The Sky Kingdom Ch. 01

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Young Sorcerer embarks on a journey of discovery.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 24 part series

Updated 04/04/2024
Created 08/11/2022
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I am new to writing and this is my first submission. This novel centers on domination and submission, and includes themes within the BDSM sphere. This has slavery themes and has women who are put in submission reluctantly. If any of this is a turnoff, stop reading now. This is initially setting the scene but does get going soon after.


The hustle and bustle of the Sky Port of Carrara kept my rapt attention, from the traders and merchants to the shiny decoration of the ordered city guard. At 21 I'd mostly been schooled at home by a range of tutors in everything from Science to Languages to Martial arts and had on limited occasions snuck out to visit Carrara city itself.

It was during late night excursions into my beautiful home city that I first saw the great injustices carried out by those in power on those without. Within all the kingdoms of the known world Slavery was commonplace and led to large swathes of society being owned and degraded with no say in how their lives were lived. This market was no different and amongst the range of goods on sales were chain gangs of men and women being led off to different Sky Ships to be sent to unknown corners of the Kingdom.

I am proud to be from Carrara but my people are amongst the most prolific Slavers and bought and sold every creed and colour with their only consideration the profits they could make and with no care or consideration for their charges.

I sought out my father's entourage and spotted them preparing to board the grandest looking Sky Ship in the port. The Sky Port was an hour's ride from Carrara City and was nestled on the edge of mighty cliffs that allowed for easier docking. The mighty Sky Ships, built with high masts and vast sails were able to swiftly traverse between the great cities of the Volant Kingdom and it was just a three-day journey to the capital for us to contend with.

I tried to sneakily make my way into the midst of my father's party but it was difficult to go unnoticed with his guards circling as people tried to get a closer look at the women in dark blue dresses standing behind my father.

"Oh Henry, where the devil have you been, you must not stray from the protection of my guard and we are due to board shortly!" In the frustrated tone only a parent can have.

"Sorry Father, I was distracted exploring the port and got a little lost in the market," I replied.

At this point my father's eyes lit up as he chuckled, "Looking for a first addition to your collection eh son?"

I glared at my father in response, "You know how I feel about such things and you have enough slaves with us to more than make up for it."

"Ha-ha, whatever makes you think that's a bad thing."

I hated the creepy look on my father's face as he leered at the pair of slaves standing to attention by his side. He proceeded to grab the arm of one of his nubile Font's nearby and pulled her into his chest.

"Son, once we've been to the capital and had you registered at the academy you can begin your training and you'll have to deal with slaves as part of your day-to-day life."

"You know I have no plans on doing so Father," I bit back, "The practice is barbaric and outdated, we have more than enough power in our veins to not need to leech it from others."

With a condescending look my father retorted, "Don't be so naïve son, these two enhance my power to a level few in the whole Kingdom can match!" As he lewdly grabbed the collared brunette from behind wrapping his hands around and squeezing her breast through the silk dress she wore. My father wasn't usually so forward in public but the lack of a whimper spoke of years of abuse he'd subjected her to.

The closer I was to these two women the more I felt the sweet connection all Sorcerers felt in the presence of a Font and I felt sorrow for those women unfortunate enough to be born with the gift. Those found were enslaved to a magical device called a Soul Stone which bound them through a special collar and cuffs to my father.

Given gifted women could often source a much greater flow of mana, albeit with little ability to direct it, the permanent binding of one directly to a Sorcerer provided a constant mana boost to the bond holder. In addition, the collar prevented a Font from expelling their own mana so regularly needed to be harvested to prevent overloading and in doing so providing a significant short term boost of mana to their Sorcerer. The scarcity of gifted women and Soul Stones in the Kingdom meant the King kept a tight control over who was able to enslave a Font with most only going to the wealthiest of his Sorcerers. My father, the Duke of Carrara, was one of those few and had used his influence to procure not just one but two of his very own.

My father's Font's, Olivia and Phoebe, were both now in their mid-thirties but still looked as if they were in their early twenties. Even though their gift already granted them longer lives, the cruel magic at work lent a boosted vitality to both the owner and the bonded which meant that they would be forced to suffer an even longer life at his beck and call.

The two of them could almost have been twins dressed in the trademark attire of an elegant bare backed dark blue silk dress with just Olivia's red hair contrasting to Phoebe's brown locks that made it easier to tell them apart. My father needlessly insisted on them being at his beck and call and often added further indignity of having leashes attached to their collars. I say needlessly as the Soul Stone bonding as well as his mastery of his own magic allowed him to effortlessly direct his magic inside them and control their bodies on a whim.

