The Cheating Zone 10: Run!

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Another cheating wife lands in the zone...
5.1k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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The following is the result of a suggestion from a reader. Both Roger and John Hultner first appeared in "The Cheating Zone 02: Roger," and John appeared in "The Cheating Zone 09: Arena." "Mukla" first appeared in "No Mercy."

As always, constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc.

For the nit-pickers who want to say this or that would never happen, remember, this is the Cheating Zone, a place outside the normal space-time continuum where literally anything is possible... Please remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.


Your eyes flit from left to right as you drive down the tree-lined country road, looking for any signs of danger. You look ahead as the headlights pierce the inky blackness of night. There's a signpost up ahead. You've just entered... The Cheating Zone.

(Cue dramatic music.)


Rene Carson grunted as the man above her repeatedly pounded his much larger than average cock into her wet, willing pussy. As she watched, he closed his eyes tight and his face turned red as he pumped yet another load of hot, sticky semen inside her. That made the third time he had ejaculated inside her that night. She loved it and wanted more. She wrapped her legs around him and succumbed to the orgasm building inside her.

They finally settled down and disengaged, his cum dripping out of her well-fucked pussy. She looked down with satisfaction and hoped that he finally managed to give her what she truly wanted - a baby.

This was no random act, nor was it the result of a momentary lapse of judgment. This was just the latest deliberate act of betrayal against Mike, her husband of five years, who worked as a computer forensic specialist for the county sheriff's department.

She and Mike had always wanted children, but got bad news about seven months ago. After several tests, it was finally confirmed that Mike was sterile, the result of an injury to his groin from a motorcycle accident that happened during his college years.

He suggested they adopt a child, but she rejected that idea. She wanted to feel the baby grow inside her body. After giving it much thought, she decided to take matters into her own hands and began a sexual relationship with Darrin McFarland, a man who worked at the shipping company where she also worked as a dispatcher.

After comparing him to her husband, she decided he would be the best alternative, since the two men had a lot in common. She approached Darrin six months ago and he readily agreed. Of course, it helped that she kept herself in shape and oozed sexuality from every pore of her body.

That was six months ago. What began as a once-a-week hookup became a regular part of their schedule. Now, they were screwing at least three or four times a week, sometimes in a motel, but mostly at his place, since they met so frequently. Meanwhile, she all but cut off her husband and only had sex with him about once every two weeks.

Sure, Mike complained about the decreasing sex, but Rene always managed to wiggle out of the conversation by starting a fight over something trivial. By now, they were little more than roommates sharing the same house.

"So, when are you going to let me fuck you in your bed?" Darrin asked. "You promised me last month you'd set it up."

"Yeah, well, dickhead is home a lot," she said. "I can't help it. It'd be different if he traveled, but he doesn't."

"Well, why don't we just do it there in front of him?" Darrin asked. "Let him know where he stands in the grand scheme of things. Who knows, he just might enjoy eating my cum out of your pussy."

"Maybe," she said. "Let me think about it. Remember, I told you this is just to get me pregnant."

"And you plan to have him raise my child?" he asked.

"That's the idea," she said. "Look, don't get me wrong. You have a very nice dick and I love having it inside me. But let's face it, neither you nor I can afford a child on our own. And you can't tell me you're ready to be a father. That's where Mike comes in. He makes good money, has good insurance and he'd be a great father."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," he said, getting off the bed. "We'd better get going. I'll take you back to the warehouse so you can get your car." This was something they started doing three months ago to help lend credibility to her "working late" excuse. By leaving her car in the secured warehouse parking lot, they would only need one car to reach their destination and her husband would be more likely to believe her if he decided to check up on her.

"Okay," she said, climbing off the bed. She put her clothes on as he watched.

"Aren't you going to clean up?" he asked.

"Hell no," she said. "I want to get those baby makers of yours a chance to do their job."

"What about Mike? He's sure to notice the difference," Darren said.

"So what?" she asked. "I hardly ever let him touch me anyway."

"You're cold," he said. She giggled at that.

"Call me the Ice Queen," she said in response.

