The Cheating Zone 04: Georgia

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She learns that retribution is not limited to a calendar.
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Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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There is a character in this story borrowed from "The Cheating Zone 02: Roger" and another from "The Cheating Zone 03: Lori." There is also a reference to a character and an organization from the "Revenge in Advance: The Sequel" series.

Constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.


Rob Halverson sat on his couch, a broken man. That day, he appeared in court, hoping to get a fair shake in his divorce from Georgia, his wife of 10 years. But that didn't happen. It didn't matter that she had cheated on him repeatedly with multiple men the last five years. Nor did it matter that he had a signed prenuptial agreement, video, pictures and a signed statement in which Georgia admitted cheating on him.

Nothing mattered. The judge, a well-known feminist with a reputation as a rabid man-hater, threw out everything he and his attorney presented and bought all of Georgia's lies.

Even though she cheated, she claimed that Rob had run around on her with multiple women. But everything she said was a lie. The judge even bought the so-called photos Georgia and her attorney - who also happened to be her current lover - presented. She rejected out-of-hand the overwhelming evidence that the photos were fake.

So the judge gave Georgia everything. The house he had worked so hard to renovate all these years was now hers. It didn't matter that his parents gave it to him in their will before his marriage. The judge wouldn't even let him keep the furniture, much of which consisted of heirlooms passed down through generations of his family.

The judge also ordered him to pay Georgia 40 percent of his earnings even though she made much more than he did, gave Georgia half of his retirement and 70 percent of all their joint assets and ordered him to continue making payments on her brand new sports car.

All of his assets had been frozen and would remain that way until he proved that he was out of his house. He had spent all of the cash he had managed to hide over the last few months and was forced to borrow money from his close friends. He had also sold his tools, a car and all but one of his guns just to get by. He was now down to just $50. Fifty dollars to last another 30 days - the period of time the judge gave him to evacuate and clean the premises. He was clinically depressed, starving and shaking from malnutrition. His attorney objected to the order, but the judge shut him down.

"Your honor, this order is well outside the state guidelines and my client has not even been able to eat a decent meal in a month," he said. "This isn't just outrageous, it's illegal. For starters, the property belonged to my client well before his marriage and is not considered community property."

"Shut up!" the judge ordered. "Those are guidelines, nothing more. This is MY courtroom and my word is law. One more word from you about state guidelines and I'll throw you and your client in jail." She looked at Georgia, who was now deeply kissing her attorney at their table. "Will 30 days be sufficient for you two, dear?" she asked, smiling. "You'll be back from Paris by then, right?"

"Oh yes, your honor," Georgia said. "We should be back by then."

"Good," the judge said. "Court adjourned!"

Rob couldn't believe what he was hearing and felt as though he was living in a Twilight Zone episode. He almost expected to see Rod Serling in a corner somewhere.

"Don't worry, Rob," his attorney said. "I'll make some calls and see what can be done. This order is completely illegal and your wife and her attorney have clearly perjured themselves. We're not finished."

Georgia and her attorney swaggered by, arm-in-arm. Both looked down at Rob with smirks on their faces.

"I told you you should've gone along with my proposal, Rob," she said. "It wouldn't have been any fun for you to watch Eugene fuck me and you probably wouldn't have enjoyed eating his cum out of my pussy, but at least you'd have a roof over your head. I'll see you and my house when we get back from Paris. Make sure you leave it nice and clean for me." They both laughed and walked out of the courtroom.

"Hang in there, Rob," his attorney said. "We're not done yet." Rob shook his head.

"I'm done," he said. "I can't take any more. I just wished there was some way I could get justice. That's all I want."

He left the courtroom and drove his beat-up pickup back to the house. He walked in, sat down and put his head in his hands. He had loved Georgia with all of his heart for 10 years. How could she do this to him, he thought.

"Please," he whispered to the room through his tears. "Help me. Someone, please help me get justice." But he heard no answer to his plea. He turned on the television to escape the overbearing silence in the house. He noticed the channel on the television was playing a Twilight Zone marathon. How ironic, he thought.

