The 64th Man

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She had this dream she just had to follow...
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Warning - I like reconciliation stories. If you´re looking for burning bitches, willing cuckolds, consensual swinging, wife-sharing or detailed sex scenes, you´re wasting your time with this story. Like with my other stories.

Thanks to SexyGeek for editing help. Any errors still present are probably mine because I´ve fumbled around with it afterwards.


Bill, January 13th, Wednesday, 7:45 a.m.

"Bill, we need to talk."

There they are. Those famous words, dreaded by each male of our species. Sighing, I sit down and brace myself for the worst.

"Okay, honey. What´s up?"

"Bill, please don´t be mad, but I´ve kind of... well... to be honest...I´ve quit my job at the bank. You know - it´s boring, I hate it. And I dread the thought of doing it for the rest of my life," my fiancée Kathy says. I´m thoroughly surprised, but also relieved that today´s issue is not one of my perceived character flaws or something I´ve done wrong. Surprisingly, she seems to be quite nervous.

"I know you don´t like the job. But to quit that suddenly? Do you have something else instead?"

She´s usually rather cautious and slow when it comes to big decisions. I suspect that she has planned this for quite some time without telling me. That in itself is quite disappointing. I´ve always assumed that we share such thoughts. But what´s really unsettling is the question why she´s kept this a secret at all? That implies that I won´t like some aspect of this whole thing. That I wouldn´t have agreed to something if being asked in advance.

"Well, honey, yes. I´ve found something else indeed. I´ve already signed a new contract. It´s a job I have dreamt about for a long time." She looks at me strangely.

Okay, that sounds good. But the uneasy feeling in the back of my mind remains. Why does she keep looking at me this way? What´s going on here?

"Great. Congrats. At another bank?"

"Ah, Bill, honey. This... actually... no, it´s not about banking at all. No, honey, it´s a completely different sector. Bill, you might actually think that this is... well, how shall I put it? Kinky. That´s the word. It´s a little kinky, to be honest."

I have to laugh. Kinky? My Kathy? Hardly ever doing blow-jobs, never anal. And then a kinky job?

"Wow, are you a stripper now?" I ask jokingly.

"No, a prostitute."

"Yeah, sure." I laugh again. That girl... She has such a great sense of humor.


"WHAT? What the fuck?"

"Bill, ever since I was a teenager I have had this dream. This urge. I want to offer myself as a whore. I have fantasies about this all the time. I just have to try it once. I need to do it, see what it´s like."

"You dream of being what? A WHORE? You can´t be serious?"

"Yes, a whore. At a club." She watches my reaction closely but still seems to be determined.

"What? A club? A whorehouse?" A chill runs down my spine. This can´t be true, can it?

"Basically, yes. They call it a club, for whatever reason. Of course there are no memberships, men can just go there whenever they want."

"You can´t be serious!" I feel that I´m beginning to get seriously mad now. Hell, I love her but this will be the end. If it´s true. And if I can´t prevent it.

"Bill, honey, please don´t be upset, it´s just a job. It has nothing to do with love. It will not affect us."

"Oh, it already has. For me this will be cheating. You have just announced that you will cheat on me."

"No, honey, it´s just a service I provide. Just a job. No feelings involved. You will still be the only man I ever love. And after these six months I will marry you. I just need this time to fulfill my dream. Only for a limited time. Then I will be yours alone."

"Six months?"

"Yes, I have signed a six month contract. I will work five days a week. This way I will have my own room there. This is a big privilege. Monday and Tuesday will be my days off, then I will be yours only."

"So you plan to live there permanently? And to visit me on Mondays and Tuesdays only?" At this point Kathy is already history for me. But the pain has not yet set in. And the reality that my relationship with Kathy will come to an end. The sad fact that I´ll be a single again, that I´ve lost her. My anger is still dominant. And for some reason I need to know the details of her crazy plan. Maybe I have a masochistic streak.

"Yes, basically."

"But I work on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I see you on two evenings per week?" Why do I even ask for such details?

"Well. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the busiest days in the club. All of the girls have to work on these days. So, yes, we will see each other not that much for six months. But I will make it up to you."

"But why? How much money do you get?"

"This is a flatrate club. The clients just pay the entrance fee and can do what they want inside without additional cost. Even some of the drinks are included. This is great for me as I get a fixed wage per month. I don´t have to be worried about how many customers I service."

"How much?"

