The Assessment


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Assessor Reynolds led the way to his bathroom, which Mae was familiar with from bathroom breaks. After stoking the coal-fired hot water heater, he turned on the tap to the tub.

"I'm going to undress you now Mae," he said with gentle firmness.

Large creatures were turning summersaults in Mae's tummy and her breathing was jagged. She bit her lower lip and nodded. He bent and removed each of Mae's white kid boots. His hands went to the buttons on the bodice of the tight dress. Mae closed her eyes and thought, "For Samuel!" The dress fluttered to the floor and Mae stepped out of it. Mae felt the assessor's surprisingly soft hands upon the knot in her bandeau. Her magnificent breasts were free. Mae blanched, no man but Samuel had ever spied them before. The assessor grasped the top of Mae's step-ins and she emitted a soft sob. To be naked before the eyes of a man who was not her husband!

"Step into the tub, Mae."

The painfully embarrassed woman obeyed and soon felt the assessor's firm, assured hands all over her anatomy. He washed all parts of her from great toe to forehead. He even expertly washed her beautiful golden mane of hair. Through it all, Mae found herself relaxing, much to her amazement. There was nothing lecherous or perverted in the assessor's touch. In fact, she was being pampered, just like when Samuel sometimes gave her a bath. The dour expression on her face transitioned to one of relaxation before passing to contentment.

Assessor Reynolds pulled the plug and had Mae rise, with a bucket he had set aside for that purpose, he rinsed the trim blonde's enticing form a final time. He had her step from the tub and had her wrap herself in a towel. While she sat on a chair, he dried and brushed out her hair. Mae had to admit that this stranger had done as fine a job of it as she herself would have. That was an interesting revelation. When her hair was dry, the assessor claimed her towel and marched her towards his bedroom!

"Assessor Reynolds!" cried Mae.

"Be a woman, Mae, not a girl," he stated flatly as he impelled her forward. Mae found herself lying on the bed on her back while Assessor Reynolds approached her with an implement in his hand that she could not identify.

"Now Mae, I am going to remove your pubic hair now. My reason for doing this is very simple. In the morning, it will be mailed to your husband as a sort of receipt. He will know that you have reached your destination safely. In the event that you fail your assessment, he will have a permanent memento of you. If you pass your assessment, it will be a treasured item of your enduring love and your value as a wife. All husbands greatly treasure these little packages from me."

Mae thought the Assessor's words had merit. Certainly, Samuel would want some token of her if she were not to return to him. She also recalled a line of three small silk bags on her father's shelf that no one save him was permitted to touch. For the first time Mae understood what was in those bags and why her father treasured them so greatly. To have such an intimate reminder of her mother! Mae willingly parted her legs as the assessor approached with his trimmer with an attached pink silk bag.

The trimmer tickled Mae's nether regions. She watched fascinated as her luxurious pelt was reduced to the tiniest of stubs. Mae had almost forgotten what her mons looked like. She watched as assessor Reynolds carefully tied the silk bag that contained her feminine thatch and placed it, along with a letter, in a large padded envelope already addressed to her Samuel. How would he react when the postman delivered that missive? Mae guessed surprise, perhaps a moment of anger and then delight. She wished it were possible for her to see his face at that moment.

The assessor returned with a bowl of warm water, shaving powder, and a straight razor. Before Mae could react or slink away, her nethers were covered in a thick layer of foam. Carefully, expertly, the middle-aged man removed ever trace of a follicle from Mae's loins. He wiped the last of the foam away and ran his fingers over his handiwork. "You'll be kept smooth everywhere while you are under my charge, Mae." Then he set that razor aside. In one swift movement, he was half on the bed and his mouth was over Mae's now bald pussy.

"Assessor Reynolds!" gasped Mae as she tried to pull away, but the much larger man held her fast. He began to eat Mae out. At first, the wife of another man was incensed and extremely angry, but as he continued to work, Mae realized that assessor Reynolds was far more skilled in the gifts of oral love than her husband was. After only a few moments, Mae was savoring the older man's ministrations. With her hair out of the way, Mae realized that she was far more sensitive than normal. The assessor focused on Mae's love knot, forcing the married but mostly inexperienced woman to gasp first with surprise and then with delight. She began squirming in an entirely different way as the most delightful orgasm of her young life approached. And then it was upon her with the force of a collapsing wall, "Oh, God!" cried Mae as her juices exploded all over assessor Reynolds face and chin. The older man smiled at Mae who returned his with an incandescent one of her own.

