The Decoy Princesses Pt. 03

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Darian's actions have repercussions elsewhere in the realm.
33k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/09/2016
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The Decoy Princesses, Part 3; "We Be Goblins!"


Author's Notes: This little story is set in my Decoy Princesses universe and was inspired by a goblin character that I'd made for a D&D Campaign. This is also a shout out to all of my fans who wanted more elf, human, and orc women being ravished as slaves. The goblins that I envision in my world are a cross between the goblins you see on World of Warcraft and those you find in D&D and Pathfinder.

My tags from the previous two installments of Decoy Princesses still apply. If this kind of story is not to your liking, then please skip the story and move on. Otherwise, if you're still here, join me as we go even further down the rabbit hole that I've created.

All characters are 18 years of age or over, I don't care what the D&D and Pathfinder manuals say about what constitutes 'legal/adult age' for various races. I'm not taking any chances. My goblins gestate fast and age slow dammit! ;D



Orcs take orc, goblin, elf, and human women. Human and elves comes in and takes those women from orcs. Orcs get mad and take more orc and goblin women for themselves. Goblins get short end of stick yet again. No food from orcs. No water from orcs. And now... no women from orcs.

The little goblin known as 'Nocks an Arrow', or just simply 'Nox' to those close to him, was going to change all of that today.

Scurrying from hiding place to hiding place, Nox had been running in parallel to the main road that went South from the Storm Citadel further into the Orc Empire's homelands. He kept to the shadows as he followed a pair of orc women who were taking a coffle of bound, naked goblin women back to the capital... women that had been taken from the goblin warbands who'd been serving the front line orcs and goblins for years. By order of their new, so-called Warchief, Krudge, all non-orcs were to be taken from the Citadel and away from the front lines. The goblin men were hustled out of the city and forced to camp on the front lines as fodder while the women were rounded up and taken away. Nox had been one such goblin who'd been exiled from the citadel city.

Having not seen any other travelers for miles, and getting a good look down the road to see that no one was coming from either direction on the remote wooded road, Nox put his plan into action. He scurried forward in the underbrush with the orc women chatting away as if they were a couple of human gossipers. What did they have to worry about? To them, they were the superior race, and this was an easy job of pulling six goblin girls along behind them that they towered over. Easy, right? Nox was going to show them the error of their arrogance. He tied one end of the coil of rope that he had to one small tree. The other end went to the arrow he was picking up and placing in his bow. Then he waited. Right as the orc women were about to cross in front of him, he took aim and fired.

Only the arrow didn't go towards the orcs. That would be counterproductive. Instead, the arrow shot out just in front of their feet, scant inches above the ground, to impact at the base of another tree on the other side of the road. The orcs completed their step, as they were in mid stride, and promptly tripped over it. They fell face first to the ground, catching themselves at the last moment. The goblin women behind them, who were walking despondently with their heads bowed downward in supplication, continued walking forward until they tripped and fell into a pile over the orc women. Nox nocked another arrow, this one with an explosive smoke tip on it, and shot it into the ground in front of the orcs. It exploded, filling the entire area with a thick grey smoke that was hard to see through.

Unless, of course, you were a goblin who could see well in dim lighting conditions.

Running lightning fast, Nox broke out of cover with a huge club in his hand, dropping his bow down in his wake. He zipped across the road, clubbing the first orc woman right across the side of the head, knocking her out. "HEY!" the other orc woman shouted as he continued running past. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE CRETIN!"

"Make me, Orc!" Nox shouted back in common, laughing and taunting her as he ran around in circles. She got to her feet and Nox scurried past her again, whipping his club out and catching her in her left knee. The orc woman grunted and dropped back to the ground. Nox doubled back instantly and swung for her head. The club connected and she fell down in a heap, out cold just like her friend was. When the smoke cleared, Nox stood triumphant over the two orcs with a big, toothy grin. The goblin women had gotten to their feet and were staring at him with wide eyed wonder and admiration as he started to free each and every one of them. They showered him with kisses, hugs, and affection. "Ladies..." he said as smoothly as any goblin could, "we have time for you to worship me later. Get some rope and tie these orc bitches up. It time for them to feel our wrath!"


