The Lamp Ch. 04

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Jenny remembers Martin, terrified to see him again.
6.8k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 02/02/2023
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Novels and Novellas, Exhibitionism, Voyeur

The Lamp Chapter 4

Jenny remembers her times with Martin, terrified to see him again, naked, at the gallery


I wish to express my profound thanks to my wonderful editor Ken. Without his help this chapter would not be nearly as good as I hope it is now. Thank you, Ken!


Christ, what next! Jenny wondered. Obviously she had to buy the table lamp she saw at J. Byron Goode Antiques a few weeks back. The lamp incorporated a marble nude statue that was a product of Rodin's workshop. The lovely naked lady was Jenny's 19th-century ancestress and look-alike, the artists' model Francine de Chamonix. Mr. Goode's $75,000 asking price was both ridiculous and impossible, of course, but Jenny managed to bargain it down to $750, a naked blowjob now, and then sex once a month for a year.

Jenny was still working on one practical problem with the deal--her husband Marc--when Goode proposed a change in the terms. He wanted to stage an exhibition this Sunday to promote his gallery to New York's wealthy and well-connected. Instead of fucking him 12 times, all Jenny would have to do is stand naked next to another nude statue of Francine... and then, with a male model, assume the pose of Rodin's famous double nude statue, The Kiss. That would put her pretty much in the other model's lap.

And now -- Chapter 4.


Martin Savage. Six- and seven-year-old memories jumped into Jenny's mind. The famous phrase of ghosts from your past had sudden relevance. The memories drifted to Jenny's senior year in high school. Following a hayride, she had surrendered her virginity to George Murdock--another girl's boyfriend--who was quickly followed by Alex Goodfellow. Alex was a sweet guy, though Jenny felt he was just a bit too obsessed with sex. Nevertheless Jenny fell head over heels for him with all of the enthusiasm of youth.

Alex had been a quick squirter, much like Jean-Pierre years later. Samantha, Jenny's best friend in high school, advised Jenny to give Alex a blowjob before the serious business began. "Get the first one over quick, and the second, in your pussy, will last longer," Samantha had said.

When it came to sex, Samantha always seemed to be all-knowing. Jenny knew she should follow her advice, but she was absolutely incapable of putting a boy's penis in her mouth. It was just too high up on the gross-out scale.

Indeed, Jenny could barely give a hand job. She tried giving hand jobs, but once Alex had felt the pleasure of sticking his cock inside her, he never seemed to want a hand job. He always went straight for the gold.

Alex made up for quick ejaculations, however, with the enthusiasm of a guy new to sex. After their first time he hounded Jenny for sex at every opportunity, including behind the band building, in the back seat of his father's car, on a grassy knoll in Central Park, pretty much anywhere he could find that offered enough privacy to make Jenny willing.

To be fair to Alex, Jenny was almost as enthusiastic as he was. Possibly she had a touch of exhibitionism--in addition to Alex--inside her. But Jenny was wary of some of the places Alex proposed, especially the rooftop garden of his parents' apartment building on Central Park West. The garden could be seen from the higher building to the south, but Alex was in heat -- he didn't care.

"What if people look out and see us?" Jenny had asked.

"What if they do? Either they'll look away and give us some privacy or they'd be perverts. Who cares?" Alex replied.

The two of them went back and forth for a good ten minutes before Alex managed to completely undress Jenny. He always insisted she be completely naked when they had sex; Jenny didn't know better, and she figured Alex knew something about the fine details of copulation that she had not yet grasped. Alex lay Jenny down on the artificial grass on the roof, spread her legs, and fucked her to two climaxes.

Jenny's multiple orgasms were triggered less by Alex than by her exposure and the risk it implied. The idea that someone, anyone, might be watching them -- even if it was unlikely -- turned her on in the extreme. Indeed, to help get Alex hard for the second and third fucks, since Jenny didn't want to give him a blow job or even a hand job, she stood in front of him and danced sexily, at times rubbing her tits in his face, and playing with herself right in front of him.

The three fucks that afternoon were notable for three reasons. The first one was that, as if to prove Samantha's wisdom, after the first ten-second fuck, the second fuck lasted a solid minute, and the third one lasted almost ten minutes. Second, the volume of Jenny's moans rose as she gave herself to Alex in heart, soul, and body. She had never before been so loud. Alex was thrilled: he felt he was a true stud. The third and most significant reason is that it was the last fuck Jenny ever gave him.

