The Awakening of Annie

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A wife meets her husband's best friend.
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Tom and Annie had been married for 15 years. She was not the typical 'tall, slender, hard bodied woman' everyone hears stories about wives. No, that would not be Annie. She is about 5 foot 4 inches of pure, soft womanhood, weighing in at about 135 pounds. Now, at age 38, she still has a pretty great body, but hard, it is not. Her legs are quite thin and lightly muscled. But the rest of her has this wonderful softness about her. Her actual skin is silky-smooth, soft, and wonderful to the touch. Her large double-D breasts sit high without sag but are soft and jiggly, bouncing around freely as she moves. When she is cold or excited, her large 3-inch pink areolas shrink to one bumpy inch rounds, pushing her hardening nipples out to half-inch rubbery light brown nubs. Her reddish blonde hair, normally kept at shoulder length, matches the thin sparse tuft of natural hair above the mound of her womanhood, sitting high above the bare puffy lips of her pussy. Her green/gray eyes smile as she speaks.

Being a free spirited woman, it was normal for her to wear bohemian styled, loose fitting clothing, whether at home or when out. Most often, her semi-sheer, lightweight clothing contain patterns, trying to conceal the fact that she wears no cumbersome underwear underneath. She shows little fear these loose fitting garments often allowing slight glimpses of the delectable naked body hidden under them.

And, that is the way she looked on the day of Mike's arrival. Her thin, loose, free-flowing gown covered her magnificent breasts and draped lightly down to her knees. The wide necked opening could be drawn tight by a thin sash but hung teasingly open, allowing the fabric to cascade softly around her cleavage. A slight pattern of pastel florals hid her body beneath them. The light dress danced over her body alluringly as she moved about.

Tom and Mike had served together in the days of the Vietnam Conflict. They were both in the Air Force and, luckily, stationed stateside. They had become best friends back then and spent much of their time drinking and partying. They had shared an apartment, and as life would have it, several women when the opportunity presented itself. After 4 years, Mike had returned home to California, and Tom took residence in Utah. Tom had told Annie many of their stories and his description of Mike. She felt she almost knew the man.

Now, 15 years later, Mike had found Tom and Annie's current address and called them about a short visit.

Mike had married after the service, but it hadn't worked out. He now works with an aerospace company and had planned a trip to a remote site. On his way, he could overnight at Tom's house, if possible, and have a nice visit too. Tom loved the idea and was excited to see his old friend.

The sound of a car pulling in the driveway woke Annie from her nap. She jumped to the window and saw a black car with California plates park. A tall, handsome man climbed out and looked at his watch. Gray streaks in his hair, and a dark tan told Annie he was Mike, her husband's friend. She took a quick peek in the mirror and then skipped into the hallway. She yelled to Tom, "Your friend, Mike, is here!"

She seemed as excited as Tom to see him. Tom had told her many tales of their life together and how they were very much like brothers. She knew how much it meant for Tom to see him again, and she thrives on Tom's happiness.

Tom greeted Mike in the front entry and hugged him tightly. He had forgotten how much taller Mike was than he. Now, he seemed bigger and stockier, too. Tom told him how much he missed him, exchanged pleasantries, and then introduced him to Annie.

"Hello," she proclaimed as she nearly leaped into Mike's arms! Tom smiled to himself, knowing Mike could feel her soft body as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her large breasts smashing against his chest.

Mike's arms automatically engulfed her waist as he hugged her in return. Looking down at her as she slowly slipped from his arms, Mike felt her nakedness under the sheer fabric and released her with a wide smile. Tom watched the fabric of her skirt ride up, almost revealing her bare ass as she slid down from his friend's arms. Tom wondered if Mike had gotten a quick peek down her wide necked blouse. A slight stirring in Tom's crotch grew at the thought, and he wondered if Mike had felt one too.

Mike was shocked when his friend's wife jumped into his arms. He felt her almost naked body crush into his, sending a torrent of heat through him. His arms naturally wrapped around her waist, and drew her close. She molded her softness against him, crushing her soft breasts against him. Her hips met high on his as he unconscientiously pulled her tightly against him. His thoughts jumped wildly of fucking this woman, right there and then. But, his mind quickly cleared, and he released his grasp around her, feeling the mound of her pussy slide down against his thickening penis. He reluctantly let her go.

