The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 10

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Covid sucks, but Jo and her Cowboy persevere - the Finale.
23.5k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/09/2022
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The Girl from the Ouachita, Chapter 10

All usual disclaimers - No sex among those younger than 18; I edit my own work; my characters speak to each other and to others (dialogue). I paint pictures of locations, people, and events with words, which is TMI for many; and this story involves Americans from several states, but is set largely in Texas -- that, in and of itself, is a trigger for many others. Good or bad, this chapter will be better if you have read the previous nine first.

From the end of chapter nine, after the 5'6", 120# Jo stomped some big bad fraternity boys.

"I do think I learned something about myself. My instructor says I love martial arts because I have so much anger stored inside and working out provides some release. I don't know about that, but something inside me just snapped when Jack grabbed and squeezed my boobs, and I wanted to beat the crap out of everyone that had put their dirty hands on me, or on Kate, or said something nasty to one of us while we were trying to get the work done!"

"Maybe we should rethink having kids, Honey," Chris teased lightly, "with my temper and your ferocity..."

"Speaking of having kids," she whispered, in a complete mood flip, "maybe we should go up and practice."

They left Kate and Donna talking animatedly while watching Kate's video for the fourth time.


They slept in Saturday, and then all four went outside to work on the garden and with the plants in the barn. Chris intended to mow, but the girls wanted the flower beds turned over so they could plant them soon. They made deals: Chris tilled while Jo mowed, Donna used the spreader to fertilize after Jo finished mowing an area, and Kate chopped weeds in the garden and ran a string trimmer around the outside of the flower beds. Not one of them had ever done those jobs before, but there was a sense of satisfaction in doing something new, in contributing to a project for the common good.

They were through before three pm, giving them sufficient time to get their bags packed for a week at the coast. Chris gave them a lecture on the essentials to bring - swimsuits, shorts sets, two pair of jeans with blouses, and a couple of sundresses, in case they went out on the town.

Still, he knew what to expect, so he wasn't surprised early Sunday morning when each one brought a large suitcase, a backpack, a makeup bag, and a stuffed hanging clothes bag out to the Jeep.

They were surprised, however, to find a covered aluminum trailer attached to the Jeep Wrangler Sahara Edition. It was already half filled with ice chests, a canvas beach cabana, folding chairs, loungers, and fishing gear, but their luggage easily fit, and there were circular wall hooks on which to hang their clothing bags.

It was seasonally cool in Fort Worth, meaning daytime highs in the 60s and lows in the 50s, but the forecast for Port A was 75-63 today, with highs in the 80s for the next four days. They were all wearing shorts and tank tops in anticipation of the warm beach, but with windbreakers, in concession to the cooler weather this morning.

Although none had previously experienced the horrors of Interstate 35, they had heard the stories of heavy traffic, high speeds, and construction zones that Texans complained were eternally ongoing. Regardless, it was the only logical route to their destination until they got to Waco, where they could switch to smaller, more scenic highways.

Just north of Waco, they stopped for a couple of boxes of the famous Texas Czech pastries available in West: fruit stuffed kolaches and sausage stuffed klobasneks, which were delicious with large to-go cups of coffee.

Exiting in Waco onto US 77, they saw miles and miles of Texas ranch and farmland, beginning in the Blackland Prairie geographic region and continuing through the Post Oak Belt. Cameron, Milano, Lexington, Giddings, and La Grange passed by, and they stopped in Schulenburg to stretch and get 'cokes'. The store had locally made jerky for sale, so they bought some beef, some pork, and some turkey jerky, which none had eaten before, for snacks.

There was more agricultural land through Hallettsville and on to Victoria, where they entered the Coastal Plains region. They got their first peek at the water on a cutoff from Sinton to Aransas Pass as they drove along Copano Bay. Gigantic Wind Turbines cluttered the skyline, and they only grew larger as they got closer. It felt strange to see them set in the midst of cotton and grain fields.

Through Aransas Pass, onto the causeway to the Intercostal Canal, and then they waited for the ferry that would carry them across to Mustang Island and Port Aransas. Their car was the first car in the middle row of five. Like most everyone else, they got out and stood at the front to watch the fish swimming and jumping, and the porpoises playing in front of the ferry.