"2.000 per month."

"What? I make more than 10.000. We don´t need this."

"I know. I´m not doing this for the money. This is some kind of dream for me. I´ve had it for a long time. Since I´ve been a teenager, actually. I once wanted to be a whore. And my only chance to do it is now, before we marry."

"I don´t think I will marry you after this. Really, this is just... this is completely ridiculous. You can´t expect me... to marry you after this. Sorry, I´m... I´m at a loss for words actually."

"Ah, Bill. Please understand me and try not to overreact. You love me and will certainly excuse this little diversion. This is really not such a big deal."

"Have you already done it?" Why am I even asking? Why should I care? We are already finished.

"Bill... well... Yes. Yes, I´ve done a free four hour trial shift." At least she had the decency to look a little unsure now. "Jake, the owner, wanted to get an impression first. Before he blocks one of the rooms for me, you know. I think he was quite impressed." She actually giggles a little. Is she proud? Or just nervous? I have no idea. Who is this woman, anyway?

"So you have fucked some johns already?"

"Yes, but only four men. And Jake, of course. He wanted a test drive. Which is quite legitimate, I think."

"Okay, that´s it then."

We sit there in silence for quite some time. She waits patiently, like she´s waiting for a child to finally understand something quite simple. I´m just trying to come to grips with what I´ve heard. I´m crushed. But I need to know more details somehow.

"So you´ve fucked five men. Did you at least use rubbers?"

"Of course, Bill. This is highly professional. Vaginal and anal intercourse require condoms." She looks at me like I´m completely clueless about her new profession. Which is quite true.

"Anal? You always refused that with me." My tone is quite neutral now. I´m a little surprised about this, given the situation.

"Ah, Bill. You see... I´ve explained that this whole thing has nothing to do with us. With our love. Well... yes... I have to do it there. I had to try it with Jake and I don´t like it. But it´s part of the job. Something I dislike shouldn´t be a part of our love-making. So honey, please understand, I will still refuse it in the future."

"So he took your anal cherry?"

"Yes. If you want to phrase it like this. Yesterday."

"And I won´t get any?"

"Bill, this sounds so harsh. It´s different with you. You and me are about love. Not about things like anal sex."

"Unless I go to your club?"

"Oh... Yes, I guess so. But please, Bill, don´t do that. Our loving intimacy should not be mingled with the mundane sexual service provided in the club. These are completely separated things. And they should remain separated."

"What about kissing?"

"Um, yes, that´s included. Most of the customers seem to want french kissing."

"Isn´t that disgusting? There are probably old, stinking farts among them."

"Yes, it will probably be quite a challenge sometimes. But on my test shift I did it well."

"And oral?"

"Of course, Bill. Don´t be ridiculous."

"With rubber?"

"No, for oral and swallowing a condom is optional. The customer chooses."

"You swallow? Great. Another no-go for me."

"Honey... sorry... yes. You see, it really should stay this way. For the same reason. This is degrading and should play no role during our love-making." She has already thought everything through, including my role. Disgusting.

"Just fucking great. So you´re going to fuck about eight men per day?"

"Bill, I don´t know for sure. But it seems to be a realistic number."

"So in six months you will fuck about one thousand men."

"Honey, I´ve never calculated. But if you say so - you´re the engineer."

"Kathy, after a thousand men, sex will have lost all of it´s magic. It will be just work. Just a chore. You won´t be the same afterwards."

"Bill, you´re taking this wrong. You don´t have to worry about such things. I will be the same for you, just a little more experienced. I will always be yours alone."

"Yes, you will be able to fake interest perfectly. And fake orgasms, I´m sure. You will be thinking of the shopping list while we have sex. And I won´t notice a thing. You´ll be a perfect professional."

"Bill. Don´t be silly. As I´ve said, I´m yours alone. This is just an impersonal service I provide. You´re still the only one who gets my love. This job has nothing to do with making love, there are no feelings involved. Someone will stick his rubber-clad dick into me and I wait until he´s finished. This is totally separated from the magical love-making we do." She´s really empathic while she´s explaining all of this to me. She seems to believe her own shit. She might live in her own parallel universe, after all. Why have I never noticed this?

"And you will have fucked 40 men each week when you come to see me. I will be number 41. I will be just one of many. Do you think I will even want to touch you? Some will be lousy lovers, some great. Some will have a small cock, some a big one. Some will have stamina, some won´t. I will be just another guy. And I will always be compared to them in your mind. Do you really think this thought appeals to me while you expect me to make love to you?"