"Well, you might want to wipe that blob of cum off your cheek," he said. She looked at her face in the mirror, then grabbed a Kleenex and wiped the stuff off her face.

"Thanks," she said. "That would be a bit difficult to explain." They left the room and headed out, not seeing the grim-faced man on the corner, holding a cigarette in one hand and a phone in the other. Darrin drove toward the warehouse, making sure to stay below the speed limit.

They hadn't gotten very far down the two-lane road before Darrin saw flashing red and blue lights behind him. He pulled over and waited for the policeman to come to his window. He rolled down his window and noticed another officer heading for the passenger side.

"Drivers license and registration, please," the first officer said to Darrin as he pointed a bright flashlight at the interior of the car.

"Sure, officer," Darrin said, opening his glove box. He grabbed the paperwork and handed it to the policeman. "Why did you pull me over?" Darrin asked. The policeman aimed the flashlight at Darrin's face and examined him for a moment.

"Stay here, sir," he said, walking to the police cruiser. Darrin watched through his rear view mirror as the officer spoke into a microphone. Soon, the policeman came back and handed the paperwork back.

"Step out of the car, please," he said. The other officer opened the passenger door and gave the same order to Rene. "Turn around, hands behind your back," the policeman told Darrin.

"What did I do, officer?" Darrin asked as he watched Rene get cuffed as well.

"You're both under arrest for violating Karma Special Ordinance Number One," the policeman said, reciting Darrin's Miranda rights.

"What's that?" Darrin asked.

"You'll find out soon enough, sir," the policeman said, guiding Darrin to the police cruiser. Rene was also guided to the cruiser and both were placed in the cramped back seat. About a half hour later, the two cheaters were being processed at the police station. They were later escorted to adjoining cells and told to wait for their defense attorney. Within an hour, a man dressed in a suit showed up at their cell, accompanied by two officers.

"Rene Carson, Darrin McFarland?" the man asked. They both nodded their heads. "My name is John Hultner, I'm your court-appointed defense counsel."

"Why are we here?" Darrin asked. "What's Special Ordinance Number One?"

"You have been arrested for adultery and conspiracy to commit adultery," John said. "These are very serious offenses here. However, I am pleased to inform you that the court has decided to drop the charges if you'll agree to participate in a game."

"A game?" Darrin asked. He looked at Rene, who shrugged her shoulders. "What kind of game is this?"

"It's something fairly new here in town," John said. "They've only been doing it for just under a year."

"What does it involve?" Darrin asked.

"Mostly running," John said. "You look like you're both in pretty good shape. I imagine you'll do quite well."

"Yeah, we can run," Rene said. "And if we do this game, the charges will be dropped?"

"That's right, Mrs. Carson," John said.

"Wait," Darrin said. "Before I decide, I need to know something."

"What's that, Mr. McFarland?" John asked.

"You said we're facing charges of adultery," he said. "That's not really a crime, is it? After all, we're consenting adults."

"Yes, you are," John said. "But at least one of you is married. That's adultery. And since the two of you planned your activity, that makes it a conspiracy."

"So, even if we're found guilty, what, we get a fine or something?" Darrin asked.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation," John said. "I've looked through your files. Frankly, the prosecutor has a very strong case and I see no mitigating circumstances. Certainly, neither of you have shown any regret or remorse for your actions. If you're found guilty, which you most certainly would be, you wouldn't just pay a fine. You'd be erased from the space-time continuum."

"Huh?" Darrin asked, confused.

"It would be as though the two of you never existed," John said. Darrin looked at Rene, shocked.

"You mean, it would be as though we were never born?" she asked.

"That's right, Mrs. Carson," John said. "And there would be no appeal. So, do you want to take your chance with the judge, or will you participate in the game?"

"If we do this game, will we be allowed to go home afterward?" Rene asked. John shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't guarantee anything," John said. "But at least you wouldn't be erased from existence."

"Okay," she said. "What the hell. Let's do it." John smiled and motioned to the officers, who opened the cells.

"Good," he said. "These officers will escort you to the studio and get you set up. Good luck and I look forward to your debut."

"Studio?" Darrin asked.