When Forna came to, she realized that she was in trouble. Her arms were tied tightly behind her back and her arms were secured tightly to her sides with ropes that crisscrossed her breasts and looped around her neck. Her weapons and armor were gone, and she saw that she was naked with her green skin glistening with sweat from laying out underneath of the sun. She looked around and saw that she was no longer on the road but in a forest clearing somewhere. There was a gag in her mouth that prevented her from speaking loudly. She tried sitting up but a leather collar, made from two of the collars that had been around the goblin women's necks, was around her neck and secured to a stake in the ground next to her head. Her ankles were spread wide, tied down to stakes of their own.

Off to her left, her partner, Irga, lay bound, naked, and splayed out just like Forna was. "Irga!" Forna hissed urgently to her snoring partner through her gag. "Get up!" Unfortunately, Irga didn't rouse from her deep sleep. Some high pitched laughing and giggling from the nearby woods caught her attention and she turned her head to see a goblin swaggering out of the woods with a naked goblin girl under each arm... two of the very same goblin girls that her and Irga had been charged with taking back to the capital to serve in the brothels. Her eyes narrowed with hatred and her blood boiled inside of her as anger came to the surface. Had she been bested by a mere goblin hell bent on saving his women? The idea was ludicrous to say the least but she couldn't ignore the facts staring her in the face.

Her eyes darted around. Where were the other four goblin girls at? Then her eyes locked onto the three that were walking straight up to her. They stood over her, smiling in gleeful triumph. The goblin girls giggled, one of them sticking out her tongue at Forna while the other one took her tiny little tits into her proportionately oversized hands and waggled them at her. "Now yer just as naked as we are!" she teased. "How's it feel?"

"She'll feel it soon enough, Lumy," the male goblin said, reaching down to pinch the small green bottom of the girl who'd just shook her tits. Lumy squealed and shivered with a big smile on her face.

"Nox, baby," the other goblin girl crooned, plastering her naked body up against the male's side and sliding suggestively up and down his thigh as if she were going to gyrate herself to ecstasy on his leg. She reached down to grab his loincloth, yanking it off with a flourish to grab his rather impressive cock. "Show her what you showed us already with this monster," she purred. Forna felt a wave of nausea well up inside of her.

"Oh I plan on it, Saly, honey," Nox said with a big ass grin on his face, kissing her on the side of her head as she stroked him.

Watching the three of them like that was revolting for Forna to watch. She turned her head from the disgusting sight of the three naked goblins. Let them do with me what they will... she resolved in her head. I'll kill them the moment they let their guard down... she thought. But the goblin girl with plain brown hair in a ponytail, Lumy, had other ideas. She rushed around to the other side of Forna, kneeling down by her head so that Forna's view of Irga's bound, naked body was blocked. Lumy grabbed Forna's head by her forehead and chin and pushed hard, wrenching Forna's head back around to make her look at Nox and Saly making out. It was with such a force that Forna didn't think was possible from such a small creature.

"Watch 'em, bitch!" Lumy shouted, her already high-pitched voice going to a near shrill. "Watch 'em like you made me watch my sister get fucked by your orc boyfriend back at the Citadel before we left!"

Blood and thunder... Forna swore inside her head. Of course this goblin whore would remember that and want to take revenge... She tried to jerk her head around to throw the goblin off of her but Lumy held tight to the point of jamming her knees up under Forna's head to keep her in place. Forna let out a low growl of warning but Lumy paid her no attention. Her eyes narrowed as she was forced to watch Nox and Saly go at it.

Nox broke away from Saly to walk down in between of Forna's bound, splayed out legs. He had his cock in his grubby little hands and again, she had to admit that the goblin's cock was a decently sized for someone like her. She was sure that it split Saly and Lumy wide open whenever he fucked her while Forna was out. Now she silently challenged the goblin to go ahead and take his best shot at her. Forna strained in her bonds once again as Nox mounted her. The ropes wouldn't budge. She also had to give it to the goblins; they knew how to tie knots. She growled again, glaring in hatred at Nox, as he smugly grinned at her. Saly swung her plump little leg up and over Forna's hard belly. Then Forna screamed in outrage and humiliation as the little goblin bitch lowered her head down to Forna's slit and started licking. Gods damned creature! Forna screamed in her mind as she struggled in her bonds once again. How dare you try and pleasure me with your mouth! Her screams of outrage from behind her gag then became angry snorts and growls. But at the same time, she felt her slit moisten of both it's own accord and from Saly's tongue.