"Father enough, can you not see that she is suffering," I pleaded as he pinched her nipple through the dress but knowing all too well it was falling on deaf ears.

"Phoebe here is desperate for a harvesting once we get comfortable in our cabins, aren't you my dear?" he countered as he felt up the back of her dress and nibbled behind her ear and for once she whimpered and tried to shimmy away to the amusement of my father.

Fortunately, she was rescued from her plight by the arrival of a young porter dressed in a sleek green uniform who announced,

"Your Grace, all your bags and property are safely aboard and we are due to set off shortly so please begin to embark at your leisure," By this point the young man's nerves began to get the better of him and he rushed up the dock and swiftly back on board.

"Well, you heard the boy, all aboard everyone!" my father in turn announced. He then turned to me with a slight smirk and in a quieter tone so only those closest could hear, "there is a little something Jasper procured for the journey...don't let it go to waste."

He then turned and marched off towards the gangplank, with his Font's following close behind, up onto the vast and ornate main deck of the Sky Ship. I held back from the rest of my father's entourage as a procession of servants and more than a few pleasure slaves followed. They were all met by the initially buoyant and elegantly dressed Captain who greeted my father with what soon developed into a nervous stutter, "Welcome aboard your Grace, it is such an honour for one such as yourself to Grace us...honour our guest."

By now I had grown quite used to the aura of intimidation my father liked to flex with his magic but when others first came into contact with it, they typically buckled under its weight.

"Indeed, now lead on to my quarters, I expect nothing less than the best available," my father ordered in a pompous way as he more or less walked through the man.

As they disappeared into the bowels of the vast ship, I took the opportunity to wonder back onto the dock admiring the other, albeit smaller, tall ships as they floated in their births ready to traverse the skies. It was then that I first heard the elegant lilt of a lady behind me, "This way Tam, I think this is our ship."

"Are you sure it looks just like the last three we've tried?" I heard her companion reply sourly.

"I'm sure this is the one going to the capital," she responded in what was clearly the well-spoken tones of a woman of noble birth.

"You were sure the last time," her companion replied sarcastically.

I began looking at those coming up the dock and took a momentary step back stunned by the beauty of the young woman approaching with her shoulder length blond hair flapping in the wind and the brightest green eyes I've ever seen. It felt like time stood still as we caught one another's gaze before the lady unceremoniously fell forwards as she was crashed into from behind by her companion with the bags she had been dragging behind crashing around her.

"Aggh, Em what are you doing?" her companion screeched as she tried to untangle herself from the bags. "What on earth made you decide to suddenly stop?"

I quickly rushed forwards to help the young woman and reached out a hand to help her back to her feet. As she tentatively took my hand and begin to untangle herself, I felt a static like shock as a surge of connection blossomed in my hand. There seemed to be a charge in the air as we just stood in one another's presence just staring with her hand seemingly unwilling to let go of mine.

"Hellooo," the voice of her companion moaned in frustration, "what is wrong with you Em...are you two going to just stand there or is one of you going to help me up?" At this point the blonde Angel snatched her hand back and quickly turned to help her friend up.

"Sorry Tam, I'm not sure quite what came over me," she replied apologetically.

At this the young woman stood back up straighter and unruffled her dress and hair. I took a moment to appreciate her slim hourglass figure and perfect pale glowing skin but still continued to be drawn to her angelic face. The shock of it all left me frozen and I failed to even instigate a basic introduction as my new acquaintance beat me to it.

"Thank you for your help, Sir, my name is Emily," she said as she performed a small curtsy.

"Lady Emily," her companion quickly added elbowing her in the ribs.

"I'm Harry and it is a pleasure to meet you both," I replied with a small nod of my head to symbolize a bow.

Her companion looked at me questioningly, "I am Tam, short for Tamara and of what house do you hail from?"

"Tam, leave him alone he is just trying to be nice," Emily replied.

I felt hesitant to share as I didn't want to disclose the possible gulf in potential social standing between us.

"Just Harry my lady," I said trying to hold her inquisitorial gaze.

"Just Harry eh, well just Harry, why don't you do us a favour and help carry our bags to which ever one of these monstrous ships is heading to the capital," Tamara demanded before herself getting an elbow in the ribs from Emily.

"That would be the Intrepid...that one," I said as I gestured behind me before moved towards their bags.

"Don't worry, we can handle them ourselves," Lady Emily said as she stepped in front of me and began trying to manhandle her mammoth bags lying flat on the ground.

I didn't even begin to question someone in my position doing so and stepped forwards and took the largest of Lady Emily's bags straight from her with a momentary surprise at the weight. Despite her protests I led them over to the ship while attempting small talk in my still somewhat nervous and flushed state, "So, is it business or pleasure that takes you to the capital my Lady?"

