The Devil's Pact Pt. 36


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"It's over, baby," I cooed. "It's all over."

"I'm... not... dirty?" she sobbed, her words punctuated by hiccups.

Jacob cupped her chin, turning her head, and kissed her gently on the lips. I joined them, our lips and tongues tangled with each other. The kiss was pure as fresh snow. A loving melding of three people, three souls. It was wonderful. We shared our love, our kiss so salty with our joy.

A smile broached Leah's face when she broke her kiss. She was beautiful despite being tear-stained and blotchy. A giggle burst from her lips. "Jacob's been hard this entire time."

"Sorry," Jacob muttered. "It's the... uh... pill."

"I bet you're so hard it hurts," Leah purred.

"That's not important," he dismissed.

Leah wiggled her hips, his cock must be pressed against her ass. "Why don't you slip that wonderful shaft back into my hot ass and make love to me?"


Jacob's grin was broad, which made me chortle. "You're such a guy, Jacob. Always thinking with your cock."

"But it's such a wonderful cock," Leah giggled. "And it...oh yes...feels so amazing inside me."

"Well, you do have a point," I pretended to consider. "It does feel amazing in my pussy."

Leah raised on an eyebrow. "Only your pussy?"

"It feels amazing in all my holes!" I declared.

Leah stroked my face, and grasped a strand of my hair, twirling it about her finger. She tugged it, bringing my face closer, so she could give me a kiss full of passion and tongue. Her hands reached behind me and squeezed my ass, pulling our pussies tight against each other's thighs.

She moaned into my lips. Her cunt shoved against my thigh as Jacob thrust his cock into her ass. I savored the slide of my wet flesh against hers, how delicious it was. How it made me tremble and moan to feel my wife's skin beneath my pussy, her dripping snatch rubbing on mine. Pleasure raced through my body.

"Oh, Gods," Jacob groaned. "Sweet Mary's pussy, that's a beautiful feeling."

Jacob's every slow stroke pressed our flesh together. Her cunt was wet, juicy with passion, and her clit was hard with throbbing arousal. Her hands kneaded my ass as I worked my hips, finding a rhythm with his thrusts. Together, we made wonderful love to our wife.

I moaned into our kiss, our tongues dueling. My hand slid from her thigh, brushing her plump ass cheeks, and up her side, groping her pillowy tit, before repeating the journey. Jacob's hand found mine, and we roamed her body together.

My clit ached and throbbed. The pleasure built in my depths as my juices coated her skin. My nipples throbbed as they kissed hers. Delicious tingles ran through me as she shuddered against me, savoring Jacob's cock reaming her asshole and my thigh caressing her pussy.

The pleasure rippled through me. I broke the kiss, moaning, "My beautiful wife! My pussy's on fire for you."

"Are you going to cum?" Leah asked me.

I humped harder against her. "Yes!" I hissed.

I was climbing that peak, nearing my glorious release. Every thrust of my hips and juicy rub of my cunt on her silken thigh propelled me higher and higher up the orgasm mountain. My clit sparked rapture against her flesh. My nipples throbbed against her pillowy tits.

"Cum for me, my love," Leah purred. "Oh, Gods, your thigh's driving me wild!"

"What about me?" Jacob asked.

Leah giggled, "Your cock's stirring my ass up. By Mary's tits, I'm going to explode!" Her eyes widened. "Yes!"

She shrieked wildly, her body bucking between Jacob and me. Hot juices gushed over my thigh as she came. I shuddered, her leg pressing so hard against my pussy. My clit ached and throbbed, the passion building.

"Fuck!" Jacob moaned. "Your ass is so tight, Leah! Oh, Gods, it's squeezing my cock!"

"Yes, yes, cum in my ass!" Leah moaned, her orgasm still crashing through her. "Pour that wonderful love into me! Mark's huge dick, yes!"

I shuddered, sliding my clit up her thigh lubed by my fragrant juices. I reached the summit, and climaxed. I gasped and panted. Leah's face nuzzled my neck as I writhed against her sleek body. The gentle waves of delight washed through me. They left me trembling. It wasn't the wild cum of earlier, but something far more loving.

More beautiful.

The pleasure peaked and then it retreated. I collapsed into a breathless heap. Leah cuddled against me and Jacob hugged both of us. I enjoyed the feel of my wife's body pressed against me, her musk filling my nose.

"You two are the best," Leah muttered, a smile on her face.

I gently kissed her lips. "You're not that bad yourself, cutie."

Leah shifted, looking over her shoulder at Jacob. "Are you still hard?"

