The Cheating Zone 12: Vows


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This time, though, the casualty rate from the infection went through the roof. Within a few weeks, over 15 million people in the United States alone had tested positive for the virus, and over 300,000 had died.

Nothing seemed to work against this new strain, and it appeared that no measure of masking or social distancing made any difference. People had even begun wearing makeshift haz-mat suits, but to no avail.

After about a month, the casualty rate had climbed to dangerous levels. Over 30 million people in the country tested positive, and the death toll had broken the half-million mark. Zach and Tabby's parents were among those clinging to life in the hospital where she worked, and the patients kept coming.

By now, the economy had all but crumbled and the unemployment rate was the highest it had ever been. National supply lines had been disrupted worse than ever, and everyone scrambled just to keep the necessities. Things were even worse in other countries.

Scared, Zach and Tabby laid in bed and watched as the president held one of her daily pandemic briefings.

"I'd like to introduce Dr. Ron Black, a top-level researcher who is on loan to the CDC," the president said somberly. It was times like this she wished that other guy had won back in 2016, and he would've if the Electoral College was still in place.

Now, here she was in an election year, struggling with high unemployment, a ruined economy and a major pandemic. Plus, the country had been gripped with violence and rioting in a number of major cities. Making matters worse, her normally reliable allies in the media were beginning to get a bit skeptical. They were even asking her questions. She made a mental note to have a meeting with the heads of those networks.

Setting her problems aside, she glanced at her notes to make sure she had her talking points down pat, then looked at the small gaggle of reporters in front of her.

"We have been told that he and his team have uncovered some information regarding this new outbreak and we hope they will have answers for us. Dr. Black..." A young man in a suit approached the podium and addressed the reporters in the briefing room.

"Thank you, Madame President," he said before turning to the reporters and cameras. "Good evening," he began. "First off, I'd like to state what many here have already surmised. That is, the original novel coronavirus has mutated. It's not altogether unusual to see a virus mutate, however, this mutation is something no one could have imagined or predicted.

"Our research indicates this new version of the virus has become a sexually-transmitted disease. That would explain why the vast majority of those who have tested positive with this strain are adults of child-bearing age. We have also determined that the vast majority of those infected have led lives that are, shall we say, quite promiscuous," he said.

"Wait, Dr. Black," one reporter said. "Are you telling us that this is now spread through sexual contact?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Dr. Black said.

"But wouldn't the STD blockers the CDC has recommended for a half century prevent any infection from taking place?" another reporter asked.

"I'm glad you asked that," Ron said. "Our research indicates that the mandatory STD blockers are actually the cause of the mutation." The briefing room erupted in chaos at the announcement.

"But, Dr. Black, about 65 percent of the adult population take STD blockers," a third reporter said. "Are you saying all those adults are at risk?"

"Actually, our research suggests that over 85 percent of the adult population are on STD blockers," he said. "Not all of those individuals are sexually active, but it appears that everyone who has taken them are at a much higher risk. Naturally, being sexually active increases the chance of infection."

"Does that mean that all adults who are sexually active are at risk?" another reporter asked.

"Technically, yes," Ron said. "But our research indicates that those who are in monogamous relationships are far less likely to contract the disease than those who are more active. That number decreases significantly if STD blockers haven't been used. In fact, we have determined that for the most part, monogamous adults who have never used the blockers will, in all likelihood, never contract this new version of the virus. That doesn't mean they're immune from the original strain, however."

"What can be done to stop the spread of this new strain?" the first reporter asked.

"Two things," Ron said. "First, stop taking the STD blockers. Second, quit being promiscuous."

"You're talking about abstaining from sex, right?" another reporter asked.

"In essence, yes," Ron said. "It might be an inconvenience for some, sure, but it beats dying, don't you think?"

"Is there a vaccine being developed for this new strain?" the second reporter asked.

"We are working as hard and as fast as we can to produce one, however, we are nowhere near ready to begin human testing," Ron said.

"What's the survival rate for this new strain?" another reporter asked.

"Significantly lower than the original strain, I'm afraid," Ron said. "In addition, we have found those who have survived the infection generally suffer from other complications. A number of men who survived, for example, were found to be sterile and suffer from extreme erectile dysfunction."

"What about women?" the reporter asked.

