The Cult


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"I am. It's amazing. I'm just worn out. Let me change and we'll pop a bottle of champagne and celebrate."

That's how ten minutes later I found myself seated on the couch, a glorious young ginger riding my cock, her sister cuddled up to us, kissing me, and encouraging us. If that wasn't enough, Cindy showed up a few minutes later, sitting on the other side of me, nibbling my neck. "A girl could get jealous," she whispered.

"Uh-uh," bouncing Lilith replied. "No ... jealousy ... allowed."

"None?" Cindy said.

"Maybe a little," Bethany said. "But we'll be happy for you when you get your message."

"Me? You think He's got a message for me?"

"I'm sure. He had us fix you a room right with us, not upstairs. You're family, Sin. I know it," Bethany insisted.

Little Lilith was still grinding away on her new plaything. "Faith," she said. "Gotta ... have ... oh, oh, Oh, OOOOH!" she squealed, coming for me so sweetly. She was trembling while I soothed her.

She finally looked up, grinning shyly, her face red. "Faith, Sister Cindy."

Cindy laughed. "Easy for you to say."

Lilith closed her eyes and started moving again. The girl was insatiable. "No, it's not. I thought he was full of shit at first. Some scam he was pulling on Beth. I ... I was still having doubts sometimes. I'm such a fool. Now I know. It's faith. Screw the doubts and have faith in my Joshua."

I'll admit, I felt a twinge of guilt. Just a smidgen. Not enough to ignore the sweet thing riding my cock. I hugged her. "Love you, Lilith."

She purred in my arms. "I know, Joshua. You love all of us. You have a huge heart. I should have trusted you more. I'll never doubt you again."

I gave her a long kiss before I let her go. "Ride me Sister Faith. I want to come in you again."

She giggled, and went to town, bouncing up and down on my cock. Insatiable, with endless energy. She was going to kill me.

It was only a few minutes later that I was holding her perfect little ass, and pumping her full, while her sister and our new roommate urged her on, clinging to me on each side. Lilith finally appeared worn out, settling down on my chest, humming happily. "Gotta have faith, you gotta have faith," she mumbled.

The bubbly was gone, and I'm pretty sure we were all exhausted. I carried my Lilith to her bed, and tucked her in, my juices still trickling down her thighs. I leaned over Bethany's bed and gave her a warm kiss goodnight.

"She's gonna be sore tomorrow. How many times did you guys do it?" she asked.

"I don't know. A lot. Since around eight o'clock."

Bethany chuckled. "Poor little girl. She's gonna learn a hard lesson. Still love me, Joshua? Am I still your companion?"

It hurt to hear her doubts. I lay down beside her. "Now and always, my love. Nothing else compares."

"Not even an adoring eighteen year-old virgin?"

I pressed my lips to her ear. "Not even close. You're my koinônos."

She turned and kissed me. "I know. I just like to hear it. Don't mind me if I get a little insecure."

"Please don't. Trust me. You are love. Don't forget that."

She smiled. "I am, aren't I? Your love."


I was pretty damn tired when two hours later I slipped into the passageway and did another clothing exchange.

* * *

I was struggling with my alarm clock, having put it on snooze at least three times, when I heard the excited squeal. I knew what that was, and was still the last one to get to their room.

The girls, all looking as tired as I felt, were pawing through Lilith's stuff. Another amazing job by Min, a light teal was the color we'd chosen for Lilith. It was the color of a sweater she owned that looked absolutely fabulous on her. That was one piece of clothing we didn't have to remake.

In Lilith's case, we had one additional surprise. A new outfit, a designer dress that Min assured me would look incredible on our little one. It didn't take them long to find it.

Cindy snatched it out of Lilith's hands. "Oh my God! That's a Vera Wang. I saw Kate Hudson wearing one just like it!"

"Cindy, language, please," I reminded her.

"There's no label," Bethany said.

"Please! Look at the lines, the stitching. This is a three thousand dollar dress," Cindy insisted.

Lilith laughed. "I doubt He paid that much."

"Geez, who would have thought that God made knock-offs," Cindy said.

"Or ...?" I teased.

"Or? Or ... Oh! I guess that would explain everything, huh? Now we know where the bitch gets her inspiration! That is so unfair!" Cindy whined.

I could only laugh. I gave each of the girls a hug and a sour kiss. "Have fun, and wear the emerald blouse, I love how it brings out your eyes. I'm going on my run."

"There isn't any emerald blouse, doofus!" Lilith called after me.

If this were any more fun, it would be illegal.

* * *

They were wearing me out. I had to make a rule, that they only got two shots each, per day. Bethany liked to split hers up, getting her first turn while her sister was at school, and saving the second for a quiet loving interlude after she got home from work.

Lilith liked to have both back-to-back, after dinner and before she went to bed. I wasn't complaining. She was still insatiable, and when I introduced oral into our plain time, she went nuts. In a good way.