Then Nox was pressing the head of his cock up against the folds of her pussy. She felt her pussy being spread open by Saly, who was looking up at Nox expectantly. Nox pushed his cock all the way into Forna and Forna let out a low groan as she was penetrated. His cock slid in further than she would've given the goblin credit for. As he placed his hands around her thighs to pull while he thrust into her, Saly slid off of Forna's belly, turned around, and latched her mouth overtop of Forna's now hard, dark green right nipple. She let out another moan, softer this time, as the pleasure was forced upon her. Lumy let go of her head and moved down to take Forna's left breast into her hands to suck on her left nipple.

GAH! This is NOT fair! Forna yelled in her mind as the three goblins fucked her and suckled off of her body. Her head swam as wave after wave of erotic pleasure washed over her from her loins and her breasts. She let out a low, frustrated groan as she stilled her body and just let them take her. It'll be over faster this way and then I can kill them... she thought angrily as her body started rocking back and forth from the force of Nox's thrusts. Forna closed her eyes and tried to ignore them but the goblin girls had other ideas. She felt their hands slide down her body, reaching for her mound. One of them spread her pussy wider as Nox's cock slid in and out of it while the other one directly fingered her clit. Shooting electric jolts of pleasure coursed through Forna's body. An involuntary ripple of pleasure rolled through her body and her pussy instinctively clenched around Nox's cock. She shuddered with pleasure and she concentrated with all of her might, trying to will the pleasure away. Unfortunately, the more she fought it, the faster her peak approached. Nox had amazing staying power and then she realized that by fucking his two little goblin sluts first, he'd probably already spent fast and now he'd be able to go longer with her. She seethed with anger at the devious little goblin's plan and had to concede that they were going to force her to get off with them.

Forna jerked in her bonds, arched her back, and let out a low, rolling groan of lust as the orgasm suddenly slammed through her. As she climaxed, her body flopped impotently in her restraining ropes. Her torso shook violently. Her thighs quivered. Her entire mind went blindingly white as her body was forced to cum. At the same time, she felt Nox blow his load up into her body. Streams of his cum jetted up inside of her, splashing her cervix, coating her insides, and even shooting up into her womb. She let out a low groan of both passion and frustration. The last thing she wanted to do was birth some spawn of a goblin. To make that thought even worse, Nox was keeping his cock buried deep inside of her even after he was spent to ensure that not a single drop of his seed got out.

As she came down from her orgasm, she let out an irritated snort from her nose. Hundreds of plans on how to kill these three goblins ran through her head when the girls got up off of her breasts to look towards the trees. She too turned her head as much as she could to see the other four goblin girls that she'd been in charge of lead a whole legion of goblins, men and women alike, into the clearing. Oh... Gods... Forna gasped in wide eyed fright as she realized that Nox wouldn't be the only goblin that she'd be forced to service today.

The goblin horde descended upon her and Irga with lustful looks in their beady little eyes. One of the last things that she saw before she was buried under the sea of little green goblins all hell bent on attacking all of her erogenous zones at once was that a few of them were wearing warlocks cloaks and behind them were a couple of blacksmiths with tools and long strips of metal.

Uh... oh...



With crossed arms and a satisfied look on his face, Nox watched with glee as his goblin brethren came into the clearing and took to fucking the two orc wenches right away. Clothes, weapons, and armor were all discarded in a haste as the goblins stripped down naked and jostled for position. The orc woman that Nox had fucked was now thrashing away wildly in a pathetic attempt to get free. Well, she was no match for Nox so she'd be no match for hundreds of his fellow goblins. Her initial shrill screams were muffled under the bodies of his people that piled onto her, each of them vying to get their little pricks into whatever fold of her body they could get. Then her screams and squeals turned into grunts, groans, and moans as she was forced to get off once again underneath of them. Off to his right, the other orc woman had just woken up to two goblins fucking her ass and pussy, one goblin licking her clit, two sucking on her nipples, four more latched their mouths on to various parts of her large breasts, and one who was brave enough to take the gag out to force a blowjob from her. But soon that orc was panting and moaning like a whore underneath of them as well.

