The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 09

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Keeping love growing while apart; spring break.
12.9k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/09/2022
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The Girl from the Ouachita, Ch. 9

Usual disclaimers: no sex under 18; I edit my own work; some bad (fantasy) people may experience violence.

From the end of Chapter 8: The quartet played 'Jo and the Cowboy' again, and they danced. It wasn't their wedding dance, but they looked into one another's eyes as if it were, and no one joined them. They turned and bowed to the crowd, and then Chris nodded to the quartet, which began playing Tango of Love. Jo's eyes lit up, and they wowed everyone there with their dancing ability and perfect timing. The slit in Jo's dress certainly came in handy, and most certainly attracted the attention of the menfolk.

They visited with everyone there, stayed to the end, and wished each departing guest a good night. Chris was exhausted, but Jo was walking on air, as was Debora. "Honey, I knew you would be a hit, but I do believe you charmed everyone there!"

They reminisced about and replayed the night for the better part of an hour before Chris stood, gently took Jo's arm, and said, "I'm tired and sleepy, Jo; let's go change and go to bed."

His mother laughed. "If you're so tired, I guess I won't be hearing noises from your room tonight!" Her son and daughter (in-law-to-be) reddened, said good night, and went happily up the stairs.

Their plane departed at 3:30. The two-hour flight was an opportunity for Jo and Chris to snuggle and sleep, and for Donna to don her headphones, crank up her music, and sleep. They didn't awaken until the captain began describing conditions on the ground in Fort Worth.

They greeted Kate, the engaged spent a night making love in the old house that was becoming their home, and then Jo got up early to take Chris back to the airport. He would miss his classes that morning, but his Profs knew and had given him a make-up project in lieu of attendance. He arrived at work at his normal time, went to his martial arts workout, and Facetimed Jo when he got back to the apartment.

On December 4, he received a volley of texts and social media posts from kin and friends wishing him happy birthday. He finished class and was starting to respond to the messages when he received a Facetime request from Jo. The angry face staring at him was unexpected. "Good morning, Honey!" he began.

"Don't good morning me, you jackass! You did this on purpose!" was the response he got. "What?" he asked innocently.

"Not telling me your birthday! If Donna hadn't asked what I got you I wouldn't have known! I'm really pissed at you! You do all these things for me, but I don't even get a chance to give you a birthday present BECAUSE YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHEN IT WAS!"

Chris laughed, "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch, you already gave me the best present of my life when you said you'd marry me! I don't want you spending your money on something for me -- I've got you!"

Her voice softened, but she maintained, "You should have told me! And how is it that we've been together all this time and I never knew your birthdate?"

"Because you never asked?" he replied with a question.

She was quiet for a few seconds. "Now I really feel bad, like a selfish bitch! All the teasing and talking we've done about age and I don't even know when you were born! I feel like such a fool!"

"Well, now that you know I'm 26, are you going to give the ring back? Say I'm too old for you?"

"Ha! You're not getting away that easily, old fella! Besides, I'll be 19 in two weeks, so the age difference remains the same."

"I hate to break this up, but I've got to get to work. Maybe we can Facetime earlier tonight -- I'll skip my daily workout if you'll call me at 7; will that work?"

She agreed, told him she really did love him, even if she was a selfish bitch, and he told her she was perfect and not to say bad things about his fiancée!

Chris had changed into a tight shirt and tighter shorts, getting ready for his call with Jo, when the doorbell rang. He opened it and found a very attractive young woman holding a cake. "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" she said as she stepped inside. She put the cake on the table, lit all 26 candles, looked him up and down, told him she hoped he was having a great day and she would be glad to help if he wasn't. She winked, said, "My number is on the card if you need anything," and left.

He was laughing at the huge Devil's Food cake with thick milk chocolate pecan icing, his favorite, when the request came. He was expecting something sexy, but when he accepted, he saw that his sister, Kate, and Jo were on screen. That made him very glad he hadn't answered naked, which he had considered.

The three girls sang an enthusiastic version of "Happy Birthday to you..." and then Donna told him to blow out the candles. He did it in one breath, and after they finished clapping and cheering, thanked them for the surprises.