"Umm...," she froze for a moment trying to think of the best answer, "Well, both I guess, we come from quite a remote corner of the Kingdom so I wanted to enter the social scene in the capital, to study and to meet possible husbands she rushed out it one breath with a slight raising of her voice with the latter statement.

"What are you travelling for my Lord?"

"I'm not a Lord so just Harry is fine!" I replied, "and to answer your question I am visiting family and starting my education for next academic year in the capital."

"So, you'll be staying in the Capital?" she replied far too quickly.

"That's the plan, but then I'll be there for however many years my training takes."

Her eyes met mine as we both smiled at one another awkwardly. Our enamored stares were soon interrupted by staff from the ship coming out to meet us and quickly liberating the three of us of the bags. Tamara at this point grabbed Emily by the elbow and began trying to drag her onto the ship, "We need to get our cabin sorted and you two thralls are stopping anything from happening around here!"

We both jumped out of the way with embarrassment as we realised that we were blocking the entrance to the gangplank with plenty of other passengers looking disgruntled at us.

I quickly blurted, "I must run but it was lovely to meet you, my lady!" as I tried to find the courage to ask to see her again.

"It was lovely to meet you as well," she said with a nervous grin.

"Maybe we'll see each other around the ship," I said hopefully.

"I'd like that, I'll probably hang around on the top deck most days, maybe you can look for me there," she replied in a rush.

"Goodbye Harry," Emily said as she was led away by Tamara.

"See you soon my lady," I stood in momentary shock. My isolation growing up had left me ill prepared for meeting such a beautiful woman, despite all the etiquette lessons and books I had read. Having taken stock, I slowly made my way over to a young woman in ship's colours in a gleeful state.

"Welcome Aboard the Intrepid, Sir," the beautiful young woman exclaimed as she stepped forward, "My name is Laura and I am assigned to your cabin for the trip, would you please follow me." She quickly turned and began to set off while I cringed as I noticed the metal collar around her neck and the possible meaning behind her words. There was little I could do to object for now so I proceeded to follow her into to ship. We soon found our way into a grand corridor in the upper part of the ship as my father's seneschal had quite evidently booked us only the best. Laura turned to me as we approached an elaborately decorated door with 'The Cedar Suite' written above it.

"We've moved your gift into the bedchamber with all the accompaniments it came with and I can be at your beck and call for anything at any time, day or night, should you need it," She stated as she gave me what I thought was a flirtatious glance.

As she proceeded to open the door and lead me in, I realised with some relief that Laura was not the gift my father had told me about. It wouldn't be the first time he'd tried to send one of his pleasure slaves to my bedroom. She stayed by the door as I entered what turned out to be a small drawing room with comfortable looking sofas and ornate power crystal light sconces. There was a grand set of double doors leading out onto a balcony with further doors off for what I presumed would be for a bedroom and bathroom. At this point she turned to leave and smiling at me said,

"Just ring the bell by the door if you need me for anything Sir...and do enjoy your gift!"

I first explored the room behind the door on the left and found a lavish bathing suite with a grand bath tub centre stage which looked far too big for one person. Having then realised what was going to be behind door number two I nervously eased the door open to find a giant four poster bed dominating the room with ornate armchairs and tables but this wasn't what caught my attention.

Positioned in front of the bed kneeling on a pillow in a supplicatory pose was a half-naked olive-skinned goddess. Dressed in just a pair of small black silk underwear and a thin black collar the young lady knelt with her head bowed and her arms held behind her back. Her brown wavy hair came to the top of her small breasts and her body was lithe and alluring. At this point she looked up and caught my eye with her own stunning brown ones but then quickly averted her gaze and dropped her eyes to the floor.

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EroticFrictionEroticFriction7 months ago

GREAT series. Exciting story, turns and twists, really wonderful worldbuilding and characters, plus hot sex! What more can a lit reader ask for? Thank you for all the hard work! Don't let the nitpickers get you down, definitely some people on this site with some baggage.

SparcksSparcks8 months ago

This story barely dips its toe into femdom anon, so calm down, and to the author, I love this story. Please keep writing. Your worldbuilding is phenomenal, and the sex scenes are hot asf.

Red24797Red247978 months agoAuthor

Please ignore the spam from commenters hiding behind an anonymous review.

This isn’t even a spoiler as it isn’t true.

What a way to inspire writers to keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Just a warning Mc turns submissive and this turns into a femdom story.... I unfortunately learned this after 12 chapters. Save yourself

Horseman68Horseman6812 months ago

Looking forward to this.

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