The Devil's in the Detail

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Sequel to "The Witching Hour"
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This is a sequel to "The Witching Hour", which was originally a stand-alone story, but some readers wanted to know what happened next. The success of any story depends on a conspiracy between the author and the reader. The author tries his or her best to set the scene and provide dynamic input to the story. The reader contributes to the story by using his or her imagination to paint a picture in their mind's eye as the action unfolds. Thanks for doing your bit.


What the hell had I done?

At the last minute and unknown to me, my wife Hazel had arranged for her sister Jenny to go to our local Halloween masque ball instead of her. I arrived very late, mistook Jenny for Hazel, as she was dressed in Hazel's witch costume and I ended up in bed with her. The two red-headed sisters are very similar in appearance, but that's really no excuse.

What an idiot! Sometimes I don't know which month it is, but bedding my sister-in-law was more than just a minor error. I really should have been able to tell which witch was which! Luckily Hazel had been babysitting overnight for Jenny and when she got back home in the morning she hadn't twigged that I had been at the ball.

That morning, while Hazel was busy making herself a cup of coffee, I retrieved my red devil costume from the wash basket in our bedroom and stashed it in my wardrobe. I couldn't work out what to do apart from that. Hazel had told me Jenny knew the guy she had slept with was "in a steady relationship", so Jenny must have realised it was me. I had no idea what Jenny would do, but at least she hadn't dropped me in it straight away.

That Sunday I kept asking myself whether or not it would be best to confess all to Hazel, but I was absolutely shit scared that would be a disaster. If Hazel didn't believe it had been a genuine case of mistaken identity, then all of the various family relationships would be under threat. Hazel and Jenny had always been very close, so no doubt I would get the blame, whatever happened. My parents-in-law, Tommy and Mary, were nice people, but conservative in outlook, so they would be horrified if they found out I had cheated on my wife with their other daughter. Worst of all, Hazel and I had decided earlier in the year that we would try to have children, so she had gone off the pill a few months ago. If she found out what I had been up to with her sister, I might lose my wife and any chance of having those children.

I resolved to say nothing and tried my best to hide my worries and act normal. It sounds strange, but that wasn't too difficult. The strong autumn winds had ripped the waterproof roof covering off our shed and dislodged a gutter on the side of the house, so I had some minor repairs to keep me busy. Hazel seemed tired after babysitting with Jenny's daughter, Emma, so she was happy to have a quiet day, taking care of various household chores, including the laundry. My stained costume was no longer in the wash basket and I gave myself a pat on the back for dodging that particular bullet.

Over dinner Hazel and I talked about what had been happening while I had been away on business in London the previous week. She was delighted to hear that the deal I had done meant I would get a nice bonus. For most of the year we had been talking about how we might go on a winter cruise in the Caribbean, but that evening she seemed less enthusiastic about a cruise. "We should definitely celebrate your success," she said, "But there are probably other things we could do with the money. There's no need for us to rush into any decisions."

After dinner we watched TV for a short while and then Hazel started to make come to bed signals. You know the sort of thing - snuggling up to me on the sofa and batting her eyelashes. I admit the thought crossed my mind about how lucky I was to be getting my wicked way with two beautiful sisters in the space of twenty four hours. Then I thought about how perilously close I was to losing the love of my life and I decided to show Hazel just how much she meant to me. I leaned over and kissed her. "Come on," I said. "I missed you and we have a lot of catching up to do."

That evening I did my best to give Hazel the loving that she deserved. I started at her toes and worked my way upwards, kissing and licking until I got to the honey pot. The contrast of those curly red hairs against the pale skin is spell-binding and I usually like to spend time down there, kissing, sucking, licking and blowing until her little man in the boat is teased out and happy. Sometimes we do sixty nine, but this time I let Hazel lie back while I did the giving and she did the getting. Apart from between her legs, Hazel's most sensitive erogenous zone is her neck, so her absolute favourite positions are where I can nuzzle or stroke her neck while we work up to a climax. Usually she gives me a gentle nudge when she's had enough oral attention down below. This time was a bit different. She was hot as hell, wriggling and squirming, her fingers running through my hair, and then suddenly she grabbed my head and pulled me upwards. I went with the flow and guided my dick into her while I nuzzled her neck.