He went to his office and looked at the strange portrait on the wall. It was something his grandfather had and it had been passed down first to his father and then to him. It was an oil painting of an ancient goddess of justice holding a two-edge sword while crushing a snake under her feet. There were other characters below her, all of whom appeared to be enduring one form of ancient punishment or another. He had no idea who painted the picture nor did he understand all the symbolism. All he knew is that it was something his grandfather had treasured.

He grabbed the one gun he had left out of his desk. It was a .38 caliber handgun and it had one bullet remaining. That's all he would need. Screw Georgia. Screw the judge. Screw them all. He went to the refrigerator and grabbed his last beer, leaving the large white box completely empty. He slowly ambled back to the couch, sat down and popped the can open.

He took a long swallow of the beer and set the can on the coffee table. He picked up the gun and looked it over.

So this is how it all ends, he thought. After 10 years of hard work and marriage, doing everything he could to keep his wife happy, this is how it ends. He had been faithful, stuck to his job, bought his wife whatever she wanted, even if it meant he had to cut back. And this is the thanks he would get.

He took a couple last deep breaths and looked around the room one last time. He put the barrel in his mouth, offered one last prayer of hope and pulled the trigger.


Georgia, meanwhile, was on her knees, naked, sucking Eugene Roy's cock. He wasn't just her lover and her boss at the law firm where she worked. He was also her attorney and co-conspirator. They had planned this for months. Yes, she wanted the house that Rob's parents had given to him in their will, but she wanted more than that - much more.

The house sat on 150 acres of prime land, land that a survey company said could produce enough oil to keep them, now her, very well off for the rest of her life. The house itself was valuable as a historic landmark and some of the old furniture and artwork would net her a considerable amount of money, but she didn't care about that.

All she wanted was the royalties from the oil on the land that had been in Rob's family for over 150 years. Rob had known about the oil for years. Oil companies had been trying to lease part of the land for a long time, but the family balked. Rob was open to the idea of letting them drill, but was concerned about the environmental impact the drilling might have.

Georgia had no such concerns. The promise of life-long riches easily overrode any concerns about the environment.

Additionally, she wanted the freedom to do as she pleased and fuck whomever she wanted. She didn't care that Rob toiled every spare hour on the old house and she certainly didn't care about any of the heirlooms in the old building.

She also didn't care about the meticulously-maintained gardens that covered the estate. So what if generations of Rob's family was buried on the land. By the time the oil company was finished drilling, the place would look like a reddish alien landscape, devoid of any life. But she'd be rich beyond her wildest dreams.

With the money she would get from the oil company, she could go wherever she wanted and do whatever, and whomever, she pleased. And right now, she wanted to do Eugene, who went above and beyond in his efforts to frame Rob.

That's right, Rob was completely innocent of everything she accused him of. In fact, she accused him of doing everything she actually did. Truth be told, Rob was as straight-laced and loyal as they come. He would never cheat on her and she knew it.

But her lust for money and extra-marital sex drove her to extremes. By now, she really didn't care if Rob lived or died. He rejected her idea to become her willing cuckold, so he had to pay. So what if he lost everything, had no money and went hungry.

Over the last five years, she screwed her way through a number of lawyers and judges who would do her bidding until she met Eugene. By now, she had Eugene wrapped around her little finger and he would do anything for her. In the end, he would become as disposable as Rob. But for now, she would take whatever he gave her.

After swallowing Eugene's seed, she spread herself out on the bed and begged Eugene to fuck her senseless. Like a good puppy, he obeyed. He'd do anything she wanted just to get between her legs. He had never felt a pussy so warm, wet and velvety as hers and he loved filling it with his cum.

So what if he had to commit a bit of perjury to get what he wanted, he thought. He didn't care about the faked "evidence" against Rob nor did he care how many rules he had to break. All he had to do was get her and her husband in front of Judge Harkin and he'd be home free.

After their romp, Georgia and Eugene loaded the car and set out for the airport. After flying to London, they would visit Paris and have a great time with each other. On Rob's dime, of course.

They stopped in a little town along the way, some hole-in-the-wall named Karma, to gas up and relieve themselves. An overweight, balding man with a nameplate that read, "Roger" stopped sweeping the floor long enough to take their money. He looked them over before speaking.

