The Gold Dollar Girls Return


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"Wait, baby," she said, "You forgot this," holding up Misty's thong.

"Oh shit, yeah, thanks," Misty said, taking the thong and stepping into it.

"You can show these men everything else, but that's just for me," Maya said.

The first thing Misty saw when they reentered the lounge was the birthday boy, sitting in a chair on stage two, grinning from ear to ear as Clover twerked her ass in front of his face. His friends were crowded at the rail, laughing and cheering and waving bills at her. Good for you, babe, Misty thought, work that butt, make that bank.

Roxanne was equally busy, with a half dozen patrons at her rail. Misty mounted the stage, and strutted along the back, swinging her hips and waving to the audience. She paused at Roxanne's pole, and the two of them did a couple of spins together, drawing whoops and hollers from the men in front of them. When she went to her own pole, several of them swiveled their chairs to watch her. Roxanne took the opportunity to take one of her guys to the private rooms, and as soon as she got back, Clover led the birthday boy off for his celebratory lap dance. For the next hour, they kept up a hectic pace, the three of them taking turns doing private dances.

Clover was elated when the birthday crew left and things finally calmed down again.

"Jesus Christ, I might actually catch up on my bills," she told Roxanne as they finally got the chance to use the bathroom.

"That birthday party made the night," Roxanne responded from the adjoining stall, "Nice job getting them all wound up with bringing the guest of honor up on the stage."

"Yeah, thanks. Shit, I might even pay on some of my suspended credit cards."

Roxanne left the stall and washed her hands at the sink. She looked in the mirror, and touched up her lipstick. Clover came out of her stall and said, "You look fine, don't worry about it."

Roxanne chortled. "Yeah, you would think I could get fucked."

"Oh, please, it ain't like you'll never get it again."

"Seems like it."

"So quit moping about it and go get some dick, for christ sake. It ain't like there's a shortage."

The last stragglers had left when they came out of the ladies room. Misty and Maya were sitting at the bar with Georgie and LeAnn. As Roxanne and Clover joined them, Sporty came out from the back room.

"Where the fuck you been for the last hour?" Clover asked him.

"In Sherry's office, watching the Yankees game."

"What if someone had tried to attack us?"

"Did someone try to attack you?"


"Then it all worked out, didn't it?"

When Clover gave him the finger, he just laughed.

LeAnn stretched and yawned.

"What time did you come in today?" Misty asked her.

"Me and Sherry were here at one o'clock, cleaning and decorating."

"Why don't you go home?" Shorty asked, "I got my keys, I can close up."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's cool. Ain't likely no one else is coming in, a half hour before close."

"Yeah," Clover said, "And if they do, we'll just have Roxanne give them a quickie handjob and send them on their way."

"Or you could wave your fat ass at them and scare them off," Roxanne said.

Georgie rolled his eyes. "Have the two of you ever considered just fucking each other and getting it out of your system?"

"Her dick ain't big enough," Clover said.

Roxanne shook her head. "I'm not into the granny scene."

"Bitch, you have fucked guys three times my age."

"There are no guys three times your age."

"Yeah," LeAnn said, rising from her stool, "You all convinced me to go home."

Sporty walked LeAnn out to her car.

"I guess we will get ready to go, too," Misty said. She went to first Clover, then Roxanne, and gave them each a squeeze.

"I'm going to miss you guys."

When she went to Georgie, he gave her a bear hug that lifted her off her feet.

"Ain't you two going to see each other next week at your gay agenda meeting?" Clover asked.

"That's right," Georgie said, "We still have moral values to destroy."

"The only gay agenda I have is to finish what you interrupted," Misty told Georgie, kissing him on the cheek.

"Sorry about that," he said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"It's all good, darling." She took Maya's hand and said, "Come on, boo, while I'm changing, you can help me get my things from my locker."

As they crossed the room, Roxanne called after them, "Hey, are you going to keep those boots?"

"Yes, she is," Maya snapped back.

"Bitch, those boots would come up to your neck," Clover said.

"At least I could get them past my thighs."

Sporty came back in. "Might as well lock it up," he said.

"Sounds good," Roxane said. "I had a better night than I expected."

"Yeah, me too," Clover nodded, "Fuck Stop and Shop."

They went to the dressing room to change. Misty was just finishing putting her outfits in a shopping bag. She hugged them each one more time.

"I'm holding you to that promise about the bachelorette party," she said.

"Can I give Maya a lap dance?" Roxanne asked.

"Sure," Misty said. Maya grinned sheepishly.

"So, stay in touch," Clover said, sniffling. The others pretended not to notice the tear in the corner of her eye.

"We will," Misty said, then she and Maya left the room.

Clover pulled off her dress and tossed it into her locker. "You ever notice," she said, "That at the end, it's always you and me left?"

"Does that make us winners or losers?"

Clover shrugged. "I don't know. Survivors, I guess."

"Nobody is a survivor forever."

"Ain't you a cheery little cunt," Clover laughed.

They got dressed and headed back into the lounge.

"So, we going to the diner?" Clover asked.

"They're still closed," Roxanne told her.

"Fuckin' Covid. What else is open this late?"