Opinion polls have confirmed that most people in this country do not believe in God. Hazel and I are no exception and the only time we go to church is if we are invited to a wedding or we are paying our respects at a funeral. If God exists, He must be puzzled by our behaviour. We don't bother to pray to Him, but then we spend a lot of time having fun in bed and shouting out His name. "Oh God, oh God, oh God..." shouted Hazel. If He was listening He probably thought it was a prank call. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." God didn't answer the call that evening, but it seems I was a good substitute for Him. As we basked in the post-coital glow, Hazel told me it had been heavenly.


Monday dawned and I went off to work early, leaving Hazel to enjoy a slightly later start to the day. She works in a bank and is normally up and about at around the same time as me, but she had an appointment at 10am that morning for a routine check-up at the local doctor's surgery. My main achievement that day was to get a replacement mobile phone for the one that I stupidly left on the back seat of a London cab.

I came home from work and was hanging up my coat when Hazel called me through to the lounge. On the coffee table there was an ice bucket and she was filling up a couple of glasses from a bottle of champagne. I showed her the cruise brochures that I had picked up from the local travel agent. "That's nice," she said, giving me a lovely big smile. I sat down on the sofa next to her and she handed me a glass. She clinked her glass against mine, "Congratulations, Nick!"

"Thanks, Hazel," I said, raising my glass to her, thinking of the effort I had put in to land the contract the previous week in London. "I do my best."

"Yes, you certainly do," she replied, grinning at me from ear to ear. "You're going to be a daddy!"

I sprayed a mouthful of champagne all over the floor, which was clearly not the reaction she had expected, although she continued to grin like the Cheshire cat. There was me thinking we're celebrating my bonus and then she hits me with the big news. No wonder she was no longer interested in a winter cruise in the Caribbean. As I dabbed at the spilled champagne with my handkerchief and Hazel refilled my glass, I felt joy and love, but also relief. My wife loved me, we were going to have a family and luckily I had managed to avoid spoiling it all.

We kissed and hugged and cried with happiness a little bit (yes, me too!), then Hazel explained that after missing her last period she did a check using a home pregnancy testing kit while I was away in London . She waited to give me the good news until it was confirmed by the doctor that morning. "I'm only a few weeks pregnant, but that's why I was happy to let Jenny go to the ball in my place. No alcohol for me for the next eight months after this glass of bubbly," she told me, as she smiled and sipped her champagne.


For the rest of that week I was on cloud nine. My colleagues were probably wondering why I was doing a Mr Happy impression, but Hazel didn't want us to tell anyone else, not even her parents or her sister, until she was "a bit more pregnant". I teased her by pointing out that she couldn't get any more pregnant, but I understood why she would want to keep mum for a while! We agreed that Christmas would be a good time to break the good news to everyone.

I dismissed any vague doubts about whether or not Jenny would let slip to Hazel that I had balled her at the ball. Jenny and I got on very well with one another and she had nothing to gain by stirring things up, as far as I could see.

The weekend arrived and Hazel told me she would be babysitting for Jenny again on Saturday evening. The guy who plied her with drink at the ball had phoned her and asked her out on a date. That was OK by me and Hazel was pleased when I offered to come along and maybe read some stories to Emma. It was a pity that her father hadn't seen fit to keep more in touch with his four year old daughter after the divorce.

Everything seemed to be fine and Hazel and I had an enjoyable evening at Jenny's place, entertaining a lovely four year old princess and smiling to ourselves at the thought that she would soon have a little cousin. We didn't hang around after Jenny got back, although Hazel got some brief feedback about Jenny's date while I started the car.

As we drove the short distance home, Hazel told me Jenny's evening hadn't been much fun. The guy was loud and drank too much. He had seemed interesting at the ball, where loud and drinking would be par for the course, but loud and drinking too much in a quiet, romantic setting like a nice restaurant meant he wouldn't be getting another chance with Jenny. "Oh, and by the way," added Hazel, "Jenny has a couple of odd jobs that need done. That tap in the bathroom is leaking and there's a cupboard door with a broken hinge in the kitchen. She asked if you could help, so I said you'd go round tomorrow. Is that OK? It shouldn't take long."

