The Magnificent Girl

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He knew the world would love her, too.
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I'm moving this story to LW. The wife is not a cheater but certainly a loving one.

I would like to thank my proofreader MrsIntJ and editor Headitor. They make my stories much more enjoyable to read.

We hope you enjoy it. As always, all comments are welcome.


"Dude! What's up?" Jake yelled. Even talking loudly, it was hard to hear him over the loud music reverberating through the house. It was Jake, my best buddy, just walking in the front door. We were both from Remington, the same small town about ninety minutes from the St. Louis suburb we were living in now.

It was one of those impromptu winter parties where someone, in this case, Roger, had volunteered his house for others to gather at, then before you know it, the place is so packed it takes five minutes just to cross the kitchen. Everyone was just trying to get out of that butt-ass January cold and do a little partying.

I had heard Roger yell a couple of times into the living room to turn the music down, but the reduced noise would only last a few minutes, and then someone would turn it back up. I figured the cops would be knocking at the door any minute.

I already had a good buzz going from the four beers, or was it five? "You've got some catching up to do, my friend," I told Jake. "And how are you doing missy?" I said to Carol, Jake's girlfriend, who had walked in behind him.

"I'm good," Carol shouted, trying to talk over the music. "Where's Maria?"

"Who knows? We had another fight, then she told me to go fuck myself. You know, a typical Friday night for us."

"Oh, Ross. She just doesn't think you take her seriously enough," Carol said. "She really likes you a lot, you know."

"Yeah, I know. That's the problem." I looked at Jake, "Shots! We need to do some shots. You are way behind, dude."


About a half-hour later, I was sitting on the couch, talking to some stranger about how we could fix the world. We had both determined we were smarter than the people running it today. Someone had turned the music down and managed to keep it at a low roar. I was facing the door and saw Jake's sister, Marla walking in. She had been a year behind me in school and had moved to the area shortly after Jake.

I always liked Marla, and she was a nice looking girl, but we never had a spark, probably because, being Jakes sister almost made her like my sister. I was waving at her to get her attention when I noticed a girl walking in behind her. Wow, what a looker, I thought. The girl was petite with golden blond hair. She was wearing skinny jeans and a thick mesh sweater.

I stood up, deciding to abandon the stranger and greet Marla and her companion. I hugged Marla and introduced myself to her friend, trying not to slur my words and give away my semi-inebriated state.

Marla introduced Belinda, saying she had just got into town last week, then Marla left us together telling us she needed to track down Jake. She said they were planning to make a visit back to Westminster next weekend.

I couldn't believe my luck. I had definitely moved up from the genius. Now I was with this beautiful girl and, since she didn't know anyone else at the party, she was stuck with me.

I sat her on the couch and then went and got myself a beer and Belinda a ginger ale. We sat and started talking about her move to the area. I was telling Belinda that Jake, Marla, and I were from the same small town when she interrupted me.

"You don't recognize me do you?" Belinda was looking at me and smiling. She didn't give me any more hints.

"No, I'm sorry, should I?" I stammered, hoping again that the alcohol wasn't going to make me look stupid.

"I'm Belinda Carter. You probably remember Kurt, my brother. He was closer to your age."

"Whoa. Are you little Belinda Carter? You've grown up." You were in, like, seventh grade, when I graduated."

"Eighth," she corrected me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I remembered Kurt's little sister as a skinny rail of a girl we used to tease whenever I was over at his place.

"Wow, look at you now," I smiled, trying not to look too lecherous.

"Yeah, I'm twenty now."

"What are you doing in Ft. Rush?"

"I'm staying with Marla and looking for a job. Just had to get out of Westminster, you know."

I tried not to be too obvious but looked at her closely when she wasn't paying attention. Belinda was a beauty. Petite, with light blond hair and bright blue eyes. She had full lips and a small square chin on her almond-shaped face. I noticed her eyebrows were even light blond and figured so was her pussy hair, but I was trying not to go there in my mind. After all, I had just met this girl, and she was the sister of a friend.

