The Company Retreat


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"Hell no," Trixie said. "Time for us boring folk to turn in. You kids have fun," she said, winking at Joan. She held out her hand to Norm, who didn't look too happy about leaving the festivities. "Sturgill probably shouldn't find out about this," she said to the younger folks.

"Okay Trix," Tina said.

Joan sat still, with a nervous little smile, as Trixie and Norm wandered away from the flickering light of the fire, up the trail to their lean-to. Norm's flashlight lit the way through the ink-black darkness.

"So what's the story gonna be," Tina said, sitting naked in her chair. "We gonna do stuff the boss shouldn't find out about, or what?"

John, Brian and Rodney sat nervously in their chairs, not sure of what they should do.

"Why don't ya show Joanie and me what ya got," Tina said to them. "I know I've been curious. You Joanie?"

"Very," Joan said, nodding, with that same little smile that didn't seem to want to leave her face. Her drunk husband raping her once in a while was the extent of her sex life lately, so the thought of purely recreational sex, with attractive people, just for the fun of it, thrilled her.

A faint "Oh my God! Oh yeah!" floated across the darkness from the island.

"That's your cue boys," Tina said. "Unless you're fuckin' gay or somethin'."

She took a big gulp of whiskey, glanced at each of them, and then smiled at Joan. Joan was delighted with how Tina had taken charge, and her heart was beating fast under her old flannel shirt.

"If you're all holding back because of me you can stop being gentleman now," Joan said as she unbuttoned her shirt. "I don't know about Tina, but I don't want you to be gentle."

The old flannel shirt was off and she quickly slipped her jeans down her legs, leaving her every-day, not so flattering bra and panties in place. Joan wasn't what you would call a looker. Her face was hardened by years of unpleasantness at home, and she'd given up on trying to look pretty years ago. Her body had held up well though, remarkably so for a fifty-five year old, and when she leaned forward, unfastened her old bra and slipped it off her arms the three young men were transfixed.

"Holy shit Joanie!" Rodney said quietly.

"Nice tits honey! Wow!" Tina said, genuinely surprised at Joan's body. "It's naked time guys, what the fuck! That gentleman shit's done and over. Can't you recognize two girls who wanna be fucked when you see 'em?"

Brian and Rodney stripped fast while John sat sipping his whiskey, trying to make sense of it all. Brian, the youngest of the three, stepped toward Tina, his hard cock pointing up at the star-filled sky. She set her plastic cup down on the ground and took the hard flesh in her mouth as her hands caressed his ass.

Rodney was standing at Joan's chair. His cock hung half-hard below his ripply sixpack abs. Joan looked up at him like she couldn't quite believe what was happening, and then she sucked his spongy hardness deep into her hungry mouth, moaning loud. Her hand found his ass too.

"Oh fuck Joanie!" Rodney said.

"Come here Johnny. Don't you wanna party with us?" Tina said to the lone holdout.

He gulped down the last of his whiskey and the lust was clear in his eyes. A few moments later he was naked, standing next to Brian, and Tina was blowing them both, alternating between them, hands on one, mouth on the other.

It didn't take long at all before Tina was up out of her chair, bent over, with Brian in her pussy and John in her mouth. Joan was reclined in her chair, her ass right on the edge, panties gone, legs spread. Rodney was crouched between them, his mouth licking the tenderest part of her, the way civilized men do. She'd forgotten how extraordinary it felt. "Oh God!" she whimpered quietly as her mind floated away on the feeling.

Up the trail in their lean-to, snuggled together in their double sleeping bag, Trixie's hand found Norm's hard cock. They'd already fucked quietly, lit by the dim light of the flickering fire in the distance.

"I figured you'd be extra horny, watchin that," Trixie said. Her head was on Norm's chest, both of them looking out through the trees at the carnal festivities brightly lit by the fire.

"In my day we woulda called her a slut, but now that I'm old I understand," she said, watching Tina take on two hard cocks. "I kinda wish I'd had more fun when I was her age."

Norm was silent, letting the scene, something he might never see again, sink deep into his memory bank.

"Remember when we first got together?" Trixie asked Norm, still stroking his cock. "That retreat at the campground?"

"I remember," Norm said.

"Did you think I was a slut that night?" Trixie asked.

"Hell no! You were MY slut that night. Still are," he said, rolling Trixie on top of him. She giggled and slipped his cock in for round two. They fucked each other harder than usual as they listened to orgy sounds in the dark woods.