I was even considering leaving Cindy out of the equation, as much as I liked her and found her extremely sexy. I wasn't sure I could handle three women, even if I put her on a shorter schedule.

Add to that the fact that we were still having weekend visitors, and two more possibles had introduced themselves into the equation, after three consecutive visits. One was being especially forceful and had a body that just wouldn't quit. She'd get me alone every chance she could, pitching her offering. It was substantial, but sex wasn't an issue at the moment.

I was surprised when Lilith spoke up. "Not her. Not Janelle."

"You don't like her?" I asked. It seemed like they got along well.

Cindy appeared to be on Janelle's side. "She could use the help. She's had a hard time of it."

"Nope," Lilith insisted. "Tanya or Jade would be fine but not Janelle."

"Care to explain why?" I asked.

That seemed to put Lilith off balance. "I'm ... I'm not sure why, but I know she's wrong. I know it. You have to trust me on this. I'm the Conscience and I know, I absolutely know she's not right for us. Please."

It was the first time that Lilith had pushed the Conscience thing in ages. I was willing to go along on that basis alone. Bethany quickly agreed. Cindy folded good-naturedly.

It wasn't a week later that Janelle and her long-time boyfriend were caught robbing a home. I felt bad for her and wondered if we'd taken her in if she could have avoided the trouble. Lilith set me straight. "She's a con, Joshua. You're just too honest to see it. She would have robbed us or worse."

The honest bit was a little hurtful, but I decided that I'd listen to Lilith in the future when she got her hunches.

Which made the next major event all the more improbable.

* * *

I was seriously pondering adding Cindy to the fold. Min had already started on the outfits, and I was waffling between Hope and Joy for her message. Bethany had been asking if I'd even gotten a hint of a message, and Cindy was hinting she wanted to be included. Like crawling into my bed naked, hinting.

All that got put on a back-burner when a mystery guest appeared at the door on a Sunday afternoon, with everyone home and three guests visiting.

I should have known something funny was going on when Hercules didn't bark. That and the fact that we hadn't gotten a buzz from the gate.

For some reason, I answered the door myself, which was rare. I opened the door to find an absolutely stunning blonde standing there. She was a vision. The mythical Texas beauty, tall, lean, born to wear the jeans she was parading, nice breasts presenting plenty of cleavage in her pearl buttoned blouse. She had the big blonde hair and a straw cowboy hat on, clearly good quality. She also had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen and a huge smile.

She stepped past the two suitcases bracketing her and gave me a huge hug. "I'm so glad to finally meet you, Joshua. Get my bags?" She had that west Texas drawl going, which I confess a weakness for.

She walked into the place like she owned it, reaching down and patting Hercules on the head like they were old friends. I was trying to figure out where I knew her from. I didn't recognize her, and I should, but she seemed to know me. "Introduce me, Joshua. I'm Kate."

I was still confused but took her in to meet everyone, her bags in each hand. I don't remember the last time I felt so out of control of a situation. Kate walked around hugging and kissing everyone. She explained she was from Ft. Worth and worked at Baby Dolls, a pretty well know strip club. She certainly seemed to have the look.

Once she'd met everybody, she turned toward me. "Upstairs, second room on the right," she said, heading for the stairwell.

I was so confused. But she did look damn good walking up the stairs in front of me. I followed her to the second of the 'nice' rooms, and she pointed to the floor when I started to put the bags on the bed.

When I turned around, her blouse was off, and she was sitting on the bed, working on her boots. "A little help, sugar? These things are killing me. It's a dang three mile walk from the bus station."

She extended her leg, and of course, I helped her remove her boots. I had barely stood them up before she was working on her jeans. I imagined that was going to be a job. They looked painted on. "Don't just stand there, honey. Get those duds off."

"Listen, Kate, I don't—"

She laughed, walked over and gave me a quick kiss. "I know, sugar. It's gonna be all good, I promise." She was wiggling out of her Jeans which were halfway down her thighs. "You've got a message for me. You just don't know it yet. Time's a wasting, honey."

I felt like I was in a daze, undressing. Her body was dream fodder. She pulled the covers on the bed down, then knelt before me as I was folding my pants. I still had my socks on when she starting sucking my cock.

She wasn't the best, but it was mind-blowing. A complete stranger, walking in, taking over, stripping me down and sucking me. The fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous helped a lot. After a couple of minutes when I was as hard as I was going to get, she dragged me over to the bed and had my lie down on my back. When she mounted me, I entered her easily. She was soaking wet. She gave me a big toothy smile. "I'm been waiting for this way too long, Joshua. And you won't need that silly ring for me."

I was stunned that she knew about the ring. Stunned enough to let her ride me like a wild woman to her first screaming orgasm. "JOY!" she screamed, loud enough to wake the drunks down at the Sunoco.

She calmed down after that, moving slower. "Mmmm, I thought so. Thank you, Joshua."


"Yep. I'm Joy. I figured that or Grace. It's good to get out of the way."

She leaned over, rocking back and forth, feeling incredible, her big, bodacious tits waving in front of my face. I could swear she was purring.