I couldn't see if she was wearing makeup, but the color of her skin was a perfect dark pink. When she smiled, her white teeth lit up her face. Her upper lip was pulled up slightly so you could see her front teeth, kind of like she was always ready to smile. And when she did, the peek at those beautiful front teeth became a wide smile. I was mesmerized;this girl was very attractive.

We talked for about an hour. I nursed my beer, not wanting to drink any more alcohol. I was hoping my conversational skills would improve. I was smitten by Belinda's beauty and was hoping to use the fact that she was new in town to get her to agree to hang out with me.


Maria had been a great girlfriend. She was fun loving, and funny. Brown hair, medium height, and big boobs. She wasn't bad looking. We always had a great time when we went out together, and that girl loved sex. We fucked for the first time on our second date and then had sex regularly. It was like it was expected every time we went out. I think she figured having sex all the time would keep us together.

I liked that she was very family oriented and I could tell Maria was trying to bring me into the fold. The previous fall she invited me to one of her family get-togethers at a local park. Maria was Hispanic and had lots of family. I had to work that Saturday morning, so I met them at the park, Maria was already there. I had been there about an hour when Maria took my arm and started hurrying me to the parking lot. She told me she needed to go with her cousins after the picnic, then pulled me behind a big panel truck and started giving me a blowjob. At first, I was worried that one of her brothers would walk up on us, but I got into it and quickly came. I have to say that girl and I did have great sex. She was open for anything, and we did some stuff that I only saw on those kinky porn sites. Not sure if I ever expected to be doing those things with a real live girl but with Maria, nothing was off the table.

As I said, Maria was a great girlfriend, but I knew our relationship would never become serious. She kept pushing for us to move in together, and I kept putting her off. I probably kept her around longer than I should have because of the great sex.

Maria was a great gal and needed to find someone willing to commit. I just wasn't that guy.

That week, I had told her she should move on. I told her she needed a guy who was more serious about settling down and I just wasn't looking to settle down.


Belinda had given me her cell number at the party, so I decided to call and ask if she wanted a tour of the area.

"Hi, Belinda. It's Ross. You know, from the party the other night."

"Sure, Ross. How are you doing?"

"Great. Hey, it's supposed to be warmer this weekend. In the fifties. How would you like a tour of the city? I could drive you around and show you the sights. Are you up for that?"

"Yeah, I think that would be fun, Ross."

"Would Saturday afternoon work for you? I'll treat you to dinner afterward."

"I can't Saturday, Ross. I have to meet a store manager about a job. I'm hoping I've found one at the mall.

"How about Sunday, then?"

"Sure, I would love to."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 3pm. Does that work?"

"Sounds great." She gave me her address. "See you then."


We had a great time on Sunday. Belinda had gotten a job on Saturday at Victoria's Secret. I teased her about the benefit of getting lots of lingerie. She laughed, but I backed off on the jokes, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

We drove around town, me pointing out all the local landmarks and talking about some of the better eating establishments. I stopped at Washington Park and asked her if she wanted to go for a walk down to the little lake. When we got to the lake, we stopped and sat on a bench. I don't remember what we talked about, but I do remember admiring her beauty. I was now seeing her in the full light of day, and my brain wasn't fogged by alcohol like the other night. Belinda was gorgeous. She was about the same height as Maria, 5' 5", but a lot thinner. She had on those skinny jeans, and they did make her look skinny. Her hair was light blond and her skin, what little bit was showing on that cold winter's day, was pale. Her bright blue eyes and big smile really lit up her face. I guess I would best describe her as delicate looking.


Over the next few weeks, I asked Belinda out a few times. She was always so busy, taking extra shifts at VS, and she had found a second part-time job in the mall. We did find time to go out to the movies and dinner a few times. Other times, Marla would drop her at the mall on her way to work, and I would pick her up and just drive her home. Just being alone with her was always enjoyable, her telling me about her day or me mine. Something was always happening at one of her two jobs. I told her she was as busy as a bee, and that became my nickname for her, Bee.


Bee, was a reserved person, maybe even a little shy around most people. On our third date, we had only progressed to holding hands and a quick goodnight kiss. I was figuring this delicate lady was probably sizing me up, maybe thinking I wasn't refined enough for her tastes. I did have a college degree but certainly wasn't an intellectual. I think people saw me as more of a blue-collar, pickup truck driving guy. I wasn't sure if that's what Bee was looking for in a man.

