The Cheating Zone 09: Arena

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A New Years Cheating Zone special.
8.8k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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John Hultner first appeared in The Cheating Zone 02: Roger. Yes, there are parts of this story that may may seem to be satirical or far-fetched, but that's intentional.

For the nit-pickers who want to say this or that would never happen, remember, this is the Cheating Zone, a place outside the normal space-time continuum where literally anything is possible... Please remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.


Mary Chisholm looked at herself in the mirror and decided she liked what she saw. Her hair was just the way he liked, wavy and soft, falling over bare shoulders covered only by two spaghetti-thin straps holding up a tiny dress that accentuated her figure. Her breasts still stood out proud and didn't require a bra for support. She could see her nipples poking through the thin material of her dress.

She looked down, taking in her shapely bare legs. Her dress fell just a few short inches below her nearly naked crotch and her shaved pussy was already tingling from the fucking she knew she would get later on. All she had on under the dress was a tiny thong, a gift to herself. She knew he would love tearing it off of her later in the evening, when they stripped each other for sex.

Wrapping up her sexy ensemble was a pair of open-toed shoes that showed off her freshly-painted toes. Yes, she decided, she looked good enough to eat, and she hoped he would do just that tonight after midnight.

She looked over at her husband, Steve, as he prepared himself for the evening. He was such a strong, handsome man, she thought. Tall, muscular, a clean, freshly-shaved chiseled face with piecing blue eyes. His short, military haircut looked perfect on him.

The only regret she had was that he wouldn't be the man between her legs that evening. She had promised that to someone else, only Steve didn't know it yet. If everything worked out as they planned, Steve would be sound asleep an hour into the party. Her husband looked at her and smiled.

"You look good enough to eat," he said. "Maybe we should stay home and celebrate here between the sheets."

"As good as that sounds, dear, you know we have to go to the office party tonight," she said. "Maybe when we get back we can celebrate in private, though."

"Perhaps," he said. He took one last look at himself in the mirror before turning to his wife. "Well, are you ready? We need to get going."

"So soon?" she asked. He smiled again, but this time his smile made her a bit... nervous.

"Yes," he said. "There's a special event I want us to go to first."

"What's that?" she asked.

"Oh, just a little New Years Eve thing over at the Arena in Karma," he said.

"Karma?" she asked. "Where's that?"

"Just a bit north of town," he said. "It won't take long, I promise."

"Well, okay," she said. "I just don't want to be late for the party."

"That won't be a problem," he said. They left the house and jumped in his truck, a brand new Ford F-250 4X4. As he drove, she looked out the window and thought about her life over the past few months.

Jake Armistead, a lawyer at the firm where she worked, was the man she had promised to fuck from midnight to dawn. Yes, tonight was New Year's Eve, and she promised Jake he could cum inside her pussy the moment the clock struck midnight. She had even stopped taking her birth control some time back, telling Jake he could father her child. She smiled wickedly as she thought about how she would give Steve the news about her pregnancy. Of course, he would never know the child he would be raising wasn't his.

Her affair with Jake had been going on for several months. While Steve was a good man and very-well endowed, he was gone. A lot. His job in the Navy had him traveling to all kinds of places all over the world. She didn't know exactly what it was he did, but she remembered he told her something about some kind of animal. She never knew they used animals and thought they rode on ships.

Whatever it was, she thought, it had to be hard on Steve because he was always gone, sometimes for weeks or months at a time, and he could never tell her anything about where he had been or what he had been doing. Many times, he had to leave on a moment's notice and more than once, he would leave in the middle of the night after getting a phone call. Whatever it was, she thought, it had to be important.

She had also seen him in his dress uniform and marveled at all the ribbons he wore and the strange badge over them. She asked once, and all he would say was that it was his trident. Whatever that was.

She met Jake when she first joined the Law Firm of Goldman and Weaver as a receptionist. She had everything they wanted -- a pretty face, a nice figure that looked good in a dress, a ready smile and a sweet telephone voice. And she always made the clients comfortable when they came into the office.