"That is all I will ask of you today, Mae. Let us finish preparing for bed and turn in."

For Mae, it felt very strange lying naked in bed next to a naked man who wasn't her husband. Mae tried not looking once the assessor stripped off but failed. She could not help noticing that he was quite fit. His manhood was a bit larger than her Samuel's. He reminded Mae of her father, but assessor Reynolds was a few years younger. In the wake of her mother's death, Mae and her father had become exceptionally close. Now that she thought about it, one of the reasons she had been attracted to Samuel in the first place was because he shared her father's coloring and height. Assessor Reynolds was a bit taller and resembled her father even more than her husband did. For the young bride, it was all very confusing. Sleep was a welcome respite from her musings.

She both stunned and appalled to wake up in his arms the next morning. Assessor Reynolds smiled at Mae and stole a kiss before she had time to react. Much to her consternation, it was a very good kiss. He rolled over on his back and lowered the sheets. He was fully aroused. "Now Mae, what does a good wife do for her man when he is like this?"

Mae rolled her eyes. Disobedience meant separation from Samuel. She shifted her position and centered her mouth over the assessor's cock. Tentatively, she licked the strange organ before opening her mouth and performing as Samuel had taught her on their honeymoon. "That's not quite right, Mae," said the assessor, "Listen to my instruction."

Mae followed Mr. Reynold's instruction and discovered that not only could she take more of his manhood into her mouth, but the angle was also more comfortable on her neck. The sighs of pleasure from the older man proved to Mae's satisfaction that she was doing everything correctly. She could not wait to try this on her husband! Caught up in that happy thought, she was caught off guard by the assessor's ejaculation. He came all over the back of her throat. Out of reflex and surprise, Mae choked every bit of it down.

"Very good, Mae! A good wife swallows her man's gift every time."

Mae was not sure how to respond to that, so she remained silent.

"A robe for you and then we see how well you make breakfast. After that we go downtown and test your shopping and bargaining skills."

Eggs, milk, and cheese had been delivered to the front door at the crack of dawn. Mae made a wonderful omelet, that drew praise for Assessor Reynolds. Then he dressed her in a fresh set of clothes. This time the print on the short, tight dress was lilacs. Mae caught sight of herself in the mirror and was horrified anew about being seen in public wearing so little, but what could she do about that? She donned the straw sun hat and took Assessor Reynold's proffered right hand and allowed him to lead her out the door. It was a beautiful spring day, the sun felt nice on all parts of Mae, even her shockingly bare legs. At the corner, they boarded a tram for downtown. Mae sat while the assessor stood and held the overhead bar. May had to adjust herself carefully so that her step-ins were not in public view, even so she attracted quite a number of stares, envious ones from the female passengers and lustful piercing one from the men and boys. Mae tried to ignore them all. After a short ride, they were in the downtown merchant's square. Assessor Reynolds led Mae off the tram and handed her a shopping list, several tote bags and a wad of cash.

"I shall sit on this bench and read; your assignment, Mae is to buy all the things on this list with as little cash as possible. This will test not only your independence but also your bargaining skills and ability to economize. You have four hours to complete this assignment."

With that, he slapped Mae lightly on the bum and pointed her in the direction of the butchers.

Mae tried very hard to ignore the many eyes upon her as she headed off alone to shop. She understood why Assessor Reynolds could not accompany her, his presence might skew the test as merchants might react very differently to her with him in toe. A soldier wolf-whistled at Mae, she flushed red and ducked into the butcher shop. Mae fought off her nervousness, she should be in her element here, she always drove a hard bargain with the shop keepers at home, what difference did a strange city make?

She scanned her list, the prices in the shop, and her funds. The meat here was more dear than back home, even so...