"Waffle House."

"Oh, fuck that. Every time I go in there, some redneck is pulling a knife on somebody. I'll just go home and eat cold pizza."

Roxanne looked around the room. "Where's Sporty?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I'm out of here."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

Clover started toward the door, then looked back over her shoulder. "I missed your scrawny ass, babe."

"Same here, Char," Roxanne replied. She watched Clover leave, then went behind the bar and into the back of the house. Sporty was sitting at Sherry's desk, looking at her computer screen.

"You still watching the Yankees?" she asked, leaning in the doorway.

"Nah, it's over, just checking the scores. Got a few bucks on a couple of games. You guys ready to go?"

"Clover left. I just thought I'd check with you first, make sure everything's cool."

"Everything's cool," he said, shutting off the computer and standing up. He pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. "I just got to check the back door and the liquor room before I go."

"Okay. See you out front."

She reentered the lounge and looked up at the dark stage. God help me, she thought, but it feels like home here. Grinning to herself, she crossed the room, climbed up on the stage and went to her pole. After taking a couple of slow turns, she heard Sporty laugh.

"Thought you were all done for the night," he said. He pulled a chair to the rail, turned it around and sat down, his arms crossed on the chair's back.

"Not quite," she said. She raised one leg and wrapped it around the pole. Lifting the other, she did one elevated turn, then slid slowly to the floor. She hugged the pole and rested her face against it.

"Can I ask you something, Sporty?"

"Sure," he said, resting his chin on his arms.

"You're in here every night, around all these mostly naked women, all this sexual tension in the air..."

"And how come I ain't trying to get into all y'alls panties all the time?"

Roxanne laughed. "Yeah, basically. What's your deal?"

"I'm a fuckin' gentleman."

"Come on, really." She reclined on the stage, learning her head on her elbow. "Are you going home every night to some awesomely hot babe or something?"

"I got a few girls I see. But as far as this place, I don't piss in my own well, know what I mean?"

She rose to her hands and knees and crawled across the stage toward him. When her face was less than a foot from his, she said, "So you wouldn't ever hook up with anybody who works here?"

"I ain't exactly said that."

She leaned closer. "So, what if, for example, it was just you and one dancer alone, after hours, everyone else was gone..."

"That might be a temptation."

"Some poor girl who hadn't had a man in more than a year because of Covid..."

"That poor girl might need some attention..."

Her mouth was only an inch from his ear. "So, if she said that she really wanted to suck your cock..."

"I'd feel kind of obliged to let her." His voice was a little shaky.

Roxanne licked all the way around the edge of his ear. "It would be the gentlemanly thing to do," she whispered.

Sporty turned his face toward hers and their lips brushed across each other. He kissed her on the cheek and beneath her chin. Roxanne draped her arms over his shoulders and slipped off the stage, straddling his lap. He took her head in his hands and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

Roxanne ran her hands down his arms, then reached between his legs and cupped his package in her hand.

"You ever been with a brother before?" Sporty asked.

"A time or two," she replied. She slid down off his lap and knelt on the floor between his legs, while he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his zipper. Roxanne slipped her hand inside his shorts and wrapped it around his cock. She pulled it free and leaned down, looking closer at it.

"Pretty nice," she said, gazing up at him over the top of her glasses. Without breaking eye contact, she slowly licked the shaft from the base to the tip.

"You didn't expect less, did you?"

"I've seen bigger."

Sporty laughed. "Alright, I had that coming."

"And now it's my turn."

She kissed the head of his cock, then ran her tongue around the head. He moaned in pleasure as she pursed her lips over it and took it into her mouth. She lowered her head, taking in half of its length, then raised up, looked at Sporty with a smile and said, "Damn, I've missed dick."

She took him back into her mouth and sucked steadily. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her head in place, while his hips began to rock, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth.

Roxanne swallowed, and felt the head of his cock bump against the back of her throat. She pulled up, leaned back on her heels and gasped for air.

"Dude, you are definitely going to have to fuck me," she said, when she had caught her breath.

"I can do that," Sporty said. He stood, took her hands and helped her to her feet. She unfastened her jeans and pushed them down her legs, then put one hand on his shoulder to steady herself while she stepped out of them. Sporty pulled her close and kissed her, then spun her around and firmly but gently pushed her down over the edge of the stage.

He squatted behind her, running his hands over her hips and down the back of her thighs. He slid her panties down, slipped them off and dropped them to the floor. When he gently pulled her legs further apart, Roxanne leaned on her elbows, biting her lip in anticipation. His touch was light as his fingertips drew lines up her inner thighs, but when he grasped her ass in both hands, it was strong and firm. She felt his warm breath, then his lips, against her labia, and then his tongue slipping inside her.

She crossed her arms and laid her head down upon them as he ate her pussy. He made a lot of noise, moaning, slurping, subvocalizing. She liked that; it made her feel like he really enjoyed going down on her. And he was good at it. Her knees began to wobble, and he gently helped her climb on to the stage, continuing to lick and nibble and suck all the while.