"Alright!" Nox shouted after the first couple rounds of the orgy were over. "Let the 'smithies and the 'locks up!" The goblins all cleared out, forming circles around both women, as they cheered at the top of their lungs. The two orcs now looked worried as the blacksmiths came up first. First their arms were untied and then tied up again so that the women were flat on the ground, spread open wide like an X. Then the 'smiths got to work, bending their strips of metal around the women's wrists and ankles first and then using their limited magic to seal the metal into a shiny, seamless, continuous band that molded to the orcs' skin. The only feature that was left were little eyehooks for chains to be attached to later if need be. As the 'smiths worked, the orcs were twisting, turning, and contorting their bodies to try to keep them from fashioning slave bands onto them but in the end, the deed was done. The one orc woman off to Nox's right with the gag out was letting loose with a string of profanities, threats, slurs, and insults that a couple of goblins came up to gag her again while the work was done. Once the ankle and wrist shackles were on, the temporary leather collars were removed and metal neck collars were fashioned to them... again the only feature being a single eyehook on the front of the collar but this one had a large metal ring hanging down from it to both symbolize their servitude and to attach chains to if they had to.

Now that the blacksmiths were done, the warlocks stepped forward. Ten in all, they surrounded the orc women, five to each one. The lead warlocks, each standing at the head of their respective women, raised their staffs high with one hand and stretched out their other open palm over the women's foreheads. As they chanted, the others raised their staffs high to join in on the incantation. The two orc women were now furiously, desperately trying to escape but were unable to get free. The one on Nox's left actually managed to get to a standing position with one arm free. But it was too late for her as she was zapped by purple beams of light that turned her cuffs and collar a shimmering gold. Her eyes glazed over and she pitched backward onto the grass, laying still. Her chest heaved as she sucked in a big breath as if she were suddenly hot and horny... which was probably the case knowing the warlocks. They were just as eager for payback as Nox was.

"Untie them," Nox ordered. The warlocks did the honors as all they had to do were to speak dark magic words. The ropes fell off and coiled up on their own as if they were snakes.

The orc woman who'd managed to get partially up glared at Nox, who just smiled back at her. She realized that she was now free of the ropes. "I'm gonna kill you, goblin!" she roared, charging right at him.

Nox's smile quirked up even more at the side. "No you won't as you can't hurt your new goblin masters, slave," he said proudly, standing his ground as the orc woman bore down on him.


Forna couldn't believe how stupid that goblin was for letting her go like this, which was why she was now charging him with the intent on ripping his little head clean off of his shoulders. She was dirty, covered in dirty, sweat, and goblin cum. But that wasn't going to stop her from taking her revenge. Again, she had to hand it to the vile creature, he was either brave or stupid for holding his ground like this. She reached her hands out, intent on wringing his scrawny neck.

Only she stopped in midstride as if she'd hit a stone wall. Her cuffs and collar glowed bright yellow as the magic inside of them took over and stopped her cold. Then she dropped hard to all fours on the ground at the goblin's feet. "What?" she gasped in shock, looking down at her hands that were now planted firmly on the ground. "What matter of dark magic is this?" she asked, scarcely believing what was happening to her.

Nox reached down and cupped her chin to make her look up at him. He was smiling cruelly down at her. "This is first day of your life as our slave," he crowed. "The warlock's magic will keep you from hurting us goblins. Magic will make you follow our orders from now on. Now kiss my feet and say you're sorry, slave!" he commanded.

Forna tried with all of her might to resist but the magic compelled her to follow the command. She slowly lowered her head, puckered her lips, and kissed the top of his left foot, then kissed his right foot. "I... am... sorry..." she slowly ground out, trying to keep herself from speaking the words. But they came out nonetheless, her voice sounding halting and mechanical.