"No problem at all," I replied, hoping that would indeed be the case. I knew that Jenny and I would need to talk about the elephant in the room sometime.


I drove back to Jenny's fairly early that Sunday. Four year olds don't lie in bed too long in the morning, so I knew Jenny and Emma would likely be up and making plans. I was keen to get the repairs done and get on my way, so they could get on with the rest of their day, no doubt getting some fresh air in the local kiddies' play park.

Jenny invited me in and Emma gave me a big hug before she returned to watching cartoons on TV in the lounge. I was not surprised when Jenny came out with the dreaded phrase, "We need to talk."

"Let's talk while I fix the hinge in the kitchen," I replied.

As she made us coffee, Jenny told me she thought it was me when I dragged her out of the ballroom at Halloween, but she wasn't absolutely sure, because I was supposed to be in London.

She looked at me curiously. "Look, Nick, I admit I was well-oiled, but it didn't take me long to realise it was you and you knew from the start it was me. Hazel called you to let you know I'd be at the ball instead of her. At first I thought maybe you'd come to rescue me and make sure I got home safely. When you slung me over your shoulder I thought you were taking things a bit too far, but I went along with it because I knew it was you and I thought it was a laugh. Then when you got me in that hotel room, you knew what you wanted and I wanted it too."

"Jenny, you're a beautiful woman and I would be chasing you if I was single, but honestly I didn't realise it was you! I left my phone in a London cab and I didn't get any messages from Hazel."

"Are you seriously saying you thought I was Hazel?"

"Jenny, you're the same size, you look like your sister, you were wearing that ridiculous black wig and your face was covered in white face paint and fake warts."

"Yeah... Emma really went to town with the make-up."

"Anyway, if you knew it was me, why didn't you say something?"

"I was going to say something when you got me upstairs, but you didn't give me a chance."

That was fair comment. When we got to the hotel room I had thrown her on the bed and then I was in like Flynn.

"Nick, I hadn't had sex for a year and my body took over. You were doing wonderful things to me. I wasn't thinking about why we were having sex. In fact I wasn't thinking much about anything."

"But what about the big red lipstick heart and kisses on the bathroom mirror? If you knew it was me, why did you leave that for me to see in the morning?"

"I had to get home and I didn't want to wake you. Besides, I wasn't sure what I wanted to say to you. It was a magical night and I loved you for what you had done for me, so I drew a big heart and some kisses on the bathroom mirror with my lipstick."

"Well, it's nice to be appreciated, but I thought it was from Hazel and she had let me snooze while she headed for home."

"So what did you tell her when you got home?"

"Nothing. I was there before her and I just assumed she had stopped off to fetch the Sunday papers and some fresh bread rolls for breakfast. When she got home she started telling me all about your adventures and I immediately realised what had happened. Thank goodness I didn't put my foot in it."

Jenny took a sip of coffee and I waited for her to say something. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but I hoped she wasn't going to blow the whistle on me with her sister. She glanced down at her hands and then looked up at me. "Nick," she said, "the most important people in my world are my daughter, my sister and you. I love my daughter, I love my sister and I love you. What you've told me doesn't really change what happened, whether or not it's true."

I started to protest, but she held up her hand and I let her continue. "I'm going to think things over, Nick, but I won't tell anyone about how we celebrated Halloween, at least, not at the moment."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Nick, you're a lovely guy. Just keep being nice to my sister and me."

"No problem," I replied, as I touched the wood of the kitchen cupboard door.

Jenny left me and went to get Emma ready to go out. I had fixed the cupboard and finished fitting a new washer on the bathroom tap by the time they were ready and had decided which dolly was going to accompany them to the play park.


As it got closer to Christmas, Hazel was clearly getting excited about breaking our good news, but she was also increasingly concerned about Jenny. I was steering well clear of any discussions about her little sister, but Hazel said she thought Jenny had become quite moody after her disastrous date with the heavy drinker. Hazel took to going over to visit Jenny and Emma a bit more frequently and she told me she thought Jenny had cheered up a bit. It must be tough being a single parent with a young child and even more so when the festive season is starting to get into full swing.

