The Marriage Ch. 07


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"Good morn, my King," my mother said with half a smile. There was so much sadness in her eyes. I waited a moment, watching her smother Hamund.

"I love you, Mother," I said softly. Her tears began anew. She waved me into her arms. Hamund and I stayed with her until her composure returned. She stood after a while, kissing Hamund, then me.

"Leave me to dress, my love," my mother told me, "I will be out soon. We will begin then." I nodded and took Hamund's hand. King and Prince left the Queen Mother to prepare herself.

I found Angelica in the meeting room with Liliana who was in tears. She ran to me, jumped into the my arms and buried her face in my neck. Angelica had made her understand what her grandfather dying meant. She was sure it meant sleeping when it was explained last night. I held her as she cried, begging me to tell her it was wrong. I could not, so my heart broke again. I would not see her smile today.

The funeral was long. The procession to the tomb was lined with crowds from around the kingdom which warmed my heart. They looked genuinely grieved which spoke well of my father's reign. Angelica and I led, my mother followed. The ceremony had a sense of permanence that did not set well with me. I, like Liliana, secretly wished him to be sleeping. "Bodies give out," the chirurgeon had said as if that explained it all.

When the tomb was resealed, an era ended. Never would his face see the sun again. I was King in more than name, but I did not feel ready. The official coronation was handled quickly as was necessary for stability. I sent riders to Douderson, my father's words would live in me. The alliance would be held in my heart as it was in his.


At thirteen winters, Hamund became more than a son. The change was gradual, but was apparent as we rode together. He on a brown horse slightly too large for him that he had named Shadow. I had wished him a smaller mount, but had given him choice and he was overbold. I was not going to gainsay him, and desired he learn from his decisions. It was I who learned that Hamund had a stubborn streak, and Shadow bowed to it.

I rode Thunder, a proud descendant of Storm. He did not have Storm's patience, but had more will if it came to battle. Hamund and I rode hard. I could see his mother's joy in him. The desire to be free in the wind.

I had given Hamund a sword after my father's death. It gave him something to work on, to not think of my father's passing at all times. In homage to my father, I had the vases placed out of the way as Hamund learned. We sparred in play daily. I feared when his height and weight caught up to his skill, I would be a weak match for him. It mattered little, for I would retire as Commander and hand it to him that day. I saw, in him, much of the king I had buried

"I wish to drill, Father," Hamund announced as we walked our mounts to give them a rest after a good run. I smiled at his mind trying to grow faster than his body.

"You feel you are ready?" I asked, knowing the answer before I spoke. There was little he thought he could not do.

"I must be ready," Hamund answered seriously, "Mother has told me to learn. I wish to ease your burden one day. To do so, I must know how." The youngest we had ever allowed to join had three more winters in them. I could have told him to wait, but I heard that Douderson stubbornness leak into his words.

"Uncle Uri was eleven when he began," Hamund added to his argument. Uri had visited as emissary a few times. As was his word, he tolerated my strange family in words and deeds. His eyes always held shards of shame, but his father's words kept him quiet. To Hamund, he was a warrior of the highest order. They bonded more on each visit, and I did not discourage it. Uri treated him as his own, and I never saw him leak his distaste of us onto the boy. I made it a point to not let my own feelings cloud Hamund.

"He is a strong swordsman," I said, remembering my bout with Uri so many years ago. Hamund smiled, thinking he was swaying me. I had already decided, but I let him think I needed more time. It was pleasurable to watch his mind work.

"Yes, and it would be good to have the men get to know me," Hamund continued excitedly. I enjoyed how old he thought he was. I could work him into the drill easily enough. Pair him with the newcomers, and let him grow into his future role.

"Do you think the men might lose heart when they see your skill," I jested with a serious face. I expected a youthful answer filled with boast.

"If you feel me too young," Hamund said, his eyes lowered, "I will wait." He had read too much into my jest. I had not meant to discourage.

"Yes, you are too young," I said strongly, "but you are a prince and I a king. We must grow faster than others. I will expect you on the field in two days. Know you will be sore, and wishing you waited yourself when it is done." I added a prideful smile to my words. Hamund's face lit up. It was as if I had given him the world. I knew there would be times he would regret the decision. I also knew he would never let me know of it.