"That's a different ball game, I'm afraid," Ron said. "We have seen everything from decreased libidos to ovarian cancer."

"How are patients being treated now?" the third reporter asked.

"For the most part, we are only able to treat the symptoms right now," Ron said. "We have found some success using readily-available medications like hydroxychloroquine, however, there is a very short window in which that can be used."

"Madame President," one reporter blurted out. "What steps are you taking?"

"Well, we're looking at a number of things," the president said. "One step is an executive order ending the mandatory use of STD blockers. I have decided to maintain the national mask mandate, and may strengthen it. I am also considering a moratorium on all sexual activity until the pandemic is over."

"How would you enforce such a mandate?" one reporter asked. The president looked at the reporter with a frown before answering.

"We have ways of making it work," she said grimly. "In addition, my administration is working with governors and members of Congress to get relief to the American people and minimize the damage to the economy. I'll have more on that in the coming days. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today," he added. "Thank you for being here, Dr. Black, and thank you for all you're doing."

With that, Ron and the president left the podium, as reporters shouted questions. Zach muted the television.

"Damn," he said, holding his wife. "Have you heard anything about our folks? They won't let me go up to see them."

"Only that they're on ventilators and they're doing everything they can for them," she said. "They won't let me up there, either."

"Do you think they'll make it?" Zach asked.

"I hope so," she said quietly. "You know, we could've been up there on that ward with them."

"I know," Zach said. "I try not to think of that. I'm just glad we made the choice we did."

"So am I, sweetie," she said. "So am I. What else is on, by the way? All this news is making me depressed."

"I don't know," he said. "Let me take a look." He began flipping through the channels and stopped when he saw an old, very familiar black and white program.

"What's this?" she asked.

"I think it's an old Twilight Zone episode," Zach said.

"Oh, that sounds good," she said. "I always did like those old shows."

"Me too," he said. As they turned to watch, the scene changed to a grim-faced man in a dark suit, his mouth pulled back against his teeth. He held a cigarette in one hand and seemed to stare right at them.

"Imagine, if you will, a world in which infidelity is the norm. A world in which human beings live only for the next sexual high, the next toe-curling orgasm, with no apparent consequences for their actions. A world where fidelity and promises are looked down upon and ridiculed. Zach Greenley and Tabitha Jones lived in such a world, but chose to go against the grain, opting instead to live their lives, their way. All of our choices have consequences, even if we don't see them right away. In this case, the choice they made quite likely saved their lives. Consider this a public service straight from... the Cheating Zone."

With that, he winked, smiled and took a puff off his cigarette.

Fade to black...


The concept behind this episode of The Cheating Zone came from the 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone, "Eye of the Beholder." Additionally, nothing in this story is intended to reflect actual medical opinion. STD blockers, for example, do not exist and were created solely for the purposes of this story. Also, this takes place in an alternate universe, so the president could literally be anyone. Remember, this is fiction, meaning it is not real...

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Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. Imagine living in a world where infidelity was the norm and fidelity was mocked. Wait, maybe we are living in that world right now! Hmmmmm! Great story. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story. Ironic thiugh that for a sexually transmitted virus that wrecked the economy and nearly destroyed their society, it actually infected far less and killed far less than the actual coronavirus, though author wrote this before Alpha, Delta, ans Omicron and when the R0 was a comparatively time < 3.0. My point is that while in real life it killed many (1.2 million+), it didn't destroy US economy because the federal government printed money and interest rates were so low, plus remote work and video conferencing. Still an excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Interesting tale. Reminds me of the Eye of the Beholder episode of the Twilight Zone. Just as an aside, Covid infected way more people and killed way more in 2.5 years than what was listed on the last page, and while it was terribke.for.many, especially those who lost loved ones it did not destroy the economy, due to remote work, government stimulus (both Trumo.and Biden) and the Fed lowering interest rates to near 0%. So not sure why this mutated version crushed the economy.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove9 months ago

I think that taking bleach internally would have been more appropriate as a “solution” than the HC and more in keeping with the satirical nature of your story…

RanDog025RanDog0259 months ago

Loved it. Remember the DemoRats tried to slide in legislature to make beastiality legal? I can see this actually happening one day. Fucked up world we live in now! 5 BIG ASS STARS for a score.

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