Their condo was further out, on the southern edge of town, and was separated from the Gulf of Mexico only by the barrier dunes. They were pleased to learn that a wooden walkway was built above the dunes, providing access by foot. Since it was a private condo, Chris merely identified himself to the security guard at the gate and showed him the key. He looked at his clipboard, told them the gate opener was on top of the kitchen counter so this was the only time they needed to stop, and signaled for the gate to be opened.

The condominium was everything you'd expect from someone with the means of the owner. The four bedrooms were upstairs, each with a balcony and bath. The ground floor was dominated by a huge living space with picture windows, couches, and three loveseat recliners. The open kitchen and dining area took up the west side of the house, and two water closets were situated between the living and dining areas. A large storage closest was located under the stairs.

A twenty-foot wide balcony wrapped around the east and south sides of the house on the ground floor, with a covered 10-person hot tub on the northeast corner of the balcony. The community swimming pool and sand volleyball pit were only a few hundred steps to the northwest, and the walkway to the beach began there.

Covered parking was located behind the condo, and two of the four spaces were taken up by colorful six-person beach buggies. They carried their bags inside and picked their rooms, leaving one for Diane and her unknown friend. Donna texted her sister, and learned they were just leaving Victoria, so it would be at least an hour before they got there. Donna told her to call when they were close and they would go open the gate for them, but they were going to the beach right now!

On one buggy, Chris strapped the sunshade cabana, four loungers, and the ice chest filled with water, soft drinks, and a few beers. He ran upstairs to change into his board shorts, and met the excited girls outside. They were wearing cover-ups because temperatures were only in the low 70s at 1 pm, but the sky was clear, the sun warm, and there was a light breeze. It would be a great day to be on the beach.

Donna drove the beach buggy with Jo and Kate, Chris the one loaded with supplies. They had to go back out the gate and north to get to a road to the beach, and then back down the beach to the walkway leading to the condo. They all helped set up the blue and white striped cabana, after which Chris unloaded the ice chest and the girls set up the lounge chairs.

He froze in place when the girls stripped off the cover-ups and began excitedly covering each other with sunscreen. They were oblivious to how luscious they looked in the bikinis, but no red-blooded male would be; he certainly was not!

When they turned and started toward the water, Chris loudly complained about getting no help with his sunscreen. They hurried back and six hands quickly covered him in the lotion. As soon as they were through, Kate yelled, "Last one in is a rotten egg!", and they sprinted for the water.

Chris lingered; 73 degrees might feel warm on the beach, but the water temperature was also 73 degrees, and that wasn't going to feel warm. He gathered up three oversized beach towels and walked toward them.

The girls raced pell-mell into the water, stumbling and falling into the deeper water behind the shore break. They were already squealing when they went down, and they shrieked when they were able to get up and scrambled for shore. Their arms were wrapped around their chests, they were shivering, and he could see the goose bumps covering all that exposed skin.

He stopped a few feet away, holding the towels out. "Want to dry off already?" he calmly asked. "I thought you wanted to go swimming!"

They each tore a towel out of his hands and began energetically rubbing their chilled skin, with teeth chattering. Donna finally expelled, "MY GOD THAT'S COLD!!!"

Chris knew he was going to be punished, but he couldn't keep from grinning as he watched. After a few seconds Kate saw him, and yelled, as loud as she could with her teeth chattering, "YOU SHIT! You knew and didn't warn us!"

Jo looked up at the wide-eyed innocence on his face, at him holding his hands up in denial, and knew! "Throw him in!" she yelled and tried to grab him; he backpedaled away, and then played dodge as they tried in vain to corner and catch him. After a couple of minutes, he trotted down the beach a few steps and told them, "Toss your wet towels on the loungers and let's go for a jog to warm you Eskimos up. I can tell by the pebbles poking your bikini tops that the water must have been a bit chilly."

They did circle up to toss the towels on the tables, but then tried to gang rush him again; unfortunately, he hit a gear they couldn't and led them on a merry chase down the beach, giggling and threatening as they ran.

After a mile or so, he slowed down, turned, and started running backward until they caught up. They were laughing now, but still trying to capture him and throw him into the water, while complaining about him letting them run into the 'freezing water'.