"You folks aren't from around here, are you?" he asked.

"No, why?" Eugene asked.

"If I were you, I'd get back in your car and get as far away from here as you can," he said.

"Whatever," Eugene said. The two grabbed their snacks and headed back to the car. Within minutes of hitting the road, they were pulled over by police and found themselves in custody for something called "Special Ordinance Number One."

Eugene found that neither his cell phone nor Georgia's phone had service. He tried to use the rotary pay phone but didn't understand what the operator meant by "calling collect." A deputy escorted him back to his cell and informed him that, "this is Karma," prompting catcalls of "ain't it a bitch?" from the other deputies.

"You'll see the judge in the morning," the deputy said.


Judge Elise Harkin got into her Lincoln Continental and drove home, thinking about the case she had heard that afternoon. She knew that Rob Halverson was completely innocent of the charges made by his estranged wife Georgia, and was well aware of the false charges presented by her lawyer.

But, she thought, Rob was just another man, and deserved to be put into his place. His attorney was right that her order went beyond what the state allowed, but she figured she could twist the law enough to make it stick. It wouldn't be the first time she had done it, after all.

After divorcing her own cheating husband a few years back, she was approached by an old law student, Mona Larsen, who presented her with a plan to deal with cheating husbands once and for all. She liked the ideas Mona presented her and bought into the program, which she later learned became a company called the Mutual Marital Assurance Society, or MMAS.

She hadn't heard from Mona lately, but later learned that she had been shot by federal authorities while resisting arrest. So Elise laid low, saying nothing about MMAS while doing what she could for the cause from the bench.

Sure, there had been a few complaints lodged against her over the last couple years but none of them had stuck, thanks in large part to Mona's influence with state judicial authorities. But this time, she was a bit concerned. Had she finally gone too far, she wondered. She hoped the money she got from Georgia and the promise of oil money would help carry her if things went bad.

She saw the sign that said she was entering a town called, "Karma," but paid no attention. She wasn't aware of any new townships in the area and simply maintained her course. That is, until she saw the flashing lights behind her.

She pulled over and rolled down her window as the officer came to her passenger door. He looked in at her and asked her to exit the vehicle after verifying her identity.

"What have I done, officer?" she asked.

"You'll learn soon enough," he said as he put the cuffs on her, reading her Miranda rights. Elise wasn't happy.

"Do you know who I am, officer?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am," he said. "That's why you're under arrest. Please come quietly." Elise said nothing more as she allowed the officer to place her in the back of his patrol car. He would pay for his insolence later, she thought.


Rob couldn't believe what was happening. Apparently, he thought, his luck was so bad that his gun wouldn't even work. He had pulled the trigger, heard the hammer hit home, but the bullet never fired. He took the gun out of his mouth, and upon inspection, found that the hammer had struck the bullet properly.

He saw the indent of the firing pin in the back of the bullet, but it never went off. He thought the bullet may have been defective and carefully removed it from the rotating cylinder, all the while thinking that it could go off at any second.

"Put the gun down," he heard a disembodied female voice tell him. He jumped, startled. He looked around but saw no one. Was he now going crazy as well?

He looked at the television and saw a woman with long flowing hair looking back at him. She looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't place her.

"It's okay, Rob," she said. "You don't need that. Please put it down."

"Who are you?" Rob asked. "Are you for real?"

"I am very real. Think of me as an old friend of the family," she said, smiling.

"How did you get there? I mean, in my television? What's going on?" Rob asked.

"You asked for me," she said. "And I am here, just as I was here many years ago for your grandfather."

"My grandfather?" Rob asked, confused.

"Yes," the woman said. "He honored my request and as I promised, I am now watching over you. The injustice that has been handed to you will be dealt with very soon. Watch."

The woman's face dissolved, and Rob watched as three very confused people were being led into a large room. He recognized them as his soon-to-be ex-wife, Georgia, her lawyer and the judge who heard his case earlier in the day.

They were placed at one end of a long table lined with chairs, each occupied by what appeared to be observers. At the other end of the table was a lectern, placed high above the table. A door opened behind the lectern and everyone in the room stood.

