The Daughter's Boyfriend Pt. 03

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Father struggles with gay submission. Can Daddy get control?
21.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/10/2018
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I lay there trying to gather my wits about me. I could not recall ever cumming that hard. A hot cock pounding my prostate as my balls released. It was like nothing I had ever felt before.

As my head cleared, I realized Markus was lingering about somewhere. I peeked into the hall and he was not in sight, so I picked up my clothes and put them back on. Next, I went to the camera and removed the memory card. There were too many videos, flying around, I did not need to add another to the mix. It was amazing how much clearer my mind was after cumming. My level of self-control was so much higher.

With socked feet, I tiptoed to the bathroom door and listened. I could hear Markus breathing heavily and what sounded like him Jacking off. It appeared Eric was right about him. I knocked on the door.

"Markus? We haven't met yet, I'm Michael, Amanda's dad. I'm sorry you had to see that... Can we talk?" I asked tentatively.

"No fuckin' way. I'm not into that shit..."

"Markus, be real man. It's pretty obvious what you're doing in there. Two weeks ago, I wasn't into this either, but he has a way of messing with you. Don't let him get in your head, or he'll wear you down. Again, I'm sorry you had to see that. I'll leave a card if you want to talk about how we might deal with Eric. I'm gonna clear the camera memory so he can't torment either of us with it." I said turning back the camera.

I put the card back in and pulled up the video. As I did the bathroom door opened. Markus stepped out and looked at me. He was African American, about six feet two inches tall and well built. He looked like he may have played linebacker in high school and kept himself in shape. He had corn rows that extended half way down his neck. He was medium skin toned with brown eyes and minor razor stubble.

He was wearing blue jeans and a Teddy Bridgewater Vikings jersey. I could not help but look at his crotch to see if what I heard was correct. He had the jersey pulled down, but it appeared he had his cock positioned straight up so it would not protrude. It was well disguised, so I could not tell for sure. He was young, but maybe a little older than Eric.

He seemed embarrassed and looked toward the floor. "I was brushing my teeth. Don't know what you thought you heard," he said clearly befuddled.

I stepped toward him and put out my hand. He reluctantly shook it.

"Good to meet you," I said smiling as best I could, give what he just saw. "How long have you known Eric?"

"Bout a year," he replied.

"How long have you been roommates?"

"A year. Found him on Craig's List. He was kind a crazy from the beginning, but he's gettin' worse."

"Yeah he really is a piece of work. He knows how to manipulate almost as much as Amanda," I said sighing, as I pondered dealing with my disturbed daughter.

"He told me about Amanda. That's some crazy shit. She looks so innocent."

"Don't I know it," I said shaking my head. "I can't believe how blind I've been." I turned back to the camera and brought up the video. "I've got to erase this."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him trying to look at the video. "So, has Eric been trying to turn you Markus, or was this the first time?"

He seemed very uncomfortable, "He ain't "turnin' me"," he said abruptly.

"I'm not judging, accusing or even implying anything. I'm just asking. He's relentless." I replied honestly. "Has he tried the magic mind controlling cock routine on you?"

"Not really. He did tell me lots a shit about that school teacher Mrs. Thomas and how once she saw it she was obsessed. He said Amanda was... Sorry, forgot she's your daughter."

"He senses weakness and he will exploit it. I'm telling you don't give in and don't let him have any leverage, he will use it. Does he have any dirt on you or anything to blackmail you with?" I asked seriously.

"No nothing. I'm pretty fucking boring to be honest. I'm a computer science major and been working in IT for 10 years. I'm a computer Geek, not into porn, crime or drugs..."

"But you're engaged?" I asked cutting him off.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"It seems like he has you doubting." I said cautiously.

"Doubting what? he replied.

"Your preferences..."

He hesitated, not making eye contact.

"Where you really watching the whole time?" I asked, studying his eyes.

They darted side to side and his body rocked subtly.

"I can see it Markus and I've known you for two minutes. He's going to eat you alive. He plays on your doubts, makes you feel guilty. He'll threaten exposing you to your fiancé. He's already got leverage and you don't even know it," I said trying to get him to look at me.

"Fuck this!" He said turning and heading to his room.