Annie, too, felt the pressure between them. She hadn't really wanted to act so forward. It just happened. She intended to just welcome this handsome friend of her husband with a hug, but found herself pressing herself against his muscled body. It didn't help much that he caressed her so tightly and lifted her nearly off her feet. She melted as she felt his body against hers and, without thought, pushed her abdomen into his. She felt the bulge of his cock sliding against her mound as he slowly released her. A sudden gush of burning wetness coated the inner lips of her vagina. She could feel a hotness biting at her clitoris.

Mike finally managed, "Uh... So nice to meet you, Annie. I hope you don't mind a visitor for the night."

"Not at all! Tom has told me so much about you. I can't wait to learn more," she replied, unable to now look him squarely in the eye. "Why don't you guys go sit in the living room, and I'll get us all a drink."

Tom watched the interaction between the two and finally spoke. "How about a couple of margaritas? Does that sound good to you, Mike?"

"That sounds wonderful. It's so damned hot out there today!"

As Annie spun around and headed for the kitchen, Mike's eyes devoured her. Noticing this, Mike turned toward his wife and saw the silhouette caused by the brighter light coming through the doorway. Her breasts swung freely as the light shown through the thin material, revealing the contours of the body beneath. He knew Mike was as delighted in the sight as he was.

They both caught their breath and headed into the living room. Mike sat at the end of the sofa and Tom in a love seat. They were talking excitedly about the old days when Annie returned with drinks.

She handed Mike his margarita, then one for her husband. She remained standing and raised her glass into the air. "A toast," she exclaimed! "To old friends and new acquaintances!" Her eyes were locked with Mike's as she made the toast.

Mike stood and smiled. "I'll drink to that!" His gaze moved lower. He seemed to be looking through Annie's clothing once again. He gulped at his drink, and half was gone. A moment later he took another large drink, finishing the drink, and said, "Man! That hit the spot! I'm sorry. I was so hot and thirsty!"

Annie smiled widely. "You are going to be hard to keep up with! But, I will try," she teased. She lifted her drink back to her lips, still staring directly into Mike's eyes, and drank the remainder.

"Ha! I like this girl, "Mike cried out! "Another round?"

Annie grabbed their empty glasses and headed back out of the room.

"You have got one helluva wife there, Tom!"

Tom smiled deeply. He knew Mike was pleased with her. "Yeah, I got pretty lucky with that one," he replied. "She treats me like a king and will do anything I ask of her."

"Anything?" Tom's eyebrows raised with his question.

Tom smiled and looked directly at his friend. "Yes, absolutely anything. It may take a bit of coaxing at times, but she will do whatever I truly desire."

Mike's curiosity had now piqued. Would his friend actually share his wife as they had done with other women in the old days?

Annie returned with fresh drinks. As she leaned over to give Mike his margarita, the top of her gown gaped open, revealing the delightful cleavage he had felt pressed against him earlier. Her soft mounds rocked freely as she reached out her arm towards him. His eyes locked onto her swinging breasts.

Annie watched Mike's eyes stare down her gaping top. Smiling to herself, she bent further, allowing him a better view. Her nipples grew taut with excitement, knowing Mike's eyes were fixed, staring down her gown. Her arm gave a little nudge to her right breast as she reached out his drink, causing her breast to swing softly from side to side.

"Your drink, sir, "she finally remarked, almost in a whisper.

Pulled from his trance, Mike reached for his glass and watched Annie straighten back to a standing position. He could see her nipples were now erect and pushing against the thin material of her blouse. He forced himself to look up to her smiling face.

"You fucking tease," he thought to himself. "I am going to have that fucking body before I leave!"

But instead of telling her his thoughts, he replied, "Ahhh... Thank you. I have been looking forward to this. He dropped his gaze from her eyes and back to her breasts as she turned and walked toward where Tom was sitting.

Casually, Annie plopped down beside her husband and drew her feet up and to her side. She pulled at the thin flowing material of her dress and adjusted the hem slightly above her knees.

Tom put his arm around her and let his hand fall gently on her hip. They continued chatting until their drinks were once again empty.

As Annie straightened her legs to get up and prepare another round of drinks, Tom kept his hand on the light cloth riding on her hip, allowing the hem to ride up her legs as she slid forward, giving Mike an intimate look under the fabric.