The woman walked through the door, wearing a long robe. Her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and her eyes shined brightly. She took her place behind the lectern and looked at those assembled in front of her.

"Her Honor, Adrestia Rhamnousia," said a loud booming voice. The observers turned and bowed. She motioned for them to sit.

"I demand to know what's going on," Elise said.

"SILENCE!" Adrestia said, her eyes flashing with fire. "You will not speak unless spoken to."

"What is this?" Eugene asked. Adrestia pointed at Eugene, fire in her eyes.

"Justice," she said. "And today, you will get what you deserve." She continued to address Eugene.

"You took an oath to uphold the law. You have failed. You have degraded your honorable profession for money and sexual delights and have proven yourself to be nothing more than a lying, deceitful worm, and for that, you will pay," she said.

Fire flew from Adrestia's eyes and engulfed Eugene. He glowed for a few seconds and dissolved into dust. Elise and Georgia looked in horror at the small pile of ash on the floor that used to be Eugene. Adrestia turned to Elise.

"And you, Elise Harkin. You, too, have taken an oath to uphold the law and dispense justice. But you have forgotten the meaning of the term, justice. I have looked into your thoughts. You knew that what these two gave you was false, but you accepted it as truth anyway. You set aside the law and justice for your own selfish desires. You deliberately ignored the truth to satisfy your own prejudices. You may be a judge by title, but you have forgotten what it means to be a judge," she said. "Give me one good reason why you should not join your accomplice."

Elise looked worried. She knew that what the woman in front of her was telling the truth. She considered the pile of ash on the floor next to her before speaking.

"Please, your honor," she begged. "Have mercy on me. You're right. Please give me a chance to make things right."

Adrestia considered Elise for a few moments.

"Very well," she said. "Let this be a reminder that justice tempered with mercy is not a weakness. Judge as you would want to be judged. Set your own prejudice aside and accept the truth, regardless of where it may lie. I will give you one chance to set things right. And I will be watching you from this point on. Trust me, you do not want to appear before me again."

Having said that, Adrestia waved her sword and Elise disappeared from the room. She looked at Georgia, who now had tears flowing down her face.

Rob could not believe what he was seeing on the television. Was this for real, he asked himself. A small voice responded, "yes, it is real."

"And what shall we do with you, Georgia Halverson?" Adrestia asked.

"Have mercy on me, please," Georgia cried.

"Why should I have mercy on you, woman?" Adrestia asked. "You were the one who purposefully set out to destroy a good, loving, hard-working man. And for what? Money? Sex? Power? What mercy did you show your husband? You were prepared to steal that which his family spent generations building. You had planned to steal it all and destroy it for your own selfish desires. Meanwhile, you drove your husband to the brink of starvation. Even as you were on your way to Paris, he was prepared to kill himself because of you.

"Shall I reveal your thoughts to the world? Look," she said, pointing to a large screen behind her. The screen showed Georgia, her legs wrapped around Eugene. At the bottom of the screen was another window with words scrolling from left to right. The words were Georgia's own thoughts as she was being pummeled by Eugene.

"Oh God, this is so good. I can't wait to get my hands on Rob's land. I'll be rich beyond my wildest dreams and I'll be able to do this all the time. Maybe Rob will be dead by then. I hope so. Then I can get rid of that God-awful house and all the crap inside it," read the words scrolling in the box. Georgia cried and Rob read the words, astonished.

"All this because of oil," Adrestia said quietly.

"Please," Georgia begged. Adrestia nodded her head.

"You want oil?" she asked. "Very well, you shall have oil and that for all eternity." With a wave of her sword, Georgia disappeared.

Rob looked at the television, wondering where she went. Adrestia's face appeared on the screen.

"Where is she?" he asked. Adrestia smiled.

"Go, look at your grandfather's portrait," she said. Rob went into the office and looked at the old portrait on the wall. He didn't see any difference at first, so he looked closer. Then he saw it. A large pot was at the woman's feet. Under it was a flame and inside the pot was a nude woman screaming in pain. He looked closer at the woman and saw Georgia's face, distorted in agony.