The Conquest Club Files 02

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Dealing with the soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
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Part 2 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 08/07/2015
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A/N: Finally! I can get file #2 out now that I have the rights back! Enjoy!


Hunter File # 0002a & b: Liz

Age: 22

Height: 5'5"

Figure/Stats: Average/34C-24-34

Hair: Light Brown, kinda short cut.

Eyes: Blue

Trophy Taken: Black satin matching bra/panty set from Victoria's Secret.


They have a cave troll...

Part of me wants to tell the kids to turn down Lord of the Rings today but as I go back through these recordings to write this all down they seem to be picking movies and shows that have quotes relevant to the current story that I'm putting into writing. Go figure...

Anyway, I wound up staying the night in Kim's bed after our second round of hot BDSM sex. As we lay there cuddling together idly chatting, we discovered that we had a lot of similar interests; especially when it came to sex. Talk eventually got around to school and plans for the fall. Kim told me that she'd gotten several scholarship offers to a lot of the colleges in the area including the one that I was attending. "What do you think about the possibility of me going to college where you're at?" she asked me, twisting her head on my shoulder so that she could look up at my face.

"I think that's fucking awesome," I said, "I definitely like the idea of getting to do this more during the semesters." Considering that I wasn't getting laid while at college anyway... any sex was better than no sex especially after Liz leaving me in the lurch like that by screwing anything with a cock while I was remaining faithful despite all the prospects.

"Well the first ground rule I want to get out is that I want there to be no secrets between us," Kim said. "I'm sure that there are going to be other guys that I'm going to look at, and maybe hang out with, as well as other girls you're going to look at and hang out with."

"Not to mention screw," I added. Kim arched her eyebrow and I looked at her. "I hate the fucking closed relationships and I'm willing to try an open one. Let's be totally honest; we're human and we're going to look. So let's say 'look but not touch unless permission is given', okay?"

"I can live with that," Kim said with a smile. She craned her neck and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Got any of your football buddies that you can hook a girl up with?" Now that I thought about it, I did. I had a lot of friends on the squad, a few of which I wouldn't mind doing a tag team match with Kim in the center with. I nodded with a sly grin on my face thinking that this was going to be the best fall semester ever coming up.

We outlined the rules of our budding relationship and I have to say, I was extremely happy with. We eventually started dozing when we heard the front door open and close at about 9pm. Both Kim and I bolted upright in the bed and looked at each other as we wondered who made it home first. I tiptoed over to the door and peered out as quietly as I could. I heard two voices talking and it was Kim's parents. I told Kim as I was getting just my pants and shirt back on at least. "Where are you going?" Kim asked me.

"Down to have a talk with your folks," I said, "We might as well get this out of the way now."

Mr. and Mrs. C were surprised to see me there and they were equally surprised to see Kim behind me in nothing more than a bath robe. It didn't take them long to put two and two together. Mr. C was furious that I was, and I quote here, "Cheating on his little girl with her little sister." I immediately countered with the fact that his 'little girl' wasn't so little anymore and that she'd been sleeping behind my back since before High School ended. That set off a whole new argument that finally subsided when Kim came to my defense.

She'd run upstairs and grabbed Liz's diary and thrust it out to her dad. "It's all true, daddy," she told him. "You can even read it in Lizzy's own words."

They didn't say anything at first. Both Mr. and Mrs. C flipped through the diary and their expression changed from anger to sadness to sympathy towards me. "So what do you plan on doing now, sweetie?" Mrs. C asked me at last once they'd reviewed the evidence. I breathed a sigh of relief. I'd been exonerated in the court of parental opinion.

"Well, I'd like to date your daughter," I said, "just not that daughter." I joked, pointing towards the diary. "Kimmy said that she got an offer for a full ride at my college, I wouldn't mind seeing her there and continuing our relationship, as sudden as it may seem." I shrug. "Things just sorta happened between us last night. I don't regret any of it."

"I want to get a dorm room with him on campus." Kim blurted out. When we all looked at her in surprise, she blushed. "That is, if you want me to, Gerry."

"I'd love to." I said, pulling her in with one arm and kissing her forehead.