"We will be stronger for it," Hamund said proudly. His mind was truly older than his body. We mounted and rode back to the castle together. He seemed to ride taller, Shadow not looking as large as before.

Liliana met us at the stables. Her dress, immaculate as always, did not match the surroundings. With four doting women, counting my mother, Liliana was as prim and proper as could be devised. She walked and talked as a Queen and controlled me in ways that should be too subtle for one so young.

"Mother is crying," Liliana said as we stabled the horses," she will not tell me why. Lady Mylle sent me to gather you." I could see the concern in her eyes.

"We will go at once, my love," I said as I lifted her dainty feet from the dirt. She was still light as a feather, and did not yet mind me carrying her. I knew the day would come when she would no longer allow it. I was not looking forward to it. I liked her being my little angel.

I moved quickly, Hamund moving ahead of us, opening the doors. We entered Angelica's room to find her embracing Mylle in tears. I put Liliana down and moved quickly to her side. Mylle pointed to an open letter that lay on the floor. I picked it up and read, my heart dropping at each word.

Angelica's father had died of a sickness. Uri was King. Neither was an outcome I desired.

"Hamund, my son," I called, "please tell your grandmother we wish to see her here." Hamund took off at a run. Liliana had never met Angelica's father, and Hamund would not remember him. There was some solace in that. I sat next to my Queen and pulled her into my arms.

"He thought of nothing but your happiness," I said slowly, "he was so pleased at your smile." I wiped some tears off her cheek.

"I loved him so," Angelica cried anew. I held her as she had held me not that long ago. Both of us now fatherless. Liliana crawled into Angelica's lap.

"Who, Mother?" Liliana asked as she made herself at home. It was that question that brought Angelica back from her tears. She told Liliana of her other grandfather, of how she had grown up in his world. She had stories I had yet to hear. Liliana listened and asked questions as a child would. Angelica answered them with a smile, cherishing the memories. Liliana did more for Angelica's grief than any of us could. Just seeing his granddaughter, knowing his legacy would continue, did wonders for her soul.

My mother and Alia followed Hamund into the room. I broke the news as delicately as I could. Though none would grieve like Angelica, all would see that it brought changes. I could see the worries form in my mother's eyes. They echoed my mind. Uri, as King, brought uncertainty to the alliance. Angelica would not see it yet, her father's death was too new to her. This day was for mourning with Angelica so the subject would not be broached.


A rider brought news five days later. Uri was en route, a pass through to see King Targathian, the Swan. He meant to talk to Angelica of the funeral. I saw it a chance to renew the alliance, and I hoped he would see the same. The visit to the Targathians was disconcerting, a possible alternative to us. It did not bode well that we were only a stop on the way. I feared things would not go well if his mind remained stubborn about his sister.

"I will leave, my Lord" Mylle told me. We were in the middle of the last game of a Tavia match. Tied in games, her statement brought me out of my tactics. I was so hoping to win.

"You will not stay and finish?" I asked. It seemed a strange statement since her position seemed better than mine. She looked at me with seriousness in her eyes.

"When King Douderson arrives, I will leave with him, my Lord" Mylle stated quickly. I felt my breath catch in my chest.

"You will not," I said as I stood, "I will forbid it. Angelica and I will not lose you." I spoke louder than I should have. Mylle had taken me by surprise. I was King and would not allow it.

"You are King, my Lord," Mylle continued, "it is the kingdom that you must serve. I am a hindrance now." I could see she had been putting her mind to it. I was not to be dissuaded. I moved to her quickly and pulled her to my arms.

"You are ours, my love," I said strongly, "you will go nowhere." I kissed her hard, as a king would. I felt her surrender to my lips. "No force will steal you away from us. Our love will not be weakened." I had not kissed her like that in a long time. It was my intention to undo her thoughts. I would not have my family break up now. There would be no question of that. I felt her smile on my lips.

"Uri will demand it, my Lord," Mylle said quietly, as her arms wrapped around me.