About a month after we met, I picked her up at the mall to drive her home. She had just recently found a small apartment of her own. We were sitting in my truck outside her new place, when I leaned over and gave her a kiss. I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but I needed to make a move. Bee returned my kiss with passion.

We continued to kiss, and our excitement grew. I found out that night that Bee was an extraordinarily passionate person. Our tongues explored each other's mouths, and soon, Bee was breathing hard. I'd never seen a girl get so worked up over kissing. I took it as a sign to move forward and began to rub her tits. They were small, about B cups I guessed, but very firm. Bee became even more passionate. I could feel her nipples through her bra and started pinching them.

Bee was becoming even more animated, and I thought she might have an orgasm just from what we were doing. My hand slid down onto her leg, and our passion continued, so I slid my hand up her thigh and rubbed it against her crotch. At first, she seemed to like it then suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she had a startled look on her face. She pushed back away from me and said, "You can't touch her. You can't touch me there." The sudden change in attitude stunned me for a second, and I just stared at her with a questioning look on my face.

Now Bee was making her escape from my pickup. She turned and grabbed the door handle, popping the door open.

"Bee, what's going on? I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you." She looked at me, almost in a panic.

"It's okay, Ross, but I've got to be going." You could tell she was flustered. "Thanks for picking me up. You are such a sweet guy." By now she was out the door.

"Okay, Bee. I'll call you..." She shut the door quickly and was walking fast towards her apartment. I didn't know what to make of what had just happened. Bee was obviously very passionate, but I guess I had pushed her too far, too fast. God, I hoped I hadn't screwed it all up.


Bee did agree to go out with me that weekend and acted as if nothing unusual had happened. We continued to date for the next couple of months, and necking with her was always an experience. As I said, she was very passionate. Almost over the top. We would sometimes kiss for an hour, and it was almost like having sex. She was one hot girl. She loved to have me play with her tits. I would open her shirt and unclasp her bra and suck on her beautiful nipples. She would get so worked up, I think she might have been having orgasms. I could touch her all over, but if my hand ventured near her crotch, she would stiffen up and grab my arm to keep me from advancing. I'm not too proud to admit that I too would get very worked up by these make out sessions. I wasn't sure if Bee was having orgasms during our make out sessions, but afterward, in the privacy of my own apartment, I had to take matters into my own hands for relief, if you know what I mean.

I wasn't sure where all this was headed, but I knew Bee, and I were getting closer, and I was falling for this girl, that's for sure.


Then one evening, the weather was warmer, and we were returning from a movie. I expected another hot time in the parking lot. Instead, Bee asked me to pull behind the building and then pointed where she wanted me to stop. I stopped and shut off the lights. It was a very dark corner, and I could barely see her. She grabbed me, and we started making out. Twenty minutes later, we were all hot and bothered, but Bee did something unusual. She grabbed my hand and directed it to her crotch. She was letting me rub her pussy. I started using the side of my hand rubbing where I knew her slit was.

Bee became even more passionate, breathing really hard as she looked into my eyes. She was nodding her head and saying, "Yes." I was over the top excited too, finally taking this next step with her. Then she surprised me again as she reached down and opened the top of her jeans. I knew what she wanted, and my hand slid down her flat belly and into the front of her pants. I couldn't believe Bee was wanting me to play with her that way.

My hand slid down under her underwear and cupped her pussy. It was a tight fit for my hand to be included in her pants, so she pulled down on the back of them me and made a little more room. I started rubbing her, putting pressure on her crotch.

"Oh, Ross, oh, my god."

I looked down to where my hand went into her pants. It was dark, and I couldn't see much. When Bee noticed me looking, she reached under my chin, forcing me to look up at her.

"Just look into my eyes, okay Ross," she pleaded. I was fine with that. I couldn't see much anyway.

