The Final Insult Ch. 03


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Now, what was she going to do about him?

Gone. And so fast.

He looked down at his throbbing cock. "And you. I wasn't even thinking about that."

He took hold, squeezing lightly, and groaned. Then he began stroking, considering the look of her body, her scent, what he remembered of being in her. He increased his pace, and groaned again, as he spattered the grass in front of him.

Now, what was he going to do about her?

He'd quit his job. There was nothing to go back to. Subconsciously, he must have meant to come back. But his father's pack, his brother's now, didn't seem right, wouldn't be comfortable. He could petition the McKennas but, would they accept him, would she allow it?

Go it alone? Living was hard here, and trying to go it alone almost suicidal.

Winter was coming. He had to make some sort of decision soon.

Almost done. She was about as prepared as she would get. She snuck off once more and had not met up with him again.

The babies would come soon.

He went back into town, and brought as much back in as he could. He'd set up a tent on the eastern side of the McKenna range and cached most of his supplies.

One last examination.

Heartbeats. Good.

Weight. In range.

Dilated. Yes. Just a little.

The birth would be soon.

She took off when she felt the first contractions. She had to make it to her new place. She'd had ten children and hadn't had any problems since Callum; she didn't expect any trouble even though these two had decided to come a little early. She had a couple more pieces of clothing with her.

He was out, roaming around, looking for rabbits and hoping he might come across her, when she flew by.

He was startled when he saw a wolf streak through the woods ahead of him. He was downwind; it was her.

He followed, until he hit the stream again.

He couldn't see her, couldn't smell her anymore. No. This time he was going to find out where she was. He started downstream, looking for tracks, trying to find where she came out. He had her scent now.

She had to stop a couple of times for the contractions. They were more frequent than she expected. The first pup was coming too quickly; she wasn't sure now if she'd make it there. But she wouldn't make it back now either.

She was within sight of the cabin when she felt the urge to push. She whined and cried as her eleventh child made his way into the world. After cleaning him off, she carried him into the cabin, wrapped him up, and started the fire as she awaited the coming of the second baby.

Finally, he found her track, and headed off in the direction she took. As the wetness from the stream dropped away, he started tracking her by scent.

Suddenly, he caught a whiff of woodsmoke. He stopped, sniffing, when he found the pool of fluids and tissue from the birth. Some clothing lay on the ground nearby.

He picked his head up and looked around, catching sight of the buildings as the first snow began to fall.

He made a circuit of the area and checked the outbuildings before concentrating on the one she was in. He heard noises, crying.

He had, of course, been around when women gave birth before. He'd heard moaning, cursing, crying. He listened outside. It sounded like she was having the baby now, alone. But, the fluids outside, wouldn't that be where she'd had it?

Suddenly, she began screaming.

He shifted, and entered the building. There was a baby, wrapped in a skin, in a basket by the fire. She was in a corner, squatting, straining. She relaxed a bit, panting, and, eyes glazed, looked at him. "Something's wrong." Another contraction hit and she closed her eyes and screamed again.

It tore at him. "I'll get help."

He closed the door behind him, shifted, and sprinted for the McKenna compound. He stood outside in the snow, yelling at them.

"You were told not to come back here."

Out of temper, he yelled, "She's having the baby. Something's wrong."

The gates opened and questions began. "There's no time. She needs help, now!"

"Where is she?"

"A bunch of old buildings, off to the northeast."

Beth disappeared inside as Ethan was held at the door. "Where are you going? We have to go!"

"Tools. Instruments."

Beth returned quickly with some things and a couple of bags to carry them. "Hurry! She's in a bad way."

She told the others she was off to the old Palin compound and that she was going alone with Ethan, arguing with Callum, Alana, and Nick. Nick looked at Ethan. "If anything happens to her..."

"I get it. Let's go."

Beth threw him a bag. "Carry this. Let's go."

They took off running for the buildings. He was surprised that she made a beeline for the old compound. The snow was beginning to build and the wind was making it difficult to see.

They heard her screams of pain and the baby crying as they closed on the building. They shifted, and entered. Beth went directly to Anne, who was panting and straining. Beth touched her shoulder. Drenched in sweat, the floor beneath her slick with fluid, Anne looked up at her. "Won't come." The next contraction ripped another cry from her lips.

"I need to see."

In obvious pain, and moaning, she slid down to the floor, and spread her knees, shaking. Ethan hovered in the background, picked up the first baby and unwrapped it. A boy. He had a son.

Beth looked to him. "Get over here and help me." Eyes closed, Anne was rocking and crying.

Ethan hauled the bags over as she shrieked again. "The cord's keeping the baby from coming. Now, when she relaxes, get your fingers around the cord and try to pull it away from the baby's head."

The contraction ended and she panted, whining. "Anne. I know it's hard, but try not to push. Anne?" Anne's eyes opened and she focussed on Beth. "Don't push."

Ethan was trying to get his fingers around the cord. "I can't get it."

