The Cheating Zone 11: Warning Label

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Always read and follow warning labels.
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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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The Cheating Zone 11: Warning Labels

As always, constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc.

The troll-man known as Zrglbork first appeared in "The Cheating Zone 08: The Wish."

For the nit-pickers who want to say this or that would never happen, remember, this is the Cheating Zone, a place outside the normal space-time continuum where literally anything is possible... Please remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.


Your eyes flit from left to right as you drive down the tree-lined country road, looking for any signs of danger. You look ahead as the headlights pierce the inky blackness of night. There's a signpost up ahead. You've just entered... The Cheating Zone.

(Cue dramatic music.)


I had just got off work and was at that moment heading home to Belinda, my wife of five years. It was a Friday, which meant a nice night on the town, dinner at our favorite steakhouse, followed by some dancing and then back home for some serious love-making.

My name is Ryan Johnson, and Belinda has been my one true love since we first met in the sixth grade. She worked at a hospital and recently went back to school to finish her nursing degree. I finished my business degree and started working for a financial services company in town. I enjoyed working with numbers, so this was a perfect fit for me. The only down side was the periodic trips to clients I had to make.

Our plan was to hold off on having children until she felt established in her career choice. In the meantime, we lived in an apartment and saved all we could to put down on a house. Things could not be better between Belinda and I -- we were still head over heels in love with each other and it seemed that every day together was like Christmas.

We headed out after I got home and changed clothes. I couldn't help but complement her on her dress -- she was, in my mind, the sexiest and most beautiful girl on earth. Better yet, she was all mine. We enjoyed a nice steak and lobster dinner, then headed out to dance the night away. We got back home and spent the next hour in bed ravishing each other's bodies.

Afterward, we laid in bed, cuddling. Belinda looked at me before speaking.

"Ryan," she said. "I found something on the Internet and I was wondering if you'd be interested."

"Oh?" I asked. "What's that?"

"Well, it's kinda like that Oculus thing I got you for Christmas last year," she said. The Oculus is a virtual reality device where you can play games or watch movies. I had to admit, I'm very impressed with the quality of the graphics and I love playing the games.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, this is geared for couples," she said. "It's a virtual reality sex toy." Belinda and I often liked to spice up our lovemaking with sex toys, but I had never heard of anything like this.

"Virtual reality sex toy?" I asked. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," she said. "You want me to show you?"

"What the hell," I said. "Why not?" We got out of bed, put on our robes and headed into the front room, where we kept our home computer. I brought it up and let Belinda take over. She went to a webpage and showed it to me. It looked very much like the Oculus, but it had a number of sensors and other things attached to it.

"Damn," I said. "Looks like you need a degree just to operate the thing." She laughed. "Who makes it?"

"Some outfit called TCZ Enterprises," she said. I never heard of that company and made a mental note to check it out. "They have a special on now for couples. You get a nice discount if you buy the 'his and hers' deluxe package," Belinda said. I figured this had to be extremely expensive. I knew how much she paid for the Oculus and thought this had to be way more expensive. I was shocked, though, to find it wasn't anywhere near as expensive as I originally thought.

"They have a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied," she said. "Why not give it a try? C'mon, it'd be loads of fun." I considered the price, and knew I could easily afford it, and I could see the anticipation on Belinda's face. What the hell, I thought. I ordered the 'his and hers' deluxe package and got another round of wild sex for my troubles.

A large box was delivered to our apartment a couple weeks later. I went through all the documentation and managed to get everything connected. I was amazed at what was included. In addition to the headpieces, the devices included several sensors that were intended to be placed on various parts of the body.

It also included an inflatable dildo for Belinda that connected to her headpiece and something like a fleshlight -- a mechanical masturbation device -- that connected to my headpiece. Both units also included a high-capacity SD card that could record the virtual experience for later playback.

