The Summer of '66 - Barbara Ann

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Boys and girls, sand and surf, the Sixties.
19.3k words
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The Summer of '66: Barbara Ann

"Stop! Turn in right here! Right here!" Paula urgently directed from the back seat. The driver slowed the flashy convertible and turned left off the sandy beach road, facing the Gulf. "Paula! What..." Paula extended her arm between her friends in the front and directed their attention toward the water. "Oh my goodness! Can you believe those hunks? I call dibs on the big dark haired one in red trunks!" Judy saw the group of three tall, dark, handsome, and muscular men laying surfboards on the beach, and cried, "Then I want the one in the blue shorts...or the one in cutoffs! They are all so yummy! I'll let you pick, Barbara!"

Barbara peered through her sunglasses for a long moment, and then chose "I'll take Adonis; the one in the floral board shorts, just coming out of the water." "Floral shorts? There's no one with... Wait! That's not fair! We didn't see him! Let's all pick again -- I get to go first" Paula demanded.

"Do you enjoy walking, Paula? The owner of the car gets to keep her pick, so you'll have to 'settle' for your original choice!"

Paula moaned okay, and Barbara asked, "Now, how do we do this? You two are the experts at picking up boys!"

"Oh, okay, but you're going to wish you'd bought the bikini we begged you to get! 'Adonis' is going to take one look at you in your dowdy old-lady suit, and we're going to swoop in and carry him off!" "Maybe I'm not dressed like a slut like some people, Paula, but I'm certain I'll do just fine. Now, tell me what the plan is? Sitting here doing nothing isn't going to attract them!

Or is it?"

The tallest of the three big hunks pointed at Barbara's shiny red Oldsmobile Starfire convertible. They changed direction and walked toward it. 'Adonis' carried his surfboard out of the shore break and put it with the other three. He shook his hair and then picked up a towel to dry off. He saw his friends walking toward the car, saw the girls in it, and laughed; his boys were poon hounds of the highest order and they were on the hunt.

He looked around; seeing nothing else of interest, he wandered along behind them. He would be the odd man out, but you never know; since girls usually travel to the beach in gaggles they might have more coming.

He noticed that the dark-haired driver was watching him through her sunglasses, and she was startled when the others arrived at her car and started talking. He heard laughter and saw the driver flip her friends off before she returned to watching him.

He apprised the three girls as he walked. The blonde and red head were as eager as puppies, all poses and smiles, their flirtatious natures obvious. The brunette driver was reserved; she was barely participating in the conversation, but it appeared she was keeping a close eye on his approach. 'She will be an interesting challenge: rich, reserved, and snooty. I wonder if the rest of her is as intriguing as her face and attitude.'

After introductions, the driver returned to carefully appraising him. 'He's as gorgeous up close as he was emerging from the sea like a demi god' she thought. 'He's what I would sculpt if I could sculpt! He's probably dumb as a box of rocks, or has bad breath or something, but he is gorgeous!'

When 'he' arrived, he stood right beside the driver's door. Ignoring her, he looked at the platinum blonde in the back seat. She untangled her long legs, rose, and sat on the back of the seat, exposing a slender, athletic body whose sparse curves were enhanced by her tiny black bikini. "Hi, I'm Paula - who are you?" "Caelan. It's nice to meet you, Paula; I like your bikini." She beamed, preened, and giggled.

He turned to the red-haired passenger and asked "And who are you?" "I'm Judy," she replied with a big smile. "I like your bikini too, Judy. Well, what there is of it." He winked, "I love freckles, by the way!" Judy blushed, but winked in return.

"And what's your name, Princess?" he asked, looking down at the brunette driver. Her nose was scant inches from his washboard abs and bulging cock, and a flush spread up from her face to her neck and then her chest as she tore her eyes off his package and raised her chin to look at his face.

Before she could answer, "Ba ba ba, ba Barbara Ann" exploded from the girls; the boys joined in Ba Ba Ba Ba, Ba Barbara Ann. When they did the third stanza -- Ba Ba Ba Ba, Ba Barbara Ann, take my hand, Barbara Ann...

Caelan extended his hand, palm up, to the driver. She was looking down shaking her head in embarrassment, but when he held his hand near her face, palm up, she sat up straight and extended her hand, palm down, in a most ladylike manner. She calmly stated "Barbara Ann. Nice to meet you, Caelan"

Caelan completed their very formal introduction by taking her hand and kissing it gently; "It's a pleasure to meet you, Milady. Might I inquire if your last name is Fassert?"

She looked surprised; "No, it isn't, but that means you know the true story. My father always claims it was actually written about me, because Freddy lived down the block, but I was only 12 years old then!"