"Bill... please... You´re getting this completely wrong... Please understand. You will be my one and only. I love only you."

"And what do you think? How much will you look forward to having sex with me? After fucking an endless stream of guys at work?"

"Don´t even think about that. Of course I will look forward to it. Like I said, because I love you. Only you. More than anything else. You have to believe me." She´s almost pleading now.

"I doubt it." My tone is as cold as I want it to be.

"That I will look forward to it?"

"Yes. And that you love me, too. Even if you do love me now, it will peter out. We will have no intimacy any more. And we will hardly see each other. And I will hate you for what you do to me. To our relationship. The love will go away."

"Oh, Bill. You´re not serious about this, are you? Honey, this is ridiculous. Nothing will change between us."

"Do you love me enough to drop this crazy plan?"

"Bill, please understand, it´s not possible. The contract is already signed. I will have to do it."

"I will just be the guy you see on Mondays and Tuesdays. Just another guy. This won´t work. Anyway, I will not accept it."

"Honey, I´m afraid... well... There is nothing really to decide any more. The contract is signed. You don´t mess with these guys. I can´t say no any more."

"And you think they will let you go after six months?"

"Yes. I´m convinced that they will. Jake might be a pimp, but he seems absolutely honest."

"Well, then. Good luck. If you do it, don´t come back here."

"Ah, Bill. You don´t mean that. You love me. I love you. That´s what counts. This is just some fantasy I need to fulfill once. And only once, keep that in mind. Afterwards I will be yours alone until the end of our days."

"Kathy. I would probably leave you for what you have already done. You have fucked five guys while we´re engaged. You´ve made me a cuckold. And I would even more likely leave you for what you´ve dumped on me today. Just planning that and telling me is more than cruel. I have no idea how you could ever make that up to me. But I will leave you for certain if you start this job."

"Bill... Don´t even say such things. You have to believe me. I will make it up to you. On Mondays and Tuesdays. And after these six months. For the rest of our lives."

"And how do you plan to do that? You have already decided to deny me anal sex and swallowing. Something you do for everybody else who´s willing to pay a few bucks."

"So this is what making love is about for you? This is what it takes to make it up?"

"No. It can´t be done. I was just asking out of curiosity."

"Bill, I love you. But sometimes you can be such a fool. Honey, don´t be mad, but I have to pack my stuff now. It´s Wednesday morning. I have to move in there, my shift starts at noon. I will be back on Monday morning. We will talk about it then. I´m sure you will understand things better then."

"Good luck. Have a nice life."

She just laughs nervously and packs some clothes. I desperately have to leave now. I need to get away from this madness. I decide to have some breakfast somewhere. I don´t want to see her leave, it would break my heart. Shit. Why did I have to fall in love with such an idiot?

Kathy, January 13th, Wednesday, 7:45 a.m.

Damn, why does he take this so serious? That didn´t go well. He really has me worried a bit. He won´t leave me, will he? I can´t live without him. But some of his points seemed valid, I have to admit that. Why doesn´t he realize that this is just a dream that I have to pursue once in my life? Why does he have to be that jealous? He really has no reason to be.

Well, if all goes wrong, I will have to win him back after the six-month period.

If he will be still available then. Oh, my god, I haven´t even considered that. Bill is a catch. Good looking, fun, charming, makes good money, faithful, great lover. But don´t worry, Kathy. He loves you.

I try to relax and begin to pack my sexiest clothes for my first five-day shift as a whore. Oh, my god. This sounds so exciting. I have butterflies in my tummy. After I´ve packed my stuff, Bill has already left. Without another goodbye? Well, he probably just had to leave for work. Maybe he´s sulking a little.

Bill, January 13th, Wednesday, 5:45 p.m.

I come home from work. Her sexier clothes are missing. She really is gone. She has done it. This still seems unreal, like a nightmare. Yesterday my life was perfect. I lived with the beautiful woman I loved and wanted to marry.

But on the other hand, yesterday she had already cheated. A coldly planned cheating. She wasn´t mine anymore. Even if I hadn´t known it at the time.

The practical problems are easy to solve. And I have plenty of time until she returns. We have no joint accounts yet and she has her own credit cards. We´re not yet married - luckily. I´ve dodged a bullet there. The house is mine anyway.