We had agreed to host a Christmas lunch at our place, with Hazel's parents and Jenny and Emma. My parents were going to my brother's place down south for a few days at Christmas and would come and visit us at New Year.

The tree was up in the lounge and all the preparations were well in hand the weekend before Christmas. I was happy to get out from under her feet when Hazel asked me to go over to Jenny's to do some more DIY tasks that Saturday.


Jenny was a bit pale when she answered the door, but maybe that was just a lack of make-up. She looked very pretty, in a green and black checked shirt and denim jeans that hugged her curves.

"Hi," I said, smiling at her, "Nick's DIY at your service, miss!"

She smiled back uncertainly. "Come in. I think I'll just make us a cup of tea if that's OK."

"Where's Emma?" I asked, glancing around.

She's visiting one of her little friends from nursery," said Jenny. "Go through to the lounge and make yourself at home. I need to talk to you before you get started."

I sat in the lounge and waited while she made the tea, wondering what she wanted to chat about. Maybe it was something to do with Christmas?

Jenny handed me a big mug of tea and sat down across from me.

"Nick, this is a difficult for me, but I need to tell you that I've not been the same since Halloween."

"Jenny, I thought we said all that needed to be said," I replied. "It was a mistake. Okay, a lovely mistake, but that's all it was."

"I know what you told me, Nick, and I think I know you well enough to believe that it was a simple case of mistaken identity on your part. But it wasn't really like that for me. You see, I knew almost straight away that it was you."

"Are you saying you took advantage of me?" I asked, puzzled.

"Not really. You knew what you wanted and you got it. I didn't trick you into bed. No. What I mean is... Look, Nick, I have feelings for you and I thought it was wonderfully romantic how you swept me off my feet like that."

"Jenny, I told you if I wasn't married to your sister, you'd definitely have the top spot on my dance card, but I'm married to Hazel and I love her very much."

Jenny sighed and ran a hand through her lovely red hair. "I know, Nick. She's lucky to have you and I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt her. But I'm feeling very vulnerable right now and I'm trying hard not to do anything stupid."

"I'm sorry, Jenny," I said, "I don't understand what you're getting at."

Jenny got up from her seat and came round to sit next to me on the sofa.

"Nick, I know you love Hazel," she said, determinedly looking me right in the eyes. "But I need you to love me too."

"I don't think I could do that, Jenny," I replied, "I would be betraying your sister."

Jenny's shoulders slumped and she suddenly burst into tears. Reacting instinctively, I put my arms around her and she sobbed into my chest.

She clutched me tightly and I held her for a while, until the sobbing subsided. She pulled back slightly and then she whispered, "I love you, Nick. Sorry, but I can't help it."

I looked down at her tear-stained face and felt an overwhelming ache in my heart. I kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Jenny, if I could share my love I would. Please try to understand."

She wiped her eyes, frowned for a moment as if coming to a decision and then she gave me a small tentative smile, banishing the dark cloud that had crossed her mind. "OK, I'll try, but promise me you won't just walk away. I couldn't take that. Not again."

"Jenny, we're family, so no one is walking away. Now where are those lights that need replacing?"

I replaced a couple of light bulbs for Jenny, which was clearly a task she could have done herself, but gave her an excuse to get me to come over, so she could talk to me alone.

I had a lot to think about as I drove home. I had always known that Jenny liked me, but I had no idea that she had fallen for me. Our relationship had changed and I was beginning to realise not only had she shown me that she loved me, but I also now cared more deeply for her than I had previously.


I always look forward to Christmas day, not because of the gift giving or any of the religious stuff, but because it is a feast day. Hazel and I always start Christmas day with a cold glass of Buck's Fizz. This year there was no booze for Hazel, so we made do with freshly squeezed pure orange juice. The coffee percolated and croissants heated up in the oven while we exchanged gifts. The diamond stud earrings that I gave Hazel were a big hit and I got hugs and kisses at regular intervals all morning, as she went about preparing the Christmas lunch of turkey with all the trimmings, preceded by a starter of smoked salmon.