After another quarter mile, he suddenly turned and ran into the water, through the low area, over the first break, and dove head first into an oncoming wave. He came up swimming, and then stood up on the second break.

"Come on in! The water's great!"

They were about to start cussing him when a little boy appeared beside them. With big eyes he said, "That man is crazy! The water is really, really cold!"

Donna loudly replied, "You're right -- he's crazy!" She flipped him the bird, hiding it on the other side of her body so the boy couldn't see. Chris splashed around for a few minutes, and then swam back to the first break. He appeared out of the water again, stood, and asked, "None of you are going to come in and swim? Why did we come to the beach?"

All three cut him dirty looks, and when the boy walked away, shot him the bird. He came running out of the water with arms extended and yelled, "Guess I'll have to catch you and throw you in!"

They shrieked, took off like scared Jack Rabbits, and scattered out, running as fast as they could for the cabana. Kate was closest to the water, so Chris ran her down, scooped her up kicking and screaming, and walked into the water with her. She was writhing in his arms, trying to get away before he could throw her into the cold water, which caused a wardrobe malfunction that displayed her quite impressive titties, featuring rock-hard little brown nipples inside half-dollar sized light brown aureoles.

She caught him looking, but instead of pulling her top back up, she looked him in the eyes and turned her body to rub her bare breasts on his chest. "Bad girl!" he murmured.

"Bad boy," she murmured back, "you're the one looking. What would your fiancée say?"

He started to look around, but she said, "Don't worry -- they're at the camp. You can look, touch, or kiss all you want," and rubbed them all around his chest.

"You are temptation incarnate, sexy Kate, but I'm not that guy." "I know -- that's why I can temp you so fearlessly."

With that, she pulled the top up, and he set her on the ground in the shallow water along the shore. "It doesn't seem so cold now," she observed quietly, "it must be how hot you make me."

He looked over his shoulder, saw Jo and Donna looking for the sunscreen, and popped Kate on the butt. "Bad girl!" he growled.

She winked at him and replied in a sexy voice, "I'll give you ten minutes to stop that!" They laughed and started for the camp.

It was an innocent enough moment, but, on top of the moment when they were dancing, Kate had let him know beyond a shadow of doubt that she was available whenever he wanted her... and had shown him that she had very nice tits.

This time they applied the sunscreen more thoroughly and lay down on the loungers to work on their tans. Chris refused their offer, saying he was expecting Diane to call any second... and she did right after he said that. He took the beach buggy back to the gate, told the guard what he was doing, and waited.

His phone rang seconds later; it was his buddy from UT Knoxville, Wayne Scholl, who wanted to know where they were. He told them what the camp looked like, and then waited until Diane and her mystery friend showed up.

He spotted Diane's Escape, waved, opened the gate, signaled for them to follow him, and led them to the condo. After greeting his sister with a hug, she introduced, "My boyfriend, Dale. He plays second base for the Commodores!" Dale was a good looking young man, maybe 6' and 185-190 pounds; very fit and athletic looking.

He showed them to their room, let them change, gave them the combination for the front door, and hauled them to the beach.

Wayne and his three friends pulled up at the same time. Chris went to meet them, and Wayne told him, "Don't worry -- none of us have any symptoms of the virus. We've been in the car for two days, so I can guarantee it!" Chris laughed, thanked him, and the groups engaged in loud and happy greetings all around, with introductions where required.

Diane one-upped the other girls when she took off her cover-up: it was smaller, and her more mature body was curvier. She preened a bit for her new boyfriend, usurped Chris' lounger, and asked Dale to help her apply the sunscreen.

He did, and had trouble hiding his cubby as he stroked her curvaceous body. The other men watching did too, except Chris, who immediately turned his eyes away to seek out his fiancée. She preened for him, so he knelt down and asked if she needed more sunscreen. Her body was gleaming with the oily solution, but she said she did, so he began with her feet and worked his way up.

Wayne and two of his friends, Bill and Todd, were drinking beer and engaging in conversation with Donna, Kate, Diane, and Dale. They were around Chris' age, unmarried, and down here to experience spring break in Texas before returning to their jobs in and around St. Louis. They joked about being too old for this, but wanting one more fling, for old times' sake.

