn't seem unusual, even though she was now a grown woman.

She said, "Daddy, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, princess. You can always ask me anything. You know that."

I couldn't believe what she said next. "Daddy, I don't think Mom loves me anymore. She never talks to me, and when I tried to ask her some important stuff, she just ignored me. I don't know what I did to make her hate me, but I really need help with some stuff before I start college."

"I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart, but I'm sure she doesn't hate you. Mom just has some problems. It's probably my fault. She's depressed because I'm gone so much. Maybe I can help you. What did you want to ask her?"

As I'm writing this, I was going to say that she wiggled her little butt on my lap, but after I thought about it, that wouldn't be an accurate statement. Actually, she wiggled her fine ass on my crotch, and even though I didn't want to, I started to get an erection. It wasn't a full-grown woody yet, so I don't think she noticed.

Anyway, Cindi answered, "I don't think I can ask you about what I need. It's sort of about girl stuff. That's why I wanted to talk to mom. I've talked to some of my friends, but I don't believe they were telling me the truth."

"Okay, princess, now you have my attention. Believe it or not, even though I'm a man, I do know about girl stuff. If mom won't help you, then I will do my best to answer your questions. What exactly did you want to know?"

She hesitated for a bit, but she finally said, "Well Daddy, I'm eighteen years old which means I'm an adult. The problem is, I've never had a real boyfriend. While you were gone, Mom would only let me go on a date if I was going with my friends. She knew all of them because they used to come over to our house. If a boy asked me to go out, she insisted I only go with a group. Like, if a boy asked me to go to the movie, I could only go if my friends went too. And I always had to be home before eleven." She took a breath before continuing, "Daddy, I let my boyfriend kiss me when we were in the movie theater, and he felt my breasts. I could see my friends were kissing their boyfriends, too. The problem is, they've all told me they have had sex with their boyfriends. They even described what they had done, but I'm not sure I believe them. I mean, some of the stuff they told me sounded kinda gross. Anyway, what I wanted to talk to mom about is, I've never had sex. If my friends were telling the truth, that means I'm the only person I know who's still a virgin. What should I do, Daddy?"

I was so shocked and confused, I didn't know how to answer her. I mean, I know High School kids had sex, but this was my princess. I guess I had devoted so much time to being the best soldier I could be, I had never even thought about my daughter having sex. The more I thought about it, the more I became angry with my wife. I didn't think it was my place to teach my daughter about sex. She should have already had that talk a long time ago. And then I became angry with myself because I was getting more of an erection as I thought about my hot daughter having sex. I finally calmed down, and it was getting late, so I said, "Princess, I promise I will answer all of your questions about sex tomorrow. Let me talk to your mom and then we can talk tomorrow. Okay?"

She got a big smile on her face and said, "Okay Daddy. I knew I could count on you. I love you!"

I told her I loved her too, and then told her to go to bed. I went to bed and woke my wife. I told her about my conversation with Cindi, and I asked, "Why the hell didn't you ever have that talk with her? That was your responsibility!"

She was mad because I woke her up, and I guess she was mad because I told her she had let our daughter down, but I was not expecting her answer. She screamed at me, "If you think she needs to learn about sex, then you can teach her! Now leave me alone. I need to sleep."

Then she remembered something. She added, "I won't be home tomorrow. My Mom is taking me to the doctor and then we're going shopping and to lunch."

I asked, "Doctor? Is there something wrong?"

She answered, "No. I'm seeing a psychiatrist for my depression."

I went to sleep and when I woke up the next day, she was gone. I started making breakfast and a while later, Cindi came into the kitchen wearing an oversize T-shirt, and what I hoped were panties underneath. I couldn't tell because the T-shirt came down to her thighs. She said, "Morning, Daddy."

"Good Morning sweetheart. Would you like some eggs?"

We sat at the table to eat while I had a strong cup of black coffee. I told her that her Mom and Grandmother had gone shopping and would be gone all day. She finished her eggs and said she was going to take a shower. Then she asked, "Are we going to have that talk today?"

I told her we would after she had her shower and got dressed. Since that sounded like a good idea, I went in to take a shower and put on an old UCLA T-shirt and a pair of shorts. My Father-in-Law could have retired a couple of years ago, but he still worked as a manager in an Insurance agency, so he had already left for work. It looked like Cindi and I had the house all to ourselves.

I went in the Living Room and sat on the sofa. A few minutes later, Cindi came in still wearing her oversized T-shirt and panties. She walked over and sat on my lap. "Okay, Daddy, I'm ready for our talk."