"Leave my brother to me, " Angelica stated strongly. She had entered my room without a sound. She stepped close to us. "He has no say here," she said as her hand caressed the side of Mylle's face. Her lips found Mylle's as I held her. I slowly let go of her as the kiss lingered. It affected me more than it should. I wished Alia was there at that moment. She had a way of settling my mind from thoughts beyond her.

"There will be no more mention of this," I dictated.

"As you say, my Lord," Mylle stated with a large smile. She enjoyed being reminded of our need for her. I wished she would not need it. It was unsettling that one of us did not feel secure. Memories of Alia's requests to be sent away so very long ago shivered through my mind. I had not desired to revisit them again.

"You will not leave me, my love," Angelica said softly. I saw more relief in Mylle. Even after all the time we had spent together as a strange family, she still had a sense she was least important. She was not an afterthought.

Lead riders showed a few days later. Uri was a day out, giving us time to prepare for the arrival of the new King. Hamund was the only one excited about the visit. He looked forward to his uncle's words, and wished to show him his new learned skills from drill. I saw part of Uri in him, not the intolerant stubbornness, but the need to be a warrior. Hamund took great pride in his swordplay and had yet to break a vase. I would not diminish his love for his uncle with my own misgivings. Angelica felt the same.

Mylle's fears came back as Uri's party neared. The arrival of the lead riders had her hiding in her room. I believed she thought to stay there until Uri left. Angelica was worried for her. She also did not like that Uri brought out unease in her. She knew better than most what Uri had put Mylle through when they were younger.

Alia suggested we all sleep as one that night. It had been a long while since it was done, and our family needed strength to face Uri. Mylle was very pleased with the idea, again needing our love to be shown. Alia made me promise to reassure Mylle. She also felt Mylle's fear.

I waited at the bed in my night clothes that night. The ladies had wished to meet afore the darkness. I had spent my evening in final preparation for Uri's arrival. The court seemed apprehensive of the visit, many thinking it would not be a pleasant day. I did my best to reassure them all that it was only a simple visit. They looked deeper and saw it as a bad sign. All seemed to know Uri and our dislike for each other. They feared that may be a weakness that the Wolf, King Uberson, would capitalize on. I did not relish the visit, but I harbored no fear of a threat from the Wolf. I was married to Uri's sister - that alone had kept the Wolf at bay for over thirteen winters.

Alia was first to enter the room. My eyes were wide at her nakedness. Her smile more tempting than I would have expected for a shared night. Her breasts bounced wonderfully as she strode forth to my arms.

"You have forgotten your night clothes, my love," I said as my hand roamed her chest. I loved how her nipples reacted to my touch. They would start soft and small, and finish proud. It was silly, but I never tired of that. She began to raise my smock.

"You should have forgotten yours, my love," Alia whispered as she relieved me of my clothes. Angelica entered, proudly defrocked, leading a naked Mylle by her hand. My phallus reacted against my will. I had missed another meeting.

Candles were extinguished, leaving only the flames from the hearth. An eerie orange glow flickered across my naked angels, leaving the most pleasurable shadows. Alia kissed me deep, her hand between my legs, encouraging me on as Angelica and Mylle entered the bed. I looked down at the two, both smiling, Angelica gesturing me in. I entered next to Mylle followed by Alia who curled into me, her hand rubbing over my chest.

"Will you watch me, my love?" Mylle asked me. It was a strange question. I did not know what my answer should be. "I wish you to see me in passion." Her eyes were wide, expecting my answer. Alia took my hand, and placed it on Mylle's small breast as her own were pressing into my back. I looked back, questioning Alia with my eyes.

"Tonight it is as Mylle wishes, my love," Alia whispered. Alia's hand squeezed mine and, in turn, I embraced Mylle's breast. I felt her nipple tickle my palm as it became taut. Alia's hand left mine and trailed along my arm, down my side and back between my legs. "We will love her tonight," Alia continued as she stroked me.

"I will see you in passion, my love," I answered. I walked my hand to Mylle's other breast, and found the nipple to be responsive as well, more so than Alia's. Angelica leaned over Mylle and kissed me, her breasts hanging sideways. Motherhood had changed her breasts, my eyes finding them more desirable. They had given my children subsistence and inwardly caused a private jealousy I had shared with no one.