"Kate, uh, Joy?"

"Yes, Joshua?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

She gave me another toothy smile. "Word's out, Sugar. You're the real thing though I'm not sure you even know that yet. Charity will be flying in from Vegas soon as she can, and Trust, at least I think it'll be Trust, will be arriving from New York soon."

I was, if anything, more confused. "Kate?"

"Hush, honey. Momma wants another one. That last one was incredible. We're going to have so much fun." She started moving more aggressively, going so far as to lift my hand and put it on her ass. "Do me, Joshua, make it great. I've been a good girl, I swear. I've earned it."

I'm not sure I was much more than the right cock at the right place and time, but it was only a few minutes later that she was screaming for me again. She climbed off of me, getting on her hands and knees, waving her ass at me. "Come and get it, sugar. This one's for you."

It was a hard offer to resist. Too hard for me. The woman was a fabulous doggy fuck. She got another nice orgasm only moments before I blew my load. She stretched out, smiling at me, opening her arms. Hell, the woman had given me a good time, I was too much a gentleman to deny her.

She cuddled up to me. "Your little friend down there? She's gonna be Grace. You won't need the ring no more, alright?"

"How do you know this stuff, Kate?"

She chuckled, cuddling in closer. "Someone talks to me. Like they talk to you. You're not alone, you know."

How the hell do I tell her that nobody talks to me?

She kissed my chest. "He does, you know. Talk to you. This ain't no accident. It just ain't what you're thinkin'. You need to go with the flow now. You've started the ball rolling. It's been a long time coming. Thank Mary I was almost right next door."

She lifted her head and peeked around my shoulder. "Don't just stand around, sisters. Come on in. No secrets among us."

I shouldn't have been surprised to find Bethany, Lilith, and Cindy walking into the room. Kate sat up, one arm still draped across my hips. "I'm Joy. And I gotta admit, I've been dying to meet you, Sister Love. None of this would have happened without you." She stood up and wrapped Bethany up in a huge hug, and before long I could see her shaking. She was crying, which seemed so out of character for the big brash woman she portrayed. Then she opened her arm to Lilith. "Come here baby sis. We all need a little Faith."

Still confused. What the heck had happened to all my plans?

Kate stole quick kisses from the sisters, then turned and hugged Cindy. "He's got a message for you. I'd give him a little recovery time if I were you, to get the most out of it. Welcome to the sisterhood."

"Me? You're sure?" Cindy asked.

"One hundred percent. I guess I should get presentable, we have guests after all."

She lifted her suitcase and placed it beside me. Opening it up, I saw nothing but a field of cobalt blue. Kate squealed, lifting up a dress, and holding it to her skin. She gave me a quick kiss. "Perfect." The strangest thing was the clothing she'd dropped, her jeans, blouse, even her bra and panties were the same blue.

She caught me looking at them in wonder. "You know, she's kind of pissed at you for this little gimmick. That's a lot of extra work. Personally, I think it's amazing."

Alright, beyond confused, stunned would be a more fitting description.

She dragged me to my feet and gave me another big kiss. "Go clean up a little. Cindy deserves your best. And I get Thursdays," she turned and looked over at Bethany, actually blushing. "I mean if that's okay with the Companion."

Alright, Bethany looked as bewildered as me.

Kate started pulling on a new set of bright blue panties. "I know I suck at explaining things. I told Joshua that Charity and Trust will do a lot better job of it when they arrive. We're not here to step on toes, but we need to get the inner circle up and running before they start streaming in."

"Who's streaming in?" Lilith asked.

"The disciples of Mary, who else? We've got a whole lot to do before then. Trust me. Have a little faith." She gave me a wink.

Around then is when I probably would have shit my pants if I'd been wearing them. "You do need to trust her Joshua. I've got big plans for you." Strange enough comment if it hadn't been inside my head. By a woman, in a language I'd never heard but somehow understood. Followed by a laugh that sent a shiver down my back.

"Never fight the women, son, nothing good comes of it," a male voice added, and I'm pretty sure that's when I passed out. At least, that's how Bethany tells it.

Damn. I guess the joke's on me.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Clever, funny, enjoyable. Joshua plays a big ass joke on himself. TTT should come back! Sorely missed!

FaebabeFaebabeabout 1 month ago

Loved it, and loved how it turned out! 😂

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not sure why TX has stopped posting but I hope all is well. His stories are all amazing and this one is no exception.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Sex, comedy, drama, mystery, Sci-fi, consensual non-consent, romance, and genuine love. It touches a lot of bases. No word of a lie, half way through I thought it was all going to come crashing down, and the only way he’d stay out of jail was through genuine divine intervention. Instead, I think he’s going to get screwed to death. All in all, not a bad way to go. The reformed stripper angle is seriously hot. A very enthusiastic 5 stars. I expect a sequel would be unable to top this, but I’m willing to be wrong.

WoodencavWoodencav8 months ago

Wow amazing storey, what an imagination you have. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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