It turns out Alex had told Noah, Tim, and Zeke that he was going to get Jenny naked and fuck the bejesus out of her on the rooftop, and he told them when. The three boys were all positioned and equipped in the taller building to the south. They had powerful telephoto lenses on their cameras and a parabolic microphone that could pick up sounds even from across the rooftops.

Unsurprisingly, the video and photos quite captured the interest of Jenny's schoolmates, and Jenny was thoroughly humiliated. She stayed away from the school for a full week. Jenny swore off all sex. Alex had a good thing going, but he blew it by trying to impress his friends. The only thing Jenny could conclude was that Alex was not only an asshole but one stupid guy.


In the fall, a chastened Jenny, alienated from men, began her freshman year at Vassar College in upstate New York. Upon entering she declared a double major: Art History and Philosophy. One of the better classes was about the architecture of churches through the centuries. At one point there was a technical breakthrough when the Romanesque arches were replaced with Gothic arches allowing the church interiors to soar.

The course involved some mathematics and a little physics. Jenny often sought help from the teaching assistant, a certain Martin Savage. Savage was a senior, but he was brilliant and, even better, he could explain difficult concepts clearly. Savage took a shine to Jenny, this pretty and eager young freshman. It didn't hurt that Martin found Jenny sexy, too.

Sometimes Savage and Jenny would run into each other -- just by happenstance -- at the on-campus café. Whoever found the other would then join him or her. Usually it was Martin finding Jenny. Jenny was innocently unaware that in a harmless sense Martin was stalking her. The meetings in the café were serendipitous only for Jenny. For Martin they were quite deliberate.

A romance grew. It grew slowly because Jenny was still wary of men. Martin didn't push. He had a girlfriend after all. He just enjoyed Jenny's company, and she enjoyed his. In addition to 12th century church architecture the two undergraduates discussed sports, movies, literature, and food. Neither of them was interested in politics.

After a couple of months and many, many discussions at the campus café, Martin asked Jenny if she would like to sample the new Thai restaurant in town.

"What about Mary?" Jenny asked, since she knew about Martin's girlfriend. How would it look to Mary if she went out to dinner with Martin, just the two of them? If her role with Mary were reversed, she knew she'd be upset.

"Mary had to go home since her father is sick. She'd be glad I could have some agreeable company in her absence," Martin answered.

"So you'll tell her we're going out to dinner?"

"No, of course not. She has enough on her plate with her father's health. He might even be dying; the doctors are unsure at this point."

Jenny was suspicious and hesitant, but Martin pushed her for the first time, and a reluctant Jenny finally agreed to let him take her to dinner. When they left the campus café to go their separate ways, Martin brushed away Jenny's bangs and kissed her forehead. Jenny smiled. Martin's kiss could be misread as some kind of paternal affection, but Jenny was not fooled. She knew very well what the kiss meant.

Jenny knew Mary. She liked Mary. Mary was smart, pretty, sexy, and a sweetheart. Jenny felt she couldn't compete with Mary even if she had wanted to. She knew Martin liked her, Jenny, that he even desired her, but that was natural. Jenny believed women and men were never friends without some underlying sexual tension. The key was to keep it underlying; not to let it rise to the surface.

Despite her respect for Mary and her vows of chastity, Jenny dressed for her dinner date in as sexy and attractive a manner as she was capable of doing. She told herself it was a matter of self-respect. She was going to be looking into Martin's fabulous blue eyes all during the dinner, trying to make scintillating conversation, and she wanted to give Martin something to look at as well.

She couldn't figure out exactly what it was about Martin that drew her in to such an extent. He had nice hair, broad shoulders, and a muscular body type; and even better, they were natural muscles, not the ones nurtured by the free weights of a gym. He had a sexy patch of chest hair she could see from the open-necked shirt he wore, and he also had clunky glasses which gave him an adorable, kind of disarming charm. Nobody would ever call him handsome.

Jenny decided that it wasn't just his eyes or the rest of his body. It was also his self-effacing humor. He had her giggling almost constantly. Everyone around Martin was always in a good mood. His quick wit saw to it.

"Professor Connors is looking for volunteers," Martin said as they were waiting for dessert. "You'd be paid, as well." They had been discussing money. Jenny's parents gave her spending money, but it was inadequate, she found. She had expensive taste in cosmetics, for example. She liked the idea of earning extra pocket money.