I could not see this ending well for Markus. He was in deeper denial than I was. Eric would make easy work of him. I went back to work erasing the video. As I was ready to delete, I hesitated, thinking about watching in. The porn hound in me really wanted to keep it. I thought about what my obsession with porn had done to me, and the impact on Amanda, Jackie and Sandi. I hit delete, for once, showing a tiny bit of self-control.

I felt good about myself for the first time in a week and really didn't want to leave Markus like this. I thought Eric would come at him full force when he came back. I went to his door and knocked.

"Markus, I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just trying to help. It's lunch time and I'm starved. Let me buy you lunch and talk. You know my situation with Amanda. I wanted to pick the brain of a computer geek if you don't mind. Please, you'd be doing me a big favor and it will get you out of here for a while." I said pleadingly.

I waited a long minute and was about to give up when he opened the door. "OK but I pick the place. Computer services aren't cheap Mr. Thompson."

"Deal, where do you want to go?" I asked

"George and The Dragon sounds good." he said.

"Good choice. I've been there a few times. It's been a while. Fish and chips are excellent." I said, my appetite back with a vengance. "Let me clean up a little and we can go."

I went to the bathroom, stripped and washed myself up quickly and we headed out.

George and The Dragon is an old-style pub with great food and a relatively quiet atmosphere to talk. I drove us there and we arrived around 12:45. It was a quiet warm summer Saturday afternoon. I had the fish and chips and He had the sirloin. We had a couple beers with lunch and I found myself telling him everything. From the death of my wife to my dating woes, to my porn addiction and its impact on my daughter.

"Shit, Eric told me some stuff, but that's fucked up Michael. She's out of control man. She needs serious help. So, you have her list of passwords?"

'Yeah at home on my computer." I said happily, sensing his willingness to help.

"Is the phone on a family plan in your name?" he asked sounding optimistic.

"Yes, it is.

"Good. So, she has a laptop and phone. Any tablets or e-readers?

"No. At least not that I am aware of," I said becoming a bit optimistic.

"Do you think you can get them away from her for a couple hours without her noticing?" He asked looking skeptical.

"That could be a challenge, but I think so if we create a distraction. Unfortunately, there seems to be only one thing that distracts her..." I said sadly.

As we talked a text dinged in from Eric.

Eric: Awesome morning Mr. Thompson. Are you with Markus?

I showed it to Markus. He shook his head.

Me: No

Eric: I got called into work and will be doing the grave yard shift. Unfortunately, tonight is off.

I was relieved. I did not reply.

Eric: I have an idea with Amanda. If you get a text or e-mail with a video of her and Jackie's first encounter, you'll know it worked. When you do, you should check with your sister too. If you both get it even better.

I was confused, what his plan was, so I did not respond. other than "OK".

As Markus and I continued to talk, it hit me I was on my 8th beer and it was 4:00PM. I was probably not in great shape to drive and neither was Markus.

"Well, we've reached a decision point my friend. The way I see it is we either ramp it down and let these beers wear off or we kick off happy hour with something stronger. Uber is a wonderful thing..." I said downing my last bit of beer.

Markus downed his and waved for the waitress, "Hey sweetie, can we get two Glenlivets neat please?" He said, looking for approval.

I nodded. "You weren't kidding when you said your computer skills didn't come cheap."

As our drinks arrived, I got a text from Amanda.

Amanda: What's for Dinner?

Me: You're on your own tonight.

Amanda: Are you with Eric? I thought he was working.

Me: No, having dinner with a friend.

I thought, I really didn't want to go home tonight, so I would just get a room at the Sheraton Midtown down the road. This might give her a little time to stew.

Amanda: Movie tonight?

Me: I have other plans. See you tomorrow.

Amanda: You're not coming home tonight? Where are you?

Me: See you tomorrow.

Amanda: I gotta work noon to ten tomorrow.

After a few more rounds and dinner I was pretty well lit and exhausted from a long stressful day and Markus looked a little tired as well.

"Markus, I am beat," I said standing up and stretching. "I am gonna have to call it a day. Thank you for offering to help. I will figure out how to get her phone and laptop in your hands, so we can shut her down. I need to figure out how to get Jackie's too." I waved for the check.

"I'm sorry you're dealing with all this. I will do what I can. Can I split the tab? I really only wanted lunch. We've been here all fucking day." he said looking at his watch and shaking his head as he stood up.

"No, I've got this Markus, but I'm gonna hold you to helping me. If this can work, I will owe you big time," I said honestly. "I wish I knew Eric's plan though. If he can somehow come through, maybe I can make her get some help.