They had a light, happy, and amiable conversation for a half hour, and then Jo took the phone up to their bedroom for a little us time. "I'm not buying you anything since you asked me not to, but you're gonna get another special present from me at Christmas. Now, get your clothes off, and I'll entertain you with my new dance routine before we get serious!"


Life settled in -- class, job, workout, affirmation with Jo, and bed. She added a welcome wrinkle by texting him several times a day. Nothing special -- just cute little messages, emojis, or memes, but it made him think of her each time, and he began to send things to her. She inevitably responded immediately, which made him more alert for the notification chime.

That was the flow of their lives for the next three and a half weeks. Chris wasn't scheduled to return until December 20, when the workers were given a break through January 5th.

He never mentioned her birthday, as if he had forgotten all about it. She was disappointed, but knew he would make it up to her when he got off work.

All her classes had been over for a week, so she was relaxing on the couch in her PJs, watching one of the early shows and eating cereal when she heard a car enter the gravel parking area. She frowned, got up, and peeped out the window. It wasn't a car she recognized, so she hustled over to the door to make sure all the locks were secure, and then peeped through the window again.

A large man wearing a heavy overcoat and hat was getting something out of the trunk. He tapped the window as he walked by the driver and headed for the house. The car backed out, so Jo focused on the big man, who was walking up as if he owned the place! Why was he here and why was the car leaving?

She picked up her phone and prepared to dial 9-1-1.

"Chris!" she screamed, when she finally recognized him through the window. He smiled at her exclamation and continued using his keys to open the two locks. He stepped inside and was slammed up against the wall by his excited fiancée - "What are you doing here?" she shouted, while trying to break his ribs with a hug.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Amy Jo, happy birthday to you," he warbled while hugging her back.

"You came back for my birthday? Oh, Chris, I love you so much! Thank you, Darling! I thought you had forgotten!"

"You're kidding! Would I forget the most important day of my life? Forget the day I met my pretty girl from the Ouachita? Forget the birthday of my fiancée? No way will I ever forget that day and night!

"Happy 19th birthday, my Precious One!"

"Oh, Chris, I love you so much!"

"Now, let's get you all dressed up, and I'll take you shopping for the perfect present to go with your gift from me. After that we can go eat someplace nice!"

"How will I know the 'perfect present' to go with your gift if I don't know what your gift is?" she asked.

"After you're dressed I'll give you your gift -- it doesn't go well with your flannel doggie pajamas."

She finally let him off the wall, but grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs with her, golden hair flying around and giggling all the way. She rushed into the bath; he sat on the bed and contemplated her reaction to the gift in his hand. She was back in under thirty minutes, looking as gorgeous as any model, wearing a black skirt and white button-up blouse. "Does it go with this?" she asked with a grin.

He whistled, pulled the professionally wrapped box from behind him, and handed it to her. She squealed, hopped around, and tore at the wrapping. The box had a name imprinted on the top that she didn't recognize, but it looked like a jewelry box to Jo. She paused and looked expectantly at Chris, then opened the lid; she gasped, and looked back at him.

"Chris... is this what I think it is?" in a tremulous voice.

"If you think it's a necklace and matching earrings featuring your birthstone, then yes, it is," he replied.

"I don't think this is a gemstone, Chris... it looks like a huge ruby... with diamonds!"

"That IS your birthstone, Sweetie, but it's hardly huge -- the teardrop ruby in the necklace is a half carat and the ones in the earrings are a quarter carat. Try them on!"

She lifted the necklace out of the box, dangled it over her hand, and asked, "Is the metal silver? It kinda looks like it but not really."

"No, it's white gold. Here, let me put it around your neck, you can put on the earrings, and we can get started on finding the perfect dress, or whatever you want to wear with it.

"Wow! It looks great with this white blouse!"

She hung the earrings and walked to the big mirror on the living room wall. "Oh, Chris, this is too much! In the past I got a new pair of panties, or maybe some new sneakers -- this is just stunning!"

"Actually, it's two birthday presents, because I didn't get you one last year. Besides, the necklace and earrings aren't as stunning as the beauty wearing them!"

They hustled down the stairs and out to the garage, ignoring the cold wind.