She rose up on her hands and knees, and pushed her pussy back against his face. He responded by eating her with more fervor, and slipped his hands under her shirt, easily flipping her bra up and out of the way and fondling her firm, pert breasts. After a minute or two, Roxanne arched her back and came. Sporty continued to lick her as her orgasm subsided. He kissed her on the back of each thigh, and on the lower part of each of her cheeks, then surprised her by spreading them, and licking her asshole.

"Oooh, damn, Sporty..."

"You like that?" he asked.

"Feels great," she moaned.

He rimmed her ass, teasing and tapping it with the tip of his tongue. For a moment, she felt self conscious, but soon lost herself in the sensation. He squeezed her vulva, slipped two fingers inside her and pushed his tongue into her ass. When she came again, her legs gave out beneath her and she collapsed to the floor of the stage.

Sporty climbed on to the stage. He loomed over her, his arms on either side of her head. She turned her head up to look at him, but her glasses were askew and her hair was in her face. He brushed it back, lowered his head and kissed her.

"You want me to fuck you, baby?" he whispered.

"Oh god, yes."

He lifted himself to a kneeling position, took hold of her hips and raised her ass into the air. She felt the tip of his cock probing at her labia, then, in one smooth stroke, plunging deep inside her. The force of his thrust pushed her forward several inches across the stage. The pole was right before her, and when he pulled back and thrust again, she grabbed hold of it and pushed back to meet him.

He pumped into her pussy with a steady rhythm that seemed urgent but not rushed. She eagerly rose to meet each motion. He began to grunt loudly as he fucked her, and that turned her on even more. She responded with moans and whimpers of her own, and his pace quickened.

He reached under her, one hand cupping her breast, the other sliding down over her mound. He pinched her clit between two of his fingers, and the resulting sensation shot through her like a bolt of electricity. She dropped her face to the floor and jerked her ass, again and again, on his rigid cock, as waves of pure pleasure washed over her. When Sporty withdrew, she felt a moment of disappointment, but the surge of sensation continued, only slowly abating.

She felt his cock rubbing between her ass cheeks, and then his hands gripping them and squeezing them around it. Still pumping his hips, he moaned loudly, and she felt his hot cum rain down on her back.

She slumped to the floor and he followed her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, and shifting them both on to their sides. They lay together, panting, for several minutes.

"Goddamn, Sporty," Roxanne sighed when she had regained her breath.

"Goddamn, Roxanne," he replied.

She sat up and looked down at him. His face was lit up in a bright smile.

"You look awfully proud of yourself," she said, reaching over and squeezing his drooping cock.

"I sure ain't ashamed."

Roxanne laughed, bent down and kissed him.

"I need to go get cleaned up," she said.


She slipped off the stage and picked up her jeans and panties from the floor. She got her purse from the bar, then, on her way to the bathroom, turned and called out, "Nice fuck, Erwin!"

"Oh! You went there!" he said, laughing. "Ain't fair, though. I don't know your real name."


"Nice fuck, Rhonda."

She went into the bathroom and cleaned herself off, then stuffed the panties in her purse and pulled on her jeans. She looked in the mirror. Her makeup was smeared and her hair was a tangled mess. You sure look like you just got fucked, she thought, then smiled. "Hell yes," she said aloud, "I just got fucked."

Sporty was standing at the bar when she came out. There was a bottle of Crown Royal and two full shot glasses in front of him. He handed one to her, and then clinked his own against it.

"What are we drinking to?" she asked.

Sporty shrugged. "Getting back to work?"

"Sounds good," Roxanne said, "Especially when the job comes with benefits."

They drank, then Sporty went behind the bar and shut off the house lights. He put his hand on Roxanne's arm and guided her through the darkened lounge to the front door.

"Oh shit," Sporty said, "I guess I should have locked this."

"It wasn't locked while we..."

Sporty shook his head as they stepped out into the cool summer night.

"Well, make sure you lock it next time," Roxanne said.

"Next time?"

"Yeah, next time."

"Alright," he smiled.

She raised her face to his and he kissed her.

"See you tomorrow," she said.

"Good night, Rhonda," he called as she walked to her car.

"Good night...Sporty."

"Thank you for that."

She smiled and waved as she got into her car. As she drove away, she looked in her rear view mirror. Sporty was lighting a cigarette, standing in the purple glow of the club's neon sign. She rolled down her window and breathed in the night air. Her feet were aching from dancing, and she was sore and tender between her legs, but she felt more alive than she had in a long, long time.

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GoldustwingGoldustwingabout 2 months ago

I love your stories and this is no exception. You handled the impact of COVID with your usual deft hand, well done.

OmenainenOmenainen3 months ago

I love these ladies.

Dome60Dome604 months ago

Nice very nice. I've read all three chapters, the characters are fascinating and it's very well written.

Soon I'll read all the other your stories. Congratulations. You're a great writer.

Ciao Dome, from Italy

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great ending

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Yes your writing is ART ….. you’re having a wonderful talent and thank you for sharing …… and about the story, yeah covid broke the worlds economy and turned the rich ones into really rich ones …. Don’t how many families smal businesses single moms and name it, crashed financially …. So hopefully the struggle is over like for the golden dollar girls


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