The obese butcher let Mae have the chops, roast, and chicken for half price in exchange for "A prolonged kiss from the enchanting young bride!" Mae was flustered but astute. She puckered up and tried to ignore his ample arms around her midsection or the pinch to her rump. "At least the fat swine lived up to his end of the bargain," said Mae when she returned to the sidewalk. From there it was off to the greengrocer for apples, oranges, and various root vegetables. Here the prices were a bit lower. She was able to talk the proprietor down a little by humoring him and singing a popular song and taking some of his less attractive fruit. "I care not how it looks," responded Mae, "So long as it is fresh and does not taste sour."

Her next stop was the apothecary for various ointments and (shudder) prophylactics! The store manager here was a sour old cow who refused to bargain on anything. After realizing the battle was lost, Mae paid full price. Mae was now so caught up in her task that what she was wearing ceased to matter utterly. Only when she reached her final destination, a pub to secure a bottle of wine and six bottles of beer, was she reminded of how revealingly she was dressed. The patrons were all men who hooted at her from the moment she walked in the door. The barkeep was stubborn, dour man. At first, he said his wares were not for sale. Mae flashed sufficient funds. The bartended leered at her and said, "I'll sell it to you for a bit less, but only if you show me your tits, fair one. If you are unwilling to do that, then kindly take your business elsewhere."

"But..." sputtered Mae. She looked at the clock behind the bar. Time was running out! Fighting back tears, she unbuttoned her dress and hiked up her bandeau.

The barkeep emitted a soft whistle. "Your husband is one phenomenally lucky bastard!"

He slid the wares towards Mae as she put her clothing back in order. There was an extra bottle of beer, "For being such a good sport and such a spectacular dish."

Mae snorted with anger and made her way out of the smoke-filled taproom and found the bench where Assessor Reynolds sat patiently waiting.

"Right on time, even a bit early, I like that. How much cash do you have left?"

Mae handed over her money. She could tell by the light that came on in the assessor's eyes that she had done well. She was mostly quiet during the tram ride back to the assessor's house. Once there, she had to wait in a separate room while Reynolds examined and inventoried her purchases. When he finished, he called her back into the kitchen.

"Now, Mae, you are to put everything away except for what you are going to prepare for lunch for the both of us."

Mae made a pasta dish with a meat sauce. The assessor seemed to enjoy it. As they ate, he spoke.

"Tonight, you will be hosting a dinner. Four of my friends and their wives will be stopping by at eight. Let's see how you handle a gathering of that size."

Immediately after lunch, Mae began preparing the roast. To this, she would add potatoes and carrots and make flan for dessert. She extended the dining room table placed the tablecloth upon it and laid out the settings. This test was exactly in her wheelhouse as she and Samuel entertained often. At seven o'clock, Assessor Reynolds said, "Let's get you ready to meet our guests. After a very quick bath, Mae was issued a short black dress with a plunging neckline, a string of pearls, black stockings and black heels. It was not far removed from something she might have worn to host a party at her own home except the dress would be longer and would not expose her breasts so. Still, it made her feel more like her old self.

The four couples were an assortment, there was a young couple, not much older than herself and Samuel, and older couple, the distaff side of which reminded Mae a great deal of Mrs. Fields, and two couples in middle-age, probably peers of Assessor Reynolds. The older man brought along a violin in a case.

Dinner went very well. Mae sat to the left of Assessor Reynolds and seemed to have an instant connection with the young woman. "I just returned from my fifth-year assessment two months ago," she confided.

"How did it go?" asked Mae breathlessly.

"It went very well, but my assessor was nowhere near as handsome as yours!" she replied with a chuckle.

"I DO adore that new bedroom trick he taught you, dear!" interjected her husband.

"If you had your way, honey, you'd get a new silk bag every year!" and then the husband and wife laughed uproariously.

"I have five silk bags," offered the oldest man. I know the taxes taper off at that point but there is something sad about the fact that you will never receive another such wonderful present in the mail ever again." That caused the entire table, including Mae to laugh.

When dinner concluded, the other women helped Mae put away the dishes and the oldest man pulled out his violin. With a bit of encouragement from Assessor Reynolds and the others as well as a few glasses of wine, Mae agreed to sing for the group. She had a rich soprano voice and she sang very well. The applause when she concluded was most authentic.

The men retired to the back porch to smoke cigars, leaving Mae alone with the women.