Brian kept the fire burning high deep into the night, and Tina and Joan were fucked in nearly every hole, numerous times. As forward and frisky as Tina seemed, the group experience was completely new to her. Her sex life had been pretty straightforward — a couple high school boys and one sort of serious college boyfriend, all one at a time and fairly boring in bed. She didn't know if she had anything more exciting in her, but the magic of the deep woods had drawn it out.

Joan had had one wild experience way back when she was nineteen, with a married man and wife she was babysitting for. Other than that her's had been a sex life most would call rudimentary. Maybe even boring, with a capital B.

So this year's retreat was something special. Something extraordinary. Something magical. Three strong, handsome young men, all of them young enough to be her sons, making her feel like a real woman for the first time in years. And Tina! The babysitting wife had licked Joan's pussy all those years ago, but it felt nowhere near as good as Tina's mouth, even though Tina was learning as she went. Joanie's mind was nearly blown when she had a cock in her hand, a cock in her mouth and Tina, who was getting fucked from behind, licking her pussy. Joan's other hand was on the back of Tina's head, holding it tight to her red hot clit as an explosive orgasm washed over her. The big fire was burning high at that point, and they were all brightly lit, but poor Norm had fallen asleep and missed it.

Rodney though, was the real high point for Joan. She'd liked the young man ever since they first met, and the two of them had a strong, flirtatious bond that got her though many a hard time. He knew how difficult her life was, and went out of his way to bring a smile to her face, time and time again. Sitting in their chairs as Tina stripped earlier in the evening, the two of them glanced at each other quite a bit, nervous but excited, holding back but wanting to...well, just wanting to. When Joan stripped and Rodney said, "Holy shit Joanie!", with a genuine look of lust and appreciation for her body, she could barely contain herself. And when he fucked her from behind, with his strong hands on her flailing, pendulous tits, it was heavenly, pure and simple. Just heavenly. When she died someday and was up on that God-like cloud, Rodney would be there too, fucking her from behind.

The darkness was all enveloping when the fire finally burned down. Joan didn't want the night to be over, but she knew the memory of that fire would long burn in her memory, and in her heart. She bunked down with Tina, in Mary's spot. She didn't want to feel alone after such an incredible experience. A strange cry drifted through the darkness from the water. This time it really was a loon.

"Night Joanie," Tina said as she switched off the lantern.

"Night honey," Joan said.


Soon after sunrise Sturgill and Mary paddled back from the island, through tendrils of mist rising from the smooth water. They had taken a skinny dip to clean up before closing up the little camp, Mary washing off the spatters of cum her new love had deposited on her, and Sturgill scrubbing off the perspiration he had worked up in the heat of the night. Mary was an even better lover than he had dreamed, and he had worked hard to satisfy her every desire.

They both felt nervous about rejoining the group, with everyone knowing they had spent the night together. Mary knew they'd understand, and Trixie and Joan at least, would be happy for her. Sturgill, being the boss, felt very awkward about the whole thing, but he could see very clearly now that he was in love, and it would be just one morning of awkwardness. Not a big deal at all, really.

His little campground was quiet when they arrived, everyone thoroughly worn out from the nights activities. They quietly stashed the canoe in the bushes and walked up the path to the still smoldering fire.

Tina's shirt and jeans were draped over the arm of a chair, and her panties were on the ground. Sound travels both ways on the water of course, so Sturgill already knew something had happened. He assumed it was Tina with...who? It didn't matter, he guessed, as long as everyone was civilized about the aftermath.

"You wanna take these up to Tina," Sturgill said, pointing at the clothes. "I don't wanna embarrass her, if she thinks I found 'em, you know?"

"Oh. Yeah," Mary said, and she kissed him quick on the lips. "You're sweet."

"I hope we weren't making as much noise as they were," Mary said, blushing a little as she shook the dirt and pine needles off Tina's little panties. "She's a sexy little thing. Is that why you hired her?" Mary winked.

"That's why I hired you," Sturgill said. "Best day of my life, that was. Well, until last night."

Mary dropped the panties on the chair and embraced her new love, kissing him long and deep. A loon cried out, right on cue.

"God I love it here," Mary said. "Why didn't you drag me here sooner?"

"Don't make me think about that," Sturgill said. "Let's just think about the future."

"I'm gonna see if I can stir up some life around here," Mary said.

