The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 06


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Chris went back downstairs, found Trey Beck and his dad sipping a beer and discussing their return trips tomorrow. "Trey, would there be enough room for Mom, Dad, and Donna to fly back with us to Fort Worth?"

Beck replied that wouldn't be problem, so Chris turned to his dad. "Can you change your flight home from SLC to DFW?" He said that wouldn't be a problem, but why?

"Jo thinks I need to show both of you and your wives the property I just bought. Like I told you, it needs considerable work, and she thinks I should show it to you 'before and after'. I was going to surprise everyone after it got done, but I like her plan better.

"Would that cause a problem for anyone?"

Trey said "We're leaving at 9:30 and will be on the ground about 12:30 central standard. We could eat somewhere, and go take a look before we even go home. That way we could take Dan, Debora, and Donna to DFW for a late afternoon flight and have them home before bedtime. Would you like to do that, Dan?"

"I would, but let's go talk to the bosses; they may have other plans they haven't told us about, yet."


The two-vehicle caravan pulled onto Chris' new property at just after 1:20 Saturday afternoon. He, and Jo, had given them a preview, so the Becks and Alexanders knew what they were looking at when their Denali pulled in, and Donna was getting filled in by Jo in the pickup.

Everyone was impressed with the potential of what Sandy called the "ranchette in the middle of Fort Worth!" The women were concerned about the amount of work that needed to be done, and the construction men were busy discussing the "how, who, and what" of renovating the house and structures, and cleaning up the grounds.

Bringing highly experienced construction experts in was a stroke of genius because they provided both a sounding board and alternatives, and Trey knew every skilled craftsman in the area. Their ideas and Trey's connections would make this happen faster and more efficiently.

Bringing the ladies was also genius, because they tossed ideas around like popcorn in every room and space. Jo took notes, and by the time the Becks took the Alexanders to the airport, options and plans for each room were sketched out for Chris' review and consideration.

They waved as the Denali pulled away, and walked back inside arm in arm. Chris wanted to go over some of their ideas again, but Jo needed to go to the bathroom first. "Meet me in the kitchen; we can start there!" she stated as she walked away.

When she returned, the black tights under the ass-length jumper were missing. He grinned; she hopped up on the counter by the sink, leaned over, and spread her legs. The view proved her panties and bra were also missing.

"Oh, you thought I meant start on the IDEAS!" she exclaimed. "No, Honey, I meant start our project of doing it on every surface in the house!"

He ran his hands up the outside of her shapely legs and cupped her magnificent ass, leaned forward, and kissed her. She wiggled forward and pulled him toward her, then wrapped her legs around his butt. He warned, "You do know this surface is going to be replaced, so we'll have to do it on here again, don't you?"

"I know! That's what makes a renovation this size so wonderful! We can do it everywhere before and after!"

"Sex Fiend! Are you sure your doctor said it's okay to do this?" he asked after lifting his head from where he had been kissing the inside of her right thigh.

"Oh, yes! He said I should have a lot of sex beginning Saturday to make sure my blood pressure would remain stable, so shut up and get back to work! We have a lot of rooms and surfaces to.... Ooohhhh yesss! Just like that!"

Her heart was strong, but her stamina was lacking; they only got the three surfaces in the kitchen and the pantry done before she had to call timeout for a meal, a shower, and a bed. The food and shower refreshed her, and this time she wore Chris out!

The 11:00 am church service seemed to start only a few minutes after they went to sleep.

After hurriedly getting dressed, hustling to the Ram, driving like mad toward church, Chris said, "I'll call my PCP tomorrow and set up an appointment for you, since I know you don't have a doctor in Fort Worth, yet. I'll also let him know you stress-tested your heart by fucking me continuously from four pm Saturday until dawn Sunday, and, although you quivered, spasmed, and screamed several times, your heart rate and blood pressure remained within the normal range, for someone getting the amount of exercise you were getting."

She unbuckled her seatbelt, slid over beside him, rebuckled in the middle, grabbed him by the cock, and purred, "This is my favorite drug EVER! The doctor won't believe the amount of dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin released every time you make me cum! Sex with you is WAY more fun than getting high on booze or Ecstasy, and there is no morning after hangover! Although I am sore!"