"If I'm paid, I wouldn't be a volunteer," Jenny said.

"Well, what she's asking is kind of special. It's not for everyone."

"Oh?" That made it sound interesting to Jenny. "Is it nude modeling for her class on drawing?"

"Good God yes, it is. How did you know?" Sometimes Martin thought Jenny might be psychic or something. "I myself model for it, you know."

Jenny hadn't known that Martin modeled nude. She'd have to sign up for the class! It's not clear why she'd have to learn how to draw the human form, since she was an art history major and not a studio art major. Then again, it might be fun. Maybe she'd make some new friends. She could use a few more friends. If she were to model for the class, the extra spending money would be nice, as well. Too bad she was so body-shy.

As if reading her mind Martin added, "If you are shy about being nude in front of others -- and who isn't -- it's all done very professionally, and actually more boring than titillating."

"Right. A girl exposing her body in front of a bunch of 18 to 22-year-old male art students is totally boring, I'm sure," Jenny said, her eyes flashing as she spoke.

"I hear the lesbians are even worse than the men," Martin rejoined, trying and failing to suppress a laugh.

"Does your girlfriend Mary model nude, too?" Jenny asked, archly.

"Yes. She's quite good. She holds her poses perfectly and can manipulate her body in amazing ways," he said. Jenny immediately thought of Kamasutra poses and had to shake her head to rid herself of the images. Why were her thoughts dwelling in the gutter?

"Look, if you're even a little interested in the modeling gig, might I ask you an indiscreet question?" Martin suddenly seemed nervous. Jenny had never seen him nervous before. She was intrigued.

As if she could read his mind yet again, and to disarm his anxiety, Jenny quietly said in a barely audible voice, "I'm not a virgin, Martin."

Martin was gobsmacked. "How'd you know I was going to ask ..."

Smiling, Jenny added, "It was in high school. The boy was Alex Goodfellow. I was in love until he betrayed me most horribly."

Jenny did not feel the need to tell Martin about the very first guy she had fucked. That happened when she was out with the gang the summer before her senior year in high school. They had all gone upstate a ways to join a big hayride some Hudson Valley farmer offered. She and George made out shamelessly during the hayride. It was no big deal; everyone was making out, or so it seemed. George had a girlfriend, so he was taken and therefore safe, or so she thought.

Jenny had welcomed the attention; she kind of liked George. He was smart, handsome, and an athlete. During the hay ride, partially hidden under the straw, George got Jenny's top off, soon to be followed by her bra. Being topless amidst her friends turned Jenny on. Most of their friends couldn't see her, and the school icon of promiscuity, Maribeth, was also topless, so Jenny didn't feel all alone in that state.

When the ride ended Jenny was still topless, her jeans were unsnapped and unzipped, and George's hand was inside them, searching for her clitoris, no doubt. She helped the blind hand find its goal. In the meantime she had rendered George's pants and boxers down around his knees and was playing with his hard cock.

When the ride ended, all the gang reassembled themselves and headed off to get some hot cider. George led Jenny to a small stand of trees which gave the illusion of privacy. He undressed her, dropped his pants and boxers, and told Jenny to give him a blowjob.

Jenny declined but continued to give him kisses. George thought Jenny's kisses were erotic. When his hard cock found her slit he looked at Jenny. She looked back at George's lovely face and lost herself in his liquid brown eyes. She was trying to decide what shade of brown his eyes were when she felt the poking. He couldn't find her entrance, since he was almost as inexperienced as she was.

"Care to help me?" George asked, tweaking one of Jenny's nipples.

"I'm naked, George. You seem to be doing just fine on your own."

"Yes, and you are beyond gorgeous. I meant, want to guide me in?"

Jenny giggled. She gently grabbed his cock and positioned it perfectly. "Push, please," she said. He did and Jenny was a virgin no more. He came quickly, so she let him fuck her a second time. The second time was great. She still remembered it.

After the hayride one-day-stand George returned to his girlfriend and promptly disposed of her virginity, too. Jenny became a sitting duck for Alex Goodfellow.

With Martin prodding, Jenny knew she'd have to reveal something of her past. She decided to tell him about her times with Alex --the whole story. She had to fight back tears when she described her school-wide humiliation. When she finished, both of them were silent. They ate their dessert of some strange-flavored ice cream. It had largely melted by that time, but neither of them cared.