Anne moaned, eyes tightly closed, fists clenched. "Alright, grab the scalpel."

"One more time, Anne." On the second attempt, Beth got her fingers around the cord. "Now. Get the scalpel in there and cut it."


"Cut the cord, now. No wait." Anne was pushing again and the cord tightened around Beth's fingers. "Owww." The contraction ended and Beth pulled the cord away slightly. "Now!"

Ethan, afraid of hurting the baby, slid the scalpel in and sawed at the cord. "Just pull it." It parted more easily than he expectd and blood spattered from the parted ends. "Now, get behind her, lock your arms under her breasts, and help her push when I tell you."

Beth was holding the baby's head through another contraction as Ethan positioned himself. Beth touched Anne's face. "Ready, Anne? Let's get this baby born." Beth took her hand and watched the contraction start. "Now. Push!" Ethan bore down on her belly as the shoulders emerged. "Good. Good. OK, once more."

The baby, another boy, slithered out into Beth's hands. He wasn't crying. Beth held him by his feet as Ethan looked on and Anne wearily opened her eyes. A slap on his bottom failed to bring a response. Ethan was crestfallen. "He's dead." Anne closed her eyes again and tears began to fall.

Beth cleared the baby's mouth. "One more thing." She swung him, back and forth, by his feet. "C'mon, baby. C'mon, little boy. Breathe for me." A little gasp and he sucked in air. "C'mon, do it again." One more swing and she brought him up into her arms. "Good boy." She looked to Anne and Ethan. "He's breathing."

Ethan, still sitting with his arms around Anne, let out a whoop of joy and kissed her. Beth put the baby on her belly and gave him a look.

"I just... I didn't mean...."

Anne's unsteady hands went to her son. Beth massaged her belly and was startled by a gush of blood. "No, Anne. No, no." She looked at Ethan. "You, take the baby and put him with his brother." She continued to massage. "C'mon, Anne, where's the afterbirth?"

He moved out from behind her, took his second son and placed him beside his brother. He turned back, seeing far too much blood for his liking and the worried expression on Beth's face.

"Just one more thing, Anne, and you'll be done. C'mon, where is it?"

"Ethan. Get a piece of rawhide or something and tie off the end of the cord that's coming out of her." He looked around for something, stymied. "Quickly!"

He found her knife and cut off a strip of hide. Moving between Anne's legs, he took hold of the slippery, bloody cord hanging from her and tied it off. The bleeding slowed, but didn't stop.

Beth continued manipulating her belly. "Go find something absorbent. I'm going to have to pack her off."

"Anne. Anne?" Wearily, she opened her eyes; she was going pale. "How about names? What will you call them?"

Ethan returned to hear her say in a low voice, "Grief and Sorrow."

"That's not fair. They're innocent babies, Anne. How about Gregory? Clay?" Anne shook her head. "Evan?" Nothing negative, a shrug. "OK. Erich?" A general nod. "Good."

She motioned Ethan down and spoke quietly to him. "Get behind her again, like you were before."

On the cold slick floor, he sat behind her, and pulled her back into his arms. "Anne. We need the afterbirth to come. Can you push for me?" Anne gathered her strength and Beth nodded at Ethan. The boys were in the basket, crying.

As Anne pushed and Ethan added pressure, Beth put tension on the cord. "Again!" She felt it start to move. "OK, once more, push!" Anne closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and groaned while Ethan pressed on her belly. The afterbirth came loose, followed by more blood.

"She's gonna bleed to death."

Beth gave him a dirty look as she started packing Anne with the material he'd brought. Anne's eyes closed and her head fell back against him. "No. Do something." Beth finished up and looked to him.

"Now, carefully, get her on the bed and look to the fire. And you need to stop voicing every thought that comes into your head." Beth took care of the tissues from the birth, went to the pump, and began cleaning up the mess on the floor.

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cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 9 years ago
Kind of hope she dies

so she can finally have freedom and peace.

Wolftight21Wolftight21almost 9 years ago
No Way Out.

She just can't seem to catch a break. Now they know about her new home so she lost that. If she dies chances are that Devon, her mate, will be waiting for her. There's no way out for her. So dam sad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
please don't let her die!!

I can't take one more bit of tragedy! Give them a happy ending!

Iread2relaxIread2relaxalmost 9 years ago
Will she live? Will she die?

If she lives, she will be in misery and made to feel guilt about not wanting these two babies. Ethan needs to be allowed asylum to look out for his children. I dont think Callum can welcome him as a pack member. He is a Maitlin after all. If she dies, her son will feel guilty. He sent her out to get pregnant, even though she was still grieveing her mate. Then the baby boys will neverknow their mother. Can she love the son of a Maitlin? Maybe, she will see her mate and he will tell her to go on and live. So many posibilities, however, I must wait. Will you ever write Stephanie's story?

nadaliwnadaliwalmost 9 years ago

Great chapter. It makes me appreciate hospitals and anesthesia.

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