Angelica's lips followed my arm down to my hand, leaving light wet kisses along the way. Her tongue found a nipple there as Mylle sucked in a breath. I looked in Mylle's eyes, and she smiled at me, her hand moving to the back of my neck. Mylle's breathing increased as Angelica's lips began to descend down her belly, a trail of red hair in their wake. Mylle spread her legs, one of which crossed over mine.

"They are so beautiful together," Alia whispered in my ear. Her hand was massaging me as she spoke. My eyes were full of Angelica's head moving between Mylle's legs. Mylle sucked in her breath quickly as Angelica found her sex.

"She loves me so," Mylle smiled, her body moving strangely as Angelica worked.

"We all love you," I said, my hand moving between her breasts. Mylle slowly pulled my head toward her chest. I allowed it, and took a nipple between my lips. Mylle sighed deeply and pushed her breast forward. I nibbled her with my lips, and Mylle moaned into me. I switched breasts, teasing the other nipple. I could feel small tremors traveling through her petite body. Small twitches that excited me, knowing she was close to her pleasure. I continued my kissing, and let my hand caress what I did not kiss. Mylle soon pulled my eyes even with hers.

"I am ready, Alia," Mylle said, looking into my eyes and breathing hard. I felt Alia's head drop low, but Mylle held my eyes to hers. "We will be together," she instructed. Alia's hand left my member, and was replaced by the warm wetness of my lover's mouth. I felt her tongue on the underside of my shaft as Mylle began a series of small pants, her eyes tearing. I looked deeply as my passion climbed beyond what I could hold.

Mylle's face strained, a look of bliss on the verge of pain. Her back arched, and I saw such beauty in her. I could not, would not, hold myself any longer. We reached our passions as one, looking deeply into each other. My love accepting my seed as I stared into the eyes of another. At the cusp, our lips met, and we shared each other's breath as control left our minds. Our bodies undulated together through our pleasure.

I felt Alia's mouth leave me as my breathing began to return. I was no king in this bed, I thought to myself. My angels ruled here, and I was glad of it.

"Was that pleasurable, my love?" Angelica asked as she moved forward.

"Yes," Mylle and I answered in unison. That brought laughter from Alia as she moved forward herself.

"His face goes all serious, then suddenly like a small boy," Mylle said sweetly. "I like the boy, it is so soft looking." I did not know my face did anything special.

"That is my favorite," Alia agreed, "it reminds me of what is behind his strength. A sweetness he only shares with us." She kissed the back of my neck and hugged me close. I believed I was blushing, and was thankful for the shadowy darkness of the fire.

"It was a beautiful thing, " I said, "I did not think we could be closer." Angelica leaned forward and kissed me. I could taste Mylle on her lips. It was not unpleasant and brought more thoughts to my mind. I leaned back into Alia to remind myself of the direction of my heart. Mylle was smiling.

"We are one, my love," Mylle informed me. Fear seemed to have left her. For some reason she held me in her mind as the fulcrum of her future and needed to know that my love was true. I did not think it necessary to prove, nor was my passion proof of it. It was just an extension of it. I stroked her face to fix her mind on me.

"We were always one, all four of us," I said, "we would be greatly weakened by the loss of any one of us. I chose strength, and your love is necessary for it." Angelica was beaming. I could see she sometimes walked on needles around Mylle's fears. Mylle kissed me again and then embraced her true love, fading from Alia and me. Alia pulled me to her.

"You were perfect, my love," Alia whispered in my ear. I let her think so, even though I did not fully understand my part in it. Pleasure did not seem as work.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The story seems to be losing steam. Getting deep into the labyrinth of triviality. I think I will tolerate one more chapter.

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

It is weird how much of a cuck he is. His wife is not aroused by him and she has sex right in front of him. To each his own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I see turmoil with the arrival of King Uri. He is a storm that precedes a disaster. Will be interesting to see how King Cayden reacts to the Uri threat. Will the kingdom survive? Will the family survive intact? LP

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11about 4 years ago

I kep coming back to this wonderful tale. Exquisitely written and timeless

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wonderful's statement is also mine.

The story would fail if any of the characters had not been included. Thank for sharing this story and your others.

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