The waitress brought the check, it was over $250 and with the tip almost $300. I signed, and another text came in.

Amanda: Daddy, can we please talk?

I did not respond hoping the stewing would help.

"I'm not going home tonight. I booked a room at the Sheraton for tonight. I'll get you an Uber home if you like." I said yawning.

"Thank God, Eric's working tonight. I really don't think I could face him tonight..." He said looking almost scared.

"He's getting to you, isn't he?" I asked, sad and excited at the same time. Markus was such a nice guy and with my new-found taste for cock, I could not help but imagine the possibilities.

He looked embarrassed. He looked at me and then at the ground. He smiled a bit as he looked back at my shorts. " I think we know you're thinking about it," he said laughing and pointing at my shorts.

They were tenting as I fantasized how Markus would look naked. "He's at least 15 years younger than you, he has a fiancé and he's built like a linebacker," I told myself. Embarrassed, I sat back down at the table.

He walked over to me and stood close. His Vikings jersey covered his cock, so I could not tell if he shared my problem, but I really wanted to peek under and see, as he looked down smiling.

"Was this morning really your first time with a dude?" he asked getting me excited at his apparent curiosity.

"Yes, it was." I said in disbelief of the conversation. I was thinking the alcohol must be lowering his inhibitions.

"Did it hurt?" he asked cringing.

"You saw what he did. It hurt like hell when he shoved it in like that., but before that with his fingers..." I realized what I was saying and where we were. I looked around and stopped talking.

He pulled up a chair and sat next to me. "Sorry... continue." he said quietly. "You came in the pillow without him touching your cock..."

"Yeah, it's hard to explain. It hurt like hell when he jammed that monster into me but after I got used to it... He was hitting my prostate, I guess, and It was like nothing I've ever felt, and I just lost it."

"So, it was your first time, but it won't be your last?" He asked.

I sat there thinking, boner up, knowing deep inside, if Eric called right then, I would have no choice but to go back for more.

"No, it won't" I said body tingling. "I really gotta go Markus, it's been a long day."

I reached into my pocket and shifted my cock, so it would not be obvious. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Uber. "Let me get you a ride..."

"Can I stay with you Michael?" He asked calmly.

"OK, I got a room with two doubles. That way you won't see Eric first thing tomorrow." I said to quickly, while I pulled up Uber on my phone.

"Thanks. I need some space from him and Shanae is with her parents this week in Denver."

"There's an Uber, 3 minutes out," I said as I stood up again.

We stepped out and waited, as my mind turned to pulling that jersey off... We stood in silence until the ride arrived.

Markus waited outside enjoying the perfect summer breeze. I checked in and told the desk clerk my luggage got lost and asked for toiletries. He dug in the drawers and found a razor, tooth brush and tooth paste, deodorant and shaving cream. I bought a six pack from the shop and got Markus from outside.

As I walked past the desk clerk with Markus by my side, he gave a knowing grin. I thought to myself, "Do I look gay all of the sudden?"

We got to the room and I felt extremely uncomfortable. I handed Markus a beer and said," I really need a shower. I hope you don't mind, it's been a long gay...uh, day. Make yourself comfortable and I'll be right out. Do you need the bathroom first?"

"Na, I'm good," He said plopping on the far bed and grabbing the remote.

I grabbed a beer and hit the shower. It felt good to get clean after this morning's events. I shaved in the shower trying not to get hard thinking about Markus's naked body. When I finished, I was not sure what to do since I had no change of clothes.

I thought about just wearing my boxers, as I normally do at night, but decided to put my shorts back on to sleep in but stayed shirtless. I brushed my teeth and entered the room. Markus was watching the Twins and Royals, in the same spot I left him.

"Are we up?" I asked.

"Naw, losin' 3 to 2." He answered, looking me up and down. "How do you stay in shape?" he asked causing me to stir at the thought he had noticed.

"I bike, almost every day." I said grabbing a beer and setting on the other bed.

Nodding, he said, "My turn." and walked into the bathroom.

I tried to watch the game and keep my mind off Markus. "He's engaged, and younger and..." The vision of him calling me into the shower with him filled my mind...

Several minutes later the shower turned off and startled me back to reality. My dick was semi hard and pushing to get out. I looked back at the score and we were up 5-3. I got my phone and looked up the play by play, so I could tell him what happened.