I really didn't know what to say, so I asked, "Did you have some questions you wanted to ask, or do you want me to just start explaining things?"

"Well, I have lots of questions, so I guess I could ask you some things."

"Okay, sweetheart, that would be good. What would you like to ask?"

"Well, I don't know if you know my friends, Bethany and Rhonda?"

"No, I've heard you mention them, but I don't think I've ever met them."

"Oh, okay. Well, they have both had sex with their boyfriends. They told me I was stupid because I wouldn't have sex with my boyfriend. They said if I didn't, he would break up with me and find someone who would. Then they said I should at least give him a blowjob. Daddy, I don't know how to have sex or how to give him a blowjob. Can you teach me, Daddy?"

Holy Fuck! That's the last thing I expected to hear. I was trying to formulate an answer, but apparently, I was taking too long because she threw her arms around my neck and said, "Please, Daddy."

I had taken several instructor courses while I was in the Army, so I decided to go into instructor mode. I said, "Cindi, before we begin, I want to make sure you understand the parts of a human body. Men and women both have body parts that are important for sex. What do you call the area between your legs?"

"You mean my private parts?"

"Is that what you call it?"

She didn't answer. She just blushed and nodded her head. I asked, "Have you heard your friends call it anything else?"

Again, she blushed and nodded her head. Before I could ask what they called it, she said, "They are always talking about their pussy and I have heard Bethany call it her cunt."

I answered, "Yes, that's what most people call it, so tell me, what do you call the area between your legs?"

She blushed again and stuttered, "M..m..my pussy?"

I smiled to reassure her and said, "Yes, that's right. From now on I want you to call it your pussy. Now, do you know what a boy calls the thing between his legs?"

"His thingy?"

"No, honey. No one calls it their thingy. Cindi, you told me last night that you were eighteen years old and an adult. And you're right. You're not a little girl anymore so you should start acting like an adult. Most men will call it their cock and some call it a dick. But men have two parts between their legs. Besides their cock, they also have a pair of balls. Have you ever heard that before?"

She blushed again and nodded. My god she was shy. I was determined to get her out of that shyness before the day was over. Well, my wife had told me last night that if I wanted my daughter to learn about sex, I should teach her myself. I decided then and there that was what I was going to do. I had never had sexual thoughts about my daughter, but I decided what I was planning was for her own good. I took a deep breath and said, "Cindi, if you want to learn about sex, we can't just talk about it. I'm going to have to show you some things. Do you trust me, princess?"

"Of course I do, Daddy."

"OK. What are you wearing under that T-shirt?"

She looked a little unsure, but she finally answered, "Just my panties, Daddy."

"OK. Take your T-shirt off."

Now she really looked unsure and a little nervous. I said in a little more authoritative voice, "I said take it off!"

She reached down and pulled it over her head. She was wearing a pair of plain white cotton panties. She wasn't wearing a bra, and I almost choked when I saw her tits. They were perfect. Nice and round with dark areolas and pink nipples that had hardened, apparently from the cold air. When I could speak again, I said, "OK, once again, what do you have between your legs?"

"My pussy?"

"That's right, but don't answer my question with a question. When I ask a question, answer with a statement. State "My pussy." Don't ask. Now, what do I have between my legs?

This time she stated, "A cock."

"That's right, but remember, I have two parts. I have a cock, but I also have a pair of balls."

I then reached toward her breasts before stopping and asking, "Do you mind if I touch you?"

She answered right away, "Of course not, Daddy. You can touch me anytime you want to."

I reached out and rubbed and softly squeezed her breasts. They felt so damn good. Then I rubbed my thumbs over her nipples. They instantly got rock hard. After I heard her moan, I asked, "Do you like that, baby? Does it feel good?"

"Oh, yes, Daddy. That feels so good, but why do I feel funny in my pussy?"

"Well, women have several spots that are called erogenous zones. When I rubbed your nipples, it caused you to feel pleasure. That's because your nipples are considered an erogenous zone. When it feels good, it sends a message to your pussy telling it to get ready to have sex. Now, erogenous zones feel pleasure when they are touched or rubbed. They also feel pleasure when they are kissed. Do you mind if I kiss your nipples, baby?"

"Oh, no, Daddy, I don't mind. You can do anything you want to."

After I told myself I was probably going to hell, I leaned forward and took a nipple in my mouth and I started licking and sucking while playing with the other one with my hand. She started moaning and I took my mouth away long enough to say, "You have the nicest tits I have ever seen. I love the way they feel, and I really love the way they feel in my mouth."