But how do I handle the emotional fallout? My anger is gone now, only sadness remains. Alcohol? Might help for a while...

But first, I will keep myself busy with packing her stuff and putting it into the garage. That´s good. Manual labor, perfect to distract me now. I take a look at the garage and I realize that I will have to give her access to it once her stuff is in there. So my tools and other stuff have to be removed first. Great, more manual labor. That suits me just fine.

After the garage is empty and her stuff is packed into cardboard boxes, I´m hungry and tired. I decide to eat something and take a sleeping pill. I think this afternoon went well, considering the circumstances. I had not much time to mope around.

Kathy, January 13th, Wednesday, 12:10 p.m.

I´m nervous as a teenager before her prom date. My first real customer will soon arrive. I´m standing at the bar, trying to look pretty and seductive. Tony has just opened the front door. He said that usually one or two johns are already waiting. To get the girls while they are still fresh, he said. Finally. I´m going to be a whore. Wow, that sounds so nasty, so exciting, so dirty.

A guy in his mid-sixties enters the bar. Well, he´s certainly not Brad Pitt. He looks like an accountant or something. Lanky, with a pot belly, no posture at all. He´s got a ridiculous comb-over. His greasy hairs cling to his skull. He looks around to appraise the available merchandise. Me and the other whores. Wow, I feel like a piece of meat. This is so exciting, like I´ve hoped it would be. Okay, I had hoped for a better looking man. But I´m a whore, I can´t be picky, right?

He scans the girls and spots me. I´m new and fresh. Tony had predicted that the regulars will pounce me like starved hyenas. And he´s certainly pleased to see me. He grins and reveals yellow, repulsive teeth.

"Hi, I´m Kathy." I smile while I extend my hand. He ignores it and immediately grabs my ass. Well okay, why not? That´s what I´m here for, right?

"Shut up, whore. I´m not here for conversation." I just nod while he starts to tongue kiss me. He seems to be a heavy smoker and tastes like an ash tray. While he kisses me, he fondles my ass and tits. I can´t help but stare at the hairs sprouting out of his ear. And his ridiculously pale and leathery skin. I moan a little to feign excitement and kiss him back as much as I can. And I try hard not to puke while I do it. Finally, after what seems an eternity, he breaks the kiss.

"Not bad. The fresh whores are always the best. Eager to please."

"Thank you, kind sir." I smile and try to look grateful.

"Okay, what do you want now?"

I know what he expects to hear. "Would you please do me the honor of fucking this whore senseless? In all three holes please? I need to be properly broken in." It is far from what I feel, but I try to be a professional entertainer for this customer.

"Okay, if you insist." He laughs evilly.

In my small and shabby room, I have to strip for him as seductively as possible under these circumstances before I undress him. I try to look lovingly while doing it. I still try to show the best acting skills possible but I begin to doubt that the effort is even necessary.

"You´re a good piece of meat. Probably the prettiest I´ve ever seen in here. It will be fun to use you and break you."

"Thank you." I manage to smile sweetly, although I´m absolutely disgusted by him.

"Now suck my cock. Without a rubber. It´s not too clean, you know."

"Don´t bother, I´ll clean it with my tongue. That´s what we whores are here for."

And I clean it with my mouth. It´s gross. It stinks of urine. It´s even greasy. Does this guy ever take a shower? My main challenge in this job seems to be to avoid puking all over my customers.

It´s hard work to get him hard. But once I´ve realized that he gets off on me demeaning myself as whore, slut etc., it´s easier.

"Uh, such a nice hard cock." He´s barely four inches. "Would you please fuck me with it?"

"Yes, but without a rubber."

"I´m sorry, honey. That´s not possible."

"Was worth a try, wasn´t it?" He grins. And he fucks me in my pussy and my ass. I even have to clean his condom-wrapped cock with my mouth after he came in my ass.

He slaps me lightly on my cheek as he leaves without another word.

Puh, that wasn´t exciting at all. That was just hard work. Not physically, but mentally. And I have the overwhelming desire to brush my teeth and to take a shower. To scrub my skin raw. But Tony has said that I have only fifteen minutes until I have to be available again. So I better hurry.

The second customer is extremely fat. I just hope he doesn´t want to take me missionary. He´s in his mid fifties. Like the first one, he gets off on berating me. And he also wants me to suck him without a condom. After he fucks me rough and inconsiderate from behind, he just tosses me away, berating me further while he leaves.