"Of course," he smiled, "I have two sexy women in bed with me."

"Maybe I should do something about that," I said archly.

"What did you have in mind?" Leah asked.

"He hasn't fucked my ass yet. Can you get me ready?"

"I'd love to." Leah moved, spreading my cheeks, and licked through my crack.

I closed my eyes, enjoying my wife's tongue, knowing she was back where she belonged--with Jacob and me. This weekend taught me just how fragile life, how fragile happiness, could be. So you should seize any opportunity for happiness and life that you could.

I planned on seizing plenty of both tonight with my two loves!

* * *

Luka - Seattle, WA

"Luka, follow me," Lana said peremptorily as I lay snuggled up to Mona, my birth mother. We were in the heart of the warehouse, my fellow monstrous sisters and their human mothers around us.

Mom's blood was salty on my lips as I nursed gently from the small punctures my teeth had left on her breasts. She shook in ecstasy from my bite, her hands stroking my fiery-red hair as she fed me. Her blood was delicious, salty, life. I could feel that she was close to cumming, her moans soft, passionate.

So I resented Lana's intrusion.

"Why," I demanded, regretfully pulling my lips from Mom's delicious flesh. I could only feed off her once a week. More often would be too dangerous for her. As an Alukah, I needed blood to survive, and Mom offered herself. Such a loving, intimate gift.

"Our Goddess wants you," Lana answered, furrowing her eyes.

I perked up. My True Mother needed me. Joy blossomed inside me. All the children of Lilith, myself included, had been so jealous of Di and Emi when they had been chosen for their special mission. I was secretly delighted to hear that they had died today, even if it meant he lived.

The more of my siblings that perished, the less competition there was for Mother's love.

I followed the curvy blonde to Mother's office. I could see the blood pumping beneath Lana's skin. Warm, delicious blood flowing through a beautiful spiderweb of arteries, capillaries, and veins. She positively glowed with life. It especially pooled in her womb where her daughter grew. I wondered what Lana's blood tasted like. I only ever got to taste my birth mother's blood. Lana smelled different, spicier than Mom, and I bet her blood would have a zesty flavor.

I could take just a little nip. Her neck was so inviting. I sighed. No, I couldn't touch her. As much as I hated Lana--she thought she was so much better than me--she had Mother's favor. She was untouchable... for now.

I knelt when I entered my True Mother's glorious presence, gazing up at her with awe and love. Mother was perfect, and her beauty always made me feel lacking. Her flesh was flawless, and her blood pumped divinely through perfectly shaped blood vessels that painted a glorious picture of life and power beneath her skin.

One day I hoped that she would let me taste her divine blood.

If I served her faithfully, I knew I would.

"Your humble daughter is here to serve, Mother," I said, shuddering as she smiled at me.

Mother waved her hand and the image of a woman appeared. She was young, early twenties, with olive skin and a round face. Her eyes were dark, almond-shaped, revealing a Far East Asian origin. She had a serious look, almost a scholarly air about her. And it wasn't just her appearance Mother had conjured--I could smell her. The salty flavor of her blood, the sour musk of her sweat, and the spicy tang of her sex all combined to give the woman a unique odor.

I looked questioningly at Mother.

"Samnag Soun," Mother answered. "Vizier to him." There was only one "him." The despicable Mark Glassner. "She is traveling to southern France, to a small town called Rennes-le-Château. Kill her."

I licked my lips. "I am the instrument of your will, Mother."

She bent down and kissed me on the lips. Pleasure exploded in my pussy.

I gasped and shuddered as the most intense, amazing orgasm burst through my body, leaving me nothing more than a twitching ball of sensation whipped by the winds of lust scouring my soul. Stars danced through my eyes. Juices gushed out of my pussy, staining my thighs. I heaved and bucked.

For a moment, I was only rapture.

When I regained my senses, I was lying on the floor. I picked myself up. Mother was reading over some papers. Lana and Chantelle--obviously caught up in Mother's Lust, too--writhed in an embrace on the carpets, licking each other's pussies.

Sensing I was dismissed, I withdrew quietly.

My birth mother Mona waited outside the office. "Did she...?"

"She gave me a mission, Mom."

Mom groaned and hugged me. "You're going to do so well," she said, rocking me, our naked flesh pressed together. "You're going to be amazing."

"Thanks, Mom," I smiled, holding her.

Together, we walked up to the roof of the warehouse, holding each other's hands. I was so glad she was my mom. That my True Mother had planted me in Mona's belly. She was so wonderful. So caring. I could tell just how proud she was of me.