After I had spent an ample amount of time on each breast, I pulled my mouth away and said, "An important aspect of sex involves kissing. Come here and show me how you kiss your boyfriend."

I put my hand behind her head and pulled her toward me. I pressed my lips against hers and put my tongue out. She had her mouth closed. I whispered, "Kiss me, baby." She answered, "I am kissing you, Daddy."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I asked, "Is that what you call kissing?"

She looked confused as she answered, "Yes. That's how I kiss."

I said, "Oh, baby. You have so much to learn. Now, relax, and when I put my lips against yours, I want you to open your mouth. Understand?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Okay, let's try this again. Give me a kiss." I again pulled her head to me and pressed my lips against hers. She opened her mouth, and I shoved my tongue deep in her mouth. I swirled my tongue around and then pulled away to tell her, "Move your tongue around in my mouth like I'm doing to you."

It took a few seconds for her to get the hang of it, but I'm patient. I let her head go and said, "That was better. Now give me a kiss."

This time she put her hand behind my head and leaned in to give me a really nice kiss. I told her she was getting better and said we would definitely practice some more. I then told her, "Cindi, you said you had kissed your boyfriend and he had rubbed your breasts. I assume you were wearing a bra, right?"

"Yes, Daddy, of course I was."

"OK. Remember what I said about erogenous zones and them sending a signal to your pussy? Well, when you are kissing a man and he rubs your tits, it will probably send a signal to your pussy and make it tingle. It will do the same thing to the man. While he is kissing you and playing with your tits, it will send a signal to his cock and make it get hard. I will show you that later. Right now, I want you to take your panties off. Then I want to kiss you again and rub your tits."

She took her panties off and I gasped. It was the prettiest little pussy I had ever seen. I was expecting either a hairy pussy or a completely bald pussy, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a neatly trimmed landing strip. She saw me looking and meekly asked, "Do you like it, Daddy?"

"Oh princess, you have no idea. I'll show you how much I like it later. Right now, I want to kiss you again."

We kissed softly at first with our tongues dueling with each other. It was much better than before. She had greatly improved. We continued kissing like love-sick teens and I began to rub her nipples with my thumb. When I heard her moaning, I put a nipple between my thumb and forefinger and gently pinched it. She started moaning louder and wiggling her ass on my lap. I asked, "Did you like that, baby?"

"Oh, yes, daddy. That felt so good."

"Let's see how good. I'm going to rub your pussy." I put my hand between her legs and rubbed my index finger across her slit. She started moaning again. As I suspected, it came away wet.

"Okay baby. Time for your next lesson. Have you ever seen a cock?"

"No, Daddy."

I stood up and dropped my shorts, allowing my stiff, hard, aching cock to pop free. I was hard and since I have an 8-inch cock, she gasped when she saw it.

She said, "Daddy, it's so big."

"Well, that's what happens when a man is excited. Give me your hand."

She reached out and I took her hand and rubbed it against the head of my cock. Her fingers were soaked with my pre-cum. I said, "Did you see how wet your pussy got when you were excited?" She nodded so I continued, "Well, as you can see, my cock gets wet when I'm excited, too. The reason for that is, when you have sex, the man puts his cock inside your pussy. In order to do that, you both have to produce some lubrication. What do you call it when a man puts his cock in your pussy and starts moving it in and out?"

"Umm, having sex?"

"Well, you're technically right, but most people just call it fucking." I continued, "Now, there is a way to have sex without actually fucking. It's especially useful if you're on your period but you want to please your boyfriend. It's called oral sex. Can I show you how to do that?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"OK. Lay back on the sofa for me. This is called oral sex because it's done with the mouth. I'm going to show you how a man does it to a woman. The technical term is called cunnilingus. The woman can also perform oral sex on a man. That's called fellatio. I'll show you that later."

I then put my head between her knees and started kissing and licking her right knee up to her upper thigh. I moved over to her left upper thigh and started nibbling down to her knee. I then worked my way back up the right thigh until I reached her pussy. I could smell her arousal and I could see she was getting wet. I decided it was now or never, so I started licking her slit. She was moving her ass around and moaning so I assumed she liked it. After I licked up and down her slit a few times, I pushed my tongue inside and started wiggling it around. Her juices were really flowing now so I found her clit and gave it a couple of licks. I was glad no one was in the house because she had gone from moaning to making very loud noises.