She collected Tina's clothes and walked up the trail toward her lean-to. John was on his way down to the outhouse from his.

"I'll try not to stink it up too bad. No promises though," he said.

"You're off the hook," Mary smiled. "There's a nicer one on the island. You stay away from it, you hear me," she laughed.

Trixie and Norm were headed down too, toward the fire. Trixie gave Mary a big, long hug.

"Was it wonderful?" she said in Mary's ear.

"So wonderful," Mary said. They held each other for a few moments, their eyes welling up with tears.

Norm hugged Mary too. "The company just got a lot happier," he said.

Tina and Joan were still sleeping, so Mary left Tina's clothes and turned to leave.

"Mornin' Mary," Joan said with a dry, feeble voice.

Tina stirred too, lifted her head groggily, unzipped her sleeping bag and threw open the top of it exposing all of her beautiful young body. Her nipples responded to the cool morning air. Joan flung her bag open too, bringing her nice tits and flat stomach into view.

"God it's hot in there," she said.

"Joanie!" Mary said. "Look at you, sleeping in the buff in the great outdoors! You look good girl!"

Joan smiled, wanting desperately to tell Mary her secret, but knowing she shouldn't.

"I brought your clothes up Tina. Don't worry, Sturgill didn't see 'em."

"Oh, thanks. Yeah, it was a...good party."

"So, everything good with you and the boss?" Joan asked Mary.

"Perfect," Mary smiled.

"I'm so happy for ya Mary. You guys are perfect for each other."

"Yeah, Mary, it's so awesome," Tina said

She sat up and stretched, thrusting her big hard-nippled chest out and spreading her thighs a little. Damn, Mary thought, I can't blame anyone for wanting to fuck that!

"Sturg is making some coffee," Mary said as she turned to go.

"Oh, so it's Sturg now is it? I get the picture," Joan said kiddingly.

Mary giggled as she walked away, back down to the fire.

"You okay with what happened last night Joanie?" Tina said as she pulled on her loose cotton shorts and wiggled a t-shirt over her big tits.

"Yeah, as long as it doesn't get talked about," Joan said. "I had more fun than I've had in years."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure everybody's quiet. I can tell everybody loves ya Joanie. Your secret's in good hands." Tina said. "Wanna jump in the lake with me?"

"Like yesterday? Sorry honey, I can't do that. I'd love to, but not with the boss here."

"Did you bring a bathing suit? Or just wear your shorts. I don't know about you, but I gotta wash all the boy juice off me. Oh, there's the guys. I'm gonna go talk to them. Don't worry all right?" Tina said as she left.

She flagged them down and jogged through the woods to join them. They all talked for a minute or two, Rodney blew Joan a kiss and smiled, and they all made their way down the trail to the picnic tables. Joan pulled on some clothes, took a deep breath and followed them.

Brian stoked up the fire, and everyone acted surprisingly normal around the picnic table as they drank coffee and orange juice, ate boxed donuts and passed around the homemade granola.

After breakfast Sturgill paddled out to the camp, worried that he had forgotten to lock the door. Mary wanted to go, but she didn't, thinking everyone would think they were going for a 'quicky', so Rodney went with him, trolling a fishing lure behind.

"The boss is gone, who's up for a swim?" Tina said.

She was quickly out of her clothes and ran naked down to the water. John and Brian followed, taking their clothes off at the waters edge before plunging in.

"Sorry Norm," Joan said as she stripped off her clothes by the chairs.

"You're sorry for gettin' naked? You obviously don't understand men," he said with a chuckle.

Joan jogged down the path in her birthday suit, almost skipping with glee, and plunged into the cool water, laughing with the others.

"This time is so good for her," Trixie said. "She lives all year for it."

"Naked with the guys! Wow, I've never seen her look so happy," Mary said.

Trixie smiled, knowing Joan had lived the dream last night, the all alone on a desert island with three handsome studs dream.

When Sturgill and Rodney got back everyone was clothed again, sitting around the fire, thinking of packing up and heading home. Sturgill poked at the fire with a stick, the way Brian usually did.

"I guess now's a good time to tell you all," he said, "I'm gonna be expanding the business next year, adding a truck, hiring two or three new people. Joan, you'll be helping me with the interviews. We'll probably get started next week. So our little party here will be bigger next year.

Joan's eyes opened wide at the thought, and her mouth curled into a delicious little smile. She could hardly wait.

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