If I thought Bee might have been orgasming when we kissed there was no doubt she was cumming as I stroked and fingered her pussy. She went over the top quickly, yelling my name repeatedly. I had the truck windows up, but I was afraid someone would hear anyway. Suddenly she was shaking and jerking in her orgasm. Her breathing was quick and shallow. I was worried she might hyperventilate. The wetness she had produced was unbelievable. She had soaked the entire crotch area of her pants and also some on the seat of my truck.

I slowed, rubbing her pussy but continued stroking her lightly. Her shaking stopped, and she jerked a few more times then suddenly, she grabbed my arm and was pulling it out of her pants.

"Stop, Ross. Stop! I can't take it anymore."

I pulled my hand out and watched Bee slowly come down from her orgasm, her breathing returning to normal. I hugged her tight, helping her calm down. Bee looked down at the mess she had created and began quickly pulling up her pants.

"Ross, take me to my apartment," were the first words out of her mouth.

"Are you okay, Belinda?"

"Yes, Ross. I'm sorry. I just got a little carried away." I could hear the embarrassment in her voice.

"No, Bee. You were great. It was great to see you so excited." Bee just nodded her head.

"Thanks, Ross. But I need to go home now. Please!"

When we got around to the front of the apartments, Bee kissed me on the cheek and very quickly got out of my truck, almost running towards her door.

It was very exciting to go this next step and to play with Belinda's pussy. She was a very passionate girl and obviously liked sex even in her quirky, inhibited sort of way. I was determined to help her open up.

Over the next few weeks, we continued to date. We would make out in the parking lot as we had previously, but she wasn't letting me pet her pussy again. One of those nights, I asked her if she wanted to go back to the dark corner. She looked at me like she was considering it but said, "No, Ross. Last time was just too much. Can't we just make out here?"

"Sure, Bee. You know I love making out with you."


Springtime came as it did most mid-western years, later than everyone hopes. Then Memorial Day weekend came and Carol invited us to a pool party at her apartment complex. Hopefully, the weather would cooperate. It turned out to be an unseasonably warm early summer day. I was excited. A pool party meant that I was going to get to see Bee in a bikini. She wore mostly conservative clothes, but that wasn't going to be possible at a pool party.

We met at the apartment that afternoon. I had stopped at Safeway and bought some potato salad and beer. I walked into the apartment, and Bee was in the kitchen. She had on a long shirt over her bathing suit. She was doing her busy bee thing, bouncing around the kitchen, so I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her to slow her down. I planted a big kiss on her, hoping everyone would see me claiming this beautiful girl as mine.

We kissed passionately. "Please! Take it to a room," Marla admonished. We all smiled. I know Marla was happy for me to have found a girl I could be serious about. Maybe I hadn't admitted it to myself yet, but I think Marla already understood the connection between Bee and me.

We had a great time out at the pool. I kept my drinking to a minimum. I knew I was the designated driver. Bee finally took off her shirt as we got into the pool. She had on a light purple bikini that wasn't nearly as small as Marla's or some of the other girls', but she was stunning.

Her porcelain skin showed off the color of her suit, and her firm breasts highlighted her hard body. We frolicked in the pool for a while, and a couple of times, I kissed Bee, but she would push me away. It was funny, I didn't think she was pushing me away because she didn't want others to see us kissing. She was pushing me away because she knew she would get too passionate.

After a couple of hours, it was cooling down, and the girls went up to the apartment to prepare the food. I walked in and went to change out of my wet suit. I assumed Belinda had already changed and was in the kitchen with the rest of the girls.

I went to the bedroom to change, and when I opened the door, there stood Belinda nude. She was toweling her hair, and for the first few seconds, didn't realize I was there. There stood the girl of my dreams, or should I say, my masturbation fantasies, naked.

I was mesmerized and stood transfixed. Like I said previously, her tits were small but firm, with bright pink areolas and nipples that pointed straight out, but I had seen her tits many times. My eyes traveled almost immediately to her pussy. Her bush was as blond as her head and started a couple of inches above her slit, traveling down the lips on both sides. The hair was sparse and didn't hide the beauty underneath. She had about a three-inch gap between her thighs, and her outer lips were thin, almost non-existent. Protruding from her slit near the bottom was about an inch of her pink labia, and above that, you could see a prominent clitoral hood. It was stunning.