The Next Milf Porn Star


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"It's not a casting couch." A soft voice with the same faint accent as Matthew's spoke behind her.

She spun to see a tall woman with black hair streaked with grey standing behind her, filling a bottle with water from the cooler located there.

"I take naps every day, nothing more refreshing than a little mid-day siesta." She smiled and pointed to the bar. "Drink?"

"I'm good."

"Nice to meet you, good. I'm Sylvia." She extended her hand, her smile widening and a twinkle in her eyes, which were an unusual shade of greyish blue.

"Huh?" It took Dana a second to get the joke. "Oh, right, sorry!" She took Sylvia's hand.


"You're nervous," Sylvia held her hand and put her other hand over it. "Don't feel bad, everyone is. I'll tell you what I tell everyone else. Nothing is going to happen today, okay?"

"Okay." Dana marveled at how soft Sylvia's hands were, as well as her perfectly manicured blue nails.

"I'll also alleviate the second biggest worry people have when they come here for the first time, your results are fine, you're perfectly clean."

"Good to, this is awkward." Dana sighed.

"It is, but just keep telling yourself today is for us to just talk and decide if its really what you want to do, and for me to be sure you're capable of doing it, and if this will work out for both of us."

She pointed to the desk. "Please have a seat, and did you want a drink?"

"No, I'm okay. Matthew offered me one too. He's very nice."

"He is, that's one of the reasons I married him." Sylvia laughed. "I think the other reasons might be fairly obvious."

"I noticed," Dana made her way over to the desk and sat down. "But I think he made out okay in the deal too."

"Thank you!" Sylvia replied as she came around to sit across from her. "But you don't have to schmooz me, although I don't mind hearing it."

Dana hadn't made the remark to kiss up, and she was pretty sure Sylvia knew she was an attractive woman. Especially considering according to her wikipedia page, which Dana had looked up last night, she'd been starring in adult films for twenty five years.

Her bio on the site declared her status as 'active' and she wondered if she did still star in movies, or felt it was 'hot' to look like she still did. Regardless, Sylvia Foxxx was a damn sexy woman. Both Wiki and the website had her at fifty three, and Dana hoped she could look half that good in another ten years.

Sylvia's features were smooth and flawless, highlighted by her strangely colered eyes, perfect high cheek bones, and a set of full sensual lips that seemed in all her pics, and in person, were set in a borderline pout, were a true asset in her chosen profession.

Her body, well displayed in form fitting sleeveless teal blouse, and short black skirt, would be the envy of a woman twenty years younger. Her breasts were perfect, not as large as Dana's, but wouldn't be considered small, especially on her athletic build.

Her ass was the same, not plump or curvy, but certainly not flat. Even the several thin streaks of grey in her otherwise raven dark hair, made her look sexy. Proof of her actual age, the fact she was fine with that age, and Dana was sure it was an authentic touch for an audience that loved older women.

Sylvia's hair, which was thick, but straight to the point Dana figured she did it on purpose was worn down and went below her shoulder blades. When her quick inspection reached her long well-toned legs, Dana was surprised to see she was barefoot.

"I love the way the carpet feels between my toes." Sylvia again spoke as if she'd read her mind as she got behind the desk and sat down. "Do I pass muster?"

"Sorry!" Dana blushed.

"Don't be, I don't mind being checked out, and let's face it because of what I do there's more fascination to what I look like I suppose."

"Your husband doesn't mind that you..." Dana caught herself, and her face grew even hotter. "I'm sorry, you probably don't even get on that side of the camera anymore."

"First off, don't be sorry. I know you're nervous and these are normal questions. And no, he doesn't mind. Why would he, seeing that's how we met?"

"Really?" Dana wasn't sure why she found that surprising, but she couldn't imagine being able to handle a lover who had sex for a living.

"We met eighteen years ago on a set. We had great chemistry on the shoot and he waited outside for me and asked me out for a drink. We got married three months later."

"That was quick." Dana was making small talk to try and settle her nerves and was sure Sylvia knew it, but didn't seem to mind as she sat down across from her.