By the time closing occurred, the various work crews and suppliers had their plans worked out and coordinated. Since the crews already had contracts with Beck they needed to keep, or worked for Beck and were doing their part on weekends and after work, there would be no missed schedules, no crews waiting on another that didn't show up, or no materials not delivered on time. They knew, trusted, and depended on one another.

The usual reasons remodeling and building projects often take so long were eliminated, and the only schedule problems were weather related. Chris worked Monday through Friday for Beck until closing, and then went back to the house and worked there, often with Jo.

Jo was enthralled by the methods they used to remove and replace wiring, breaker boxes, load centers, and light fixtures without damaging the original red oak tongue and groove wainscoting, the wooden paneling in the living room, dining room, and the master bedroom / suite, or the plastered walls above the wainscoting in other rooms.

The plumbers were able to use a well-designed plumbing chases to replace the pipes that were decades old, or older, also sparing the walls and woodwork.

The paneled wooden ceilings required quite a bit of repair before restoration, but they were able to save and renovate the ornate carved and gilded molding around the living and dining room ceilings.

The HVAC had been added to the Victorian-style home in the 1970s, using the space between each floor to run ducting, and the remnant shafts of the spacious dumbwaiter system to install the inside units. The old were removed, and new, energy efficient ducting and units were installed.

Skilled painters wearing masks removed decades of old paint before repainting, and removed layers of stain from the wainscoting until the red oak appeared, after which they oiled and sealed it.

The foundation was solid, but Chris had them shore it up even more to ensure it remained level and steady. Then he turned the refinishing crews loose on the hardwood floors.

Though the home was Victorian era and had the outside appearance of a Victorian home, it had much larger rooms than would be typical of the era, and it not only had closets, it had spacious closets.

The closets, bathrooms, and kitchen were updated and modernized without destroying the look and feel of the home, and each room now included sufficient electrical outlets.

The replacement of the missing chandeliers was a project greatly aided by the Internet and social media, and their efforts resulted in the acquisition of authentic chandeliers that looked like they belonged in the house.

The finishing touches on the house -- the repairs and painting of the outside - were completed just before Memorial Day, giving Chris a month to move into and live in the house before he had to leave it for a year.

Jo had finished exams earlier in May, and his parents and both sisters came down on May 10 to help her shop for the curtains, rugs, and furniture needed.

The master suite had been the first room finished, and Chris, ably assisted, had immediately furnished it with items he had chosen, with able assistance. All furniture and surfaces in that room had been thoroughly broken in, so to speak, by him and his able assistant, long before their guests arrived.

Chris gave his girlfriend, mother, and sisters a generous budget for furnishings, which Debora greatly supplemented in her efforts to ensure the 'Grand Old Lady' that she had fallen in love with had everything she needed to be the showplace she should be.

The Alexanders stayed ten days to help with the various projects, including the critical placement of furniture in just the right place, which frequently involved several moves before that location was found.

Chris invited his dad to go fishing at a nearby lake on Saturday, and they were gone most of the day while the women hung drapes, curtains, and valances. They returned, sans fish, to find a note that the women had gone to buy some different rods for the window coverings, and they would bring Pizza for supper.

The Alexanders stayed until all the window coverings and furniture were in place, which took two more days. Chris and his dad were unwelcome in the house, except when something needed to be moved again, so they worked in the barn and fooled around with the old vehicles, discovering were in better shape than they appeared from outside.

In fact, the tractor ran once they put fresh diesel in it and changed the battery, so they hooked up the shredder and gave it a try. The front loader worked perfectly, as did the shredder, but the blades needed sharpening. The availability of the tractor and implements would make a big difference in grounds cleanup and maintenance.

Heartfelt hugs and kisses were exchanged and promises made when the Alexanders loaded up into their Class A motorhome and headed east. Even Chris was beginning to believe his sisters might actually become Horned Frogs next year; Jo was certain they were.