When the door opened, I tried to give the update, but I was shocked by his naked body with full erection pointing at 45 degrees toward the ceiling.

"We're up...Ah..." I lost my train of thought completely at the sight of 7+ inches of dark stiff cock and his firm tapered body. My eyes locked onto his cock. His balls were dark, and his sack drawn in tight and round with a scattering of dark hairs. His shaft was smooth and two tone in color. His ebony color continued from his ball about two thirds of the way up his cock, where a discernable line transitioned to a dark pink color that continued all the way to the tip. The line of color change almost mirrored the shape of his cock head with a high point in the middle that curved down and around his shaft.

My mouth hung open and watered at the thought of taking him in my mouth... On my knees in front of him. His cock head was well pronounced with a prominent rim, that begged for my lips. My cock stiffened, imagining my hand gripping his ass as my lips slid over his hood.

"You are right Michael, he is in my head. I can't stop thinking about this morning. Look at me," he said looking down at his boner. I gotta hard-on thinking about you sucking his cock and watching you cum with his big dick in your ass... I'm fucking engaged Michael and I want to peel those shorts off you and suck your fucking cock," he said looking at the floor shaking his head.

My cock throbbed at the thought Markus would even consider doing that.

"I told you, he's got a knack for it," I said, but could not break my stare.

I tried to think of the right thing to do. Should I help him fight these urges or follow my dick and take his cock in my mouth and make him cum? I wanted to feel his mouth on my cock more than anything, but he was engaged to be married...

"Fuck! What's wrong with me?" he asked himself as he turned back toward the bathroom.

As he turned his full round ass sent my mind reeling. It was smooth, dark and hairless. I stared wanting to touch it as I watched it clinch. Suddenly he turned back as I adjusted my boner. His dick swung like a ball bat as he turned startling me.

I tossed my hands to my side trying not to let him see me relieving the strain on my cock. He looked at my shorts, as I glanced down, to see the noticeable ridge where my boner pushed against my shorts. I watched his stiff dick, pulse upward and settle back as he eyed my bulge. My heart raced and breathing deepened... I no longer cared about anything but pleasing him.

"Please..." I said, eyes glued to his dark pink cockhead.

"Oh, fuck it," he said, taking a giant step toward the bed.

He pressed his thighs to the bed and began unbuckling my shorts. I rolled toward him and gripped his cock with my left hand as he leaned forward unzipping me. He was like hot steel but silky smooth. He moaned as I gripped him, sending chills through my body.

He pulled himself free from my hand and sat on the bed and gripped my shorts and underwear, pulling them down revealing my stiff cock. He stood back up and pulled them off tossing them aside.

I spread my legs offering myself to him and he crawled up the bed between my legs. As he got closer, he moved his hands outside my hips hovering over my torso as he continued crawling higher straddling me. His knees were between my legs, as his powerful body leaned forward, and he lowered himself onto me.

His hot hard cock touched mine, sending a wave of pleasure through my balls. I pushed my pelvis up to press myself against him as his lips touched mine. I could taste the tooth paste as his tongue pressed into my mouth. Somehow, oddly it seemed more awkward kissing a man for the first time than it was sucking my first cock this morning. But, as his tongue pressed in, I reciprocated, probing his minty mouth.

I humped his cock as my hands slid over his firm ass gripping him hard and pulling him against me. His hard-hot cock nearly made me cum feeling it rub against mine. His ass was smooth and warm as I gripped his buns. My breathing was almost frantic, and my body flowed with excitement. His weight was impressive as he rocked himself on me.

The urge to have that hot cock in me was overwhelming. I pushed upward to roll him over and he allowed me. As rolled on top of him our cocks still battling, I took several deep breaths raising my chest off his and grinding against his pelvis. His full warm lips were spread as he caught his breath causing me to drop and push my tongue into his hot wet mouth.

He eagerly offered his own tongue as we kissed passionately, before I dropped my lips to his neck and worked down his chiseled chest. I kissed through a light smattering of dark hairs toward his nipples, kissing each one while he pressed his hot rod against my stomach and chest.

When I reached his belly button, I swirled my tongue around it causing him to moan and press up against my tongue. I could feel his hot boner on my chin and could not wait one more second. I dropped down and kissed the sensitive spot below his perfectly shaped dark pink helmet.