Better yet, it didn't matter that she only had a high school diploma. Most places wanted some college and experience, but Goldman and Weaver didn't need all that. She took the job and became very good at it. She also became friends with a lot of her fellow co-workers.

She often went out with the girls for drinks on Friday afternoons, especially when Steve was out of town. She drank some, but not too much, and enjoyed dancing with a few of the guys who sometimes went with them. Then she danced with Jake and everything changed.

She enjoyed the way he held her on the dance floor and loved the way his cock would get hard as they danced close together. He always treated her with respect and showered her with compliments and little gifts, like flowers or chocolates. Oh sure, Steve did that as well, but he had to, she reasoned, since she was married to him.

But Jake was here, in the office, while Steve was often gone, doing God knows what. Jake would take her to lunch and listen patiently as she told him about Steve's constant absences. Then one day, something changed.

"How long is he going to be gone this time?" Jake asked. She shook her head.

"I don't know," she said as she ate her salad. "He said he might be gone for two or three weeks. I know it's important, but I hate it when he leaves. I'm so alone."

"Well, why don't you come spend a few days over at my place?" he asked. "Steve doesn't have to know."

"Would that be alright?" she asked. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Of course it's alright," Jake said. "Why don't you pack up a few things tonight and come on over." So she threw some clothes and toiletries in a bag, tossed it in her three-year-old Toyota and went to his place.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw Jake's house for the first time. It was HUGE, nothing like their two-bedroom apartment. Jake even had a butler who took her bags upstairs for her. Jake met her in the front room and sat her down at his table. A few minutes later, the butler came and actually served them real food -- not the cheap stuff she and Steve ate.

Jake took her around the house and showed her everything, including the swimming pool and jacuzzi. It didn't take long before he had her naked in his bedroom. She gasped when she first saw his big hard cock. It had to be so much bigger than Steve's, she thought as she worked it into her mouth. She swallowed when he came in her mouth and mounted him right there on his bed. They rutted for some time before he came inside her. She experienced several orgasms that night as well, forgetting all about her husband.

That was just the first night. She spent every night with Jake until she heard that Steve would be home in a couple days.

"You'd better get home so you can get cleaned up for your husband," Jake said. "Something tells me he wouldn't like it if you were here with me instead of at home."

"Maybe you're right," she said, feeling a twinge of guilt for fucking around around on her husband. But, Jake assured her, Steve's probably doing the same thing wherever he goes. And if he can do it, he reasoned, so can she.

When Steve came back this time, he seemed a bit distracted and wouldn't talk about it. He made love to her as he always did when he came home, but it was as though he was just going through the motions. She could tell his mind was on something, or perhaps, someone, else. After a few days, he seemed to get over it and things were back to normal.

But that didn't stop her from meeting Jake. Sometimes they would take long "lunches" that included quickies in the parking lot. Other times, she would tell Steve she had to work a bit late. Then, when everyone was gone, she would meet Jake for sex in one of the firm's large conference rooms. Several times, she went home with Jake's cum dripping down her leg, forcing her to take a shower before dinner. Steve wouldn't say anything, so in her mind, she had gotten away with it. What did he know anyway, she asked herself. He worked in an animal unit and couldn't possibly know what she was doing.

As time went on, her trysts with Jake increased. Oddly enough, at the same time the frequency of sex between her and Steve decreased to almost nothing. He used to initiate it a lot, but didn't anymore. And the few times she tried to start something, he made an excuse, telling her he wasn't feeling well, or that he needed his sleep for work the next day.

By now, they were little more than roommates who sometimes slept in the same bed. Now that she thought about it, he didn't even cuddle with her anymore and almost never kissed her on the lips. He wasn't rude or nasty to her, but only spoke when he had to.

So Jake filled in for him, giving her the attention and sex she craved. The more Jake filled in, the farther Steve withdrew. It was only recently that her husband began to notice her more and talk to her more. She never noticed it at the time, but now, lost in her thoughts, she began to wonder. Does he know about her and Jake? And what would he do if he did know? Her girlfriends at work warned her that it wouldn't go well for her if he ever found out, but she dismissed those concerns.