Jo was back in summer school, and Chris was working long hours on the stadium as they began staggering crews to take advantage of the longer hours of sunlight and the moderate spring weather. June-September would be brutally hot, so they staggered work crews to get the most possible work completed each day.

They were well ahead of schedule and under budget, but Chris was leaving for grad school on July 1, and he wanted to get as much done as possible before he turned it over to his successor,

Chris wasn't fond of his trainee/successor, Robert. He was competent enough, but his extreme confidence -- bordering on arrogance -- rubbed Chris, the foremen, and the workers exposed to him the wrong way. Still, he was Trey Beck's choice, so Chris did his job and held his tongue.

Until the Becks hosted a catered Memorial Day picnic at an events center on Lake Worth for all the area workers and their families, that is.

Jo had been a trooper throughout the renovation project. She had maintained her 4.0 GPA, but had foregone parties and social events to help Chris with the house... and she had been a great help because she had excellent tastes. Background be damned, she knew instinctively what went well with what, and she studied restored era houses online so the things they bought matched the house.

Memorial Day was the first opportunity for the busy girl to be in a social setting with her busy boy in a very long time, and she was excited about the opportunity. Everything she wore and took to change into, from bikini with cover up to shorts to sundress, was appropriate for the workplace party.

As always, the problem was how good she looked in whatever she had on.

Robert (don't call me Bob) spotted her as soon as she arrived with Chris. The workers didn't like him, but the females in the office thought he was a hunk, so he smiled and asked a married one that was all but hanging on him if that was Chris' wife. She wrinkled her nose and replied that she didn't really know her, but she heard Chris picked her up somewhere in Arkansas and she was kind of his mistress now.

Robert shrugged and seemingly returned his attention to his probable next married conquest, while still watching Jo. The fire in his loins told him he had to have the gorgeous young blonde, and tonight would be the night he set and baited the trap.

Robert's unknown problems were Chris' dislike of him and his protective instincts toward Jo. Had Robert known, he might not have come on so hard when she was in the swimming pool and Chris was standing on the apron talking with a couple of the bosses, including the owner. Jo was friendly at first, but rebuffed his efforts as soon as he turned from light flirting to propositioning and touching. When he persisted, she got out, put on her cover up, and left the pool area to go sit with the owner's wife.

At that point Robert had to reassess the 'young mistress from Arkansas' label and revise his plan. He got out, slipped on his tee shirt and sandals, got a beer, and wandered around until he just happened to end up where Sandy Beck and Jo were sitting on loungers. He asked if they minded if he joined them, and pulled up a chair when Mrs. Beck said he was welcome to.

She introduced herself and Jo Kennedy, and then began to ask him about himself. There was no topic he loved more, so he informed, elucidated, and enchanted his audience with his exploits and achievements as a star high school and college athlete, his cum laude academic credentials, and his engineering feats for a smaller company.

He only obliquely made reference to his superior skills as a lover, as part of his response to Sandy's inquiry about his marital status, but he was smiling at Jo when he replied. "No, I'm not married. I won't say I'll never be, but some men are created to please the ladies and spread the joy; that's me!"

Sandy asked if he would be so kind as to go get Jo a cold 7Up and her another wine cooler; he jumped at the chance to let them see his trim, muscular body and legs from behind, and trotted off athletically to do her bidding.

This was going to be easier than he thought; Jo had been following his every word with a slight smile on her face.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Sandy said, "He's really full of himself, isn't he?"

"If you mean he is really full of shit, then yes, I completely agree!" Jo replied, after which she told Sandy of his conduct in the pool.

Sandy's reply was, "Someone should probably warn him that Chris doesn't like men hitting on you, much less trying to molest you." Then she giggled, "But that would greatly reduce the entertainment value of the party! From what I've heard, he isn't exactly popular among the men, so Chris messing him up would only add to the growing legend."

Jo was not pleased with Sandy's willingness to have her man get in a fight with the wanna-be lothario, who was big, well built, and a former college football player. What if Chris got hurt?

She excused herself as soon as he returned with her drink, and, to his dismay, walked straight to Chris and embraced him from this side.