Both Mr. and Mrs. C had smiles on their faces. "Well, at least this keeps you in the family," Mrs. C said.

"Well, you still need to tell Liz even if it seems like she doesn't remember," Mr. C said with a resigned sigh. He then took his wife's hand, "Come on, dear."

"Where are we going?" Mrs. C asked, confused.

"Let's go over to Gerry's house and talk with his folks. Believe me when I say that I could use a drink after all of this and I really don't want to be here when Gerry and Liz hash it out." Mr. C said. "Do you want to come with us Kimmy? I don't think that you want to be here either."

Kim looked torn but then ultimately shook her head. "No, I want to stay here."

"Suit yourself."

It was another hour before Liz got back home. Kim, still in her robe, had been down on her knees giving me an amazing blowjob when Liz barged in through the front door. Goddamn that bitch has the worst fucking timing. Liz was remarkably sober tonight. The moment she saw us her jaw hit the floor and her eyes went red it seemed. "What the fuck do you think that you're doing!" she screeched like a banshee. Any higher and I think that her mom would be buying new fine china.

Kim's head came up out of my lap and she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I wanted to just pull her head back down and tell her to get back to work but that probably would've made things even worse. I stood up and tucked my cock back into my pants, not thrilled at the idea of being close and not being able to get off. "Something that I probably should've done a long time ago; start seeing other people." I growled at the newest cock block in my life.

"You're cheating on me with my own sister!" Liz said, jabbing a finger at me.

"And you're looking for any excuse to officially dump me so that you can go out screwing Marcus and all of his fucking cronies!" I countered, matching her voice in pitch and volume. In retrospect, we needed this argument. It told us for 100% sure that we were just not meant for each other. I picked up her diary and flung it at her. She caught it with a surprised look on her face as I continued to lay into her. "I told you before that you should lock this damn thing up but noooooo, we had to put everything in it. But you know what? I'm kinda glad though that you ignored me. It told me everything I needed to know about who I thought was my girlfriend."

Then the backpedaling started. Liz blubbered and blustered for a moment before she zeroed in on a new target; Kimmy. "You! You are behind this! You've been getting into my things all our lives."

I interposed myself between them. Kimmy gave me this 'my hero' look as I did. "This is between you and me; not her." I told Liz flat out. "I'd say that we're over but it's plain to see that we were over the moment Prom was over. How many people, other than me, did you sleep with that night?"

"Drop dead!"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"I'm not doing this anymore," Liz said, throwing her hands in the air and rolling her eyes. "I don't know what women see in you, Gerry," she said. "I don't know why women seem to come out of nowhere and swoon at your feet. Maybe it's because you're just too nice of a guy or something or maybe it's just because you're a jock or I don't know!"

I frowned. Was that why she started sleeping around? Sure, I had a lot of friends who were girls but I'd never done anything with them. Not while I had been committed to Liz. But then the more that I thought about it, there was always someone there to pick up the pieces and maybe go for a quick roll in the sack whenever Liz and I were on the outs. Liz was just standing there, furious, shaking her head as she mulled it over in her head as well. "Seriously, I want to know," Liz was saying. She looked over my shoulder at Kim. "What is it about him that you like? Why did you sleep with him at the drop of a hat? What is it that is so Goddamn great?" Liz looked back at me. "What is it that you do to women that you haven't done with me?"

I'd opened my mouth to say that I didn't know when Kim spoke up behind me. "Go ahead; show her, Gerry." I looked back her in confusion, and she cocked her head and motioned me towards Liz in a 'so why aren't you fucking her already' look.

My eyes darted between the two as I thought about all the relationships I'd had outside of Liz. I was looking back at Kim as it hit me; the BDSM. Liz was the only girl that I'd ever been with that I haven't been really dominant with. All the other girls I'd had something of a Dom/Sub relationship with. Liz, however, I'd always treated as a partner in all things and never as a sub whenever we slept together. "You sure?" I ask Kim. Maybe a good old hate fuck was just what I needed to end this once and for all.

She nodded. "Mom and Dad won't be home for another hour at least. You know they always stay over late when it's just them and your parents hanging out." Kim said. "Besides, think of it as a trial run of our new, open, relationship."