It was chilly on the roof. Mother shivered, her naked flesh prickling with goosebumps. But that didn't stop her from throwing her arms about my neck and kissing me hard on the lips. I groaned, savoring our kiss, holding my mother tight.

"I love you, Luka," she said when she broke our embrace.

"I love you too, Mom," I told her as my red hair fanned out, forming into the wings that would carry me through the night sky.

Carrying me to my prey.

* * *

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 - Noel Heinrich - Philadelphia, PA

"It's almost dawn, Noel," Wyatt Kirby said, shaking my leg.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I came awake. I could not believe I had fallen asleep. I sat up, stretched, and made sure my sandy-blonde hair was still tied up in a bun. I had to adjust my shoulder holster, the butt of my gun digging into my side.

"How many arrived?" I asked him.

"Thirty-four," Wyatt answered. "They're in the backyard."

I followed him through his spacious home. He had been my mentor when I went through the FBI Academy at Quantico. Shortly after I graduated, he retired from the FBI and founded his own private security business. He had done quite well for himself. When Mark Glassner freed me from his control, I sought him out and told him everything that had happened to me.

He agreed to help me stop him. To help me avenge her death.

Chasity's beauty danced through my thoughts. Such bitter regret burned in me. I should have told her I loved her. Why didn't I? She had died the next day while I was spying for Mark at the FBI field office in Tacoma. I wasn't there to help her fight off the Nuns' attack.

She had died that bastard's slave!

I shook my head as I followed Wyatt. For the last few months, we had quietly talked to those in the law enforcement and intelligence fields who viewed Mark Glassner with growing trepidation. And this weekend, all our fears were finally realized. First, this Brandon Fitzsimmons dramatically took control of Tacoma and declared himself God, and then our President was more than happy to surrender the Country to him.

Yesterday, Mark defeated Brandon and was doing the exact same thing.

He had to be stopped. It must have convinced everyone that my plan was the way. I found the answers on the internet. The Magicks of the Witch of Endor held all the solutions to the problem of Mark Glassner.

It was all over the internet in paranormal chat rooms and forums.

Standing in clumps around Wyatt's backyard were the tense men and women, the last patriots. In the center, a fire roared, and a hunk of beef waited to be sacrificed. My stomach fluttered as they all stared at me, flint in their eyes.

"For those who do not know me, I am Special Agent Noel Heinrich, FBI!" I was surprised that my voice didn't quake with fear. "For two weeks, I was Mark Glassner's slave! The stories about him are true: He can control you with the simplest of commands! No gas. No chemicals. All he has to do is speak, and you will obey."

"How?" someone in the crowd shouted.

"He sold his soul to the Devil," I answered. I could hear the disbelief in their laughter. "You saw the events of this weekend in Tacoma. Mark Glassner's feud with Brandon Fitzsimmons has left hundreds of US Citizens dead. An entire Army Corp has deserted and sworn allegiance to him. 10,000 or more men. Even the President has kowtowed to him without a fight.

"How else do you think he did this?"

No one had an answer. They shifted. I could feel their unease, almost taste it in the predawn air. It tasted bitter.

"Mark Glassner is the greatest threat to Liberty the world has ever known!" I continued. "Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence in this very city, said, 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.' Our patriotic blood and his tyrannic blood!"

They nodded their heads, women and men all grim-faced.

"How can we fight him?" a woman asked. "If he can just make us do what he wants?"

Determination faded as hope died.

I fixed my gaze on each of them, firm and resolute. "The same way our Founding Fathers defeated the might of the British--by using every single thing at our disposal. I know how Mark got his powers! His secret is out on the internet! We just have to have the strength to do what is necessary to defeat him! We have to fight fire with fire!

"We have to make our own Pact with the Devil!"

To be continued...

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ichaos43ichaos43over 1 year ago

I have to say this is one of the best stories/series ive read. Please tell me you are going to continue writing more?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Waiting for the next part. This has been one of my favorite stories ever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, I'm hooked lol.

I like what you're doing with the story so far.

Please don't end it with "and then They told everyone to forget about all the magic that had happened and gave up their powers".

Such a dissatisfying end.

Also, a way to stop everyone and their mother from getting the powers too?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is prob your best series yet.

I wonder that since they’re both Shamen and bound to heaven too, that Mark and Mary will redeem their souls in someway by defeating Lucifer and all the other demons as they did Molech. Another sacrifice as Mark was willing to make to save Mary

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