The third friend, Barry, was openly ogling the four girls while downing a mixed drink from a 32-ounce cup. Chris had a bad feeling about him when they were introduced, and Barry was doing nothing to change his initial impression. He was larger and thicker -- around 6'1", 225 or so -- and had a nice belly to go with his big chest and arms.

He was getting divorced and proud of it, loudly stating that he had a lot more spring breaks left in him, and could hardly wait to experience new women after being tied to the ball and chain for two years.

Chris was especially circumspect in application of the sunscreen on his fiancée, because he didn't want to give 'Bar', as he called himself, anything to fantasize about. Not that it mattered; his stare was so blatant it caused Jo to frown back at him, without effect.

The bikini-clad girls moved their loungers out of the sun after an hour because touching the skin left a white mark, meaning they were burning. Wayne offered everyone beer from his cooler, but the girls opted for water, as did Dale. Chris took him up on it, and Wayne walked over to his Tahoe.

Bar offered his Styrofoam cup to Jo and said, "I'll be these pretty ladies would prefer a mixed drink. I've got bourbon or vodka, and Coke or Sprite; what do you prefer?" All declined, with Diane saying they needed water to keep hydrated.

He laughed and said, "You lovely ladies don't understand Spring Break -- if you ain't gettin' drunk, you ain't havin' near enough fun!"

Jo wrinkled her nose at him and replied, "Donna, Kate, and I are still teenagers, so we can't drink anyway, but I'd hate to think we had to drink to have fun."

Kate broke the uneasy silence by playing the Beach Boys on the MP3 player. "Surf City! Let's dance!" she cried, and began dancing in the sand. The other three girls, Dale, and Chris joined her, and then Donna waved for the other guys to join them.

Everyone but Bar did; he drank, watched their gyrations, and rather obviously rearranged his cock in his shorts. He seemed to be awfully proud of his cock, which did appear to be relatively large, but nothing that special.

They danced to more of the Beach Boys' Greatest 50 Hits album, stopped to drink more water, and then danced some more. At five, Chris excused himself to go start a fire for their hamburgers, and asked the other men to help secure the cabana for the night before they came around to the condo at six. He trotted to the boardwalk and walked to the condo.

The two beach buggies and SUV pulled in at 5:45, and the girls went inside to cut up veges for the burgers. The men joined Chris at the pit, and it quickly became clear that good ol' Bar hadn't slowed his drinking. The drunker he got the louder and more obnoxious he got, and the more touchy-feely he got.

The girls set the picnic table on the balcony, put the veges and condiments in the middle, and joined the huddle of men. Within a few minutes, all four were frowning at Barry, and Dale was looking like he might kill him if he put his arm around Diane again. Donna and Kate had moved on the other side of Wayne to keep away from him, and, after he hugged Jo and told her what a hot chick she was, she stayed by Chris' side.

Chris cut Wayne a look, and they walked over beside the hot tub. "Your bud needs to slow down. The four girls here are mine: my two sisters, my fiancée, and her roommate, whose parents have assigned her well-being to me. Get him under control, or get him the fuck out of here. I don't want to hurt a drunk, but you know I will."

Wayne sighed, and called Todd over. "Barry's already worn out his welcome. Can you get him under control, or do we need to leave?"

"Dumb fucker can't help himself, I guess," Todd said quietly. "He fucked up his marriage to a woman who's as close to a true ten as I've ever known by cheating on her with a skank at work. I thought bringing him down here would help by getting him away from the toxic situation he's created at work and in our little town, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

"Let me see what I can do, and, Chris, I apologize."

Todd took his shot, and Barry was better through the burgerfest. But he kept drinking heavily and started getting worse by the minute. Chris looked at Wayne, he nodded, and his crew left. As they were getting in the car Bar was bragging about all the 'ho's he was gonna fuck tonight.

The others had been fun, but getting rid of the asshole really improved their night. Two hours of happy conversation and star gazing later, they started yawning, said goodnight, and went to bed.


Weather wise, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were rinse and repeat: temps in the mid-eighties, low winds, and lots of sunshine.

Each day began early with coffee on the balcony, enjoying the warm of the rising sun, followed by breakfast and a trek to the beach. After setting up camp, they walked the beach looking for shells and driftwood, returned to camp, and sunbathed for an hour before resting in the shade. They ate sandwiches for lunch, talked, and went for another walk along the shore break.