Works for me.

I turned back to Liz and narrowed my eyes on her. "Do you want to know what I do for them? Do you really want to know?" I ask, my voice dropping down to a dangerous growl that I'd never used with her before.

Liz nodded. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know. Tell me."

I shook my head. "I can't. I have to show you."

Liz lifted her chin defiantly. "Then show me," she said mockingly.

I looked back over my shoulder at Kim. "You heard her; you're my witness." Kim just clapped her hands and squealed with glee that she was going to get a show. She jumped into one of the plush lounge chairs and curled up like a cat to watch. When I turned back to Liz she looking at us both with confusion. My hand shot out and grabbed her by the back of her neck. I threw her down hard onto the couch.

Liz looked back up at me with a mixture of shock and anger. She stood back up and I shoved her back down to the couch, this time twisting her in such a way that she'd stay face down. I straddled her ass, hooked the bottom of the maroon halter top that she was wearing with my thumbs down at her belt, and yanked it up. Liz let out a yelp in surprise as I deftly pulled the halter top clear off of her leaving her only in her black satin bra for upper wear. I then managed to snake my hands underneath of her to undo the fly of her jeans. She now shrieked as she rolled slightly to claw at my hands.

It was too late for her. I already had her jeans open. When I stood up I yanked them down so hard that I actually dragged her off of the couch and onto the floor. She landed on the soft carpet with a dull thump. While she was stunned I used the opportunity to yank her heeled boots off and toss them aside before pulling her jeans off the rest of the way.

Now she was on the floor in her matching black satin bra and panty set. Not bad looking, to be honest. Liz was starting to get to her feet when I reached down and grabbed her by the back of the neck again. I moved around her, keeping her pinned in place, to sit down onto the couch. I then dragged her up with me, manhandling her so that she was facedown across my lap. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you insane?"

"Jury's out," I said as I started feeling up her ass. Her butt was much rounder than Kim's, but that's probably because Kim worked out more and had more of the athletic build. Liz was just...well...average all around. I then reared back and gave her a hard spank on her ass.

"OW!" Liz cried out. "What the- OW! What the f-OW! Stop that! Why? OW!" She kept on trying to get a question out and I kept on spanking her every time she opened her mouth. I had my hand on the back of her neck still to keep her in place even though she kept on squirming in my lap. I was actually surprised that I was getting turned on by this and what was more surprising was the fact that I was getting hot and bothered just from Kim watching me.

Liz clawed at my hand at the back of her neck and managed to get her face twisted towards her sister. "Kimmy! Ow. Do something! OW!"

"You brought this on yourself." Kim said calmly. "By the way, Ger, do you want your paddle for this?"

"No," I shook my head while continuing to spank Liz. "But I will want some condoms for when I fuck her."

"You're not fucking me!"

"The hell I'm not."

Kim was puzzled but came up with the box that Mr. C had told me that he kept in his end table next to his lounger. "What do you need these for? She's on the pill too."

"Yeah, but I have no clue who she's been sleeping with outside of Marcus." I said, giving her a pointed look. "Do you want to take that chance?" when she shook her head I nodded. "Didn't think so."

"Are you implying that I got something?" Liz challenged.

Frowning, I smacked her on the ass to shut her up. "Get a clean bill of health and I'll fuck you without one. Until then, the condom goes on." I spanked her again, hard, and she howled. I don't know if it was more out of pain or humiliation. At that point, I really didn't care. I wanted to spank her until my hand hurt and then spank her again for making it hurt.

I didn't, however. I did give her a few more good spanks before reaching up and deftly unclasping her bra. Liz let out a protest, which earned her another spank. It was actually funny watching her attempt to keep the bra on and then move her hands down to try and protect her ass. When her hands went down to her butt, my hands were moving to whip the bra up and over her head and back down her arms. Now that her breasts dangled free, I reached under to squeeze one hard. "Ow! Watch it you bastard! They're tender!"