I read the instructions carefully, noting that it had several modes of operation. The first was single-user mode, where one created a custom partner. The second was one-on-one mode, where two devices communicated by Bluetooth. I figured this would be the mode we would be using.

The third was called party mode, and was intended for multiple users at the same location. The last was online mode, where the user could reach out to a community of users through the Internet. I had a real problem with that one -- after all, you never really know who or what you might end up with. One could also mix several of the modes for different experiences.

I couldn't help but notice the warning notices peppered throughout the instruction manual: "WARNING: Prolonged use may result in negative side affects, including addiction and possible assimilation."

Assimilation? What the hell did that mean, I asked myself. Reading further, I found the manufacturer recommended not using the device for more than two hours at a time, and suggested a rest period of at least 12 hours between sessions.

That seemed reasonable to me, but the manual never explained what "assimilation" meant. I went on the company's website but found nothing about it there, either.

That night, after we ate, Belinda and I retired to the bedroom to try the new toy out. As Belinda lay on the bed, naked, I attached the sensors to her body like the instruction manual said. Then I pulled out the inflatable dildo and worked that into her already wet pussy. I made sure everything was connected and set about connecting myself up.

"All this for a sex toy? Wow," Belinda said when I finished. "This had better be good. I feel like a lab rat." I chuckled at that. Truth was, I felt the same way. When I was finished, I turned to her.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Let's do it," she said. We put on the headpiece and powered everything up. The first thing I saw after the opening credits was a short, bald, red-skinned troll-like man whose wide smile showed off a set of pointed teeth.

"Welcome to the Zone," the troll said. "My name is Zrglbork, your personal guide. Have fun, but remember, don't stay too long. You might not make it back out. Enjoy!" After the troll-guide faded away, I was presented with a menu. Using my hand, I selected "One-on-one" mode and let the headpiece link up with Belinda's.

I watched as a round icon spun for a few seconds, then an image that looked very much like Belinda appeared. It was easy to tell that this was a computer-generated facsimile, but the resemblance was uncanny.

"Wow," I said. "I can see you!"

"I can see you, too," she said. "This is amazing." I leaned forward and kissed the face that appeared before me. The image responded and for a second, I thought I felt her tongue in my mouth. "I like this," Belinda said.

"Then you'll really like this," I told her and used my hands -- with the sensors attached -- to fondle and caress the bare breasts of the image before me. I could swear that I felt her soft flesh beneath my fingers.

"Oooh," she moaned. "Did you just fondle my breasts?"

"I did," I said.

"I could feel it," she said.

"Let's see if you can feel this," I said, and worked my way down the virtual image of Belinda, kissing her the whole way to that magic spot between her legs. I could hear my wife moan as I did so. When I got to her shaved pussy, I began kissing and licking my way around. The image of Belinda spread her legs wide, inviting my tongue into her inner depths. The real Belinda, meanwhile, was moaning in delight and spread her legs as wide as she could.

"Quit teasing me," she said. "Eat me, NOW!" I buried my tongue in the virtual pussy before me and worked all of her hot spots the way I knew she liked. "Oh, GOD, this feels so damn good," she cried. "Don't stop, baby. Please, make me cum." I kept working on her and soon, the virtual woman shuddered in orgasm. The real Belinda, meanwhile, soaked the sheets as she erupted in her own very real orgasm.

"My turn," she said. As I watched, the virtual Belinda smiled and took my hard cock into her mouth. I could feel it thanks to the rubberized sheath covering my penis. I don't know how it worked, but it did. My cock got got even harder as my virtual wife took the whole thing inside her mouth. It didn't take long for her to make me ejaculate, partially filling the reservoir at the end of the sheath. As I watched, the virtual woman in my headset swallowed the whole load.

"Wow," I said. "That was amazing."

"I need you in me," she said. "Right now. Come on, baby, fuck me." The virtual Belinda spread herself before me so I got between her legs and inserted my virtual cock inside her. Damn, I thought. This almost feels like the real thing. The virtual Belinda moaned in my headset the same time my real wife moaned.