Amazingly enough, she found a white dress with ruby red trim around the hem, the half-sleeves, and the V neckline at the second store they shopped. The sales clerk gushed over her earrings and necklace, and then gushed over the dress with the necklace hanging in the V. Chris thought it called a bit too much attention to the swell of her lovely breasts, but it gave him a hard on, so she wanted it.

They ate an early supper at a very nice Italian restaurant, and then started for home. Jo snuggled under his arm, but it turned out that snuggling wasn't all she had in mind. He had to pull the minx out of his lap by her long hair due to the perils of distracted driving in rush hour traffic.

As they got closer to home, she piped up, "No traffic from here on!" She unzipped him, took her favorite toy in hand, and told him she wanted to try something new.

He replied with mock concern, "I hope this is from another internet lesson, not live practice." She replied, "I'll show you the video when we get back."

As soon as he turned onto their road, she lowered her head and began her demonstration. Chris drove straight into the garage, stopped, pushed the seat all the way back, and let her do her new thing for a few minutes while he rubbed, squeezed, and mashed her firm, round butt cheeks. Then he said, "That's very, very, very nice, Honey, but I'm ready to try something else!"

"Take off your pants and panties," he commanded. While she was complying, he pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees and pulled his sweater off. When she saw he was naked from the knees up, she hurriedly removed her blouse and bra.

"Straddle me," he ordered when her clothes were lying on the seat behind her. She was agile enough to pull that off, and she fit nicely between the steering wheel and his body. She kissed him fiercely while rubbing her hard nips and sensitive tits on his bare chest.

He grabbed that magnificent ass again, positioned her just right, and pushed his steel cock into her tight pussy. She slowly sank onto it, the exquisite sensation evoking moans from her and a loud hiss-and-sigh from him.

She couldn't be still or quiet; she rubbed her hard nipples against his hard, hairy chest and tried to devour his mouth with hers, all the while whimpering and whining with need.

"God, Jo, I swear you're tighter, hotter, and wetter every time we get together!" he claimed when she removed her mouth from his and threw her head back.

She wanted to reply, to tell him he felt bigger and better every time, but her climax had been building and it was too late for talk! She clamped down, froze, and issued a keening cry that went on and on, while her insides spasmed and cramped around the cock filling her to overflowing with cum.

She finally slumped against him, mewling and purring with contentment as she tried to merge her body into his. A minute or so later, after their breathing and blood pressure settled, she murmured into his chest, "That's the first time for doing it in the driver's seat, Honey. I kinda like this; we should try it in the pickup too, and in the old car in the barn!"

When they finally dressed and started to the house, Chris was astonished to see the festive vintage Christmas decorations and amber lights the girls had hung around the porches, the windows, and doors. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed when he first arrived!

Even worse, between the living and dining rooms an eight-foot tree was sitting near the window, covered in tinsel, ornaments, a few vintage amber lights, and a shiny star. The decorations were appropriate to the era in which the house was built, and other period decorations carefully sited throughout the dining and living rooms, above the fireplace, and along the staircase.

"How in the hell did I miss all this? I really am clueless! Or maybe I was just fixated on my beautiful fiancée. Regardless, I'm embarrassed, and highly impressed! These decorations are just perfect!"

Jo swelled with pride at his reactions, and even more when he affirmed what a great job they had done in selecting and placing everything. She recounted their research of Christmas decorations in the early 1900s and their internet searches for the various pieces they had purchased. She looked for forgiveness when admitting she charged it on the travel card he provided, but felt they were the kind of decorations they could keep forever.

He kissed her forehead, nose, and lips, and told her they were perfect, whatever they cost. She beamed.


Donna was in Nashville, Kate in Seattle, so they had the entire house to themselves for three whole days! Not wanting to provide entertainment for the security system monitors, Chris turned off all the inside cameras, but left the ones outside on. On a sunny, warm day three, he had to turn off the backyard and barn cameras for several hours while they "first timed" new places outside and sunbathed nude in a private area. In addition to all-over tans and quiet foreplay, nude sunbathing also gave them an opportunity to listen to the calling of the winter birds, including native Mourning Doves and the White Wing invaders from Mexico that were taking over the state.