Jenny and Martin became close, almost instantly. Jenny had shown her trust by baring her soul to Martin. He had responded with the perfect blend of sympathy and support.

After the dinner Martin took Jenny back to her dorm. Jenny had let him pay for their dinner so she was curious if that would mean Martin thought he could take some liberties. This meant she was prepared when he went to kiss her. Jenny kissed him back. Martin kissed her a second and then a third time. Jenny opened her mouth, and the two began to kiss passionately. Jenny could feel Martin's erection as he pulled her body into his.

Jenny pushed herself away. "Thanks for the lovely time, Martin. I like the restaurant."

Martin smiled. "I like you, Jenny."

"That's nice, and I'm glad. Martin, you belong to Mary. Goodnight," Jenny said, and she turned to walk down the hall to her room. There was firm conviction in her voice.

Martin reached out and grabbed Jenny's arm. He gracefully pulled her back flush against his body and kissed her neck, almost exactly as Alex Goodfellow had done in high school. He even kissed her in the same spot, an obscure erotic zone that Alex had mightily exploited, once he had stumbled upon it.

Jenny pushed herself away a second time. It took her a mental effort to do so. "I can't, Martin. It isn't right."

"I'll tell you what. Why don't we go to your room, and you can practice modeling nude for me? I can give you some pointers," Martin proposed.

"Models don't make out when they're modeling, you know."

"I know that well. I respect that. You'll be safe. Mary will be safe. No worries, Jenny."

Jenny thought she knew exactly what Martin's barely hidden agenda was. She appreciated being given the cover story. She'd disappoint Martin when she told him no, but it would be his own fault for his misrepresentation. So be it.

"Okay. I suppose it's a good idea to practice before a live audience," Jenny said. They walked together down the hall to Jenny's room.

Martin had almost hypnotized Jenny with his bright blue eyes. Not even Paul Newman could compete with Martin when it came to blue eyes. He was tall, ripped, spoke in elegant English, and he seemed to know everything, or at least he did in Jenny's freshman eyes.

Jenny might have seemed to be low-hanging fruit, but when she revealed her breasts to Martin as she slowly -- even painfully slowly -- removed her clothes, Martin noticed that Jenny's young breasts were anything but low hanging. He also noticed that her lovely slit glistened just a little in the light, due to the moisture coating her labia. He inferred Jenny was sexually aroused.

Martin told Jenny to sit in her desk chair, her legs slightly parted, and her head held high looking out over an imaginary field of flowers. Jenny held the pose without moving for a solid 15 minutes. Martin was impressed. He suggested the next pose, but Jenny didn't fully understand what he wanted her to do. Martin went to her and moved her around into the desired pose, one leg over an arm of the chair, giving peeks of her pussy. In the process of explaining the pose Martin enjoyed touching her up and sending sparks up Jenny's spine, as well as hardening up Martin's own erection.

"I'm done. My muscles hurt," Jenny said after fifteen minutes in the second pose.

"Lie down on your tummy, and I'll give you a massage," Martin replied.

"Okay, but nothing sexual. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Martin said.

Martin put a small towel over Jenny's bubble ass. He took her baby oil and oiled her back a little. Jenny groaned as he worked the kinks out of her shoulders and upper back muscles. He began to give her back long strokes from her shoulders down to the privacy towel. Martin leaned down hard to apply pressure. His hands had momentum and continued under the towel. Jenny realized the massage was sexier with the privacy towel than without it.

Jenny was disappointed that Martin never asked her to turn over and lie on her back. He had never once tried even to touch her pussy. She had found herself wanting him to do so. She was also surprised at how wonderful the massage was. Alex had given her naked massages in his day, invariably followed with sex, but he had no talent at all compared with Martin. Jenny felt relaxed and happy at the end of the massage.

Jenny's boobs bounced gently as she sat up. Martin enjoyed the show. At that moment Jenny's roommate, Kathy Tohoku, entered the room. Kathy tried her best to imagine why her roommate was naked and entertaining a fully clothed man.

"Martin was just leaving," Jenny said, resisting the urge to cover herself. "He's been helping me get ready to be a nude model in Professor Connors' class on drawing. You get paid something, in case you want to do it too, Kathy." Jenny knew about Kathy and her relaxed attitude about sex.