"Yes," John said. "It's being televised. Everyone in Karma will be watching." Rene and Darrin looked at each other, scared. What have we gotten ourselves into, she asked herself. The officers escorted them out to a van parked next to the exit. A woman met them, opened the back door and motioned for them to get in. She climbed in after them and the van left.

"I'm glad you chose to be part of our show," the woman said. "My name is Alexa Graves. I'm one of the producers and I make it a point to meet all the contestants." Rene and Darrin introduced themselves and they shook hands.

"So, what is this game?" Rene asked.

"It's called the 'Cheater's Maze,'" Alexa said. "The rules are simple. You have 45 minutes to navigate your way through a maze and get to the finish line."

"That's all?" Darrin asked.

"Well, that's it in a nutshell," Alexa said. "There's some obstacles you have to avoid, but if you're careful and you use your map, you'll do just fine."

"What happens afterward?" Rene asked.

"That depends," Alexa said. "If you beat the clock, you may get a cash prize. Some of our contestants sign up for repeat performances and others sign up for a long-term contract. Trust me, it'll be loads of fun. Oh, here we are," she said as the van stopped. "Now, you'll be taken to your preparation area and given your running clothes. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you again."

Darrin and Rene were escorted into the building and led to a row of small dressing rooms. Rene was put in one and handed a bag with her assigned running gear and Darrin was placed in another and given his running gear.

"Take off all your clothes and put these on," said the woman who handed her the bag. "And I do mean everything."

Rene noticed the door to the dressing area was a saloon door that didn't do much to give her any privacy and tried to keep herself from being ogled by an overweight balding man who was sweeping the floor.

She removed her clothes and donned the running gear, which consisted of a sport bra that exposed her entire midriff and short running shorts that were somewhat baggy and cut very high on the outside of her legs. They also provided a pair of white socks and running shoes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed the shorts revealed a good portion of her ass.

"Excuse me, sir," she called out to the man sweeping the floor. He stopped and looked at her. "What's your name?"

"Roger," he said, pointing to the name badge on his coveralls. "What can I do for you?"

"What can you tell me about this game?" she asked. He shook his head.

"I'm not allowed to say," he told her. "I'm just the janitor. I sweep the floors, that's all I do. Sweep and sleep. Sorry." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to pushing his broom. A couple minutes later, Alexa came by, carrying her clipboard and a couple of small tablets. She attached one tablet to Rene's wrist and showed her how to use it.

"This will help you navigate the maze," she said. "Most of the obstacles are marked, but some aren't, so you'll need to be careful. Oh, and you'll have to avoid the bang gangers."

"The what?" Rene asked.

"Your opponents in the maze," Alexa said. "If they catch you, you lose - in more ways than one."

"What do you mean?" Rene asked.

"It'll all be explained to you," Alexa said. "Like I said, avoid them at all costs. Most of the time, they travel in a pack, but may come across a straggler here or there." They met up with Darrin, who had changed into his running gear and Alexa repeated her instructions to him.

"Are we ready now?" she asked with a smile. Rene and Darrin looked at each other and nodded their heads. "Good," Alexa said. "Now, it's time to meet your audience." They stepped through a set of double doors and were immediately the focus of bright lights that blinded them for a few seconds. The sound of a very raucous audience could be heard.

They were met by a man in a gaudy red blazer who reminded them a little bit of an aging Richard Dawson. Smiling broadly at them, he waved them over to stand by his side. Alexa gently nudged them forward. They moved forward and were soon next to the man.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, speaking into a microphone. "Please welcome our newest contestants, Rene Carson and, uh, Doofus McFuckwad." Darrin leaned into the man, and spoke into his ear.

"That's Darrin McFarland," he said. The host covered his microphone as he responded.

"Whatever," he said. "No one really gives a shit. They're all checking out her ass anyway." He smiled and raised a hand. The "Applause" light went out and the audience quieted down.

"Okay, you all know the rules," he said. "You have 45 minutes to get from here," he said, pointing at the wide line on the floor. "To there," he added, pointing at the finish line, which was on the other side of a high wall.