When Annie turned towards Tom and asked if he was ready for another drink, her hemline had ridden high on her thigh, exposing the bulge of her bare ass on the seat cushion. There was now no question in Mike's mind that his friend's wife was completely naked under the flowing garments. His breath quickened at the thought. His imagination placed his hands under her gown, running up her thighs, exploring what was underneath.

Annie got up and grabbed the round of empty glasses, and headed for the kitchen.

Both men's eyes were riveted to her movements.

Annie felt the men's stares as she walked away. Once alone in the kitchen, she reached down and felt her sodden crotch. She let a single finger run through her wet lips and press sharply on her clitoris. The hot fire of excitement shot through her belly and stung at her nipples. Groaning, she pulled her hand away and concentrated on making a pitcher full of margaritas. Grabbing a tray, she placed the glasses, some grapes, a variety of cheese and crackers on it, and then returned to the living room.

Tom had moved over to the sofa with Mike. He had gotten an album and was now viewing some photos in it. The album rested on the seat between the two men.

"Oh, good! Here, hon," Tom called out. "Just put the tray here on the ottoman between us so we can all enjoy it."

He snapped the album closed and dropped it on the floor at the end of the sofa. Annie moved in between the two men and placed the tray in the middle of the large ottoman. She filled the three glasses and handed one to their guest, one to her husband, and grabbed hers as she fell back into the deep sofa. Her dress rode up to mid thigh as she plopped backward between the two men.

Tom grabbed her knee as support and pulled himself forward to take a snack from the tray. After reaching for a cracker with his free hand, he let the fingers on his wife's knee lazily slide up the inside of her thigh as he slid back on the sofa, dragging the soft fabric to rise with his hand. Annie felt a tingle between her legs and slightly moaned.

"You okay, honey," he asked?

"Oh... Uh...yeah. Yeah, I slipped on the stairs this morning and tweaked my shoulders and knee," she lied.

Tom dropped his cracker back onto the tray and scooted back into the corner of the sofa. "Here, let me help you," Tom told her. He pulled at her shoulders and asked her to lie back into him. He began a soothing massage of her neck.

When Mike saw her reclining back into Tom's chest, he reached for her knee closest to him. "This knee?... the hurting one," he asked?

"No, it is my other one," she replied.

"I can help," As he grabbed both legs and gently placed her feet onto the couch near him.

The couch was only designed to sit three people, so Annie barely fit between the two men, which caused her knees to bend into the air. The hem of her dress slid dangerously up her thighs. Mike grasped her right knee with both hands and gently began rubbing her creamy skin. As his fingers moved to the inside of her knee, her legs slightly parted and the material of her dress slid further up. He could glimpse the small patch of reddish hair on top of her public mound. His breath became heavy.

Tom was now massaging Annie's shoulders, and his hands had moved under the fabric of her dress. He reveled in the buttery softness of her skin as his fingers massaged the top of her breasts.

Annie lay motionless, enjoying the sensations of the two men caressing her. The moistness between her legs returned, and she felt her nipples stiffening as they pressed against the thin fabric. Tom could see her hard nipples pushing out against her thin top. He knew his wife was becoming excited from the attention she was receiving. Annie felt the hem of her dress slipping higher as Mike slightly spread her knees to caress the flesh just inside her knee. Her mind raced knowing what was happening. She knew was being seduced by both men. Her husband was going to let his friend play with her, possibly have sex with her. Was he going to let him fuck her? The thoughts ran wild in her head and she felt her body succumb to the erotic feelings growing in her. Yes, she wanted this, too. She wanted to feel his friend touch her. She wanted him to make love to her. Moans of desire slipped from her mouth.

Toms hands dipped further into her top, now massaging her heavy breasts and lightly pinching her hardening nipples.

Mike was softly running his hands up and down the inside of Annie's thighs, slowly widening her knees. He watched her face as the two men slowly seduced her. He could now see the wet lips of her womanhood slowly swelling in desire and opening the passage to her. He placed small kisses on the inside of her knees and heard her gasp in desire.

Tom reached down his wife's writhing body. He gripped the hem of her dress, and whispered in her ear, "It's okay. Just enjoy it. Let it happen." He slowly pulled the hem upwards. When it caught from under her butt laying on it, Annie groaned and willingly raised her hips.