"As you were probably thinking, its not easy to find someone who isn't bothered with what I do for a career, so who better than someone who is also in it?"

"You guys would still be with other actors?"

"Sure, now with so much indy created content, cams, only fans, and all the other benefits of the net, a couple just making videos together would work, but back then those things were no where near as popular or lucrative."

Sylvia gestured to the front of the desk, and with a start, Dana realized she was still standing. When she quickly sat, feeling even dumber than she had before, Sylvia continued.

"We did a bunch of shoots together as the pro porn scene was smaller in the UK back then and there weren't as many actors. But we also did a lot with others. Even in some of our shared scenes there would be other men or women involved.

"We see sex for work and sex between us differently. Work sex is always fun..."

"People really like it, that's not a myth to make it seem hot?" Dana interrupted.

"Many go through the motions because its all they know and let's face it, men watching porn really don't care if its obvious they're faking, but I'd say about twenty percent like it. I do or I would have quit years ago."

"I'm sure the guys all love it, don't seem how its work for them."

"It is, trust me. Finished product isn't the way it happens." Sylvia explained. "The director is always stopping, asking to switch positions, start again, the women can get sore and bitchy after awhile and the guys would get tired, either that or being up and down so much they'd end up cumming in the fluffers mouth and now the shoot's wasted. You know in a lot of scenes the guy doesn't cum?"


"A squeeze bulb filled with milk thickened with a little powdered milk with some flavoring, so we don't mind playing with it in our mouths and acting like it's the best thing ever. The guy palms it and squirts it while he jerks off."

"Learn something new every day." Dana's laugh was a little do loud, but she couldn't help it.

"But not on my sites. We try and let the scenes happen naturally and aren't always interrupting so to speak."

"Do you guys still do it?"

"On occasions I do a scene with Matt, and we do them live through Zoom. If people want to see them its $25 for access."

"That's not much."

"Last one was viewed by 500 people. I'm a bit of a legend." She laughed. "Kind of mixed emotions seeing my first films are called vintage porn."


"Lot more money in the field today with the net. That's why I started Milftacular. No bullshit from asshole directors using and abusing the girls. My girls only shoot what they want, when they want. and all the male talent are respectful and polite because if not, they're done."

"That's good to know."

"Not just done with me. I spread the word other sites like mine won't touch them. They have to work for the big sites, and its not as easy to get work there, and those d-bags treat the men as bad as the women."

"Well, I'm here to talk about your way, not theirs, I guess."

"I'm sure you scoped the site. All our material is cougar cub and whatever fantasies can work well for that as well as just straight up hot mature women fucking young studs." She winked. "In addition to well-mannered-all the talent I employ are damn fine. The days of old fat slobs are long gone."

"Good thing."

"Good thing if you want women to watch." Sylvia agreed. "And even though they won't admit it, most men would rather see a good looking guy too. Two hot people fucking are better than a hot woman and some schlub who looks like the before in the gym commercials."

Dana nodded, then blurted out.

"Okay, so, how do we do this?"

"This? You mean make an adult film with you as the star?"


"Ellen told me about you, not by name, we are very tight lipped in this industry." Sylvia laughed. "At least behind the scenes."

Dana forced a weak smile at the joke.

"She mentioned I might hear from you because of a dire financial situation, and to help you the way I did her. Which I'm willing to do because Ellen and I have been friends for well over twenty years and she's helped me through a lot of tough times, especially when my family disowned me for my career choice."

"You were outed?" Dana frowned.

"Yes, and very early on. I know that's your, and most everyone else's biggest fear, with doing this. In my case a friend of my father's was a borderline porn addict back before porn was on the net and would buy several movies a week at an adult shop." She shrugged.

"He happened to come across me in one of my first movies." Sylvia rolled her grey eyes. "Probably literally before he felt the need to show it to my father, who immediately told me I was dead to him and my mother."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Everything happens as it was meant to. I'd met Ellen who was working in London at that time and she got me some legit modeling work to make enough money to get by because back then there was nowhere near as much demand for porn as there is now, or at least not as many outlets for it."