"Can you feel me inside you?" I asked.

"Oh, God, baby, yes," she said. Unknown to me, the dildo inside Belinda automatically responded and began to inflate. Tiny servos began vibrating the device and she screamed out in ecstasy. The sheath around my cock also responded and it felt as though I was being milked. Soon, both of us were bucking up off the bed and exploded in our mutual orgasms.

Afterward, we lay there on the bed, catching our breath. Turning the devices off, we disconnected ourselves and fell into each other's arms.

"That was wild," she said.

"Yes, it was," I responded. "Nowhere near as good as the real thing, though." She smiled and rolled on top of me, guiding my still hard cock inside her very real pussy. Riding me gently, she worked us both to another orgasm.

The next morning, we shared breakfast and talked about the new toy. I told her about the warning mentioned in the manual.

"What does that mean, assimilation?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I have no idea," I said. "I'll keep looking though. In the meantime, promise me you won't go online with that thing."

"You can go online?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Didn't you see that menu option for the different modes?"

"Yeah," she responded. "But I didn't think anything of it. I was just following your directions."

"The only time I can see going online is when I'm out of town," I said. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Now that would be fun," she said, before giving me a scorching hot kiss. "At least I'll know where you are and what you're doing," she added, laughing.

"But promise me you won't go online without me," I said.

"Absolutely," she said. "I promise."

We used the device a few more times that week, making sure to keep a good 12 hours in between sessions. I discovered that the more we used it, the more realistic the virtual version of Belinda became. From what I learned, the headset had sensors that mapped facial features. The more it was used, the more features were recorded. Those features were then added to what the device had already learned. By the tenth time we used it, the virtual version of Belinda was nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.

I also learned that we could choose from a variety of backgrounds. With that feature, we were able to enjoy each other on a beach, in the middle of a freeway or on top of a volcano if we wished. What was even more fun was watching the videos saved on the SD card. Anyone not knowing otherwise would think we actually had made love right there on the beach.

A couple weeks later, I found myself in Miami for a couple days, working with one of our bigger clients. Belinda was unable to come with me, so we used the online feature of the device to engage in virtual long-distance sex. It was quite a stimulating experience and I came home to a very happy wife.

I also found that since we started using the toy, Belinda had become more aggressive. Not only did she initiate sex more often, she became much more bold and open. One night, while dancing at the club we liked to frequent, she lifted her short skirt, pulled her panties off and tossed them in a trash can, making sure others could see what she had done.

I couldn't believe this was my wife. I had never seen her do something like that before. When she sashayed back to our table, where I was standing, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply while rubbing my hard cock through my pants.

"Take me home and fuck me right now," she said. "Before I decide to get naked and jump your bones right here." She was naked by the time we got to the truck and masturbated herself the whole way home. I certainly didn't complain. When we got home, she couldn't wait any longer and practically tore my trousers off. We fucked frantically, right there on the front seat -- something we hadn't done since our school years.

"Wow," I said when we finished. "What brought that on?"

"I can't help it," she said. "When I think about you, all I want to do is get naked and fuck. Are you complaining?"

"Not at all," I said. "I've just never seen this side of you before."

"I've always wanted to be your personal fuck toy," she said. "Do you like the new me?"

"I love it," I said, giving her a deep kiss.

"Good," she said. "Now take me to bed and give me your cock. I want it -- all of it."

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

We kept using the toy, but always made sure to stay under the recommended time limit. I continued searching the web looking for information about the warning of assimilation, but never found anything.

For the next six months, our sex life went into overdrive and we couldn't have been happier. Then things went downhill. The company lost one of its top representatives and I was tapped to fill in for him. Unfortunately, that meant I would be away from home more often than I had planned. Neither Belinda nor I liked it, but we decided to work through it. At first, things were okay. We Skyped each other every day and used the toy to connect online.

