The Lady is a Tramp


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It seemed like Desiree's crotch area was unconnected to the rest of her body as she first buried my cock in her pussy and then rotated, bucked, and flailed with reckless abandoned. When she started pulsing her pc muscles at the same time I didn't last long. I came with the force of a hurricane while she screamed into my shoulder. The intensity of our orgasms was so great that it was a miracle that we didn't drown.

After three asynchronous powerful aftershocks we broke contact. Desiree said "WOW, that really was a great fuck."

I would have liked to respond in kind, but my brain was too scrambled. I think that I just mumbled "Oh God," a few times. She dogpaddled over to where she could stand in her half Olympic size saltwater Infinity pool and motioned for me to follow her. We gingerly walked up the stairs at the shallow end and laid towels out on the cushiony pool surface and lay facing each other. I suddenly realized that I hadn't even thought of a condom. The lack of a condom may have been partly the reason that the pool fuck had been by far the best fuck of my life, but it probably had much more to do with Desiree.

"I'm sorry, I was so excited by your enchanting body that I didn't even think of a condom," I cooed as I stroked one of her magnificent hefty tits.

"Except for Samuel I never fuck without a condom," she smiled, "but made an exception in your case because I know that you're clean -- you are, aren't you?"

"Yes I am," I snickered.

"I am too," she replied. "I just had a complete STD test last week. I see no reason today for condoms, do you?"

"Sure don't," I laughed.

"Tell me, big boy, would you like to have an experience that will never be topped in your life?"

"I just did," I chuckled.

"Even better than that," she snickered.

"Who do I have to kill?" I laughed.

"Nobody; all you have to do is eat my just-fucked pussy and I promise you that every milliliter of jism in your testicles will be sucked out and you'll pass out from pleasure."

Is there any hetero male that would refuse that? Without a word I went after her vagina like a ravenous animal with my tongue, lips, and even nose. Meanwhile my hands were busy mauling her glorious tatas. She must have liked what I was doing because she shivered even before I touched her clit, and when I sucked it at the same time that I lightly pinched both nipples she flipped around like she was a landed tuna, while shoving a towel into her mouth to prevent her scream from being heard two blocks away.

After she came down from her climax I was about to abuse her intimate parts some more when she stopped me. With strength uncharacteristic for someone who weighed only 130 pounds she flipped me on my back, and then sucked my testicles like she was trying to remove chrome from a trailer hitch while simultaneously stroking my uncut cock with both hands. I was hard quickly which caused her to impale herself on my stiffy like she was mounting a horse.

She bounced with such ferocity that it was all that I could do to hang onto her flapping tatas for dear life. When she rippled her pc muscles I emptied my balls with the force of a fire hose, and we both collapsed in orgasmic bliss. I know for sure that I lost awareness for some period of time.

Eventually, Desiree rolled off of me, grabbed my chin, and said "That was my special bonobo fuck!"

I didn't know what a "bonobo fuck" was, but she was true to her word and it was something I'd never forget. [I later found out that bonobos are the most promiscuous members of the animal kingdom.]

We crawled as much as walked into the shade and laid on a double chaise lounge. While I would not call my "pillow talk" conversation with her pleasant, since I was given free access to all of her body parts while we talked she could have been calling me a dickless ass for all that I cared. I was surprised that she did have some interesting facts and asked some provocative questions.

After we had been lounging for about forty minutes and I now knew her tit topography so well that I could draw it in my sleep she smirked "I want one more fuck before you go. I like a special type of doggy, which I'll coach you in. Can you be a quick learner big boy?"

"Do you sleep on your back?" I chuckled, knowing that with her prodigious tatas lying on her stomach was not a real option.

She playfully punched my arm then got down to business. Like a good tutor with a VERY willing pupil soon she was on her hands and knees on the chaise lounge, my cock was buried to the hilt in her snug pussy, the thumb of my left hand was completely buried in her asshole, and my right hand was twisting her right nipple like I was dialing a knob. We got into a beautiful concomitant rhythm and after she collapsed in orgasm and I literally saw stars I ejaculated so hard and long, there was no way that I could decide which of the three finest fucks of my life was the ultimate one!