"Funny, I modeled and now I'm looking to do this."

"There's more work and money in adult content right now and the last few years creator owned content has really spiked the amount of available material, especially in areas of specific kinks."

Sylvia sat back and gestured to her.

"That is why being outed now can still happen, but the odds are much greater due to the sheer amount of porn out there. Feature film actresses still run more of a risk, but these days most porn is short scenes that aren't even full movies, and some have no dialogue or plot other than the sex, and they don't all have credits."

"Even for the stage name or whatever you call them?"

"No, that's why there are names that porn star sites where people post a clip they'd like to know the name of the actor or actress and someone will show up with the answer. For what you're looking to do you'd only be recognized by someone who watches milf porn and a lot of it."

"Or a member of your site and from what Ellen told me you're pretty big."

"We're growing, but so are many others. But yes, if someone is a member and you do a lot of vids with me, they'll know your face and alias, but it would still have to be someone in your real life that would know who you really are."

"I don't know too many people." Dana sighed. "Guess this is where not having many friends could be a good thing."

"Its not easy being alienated from life by a controlling asshole." When Dana's eyes widened, Sylvia added. "Ellen told me of your situation. Reminds me a lot of how my father treated my mother.

"My mother was a vibrant, educated young woman with dreams of running her own business, until my religious zealot knuckle dragging father met her and all but locked her barefoot in the kitchen."

Her lips twisted into a scowl. "Seems men like that are far more common than they should be, especially in this day and age."

"Yeah, but it's the woman's fault to, we allow it for some reason," Dana lamented. "I did because I was going down kind of a bad path and felt a good man would make me a good woman."

"Define a good woman. Many would consider me a good woman." Sylvia flashed a sly smile. "Having a if it feels good do it way of life is only bad if you're a woman and even then, only in the eyes of certain types of assholes."

"Hindsight is 20/20," Dana replied. "The if I knew then what I know now."

"Ellen mentioned your bad path as being nothing more than enjoying sex and not being too discriminate with who the guy was."

"I liked one and done back then, and I'm enjoying it again now except the age of the men hasn't changed, just mine has."

"Which is why I agreed to meet with you. I try to run my site a bit different. Porn is the type of thing many people come to as a last resort, desperate for money the most common reason. But that doesn't mean you're right for it.

"The big content producers don't care. If they can get one shoot out of a girl who tried it, hated it, and left, they'll break that thirty minutes into a bunch of shorter clips and push them everywhere and all she gets is the grand or so they paid her.

"Some young girls are working their way through school doing it. Out of those a small percentage do like it, most figure it's a means to an end and they're hot and can fake it enough to get by.

"I look for women who I think will get into it and will want to do it for a while. I do this for two reasons. From a business sense, I've found men like seeing their favorite porn star in action so the more continuity on the site the better the response. Sylvia Foxxx has a new clip, I gotta see it!"

"Makes sense. What's the other reason?"

"I care about the women, and men, that work for me. I never want them doing it with the I have to attitude. I want people who aren't going through the motions. I want enthusiasm and fun. I want real looks of satisfaction and smiles in the videos, the kind of fun people who love sex have."

"But how do you know you have that with this Next Milf Porn Star thing? You've never seen them."

"That's the thrill of that site; not knowing how the shoot will go, and you're right I'm not sure what I'll get. We've had scenes that are awkward all the way through, the nerves never leaving, and we've had women turn into wildcats before our eyes."

"Have you had anyone quit in the middle?"

"Sure, but we never air those, that's part of why new vids are infrequent. Finding the right people to start with isn't as easy and then we get what you just said. I try and go with who I think will be fine but can't know for sure."

"And how do you know you have someone who will work?"

"I generally ask a lot of questions. Motivation is one of them. Yours is strictly financial which is common. Issue is the do it for money group tends to have the most casualties as far as not being able to start or finish, or if they do they fall into the awkward video category."

"I watched the last woman, Vanessa." Dana told her. "She was there for money and she seemed to get into it."