"I'm very careful to keep them separated," she said. "Steve's always gone anyway, doing Navy stuff. Besides, he's really just a big teddy bear. He'd never hurt me."

She looked at her husband, who was now concentrating on the road. Yes, she thought, he really was just a big teddy bear. In all the years she had known him, he never once raised his voice and never once lost his temper. Maybe Jake was right about him. Maybe he was just a big wimp and a softie.

She thought about what her and Jake had planned for him that night. Jake said he had gotten something to make her husband sleepy. He promised it wouldn't hurt him. They would watch and when Steve began showing signs of drowsiness, they would help him to the room they had reserved for the night. Fortunately, the room had two beds, so they would put Steve in one bed and remove his clothes.

Then they would use the other bed to fuck each other for most of the night. Jake said the drug would last about eight or 10 hours, so he promised to stay as long as possible. Then he would leave and she would sit on Steve's face, feeding Jake's cum to Steve from her pussy. When he woke up, he would find her in bed with him and think they had spent the night together.

It was a foolproof plan, she thought. And it was so wicked. She got wet at the thought of fucking Jake with Steve asleep just a few feet away, not knowing what was going on. She got even wetter at the idea of feeding him Jake's cum and making him think it was all his. It took everything she had to keep from yanking her tiny thong down and masturbating right there in the car. A part of her felt some regret for what she had done and was planning to do, but the excitement of being with Jake overrode her guilt.

"Ah, there it is," Steve said, bringing Mary back to reality. She looked and saw a large well-lit stadium. Whatever was going on, it looked to be a really big event, she thought. Steve pulled into the parking lot and grabbed a space close to the entrance that was marked "Reserved." Wow, she thought. He really went all out for this, whatever it was.

Steve got out of the truck and opened the door for her as he always did. She smiled as she got out of the truck, flashing her barely-covered crotch. Steve smiled at that, but the smile quickly evaporated. He took one of her arms in his and led her to the entrance. She could hear the crowd going bonkers and thought she heard them chant, "Burn. Burn. Burn." What was going on here, she wondered.

When Steve got to the entrance, he pulled out a card and showed it to the man at the door. The man looked at her and looked at two other men standing by. They came up to Steve and looked at the card for a moment, then motioned to Mary. Steve removed her arm from his and looked at her, sadness in his face.

"You'll need to accompany these two men, dear," he said in a neutral tone of voice.

"But, why?" she asked, confused.

"You'll find out soon enough," Steve said. "I'll see you in a bit, don't worry. Just go with these men and do what they say."

"But, I don't understand," she said.

"You will," Steve said. The two large men took positions on either side of Mary, and grabbed her arms in a vice-like grip.

"Please come with us," one of the men said. Mary knew she couldn't escape and turned to go with them. Steve watched as Mary walked away, her arms tightly held by her two escorts.

"Please come with me, Chief," another man said. Steve acknowledged a third man who had shown up and turned to join him.

A few minutes later, Mary found herself wearing a short orange gown made of paper. They had confiscated all of her clothing and personal items. Her shoes were also taken and replaced with a pair of orange paper booties. She wondered if they were going to rape her for the benefit of the audience, but the people who dealt with her didn't act as though that was on the agenda.

In fact, they hardly engaged with her at all, and talked to her as though she were an insect. She tried to find out what was going on, but was quickly shut down.

"What the hell is going on?" she angrily demanded of the large female matron who took her clothes. The large powerful woman looked at her with disgust and chuckled.

"You're in no position to demand anything," she said. "You brought this on yourself. So, welcome to Karma."

"What do you mean?" Mary asked. "I didn't do anything."

"You'll have a chance to make your case to the jury," the matron said, handing her the paper dress. "Now get dressed and shut up." Mary took the orange paper dress and put it on. Jury? Case? What was that all about, she wondered. Was this some kind of practical joke? If it was, she wasn't amused and she swore Steve would pay for this.