When Desiree and I recovered from our lethargy caused by our third monumental fuck I couldn't believe that it was already almost one thirty; we had started about 10:10. We ate lunch at her kitchen table -- nude of course -- and afterward she enticed me to suck on her boobs for about five minutes each. Then, like a switch was thrown, she announced, "OK, time to go Stud. You'll have to come by tomorrow when I'm not home to do the landscaping you should have done today but you were too busy fucking the lady of the house. Monday you'll have to find a way to mow the lawn after we fuck -- maybe you can come at about 8 a. m. as soon as Samuel leaves."

I couldn't believe it -- the nasty sex goddess wanted to go at least one more round. By then I wasn't even thinking of Samuel when I mumbled "Eight Monday it is."

I was in a fog the rest of the day. My entire being was scrambled, not just my brain. Plus my body felt like I had just gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson. I only snapped out of my fog about 4:30 p. m. when my cell rang and caller ID said "Samuel Cain."

I almost panicked. Given my blissful state I hadn't given any thought to what I would say to him -- how much to tell him. I let the phone ring until just before it went to voicemail, trying to bring my mind back to reality, and then answered "Hi Mr. Cain."

"Hi Lucas; what can you tell me. Did she seduce you?"

"Yes sir, she did, just like you thought that she would."

"Where did it take place?"

"Mostly on the pool deck; I trust that you had cameras installed there."

"Certainly did. I'll look at the feeds tonight or tomorrow morning and let you know how it came out. Thanks so much Lucas," he said and then terminated the call.

I suddenly started to laugh. "He thanks me for the best sexual experience of my life fucking his wife! Ain't the world messed up?"

I was surprised when Samuel called my cellphone the next day, Friday, about 11 a. m. I interrupted a job to take the call. "Hi, Mr. Cain, what's up?"

"Bad news; the clowns who installed the pool area cameras didn't do what I told him and most of the footage from yesterday is totally worthless. If Desiree is crafty it clearly is not good enough to enforce the prenup. I'm afraid you'll have to do it again -- has she indicated that she wants another go-round?"

Apparently Cain's idea of "bad news" was different than mine. Trying to sound as disappointed as possible -- hoping that my thespian abilities would kick in -- I said "She said she wanted me to come over Monday at 8 a. m., if you've left by then. I was just not going to show up; are you saying that I should?"

"Yes, please, I need something more. By then I'll have the pool cameras properly positioned -- I hope -- but since the blue guest room cameras are probably the best see if you can get her to fuck you there," Samuel announced.

"I'll definitely give it a try -- you're sure that it's still OK?"

"Absolutely, I'll talk to you Monday afternoon."

I was floating above the ground the whole weekend thinking about Monday. My entire family noticed. My younger sister -- who I have a great relationship with, including both of us busting the other's chops -- snickered "If you weren't such a puny theater groupie you're so upbeat one would almost think that you got laid!"

"Jealous?" I retorted.

She stuck her tongue out at me and then I drove her to her summer league softball game and cheered her on from the stands.


After Monday morning I was beginning to think that I may have worn out all of the great sex of my life in just two sessions with the sex goddess known as Desiree. After we fucked in the pool Monday morning -- as great as the first time -- I talked her into taking me to a guest bedroom. As we walked naked down the hall of the third story of her mini-mansion where at least four guest bedrooms were located she snipped "OK, cocksman, which one do you want?"

One of the rooms had all blue walls, a skylight, and blue bedding. I assumed that this was the "blue room" so I chose it. I shockingly found that the second time that we did doggy with my left thumb up her ass and my right hand manipulating her right nipple it was even more overpowering than the first time. We actually slept for about a half hour after that, falling asleep with her hand on my foreskin and my mouth on one of her nipples."

When I left Desiree with a plasma hot kiss and tit squeeze about 11:00 a. m. on Monday I thought that I probably would never feel that good again in my entire life. However, Samuel gave me more "bad news" that night when he personally came to see me.

"Lucas," he said with a forlorn look, "the pool festivities came out sort-of OK, and the cameras certainly caught you both nude, and the blue room activities were videoed perfectly. However, my attorney says that he thinks we need one more video, on a different day, to make sure that we nail the divorce. Can you please do it one more time?"