"She did and she's done four videos since for us on our other sites. She had a revenge as a factor too, she saw this as the ultimate fuck you to her ex. But she had no one she cared about as far as getting discovered. Parents had passed on, no kids..."

"Same for me, and not a lot of friends." Dana grunted. "Maybe I shouldn't be worried, but for me its about down the line. I was hoping to get back into modeling at some point and wouldn't want this coming out."

"Understandable, but if Ellen doesn't think she can find you much right now there may not be much there. She's damn good at what she does."

"Nothing now, but I'm not giving up."

"Good for you, but this is the now. I understand you need thirty five thousand dollars in a few months?"

"There's been a change. I need ten thousand in the next three weeks. More probably because I need to live too, and just lost my part time job, and getting no bites for full time work."

"An average shoot with a guy pays $1200. I pay a little higher at $1500. I can get you a couple shoots a week, maybe a third here and there, but not sure that would be enough for you if you're trying to live off it and pay a debt."

"It's a lot."

"But I said I would do for you what I did for Ellen. Because she speaks highly of you and wants to see you to have whatever it is you need the money for, I'm willing to advance you money."

"Ten thousand?"

"Because I want 100% amateurs for Next Milf Porn Star and charge a higher membership fee for the site because its genuine, I pay five thousand for that shoot, providing you complete it. Stop at any point, it's five hundred dollars for your time, not much, but a total loss for me as I won't air a failed clip."

"Ellen said it can be up to ten."

"It can be, but that's a two parter."

"Excuse me?"

"Normally after the first shoot, the pay scale drops to the $1500 base. But we offer women a chance at a second five grand pay day if their second shoot is a threesome. Being barely introduced to the industry and still being pretty green but taking two men is a big thrill and very popular."


"Ever had one?"

Dana hesitated, then wondered why should did, she was talking to a damn porn star turned producer, if there was ever a person who wouldn't judge he, it would be Sylvia.

"I was around twenty five or so, got drunk after my first out of town fashion show, and hooked up with two of the guys who traveled with the event setting up the stages and props." She shrugged. "I couldn't decide which one and thought why choose?"

"I like it!" Sylvia clapped. "Ellen said you were a wild one."

"Too wild if I wanted to be taken seriously, that was why it was a bad path. Didn't want to become famous and have all those stories out there about me."

"They still would have been just based on what you'd already done though."

"But why keep adding more? Each guy was one more chance someone talks about it."

"True, but I think we're digressing. Part of what I look for is a carefree attitude with sex which you had before and do again. The stories of virgins showing up and becoming instant porn stars are pretty much myths. Sexual promiscuity is a common trait of the women who can make it work.

"Its another advantage of working with older women as well, lot more experience and mature enough to handle it and know exactly what they will and won't do."

"I won't DP," Dana said quickly. "If I decided to do something with two guys I don't want..."

"Let's not talk about a threesome right now, we don't know that you can handle one. But if you ever do one, we can just go with the traditional pig on a spit style positions." Sylvia told her and Dana was struck with how casually she said it.

"Good to know, Jesus this is weird."

"We're trying to make it not weird and we do that by talking about it." Sylvia explained. "Now, another thing Ellen mentioned is the camera has a kind of aphrodisiac effect on you. It gets to aroused to the point your prior encounters were direct results from it."

"True, its just does something for me. Guess I've always been an exhibitionist." Dana smiled ruefully. "Still am, my first time on a set in fifteen years and I screwed the photographer's assistant, even waited outside for him."

"That could go along way to help you with the shoot. Big part of the nerves is the people around, and the cameraman sometimes being a foot away."

"I don't know if it would help in that case, it would be different."


"Because I'll be naked and...fucking." She forced herself to finish. "I've never even done a nude."

"Makes you perfect, we'll get great natural reactions." Sylvia nodded. "Dana, is there any part of you that wants to do this for anything other than money?"

"People have other reasons?"

"You heard Vanessa, for her it was revenge and her desire for it showed in how well the shoot went. Another woman, Amanda, had always fantasized about it, and reached a point where due to some money woes she decided to make it a reality. If money is the sole motivator, this may fall into the not very convincing category."