"No doubt from your new boyfriend sucking the hell out of them," I say, noting quite a few hickies on her right tit. I then buck her off of my lap, sending her sprawling back down to the floor. Before she has a chance to get up, I pounce on her and put my hand right on her collar bone just below the neck. Not outright choking her, mind you, but just close enough to the base of the neck to establish dominance. She swallows hard and we lock eyes. In that moment we both know that I have her under my control. There were going to be a few more token protests, I was sure, but other than that she was mine right now.

We continue to hold each other's gaze while I reach for her panties. Her eyes go wide as she realized the inevitability of events and she swallows hard again in preparation. Without any fanfare or ceremony, I grab her panties at the waistband and pull them down her legs. Once they're off, I cup her pussy (shaved, just like her little sister, for the record), and feel her up.

She's wet and she's enjoying this as she moans when I touch her. I see the confusion of emotions in her eyes as we maintain eye contact. She wants to hate me for this but she can't deny what she feels and how much she's enjoying this. I move between her legs and hold out my hand to Kim. Like a nurse in the operating room, she slaps a rubber into my hand and even says "Condom." I glance at her and she giggles and blows me a kiss. "I'd like to get an injection from you later, Doctor." I slap her on the ass playfully and she giggles again and goes back to the lounge chair. I whip my hard cock out of my pants (amazed at the fact that I'm still hard from Kimmy's blowjob earlier before we were so rudely intruded upon) and I slap the condom on.

I then tease Liz with it by rubbing the head up and down her slit and even placing the head in a little bit before pulling it back out. Liz mews in passionate anticipation. But I was getting antsy to fuck the living daylights out of Liz. I had Liz flat on her back on the carpet and I placed my hand back down just under her neck again. My cock was inches from her pussy and I was about to violate her the way I've always wanted to; the way she was always afraid to do, unlike her sister. I looked deep into her eyes. I wasn't going to just fuck her, I was going to hate fuck her so hard and it was going to feel good.

Off to our side, Kim moaned with pleasure. "Oh God, yes."

Liz and I both paused, our gazes slowly turning from each other over to Kim. Kim had drawn her legs up to her chest and opened up her robe. She had one hand between her legs and one hand massaging her breast. I noticed that the pink jeweled butt plug was still up her ass. She opened her eyes and noticed us looking at her. "What? Don't mind me."

I quirked a smile at her. "Did I give you permission to get yourself off?" I ask with amusement. This whole Dom/Sub thing was fun.

Kim gave me a playful hurt look and batted her eyes at me. "I'm sorry, master. May I please get off while I watch you work?"

"Are you two fucking serious?" Liz asked incredulously.

"Quiet, you." I growl down at her, giving her a soft slap on the side of the cheek. It wasn't a full out abusive slap that would make a mark or anything, just a soft love tap to remind her who's on top here. I shove my hips forward and impale her on my cock if nothing else to keep her mind on something else. Liz gasps and writhes underneath of me. While her pussy is accommodating my cock for the first time in God knows how long, I look back at Kim. "You can get yourself off. But go up and get the other dildo, the lube and both sets of the cuffs first." Kim clapped and squealed with glee. She hopped off of the lounge chair and skipped over to us, throwing her arms around me to give me a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing up the stairs.

I look back down at Liz, who is about to say something. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" I yell at her, pounding my hips into her with each word. Her screams of pleasure and pain punctuate each thrust into her. My hand is back at her neck and lean down so that my face is inches from hers. "I've spent a good part of my life listing to you whine, bitch, moan, and complain." I growl at her. "Then once I find out that you've been cheating on me the entire time you actually have the fucking nerve to try and turn it on me as if it's my fault?" I plow into her again, hard, and she screams. This is another thing that I've found fun: hate sex. At first I think that I might've hurt her and that I might've gone too far but then she moans and writhes her hips. Her lips part just a little bit and I can catch a slight quiver in her lower lip.

Pausing for a moment, I look her over. She's trembling. Tears have welled up in her eyes and I can see more of the conflict of emotions raging through her. Part of me wants to feel bad but she did ask for this. Literally. She wants to tell me to fuck off and go to hell. She wants to tell me to stop doing this to her and to let her go but at the same time she wants to goad me on even further just to see what I'm capable of. She doesn't want to openly admit that this feels really good and that I was right all along when I tried to do this with her a few times before. She's scared at what this means for her.