After she was dressed, the matron opened the door and handed her over to the two large men, who put a choke collar on her. Attaching a leash to the collar, they led her like a dog to a double door that opened into the stadium. Another man came to her side and introduced himself.

"My name is John Hultner," he said. "I'll be handling your case, but I must warn you -- follow their rules to the letter, do you understand?" he asked, motioning to the large security guards with her.

"Yes," she said, scared. "But what did I do? Am I being charged with something?"

"You've been charged with serial adultery and conspiracy to commit adultery," he said. "Those are very serious charges. Do you understand?" She understood, but she also knew from being around the law firm that there was no such offense in this state.

"That's not against the law," she said, her voice breaking.

"It is here," he said. "And I suggest you throw yourself at the mercy of the court."

"I'm not going to do that," she said. "This is outrageous."

"That's your choice," he said. "Now, you need to go with these men and do as they say. Got it?" She nodded her head. Steve was going to pay for this, she thought. Big time. John nodded to the guards, motioning for them to take her out.

"Do not speak unless you are spoken to," one of the men told her. "Understand?" She nodded her head, scared of what was about to happen.

When the door opened, she was assailed by the noise from what seemed to be thousands of people crammed into the bleachers around the field. They led her to the center of the field, where there were two metal poles planted in the ground. A man wearing orange garb similar to hers was attached to one pole and the other was empty.

As they led her to the center of the field, she looked to one side and saw her husband sitting at a table with another man. He was in full uniform and she wondered when he had changed his clothes. Steve stared straight ahead and refused to acknowledge her presence. She thought about shouting out to him, but she remembered what the guard told her.

When they arrived at the fixture, she saw a metal pipe fixed at the bottom at a 90 degree angle. Below that was a grate and what looked like a large version of a stove burner. Ash and bits of orange paper could be seen around the fixture. They ordered her to stand on the cross-member, which reminded her of a spreader bar she had seen in a porn video.

The guards secured her feet to the bar with iron shackles and placed her hands behind her back, securing them to the tall metal pipe. She looked at the man on the fixture next to her and noticed for the first time who it was -- Jake. Oh my God, she thought to herself. Steve knows!

Jake looked at her with fear on his face, sweat pouring off his head. The guards looked at them.

"Remember," one of the guards said. "Speak only when you are directly addressed. If you choose to disobey, you will be instantly punished. Nod your head if you understand." They both nodded their heads. The guard smiled.

"Good," he said, walking away.

Mary and Jake both turned when the "judge," a bearded man wearing a long, hooded robe, pounded his gavel. The sound of the gavel was amplified over the entire auditorium and everyone fell quiet.

"Bring the next case," the judge ordered. A bailiff presented the judge with some papers and announced the case. The judge looked at the attorneys across the field.

"How does the defense plead?" the judge asked. John stepped forward. He already had his directions from the two cheaters.

"Your honor, the defendants plead not guilty," he said. The judge nodded his head.

"Very well," he said. He turned to the prosecutor. "Present your opening argument." The prosecutor walked into the field, where a second microphone was placed.

"Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury," he began. "The prosecution will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendants have been engaged in a long-term affair behind the husband's back. In fact, the prosecution will show that defendants even plotted to drug and cuckold Chief Chisholm in hopes of getting Mrs. Chisholm pregnant with her lover's baby. The evidence we present is ironclad and incontrovertible. The duty before the jury will be clear. Thank you."

"Present your opening argument, Mr. Hultner," the judge said. John stepped to his microphone and addressed the crowd.

"Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury," he began. "The defense will show that Chief Chisholm knew about the affair yet did nothing, thereby giving tacit consent to the activity, which was merely sex. Moreover, the defense will show that Chief Chisholm's repeated absences from the family home left my client with no choice but to find satisfaction elsewhere. Thank you."

"The prosecution will present its case," the judge ordered. The prosecutor stood at his microphone.