"The first assessment is the hardest, honey," said the brunette middle-aged woman, "Keep an open mind."

"Opening your legs doesn't hurt either!" put in the blonde middle-aged woman.

"But, I'm a married woman!" protested Mae.

"And we're not?" returned the oldest woman. "I've had five different assessors, not one could replace my husband. The things I learned from them, however, especially in the bed-chamber made me a much better wife. My husband was tickled pink when I returned home and that was before he received his tax bill!"

"I earned Jack a refund once!" put in the blonde middle-aged woman. "Man, o man did THAT make him the envy of his friends!"

"I wish I could be as relaxed as all of you," said Mae.

"Then just relax, honey," said the youngest woman, "Do what comes naturally."

Having a talk with such a diverse group of women, all of whom had nothing but praise for the assessing process, put Mae in the best mood she had been in since before starting her journey to this house. Yes, Assessor Reynolds was quite handsome indeed!

At around midnight the last of the couples left. Mae was feeling almost giddy from the conversation and she knew she had consumed too much wine. Her mellow buzz was quite nice.

"Come, Mae," said the assessor. He embraced the young blonde wife and placed a very nice kiss indeed upon her carmine lips. Almost before she was aware of what was happening, Mae found herself naked lying in bed with the naked assessor who had just rolled one of the prophylactics down the length of his penis. Mae had never been on top before. She did not know that women could be on top; although when she thought more deeply on the issue, she realized that there was no reason why they couldn't be. It was exhilarating and liberating riding Assessor Reynolds until he climaxed and went soft within her. Mae fell into his arms and he showered her with kisses. Being taken from behind while she was on all-fours was more familiar to Mae, but she and Samuel had not done much more than experiment with the position. With the supremely confident and take-charge Assessor Reynolds however, it was anything but tentative! She savored his strong arm about her waist and his gentle but forceful thrusts. Mae found herself edging towards climax and then over as a delightful orgasm descended. The amazing Assessor Reynolds was able to get it up one more time in a standard missionary position that was utterly delightful. Mae closed her eyes afterward and fell into an immediate slumber of the dead.

In the morning, Mae took delight in sucking off that amazing Assessor Reynolds. Using the method, he taught her, she got made him cum relatively quickly. This time, she opened her mouth to display his seed before she swallowed while Assessor Reynolds applauded.

After breakfast, the day was spent testing Mae's sewing skills. Her first assignment as she sat in just her bandeau and step-ins was to make a new assessment dress for herself. She chose fabric with a pattern of irises because they were her favorite flower. Assessor Reynolds helped her take her measurements, but she did everything else herself. She was very happy with the result as she modeled it for the assessor. His expression was polite but non-committal. No matter how much Mae tried to wheedle an opinion out of him, he refused to give it. Once the dress was finished, Assessor Reynolds took Mae out for a walk around the block in it to take some air. A man was selling ice cream on the corner. Reynolds treated her to a strawberry cone. There were children playing noisily and Mae took a moment to pet the charming dog that a woman was walking. Under a shady tree, Mae and the Assessor exchanged kisses. It was a completely delightful day.

Upon their return to his home, Mae made dinner while Assessor Reynolds quizzed her general knowledge such as how the government functioned, geography, and her math ability. Mae found some of the questions quite difficult and she had no idea how well she did.

After dinner, Mae gave Assessor Reynold's a bath. Just like she did when she bathed Samuel, she jerked him off in the tub, delighting when the white cloud of his semen mixed like milk in the water. She did this on her own volition, with no prompting from the assessor, who called her, "Excellent!"

Then it was time for her own bath. The assessor ran his razor over Mae's legs, underarms, and pussy until she was satiny smooth everywhere. After the bath he gave her a full-body massage that relaxed her fully. After that, things became steamy. The things he did to her nipples with his tongue, lips, and teeth! She would have to get Samuel to emulate that. He instructed her in a new position. While he dined on her pussy, she sucked his cock. "Why hadn't I thought of this before!" she exclaimed to herself just as the assessor released his load in her mouth. Only seconds after that, Mae came herself, her breathy gasp sending semen everywhere. Assessor Reynolds just laughed about that.