After getting over my shock I thought to myself "His attorney is hooked on Desiree porn and just wants another DVD for his collection," but of course I was thrilled to go along. I tried to act conflicted -- although if Samuel had watched the entire blue room festivities he had to know that it was the pinnacle of my life. After hemming and hawing a bit I said "Well, she did want me to come over again on Thursday. Again I was just going to not show up; do you really think that I should?"

"Let me tell you Lucas; when you pay a professional $700 an hour for their advice -- like I'm paying my divorce attorney -- you should listen to him. Look, I know that this is screwing you up with the rest of your clients. Here, take another $500 cash to compensate you for that. I'll talk to you Thursday night."

I shook my head as I walked into my house. "Does getting paid $500 to have the best fucks of my life make me a gigolo?" I thought. I quickly answered myself:' "Who the fuck cares; you're on a winning streak Lucas Higgins; just enjoy it, don't over-think it!"

Suffice it to say that Thursday was just as great as the previous two times; in fact, it may have been slightly better because we were now used to each other and what turned the other on. Also, some of Desiree's hard edges were wearing off.

Thursday night Samuel said that everything was copasetic and thanked me again. "Desiree will be gone by Monday so you can do your normal landscaping Monday and Thursday, and be sure to call me when you've run through your $1,000 advance."

"Oh well," I thought, "what a wonderful three days I had. 99.99% of guys never get to achieve that type of sexual nirvana in their life. I'll always have those memories."


Sunday morning I got a call on my cellphone from a number that I didn't recognize. After my stellar "Hello" greeting I heard the strident voice of Desiree.

"Hi Lucas, Desiree here; can you bring your pickup truck over in the next hour to help me move some stuff. I'll explain when you get here."

"Sure...I'll be right over," I excitedly said.

Of course I knew what she had to move -- her personal things out of Samuel's house. As I drove over there I got a call from Samuel. "I understand that you're coming over to help Desiree move, Lucas. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm going to pretend that I'm upset with you for Desiree's benefit and I'm even going to say that you're fired as a landscaper. Ignore whatever I say -- it's only for show."

"Thanks for the heads up Mr. Cain, I might have been distraught. You don't have a problem with me helping her move, do you?"

"Hell no, the sooner I get her out the better; you're helping me; I can pay you more..." Samuel said.

I cut him off "No Mr. Cain, you've already done enough for me. I won't accept payment to help Mrs. Cain move."

"You're a good man, Lucas," Samuel said and then terminated the call.

"I'm a good man for fucking his wife's brains out?" I laughed to myself.

When I got to Samuel's mini-mansion Desiree was not nearly as flustered as I thought she might be. Being the good thespian that I am I innocently asked her "What's going on?"

"Samuel has videos of you and me fucking and he's booted me out and is enforcing our prenup?"

"What?" I faked with surprise. "Is he pissed at me too?"

Just then Samuel exited the house. He could be a good thespian himself given his performance. The most relevant parts were "Lucas, I'm very disappointed in you. I thought that you were an honorable man. Of course you're fired and don't send me another invoice for any work that you did -- I won't pay it." Then he slammed the door shut.

Desiree almost commiserated with me -- but not quite. After no more than 20 seconds she said "OK, everything to be moved has a yellow tag on it. Can you take all the heavy stuff and put it in your pickup. I'm putting simple things in my Tesla and Lamborghini."

"You get to keep both?" I asked in true surprise.

"Yeah, I finagled them before he started catching on to me, so even though I'm only getting $250,000 cash" -- "only?" I mused -- "I can sell the Lamborghini for at least $400,000, and some jewelry for at least another $150,000; I'll be OK."

It took most of the day to move Desiree's stuff to a luxury apartment that she had rented on Saturday morning. She even had enough furniture for it from Samuel's mini-mansion including the queen sized bed from the blue guest room which Samuel said "I want that abomination out of my house -- you take it or I'll burn it." It was a bear for me to move by myself, but my gym intense workouts paid off.