"Keep in mind the maze is on two levels," he added. "Your first objective is a rope ladder, which you'll climb to the second level. From there, you must make your way to a fireman's pole, which you'll use to come back to the first level. I should warn you, though, that to get there, you must get past a pool, which contains lots of these," he said, pointing to the monitor, which showed a vicious-looking fish with giant teeth.

"They're called mukla," he said, "and they come from someplace called Pacifica, wherever the hell that is. I'm told they can consume a man completely - bones and all - in a matter of minutes. So you'll definitely want to avoid that.

"Remember to consult your map and be careful because there's other obstacles along the way. And you'll need to avoid the Bang Gang," he added, pointing to a monitor high on one wall.

As they looked, a group of naked men appeared on the monitor. The huge creatures on the monitor appeared to be just a step in the evolutionary chain above Neanderthals and each sported the largest sex organs Rene had ever seen in her life. As they looked, one of them scratched his ass while another picked his nose. The host gestured to the monitor.

"Meet the Bang Gang," he declared to applause. He addressed Rene as he continued his explanation. "Don't worry, my dear, they've all been selected specifically for their size, endurance and virility. They don't move very fast and they're not too smart, but they can smell a woman a mile away and once they grab you, it's all over but the crying." He turned his attention back to the audience. "Who can ever forget this?" he asked.

As everyone watched, the monitor showed another woman, flat on her back, surrounded by the huge creatures. As they watched, one of them ripped the woman's shorts off as two others held her legs wide. The first creature positioned his huge erect penis at the entrance of her sex and rammed it all the way inside with a single stroke and pounded the poor girl until he exploded inside her. After he stepped away, another took his place and did the same. As everyone watched, the woman ended up taking several huge loads of sperm from the men and laid crying on the floor after they finished, as a river of semen poured out of her gaping, well-fucked pussy.

"I'm told the poor girl is now pregnant and is expected to deliver sextuplets," the host said. Rene blanched as she watched the brutal display. As much as she wanted to be pregnant, Rene couldn't think of anything worse than carrying the progeny of those... things. "Any questions?" the host asked Rene and Darrin. They shook their heads.

"Good," the host said, pulling out a starter pistol. "Now, get on the line and wait for my signal. Remember, you have 45 minutes." They positioned themselves at the starting line and waited for the signal.

"Ready, set, GO!" the host shouted, firing the starter pistol in the air. Rene and Darrin took off from the starting line and headed into the dimly-lit maze. At first, it was easy going. They consulted their map and thought they were making good time when Darrin suddenly shouted.

"Whoa!!" he said. As Rene looked down, she saw a thin wire about ankle-high across the pathway. Darrin followed the wire to something that looked like a barrel on a stick next to the wall.

"What's that?" Rene asked.

"I think it was called a 'Bouncing Betty' back in the day," he said. "I remember reading about these things. They would go up about a yard or so then explode in the air."

"Oh my God," Rene said.

"Just step over the wire and you should be okay," Darrin said. "And watch where you step."

"I will," she said. They continued on their way and finally saw the rope ladder hanging from the ceiling about 50 feet in front of them. They headed for the rope ladder, but were stopped when a vicious dog began running toward them, his teeth bared. The dog stopped just a couple feet away from them when the chain he was on prevented him from going any further. They thought they would be okay, but another dog came at them from the opposite wall. Rene managed to avoid the dog, but not before it had ripped part of her loose shorts, exposing more of her thigh. After avoiding a couple more dogs, they were finally at the rope ladder.

"Go on up," Darrin said. "I'll be right behind you." Rene got on the ladder and clambered up, with Darrin right behind her. Rene looked around and got her bearings once they had made it to the second level. After agreeing on a course, they headed out.

"STOP!" Darrin shouted.

"What now?" Rene asked. He pointed to the walls. On one side were several barrels about knee-high. The wall on the other side was pock-marked with bullet holes. Razor-sharp concertina wire was placed low to the floor, with just enough room to crawl under it. Darrin recognized this from his basic training in the Army.

"Get on the floor, under the wire," he said. "Stay as low as you can and crawl to the other end." She complied, and as they began crawling, the machine guns began firing, showering them with concrete as the bullets struck the opposite wall.