The mourning doves had a mournful coo; the white wing doves a harsher but pleasing ca-coo, and there were plentiful pairs of both kinds nesting in the Live Oak trees on the property.

Lying side by side, feeling the chill of the warm wind, watching, and touching each other, proved one thing - video sex might be far better than phone sex, but it was a poor imitation of the real thing!

Vision and sound are only two of the affected senses when lovers lie together; adding the touch, taste, and smell of your lover is what makes it such an overwhelming experience. In the same vein, even if better than nothing, hands and plastic toys are far inferior to human sex organs in providing release for passion.

Being apart, even for the three weeks since Thanksgiving weekend, had whetted their appetites for one another, and they made the most of their five days alone. They lived on love and the food Jo had on hand, never leaving the property until Mom, Dad, Diane, and Donna drove in at noon on the 23rd.

They brought a load of presents with them to add to the stack already placed under the tree by Donna, Kate, and Jo. Chris had bought so many presents in Colorado he had them shipped to Fort Worth. They arrived mid-afternoon via UPS, and when added, the gifts were stacked all around and alongside the tree, taking up a quarter of the living room. It would be a very nice, very extensive, very expensive gift exchange.

Jo was almost embarrassed at the number of gifts with her name on them -- more than all the rest in her history combined and multiplied by 3 or 4.

They attended Trinity Episcopal Church's early evening service, and the Alexanders heard Jo singing carols for the first time. They were not surprised when she was again begged to join the choir by the music director and priest when they were leaving.

From church to the Becks' Christmas Eve party for fellowship and dancing, and then back to Chris' to open 'just one present'.

Chris asked that everyone open their presents from him at the same time, and he would do the same. They teased, but agreed. "Oh my gosh! A jungle print ski suit!" Diane exclaimed, just before Donna shouted, "Mine is purple and white hound's-tooth! I've never seen anything like it!"

Jo was opening hers carefully, but when she heard the others shouting she ripped through the wrapping. "Look at this -- mine is solar systems and constellations on a purple background!"

Debora added to the excitement, adding, "Mine is burgundy with geometric figures all over it! Oh goodness, Chris! Where in the world did you ever find all these?"

Rather than answer, he looked at his father and they unboxed and held theirs up at the same time. "Mine is Tennessee Orange and White, and Dad's is Tennessee White and Orange! Pretty cool, right? Now we can find each other on the slopes!

"Jo knows where I got them -- a little skiing and mountain gear shop in Golden. Remember telling me how much you liked the ski bib and jacket in the window?" Jo nodded excitedly.

"I went back after you left in August, inquired about a special order, and they offered a great deal if I would buy five; I said I wanted seven so they sweetened the deal a little more, and then we looked at the materials available and picked patterns you rarely see on the slopes. Everything is water resistant, and they threw in the ski masks for free!"

The unusual gifts earned him hugs and kisses from Mom and his sisters, a man-hug from Dad, and a modeling exhibition from Jo later that night.

Jo presented his special birthday present when they got into their bedroom, and insisted her open it. At first, he was confused: the colorful set of five silk boxers was obviously his, but why would she give him three scant thongs and two tiny G-strings with very skimpy matching bras?

She demanded he try all five pair on, she matched him set for set, and then he understood.


The next morning they delved into the stacks of presents. When all was said and done, they each had multiple sets of very nice winter clothing appropriate for the slopes, and for the nightlife of Park City. Jo got her own skis, poles and boots. All the ladies also got jewelry, and Chris and Dan got new bird guns. The remaining presents, for Kate, her parents, and the Becks, would travel to Utah with them on the 26th.

Beck Construction's private jet deposited them at the private terminal at SLC before taxiing to the hanger, and the Becks picked them up in a 4wd Suburban they kept at the ski chalet. They crammed their luggage and the presents in the rear, and crowded together on the seats for the 45-minute drive up the mountain.

Kate and her parents, Stephanie and Ed, were waiting at the Becks'. Greetings, kisses, and hugs were exchanged, with Chris getting the full-body hug from both Kate and Stephanie. The full-body hug he got from Kate when she unwrapped her ski suit - TCU purple pants with white trim and a white top with purple trim -- drew a frown from Jo.