About six p. m. everything was moved into Desiree's apartment. We both collapsed on her one couch. "I need a back rub," she groaned, and turned away from me, removed her top and bra, and pushed her back on me. Despite my fatigue I obliged because it gave me access to her tits, which she perfunctorily complained about when I mauled them. After a fifteen minute back/tit rub we took a shower together -- lots of touching but no fucking -- and then got dressed to go to a casual place for dinner.

Desiree was accepting of her situation during our meal. Toward the end she said "Actually, this is a good thing. You can now sleep over and we can fuck as much as we like," she grinned.

My dick inflated and my heart leapt. I called my parents to tell them that I was staying the night with a friend, and after we took a walk to digest our food we went to bed.

I thought that my last three sessions with Desiree were better than real life could possibly be. Staying the night with her, and knocking off a piece of her goddess ass about 3 a. m., turned out to be even better. My smile was as wide as Texas when I woke up Monday morning.

That turned out to be the summer of my life. I usually spent six out of seven nights a week with Desiree and we didn't even come close to getting tired of fucking each other. We probably fucked in every position possible for non-contortionists, and had lots of ass, cock, balls, and tit play; she seemed to rely like playing with my foreskin and I never tired of sucking her nipples (perhaps my mother didn't breast feed enough when I was a baby). Even during her period we fucked like bonobos, either outside in some secluded area, or in the shower.

Shockingly, I even started to really like Desiree. She was never going to be a warm and fuzzy woman, but she did seem to really like my company, and treated me better than she treated anyone else. If she wasn't fifteen years older than I was and I thought that I could trust her I would have been after a long term relationship with her.

Desiree and I even continued our relationship in a two nights a week manner for the first three months of my senior year at Redmond High. After that she moved 1000 miles away; I cried like a baby when she did; even hard ass nasty Desiree shed a few tears. In parting I told her that she would always be the highlight of my life. She really liked that.


To show you how strange life is, When I went to college Desiree contacted me once a year and paid for me to go to a tropical island with her on winter break, where we resumed our bonobo-emulating activities and were completely worn out when the trip ended. I have no idea where she got the money to do that -- given the slight white circle on her otherwise tanned ring finger for all I know she was married again. However, in my view ignorance is bliss so I didn't ask and she didn't tell.

Samuel Cain got married in the middle of my sophomore year in college to a plain but extremely intelligent, polite, and pleasant woman names Samantha. I actually came back home the weekend of the wedding to attend and had a great time.

When I graduated college with a business degree Samuel Cain hired me to work in an entry-level white collar job for his biggest company. He took me to lunch once a month and treated me like a favorite nephew -- the guy who fucked his wife -- go figure. I got regular raises and promotions -- which I earned (as much as he apparently liked me he was not going to go on anything but merit in his business activities) and I'm very happy there.

The first two years that I worked for Samuel Desiree and I went on six day long winter vacations together, once to Aruba, another time to Vail, Colorado where I found out that fucking after a taxing day of skiing is just as much fun as fucking after laying on a beach all day.

I met my future wife Cora a week after I got back from my Vail trip with Desiree. I instantly fell in love with her. She was never going to be the sex pot that Desiree is, but she is good looking, my age, intelligent, personable, kind, and empathetic. We got engaged six months after meeting, and married only three months after that.

In my last contact with Desiree -- where I had to decline her offer for another winter excursion to St. Kitts -- I sincerely told her that she was the most important person in my life except my immediate family, but that I had fallen in love and was going to be true to Cora. She wished me well and even sent Cora and I an expensive wedding present. There was no return address, and her cellphone had been disconnected, so I never even got the chance to thank her for the present and never heard from her again.

I now have a really happy existence with the love of my life. I hope that I'm not a bad person for occasionally reminiscing about my time with Desiree and the most physically satisfying sex anyone could ever possibly have.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Bit boyishly silly,

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 1 year ago

Interesting and enjoyable reading - I was entertained so full 5 stars. Nice twists that made it beyond the common story. The Bonobo fuck and the character voilent blackouts which I have had one so I know can happen are good twists. Overall worth time and earned rating.

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

Crusader235Crusader235over 1 year ago

"Bonobo fuck" got me I really was LOL. Five stars for a great Loving Wife story.

fritz51fritz51over 1 year ago

Very pleasant read, realy spiced up my morning coffee... thanks! *****

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