Sandy caught the dismayed look, and giggled internally. She didn't really want a fight, but watching Robert get taken down a few notches would be fun, and beneficial to Robert. Trey had told her he was the spoiled son of a fraternity brother who needed a fresh start far from California, so he hired him on a trial basis.

Sandy doubted the trial would be successful; Trey didn't like men or women who got involved with other married men or women, and office gossip said that was Robert's main area of concentration.

Jo persuaded Chris to go swimming, and they cavorted in the water like lovers do, before changing into shorts and tee shirts to go play horseshoes and cornhole with some of the workers and their spouses. After losing more than they won, they engaged in a spirted game of volleyball with another group; they did better in the sand.

Robert continued to work his charms on Sandy until she tired of him and went to her husband, Trey.

Unwelcome in the games with the construction workers, he gravitated back to the office staff and managed to piss off the husbands of the wives with whom he blatantly flirted. He quickly became persona non-gratia, but there were a couple of rather plain single girls who seemed eager to succumb to his advances, so he moved over to them.

And then he saw Jo walking toward the restroom carrying a dress over her arm.

He made his leave from the admirers by explaining he wanted to clean up and change into shorts, and then headed after Jo. The men and women's restrooms were side by side, with doors facing away from the gathering. He waited until Jo came out in her pretty sundress to corner her along the wall. She told him she wasn't interested, and tried to move past him.

He blocked her by putting his hand against the wall, and put his other hand on her waist. He was telling her that he knew she wanted him and that he was going to rock her world.

Using the technique she had successfully employed at Billy Bob's, Jo aimed a knee at his nuts. Unfortunately, he turned just enough that she kneed his thigh instead. It was, however, enough to make him drop his arm and allow her to run around the side of the building.

He cursed, gave chase, and grabbed her from behind, putting his hand over her mouth to silence the scream he expected and lifting her by the waist.

This wasn't his first forced sexual encounter, so he backed around the wall away from the people, set her down with his cock lodged against her fantastical ass, and told her he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her, so to quit pretending.

She relaxed, so he took his hand off her mouth. She quietly said, "Do you have good insurance? You're about to need it."

He laughed and said she was too small and weak to hurt a stud like himself; she laughed at that. Then she pointed at the other corner with her free hand. Chris was nonchalantly leaning on the wall with an inquisitive look on his face. Standing behind him were Jim Bob, Trey, a host of workers, and several of the husbands he had pissed off earlier.

"I know you're prettier and smarter than the rest of us, and you deserve whatever woman you want, Bobby Boy, but I think you realize that's my girl you're holding. Against her will!" He shook his head, "I've been known to kick someone's ass for much less, Baby Bobby."

Robert turned her loose, stepped back, and started blaming Jo. Jo turned and kicked him in the shin, but her little sandals hurt her toes more than his leg. She scurried over to Chris and said, "Honey, don't waste your time on this piece of shit! He's not worth the skinned knuckles. Let's go back to the party and leave him to these fine gentlemen."

One of the large, fit husbands stepped forward: "Dibs on first!" A line quickly formed behind him.

Chris laughed, turned to Jim Bob and Trey, and said, "I'm afraid I can't recommend him for continued employment, Bosses. He's not worth a shit at his job because he's too arrogant to learn anything, and he pisses EVERYBODY off!"

"Don't worry, Chris," Trey answered. "Jim Bob warned me. I took him on a favor to an old fraternity brother, but we already have his replacement lined up, and Jim Bob will be there to help get the new man get started on Tuesday.

"Now, let's the four of us walk back to the party and ignore whatever happens back here."

A while later, Robert was able to drive his car off the parking lot, after being assisted to it by a crowd of men. He didn't look so pretty, or act so arrogant, as he pulled away in a screech of tires and cloud of dust.

"Guess I'll have to mail his severance," Trey commented with a chuckle.

After the laughter died down, Chris said, "Thanks for giving me the heads up, Sandy."

Jo fiercely proclaimed, "If you hadn't come, I was going to stomp his bare foot, bite his hand, and kick him in the nuts when he turned me loose!"