But one night, I couldn't reach her. I called the house, but got the answering machine. I then tried calling her cell, but it went to voicemail. Belinda wasn't one to go out without me, nor was she one to not let me know where she was. According to Skype, she wasn't online. Where the hell was she?

Eventually, I figured she would get back to me, so I laid back on the bed and used my headset in "single-user" mode. I had created a virtual "Belinda" just for situations like this. Then it hit me. I could go online and see if she was there.

I changed into "online" mode and looked around. Sure enough, there she was. And, the menu said, she was "occupied." What the hell was she doing, I wondered. She promised me she wouldn't do that, but here she was.

Using the menu options, I discovered that she had connected with a group of about five others -- three men and two women. Worse yet, they marked their group "private," meaning that I couldn't join or message any of them. And from what I could tell, the session had been ongoing for at least four hours -- much longer than the recommended time.

Now I was starting to get pissed. What the hell is she doing? Moreover, who was she doing it with? I decided to confront her about it when I got home the next day.

The next day was a Friday, and Belinda wasn't home when I pulled in. I had called her earlier from the airport, and she told me she had classes and might be running late. So I unpacked and pulled the SD card from her headset to see what had been recorded. When I checked, though, there was nothing recorded after our last session.

When Belinda got home from school, I let her get settled before addressing her.

"We need to talk, dear," I said. She looked guilty as she sat down. "Where the hell were you last night?"

"I'm so sorry, Ryan," she said. "I saw someone with a username that looked a lot like yours so I connected."

"And why didn't you get right back out when you realized it wasn't me?" I asked.

"I tried, honest," she said. "But I couldn't. I was locked in."

"So, what did you do?" I asked. "You were there for an awful long time, with three guys and two other girls."

"I just watched," she said, wiping tears from her eyes. "Honest. They wanted me to join them, but I couldn't do that to you."

Belinda had never lied to me before, and there was no video on her SD card to prove otherwise. I decided to dig into this a bit further before taking any action.

"Belinda," I said. "We promised that we wouldn't go online with anyone other than each other."

"I know," she cried. "Please forgive me. I won't do it again, I promise."

What could I do? I had no evidence to prove otherwise, so I decided to "trust but verify." I hugged her, forgave her and gave her a stern reminder of the warning. Still, I found it hard to believe that all she did for four hours was watch.

"You promise me that's all you did for four hours was watch?" I asked.

"That's all, I swear," she cried.

"Okay," I said. "I think we ought to stay off this thing for a while, though."

"But I really like using it," she said.

"I do too," I said. "But only with you. I'm a bit concerned that we're both starting to get addicted to this thing."

"I'm not," she said. "I can stop using it any time."

"Alright," I said. "We stay off for a week. After that, we'll use it only on Friday nights for no more than an hour, and when I'm out of town. Deal?"

"Deal," she said. We went to bed and made love, but I still had some niggling doubts in my mind. I knew how worked up Belinda could get on that thing, and I had a difficult time believing that she did nothing but watch.

The next day, I went to the TCZ website and did some serious digging. After an hour or so of research, I learned that it was possible for the initiator of an online group session, known as the administrator, to "lock" attendees so they couldn't leave until it was over. I also found that administrators could block users from recording the sessions on their SD cards. In other words, I was basically unable to prove or disprove anything. At least I knew that most of what Belinda had told me wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility.

After another hour of digging, I also learned that I could download and examine a log of her activity. Every device had its own serial number. Using that serial number and a password found in the instruction manual, I could log into a page set up by TCZ and get a detailed log of all the activity on a particular headset.

It was a good thing I kept all the packaging and documentation, I thought, as I verified the serial number on her headset. I got the password, which had been printed on a label on the documentation and logged into the site. I found the usage log, which was quite large, and downloaded it to my computer. I also discovered that I could order a copy of all videos involving this set, so I ordered it and paid extra to have it shipped overnight. I knew I probably wouldn't see it until Tuesday, since this was a Saturday.