Mike watched as his friend stripped his beautiful wife for his pleasure. He gently spread Annie's legs further and marveled at the beauty of the pink, wet pussy in front of him. He reached up and helped Tom pull the dress off the rest of her body and over her head. Now she was laying totally naked before him. His best friend was offering his beautiful wife for his taking. Her breasts heaved as he leaned forward to nuzzle at them. He sank his head between them and pulled them to either side of his face, rubbing her soft skin against his cheeks. He raised slightly and licked at one of her nipples and felt the hardness rake across his tongue.

Just then, Tom reached down and cupped her breasts, holding them out for his friend to devour. "Here, take them, Mike. Suck them... hard. They are yours."

Annie cried out loudly as Mike sucked one of her hardened nipples into his mouth and bit down on it. Both pleasure and pain shot through her. Her husband squeezed her breasts sharply, offering his friend more. "That's it, Mike, make those tits yours! Let me feed you, my friend!" Mike continued his wild assault on her nipples, shifting from one breast to the other, until each stood bright red and high off her breast. He looked up into Annie's begging eyes as he reached down and felt the wetness dripping out of her crotch. He pushed two fingers deep into her vagina, then pulled out, dragging her wetness over her hard clitoris. "Mmmmm... You like this." It was not a question. He brought his fingers up to his nose. "Delicious!" Reaching up, he pushed his wet fingers between her lips, forcing her to taste her own juices.

Annie was shocked. She had never tasted herself before. But, she liked the slippery feeling on her tongue and the musky taste that lingered. She wanted more. When Mike withdrew his fingers, she sighed. "You want more, don't you, my little wanton slut! You like that taste, eh? I will get you more." He slid down her body and buried his mouth between the wet lips of her pussy. His tongue pushed into her as deep as he could push. He began lapping up her juices as she bucked and flowed against her husband's friend's mouth. When his mouth had been covered and his cheeks were coated with her slipperiness, he sucked hard to draw in as much as he could. Sliding up her body, he kissed her mouth, pushing his tongue into her. She sucked his tongue and licked at every corner of his mouth she could, desperately seeking the taste of her own sex. It was the most sensual and sexiest kiss she had ever experienced.

As Mike slipped back down to renew his attack on Annie's womanhood, Tom lifted her chin towards him and kissed her deeply. His tongue probed her mouth, trying to find any remnant of her juices. At the same time, Mike's tongue sank again into the depths of her vagina. Tom continued kissing her deeply and pulling and twisting her hardened nipples, as his friend lapped at her pussy and licked her clit ferociously. Annie felt as she was being totally consumed. Her breath came in short bursts as she felt a climax rising in her. Sweat broke out over her body, and her belly buckled. Suddenly, a lightning bolt shot through her, causing her vagina to spasm and quake. It shot up to her clitoris and felt like an explosion there. Her orgasm continued up her body, making her stomach shake violently as it ripped up through her body, making her nipples feel as though they were being torn off her jiggling breasts. Laying breathlessly, her body jumped uncontrollably. It took several minutes for her to recover, and her breathing to return.

Tom gently caressed his wife's sweaty forehead as she recovered from her experience. "Are you okay," he asked?

She looked up into his smiling face. "Yes....wonderful."

Mike rose off the sofa, gazing down at the naked woman spread below him. He looked up at Tom and smiled. Returning his gaze back to Annie, he spoke, "Ready for round two?"

Before she could answer, Mike unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. Annie was drawn to his wide muscled chest. As he kicked off his shoes, his hands found the buckle on his trousers and loosened it.

Annie's eyes froze when Mike unzipped and pushed down his trousers. He had no underwear, and his thick cock came into view. Continuing to remove his pants, his cock swung heavily from side to side.

When Mike straightened his body back up, Annie took a good look at the huge cock hanging in front of her. It was an easy 7 inches long and several inches thick. The bulbous head looked to be the size of a small apple, although she was sure it couldn't have been. He was clean shaven, with two enormous balls hanging ominously behind his monstrous dick.

Tom's wife began to panic. She looked up at her husband for reassurance. He simply smiled and whispered, "It will be okay. You will enjoy it." Tom grasped under her arms and guided her to her knees.