Caelan looked a bit disconcerted as he eyed her up close. "Milady, if I may be so bold, could you remove your sunglasses?" She replied, with an embarrassed little smile, "That was rather rude, wasn't it? I apologize, sir." She placed her glasses on the white dashboard and turned her face back to him. She thought she saw a flicker of recognition cross his face, but he didn't further react, and she surely didn't remember meeting him before; she was certain she would have remembered!

"Much better; I now see that you are indeed worthy of a song, Milady Barbara," Caelan assured her.

The others laughed, and Marc asked uneasily, "What the hell is wrong with you, Dude? You're acting like she's royalty or something! I've never seen you speak like this to a woman before, and I've seen you around quite a few women!"

"Oh, she is royalty, or at least California royalty! This, boys, is a brand new 1966 Oldsmobile Starfire convertible with a white interior, white steering wheel, and white soft top. It's Candy Apple Red with a chrome stripe down the side. She's riding on chrome wire wheels with wide whitewall tires, has an auto tranny with a shifter on the floor, a 455 motor with Quadrajet four barrel carb, and dual exhausts. Only royalty drives a custom chariot like this!"

"Royalty or a girl whose dad owns a bunch of car dealerships!" Judy snorted. Barbara Ann nodded, "He does. We have some money, but we're hardly royalty! Besides, my parents are from Texas and I went to high school in Dallas. Royals have better pedigrees. "

"Hmmm, let me guess -- Hockaday or Greenhill? Nah, you're from Cali, so Hockaday; it's a boarding school, Greenhill isn't. So how did you end up a cheerleader at SMU? Hockaday doesn't even have extracurricular activities, does it?"

"How do you know I'm a cheerleader?" Caelan pointed at the sticker on her windshield. "Okay, I am a cheerleader. Let's just say that I started gymnastics, dance, and cheerleading when I was 4, and I participated in cheerleading schools and contests even while I was at Hockaday, so not being on a high school squad wasn't really a problem at tryouts."

"Are you ladies also cheerleaders?" Marc asked the other two. "No," Caelan answered for them, "too long and leggy. I'd guess dance team members?" "Right again, Caelan!" chirped Judy. "Hey, how do you spell your name -- I've never heard it before."

"C-A-E-L-A-N; it's Irish, my last name if Kelly..." The girls giggled, and Theo informed them "His mom says it means 'Mighty Warrior'; his dad says it means 'Young pain-in-the-ass'"

Judy and Barbara Ann both perked up. Judy exclaimed, "I'm a Bailey; we're Irish too!" "I'd never have guessed you were Celtic, Judy, what with the red hair and freckles," Caelan replied with a grin.

"My last name is McLaughlin," Barbara Ann interjected, 'so I'm also Celtic, but I have dark hair! I used to ask my parents if I was adopted, because mom is a strawberry blonde and dad is a ginger! My genetics prof says the determination of hair color is complicated, and it just means at least one parent carried a gene for dark hair!"

"You do have very light, almost alabaster skin and a sprinkling of freckles across your nose, much like the 'Black Irish', although your surname is pure Scotland," Caelan conceded. "Perhaps your ancestors were among the hard-headed Scots who were driven to relocate to Ireland by the British invaders." She shrugged her pretty shoulders, "I don't know. Dad never said anything. My mom's family is Gaelic too: Gallagher, from Ireland."

Caelan swept his hand toward his friends. "These three are mongrels of other nationalities -- Danny is a mix of German and Czech, Marcus is Italian on both sides, and Theo is of Greek extraction."

Turning to her, he ventured, "I'm guessing Paula is northern European; perhaps Scandinavian or Lithuanian?"

"How in the world? My paternal grandparents moved here from Vilnius and my maternal grandparents from Palanga, Lithuania! I can't believe you guessed!" Paula enthused. "More blondes per capita; it wasn't a wild guess," Caelan replied with another wink. Paula pushed out her modest chest and preened.

"Well, now that we've gotten our family heritages figured out, would you ladies like to step out of your chariot and enjoy the beach? Maybe learn how to surf? Or sunbathe? We will happily assist with any and all of the above endeavors!" Theo offered.

Paula slithered off the seat and allowed Theo to assist by lifting her over the side to the sandy beach. Danny trotted around the side to open Judy's door, and Caelan opened Barbara Ann's door and stepped back. "So, Princess, do you go by any nickname, or always Barbara Ann?"

She wrinkled her forehead; "No one has ever given me a nickname." Caelan stared at her, wondering how no one ever hung a nickname on her, or if she wouldn't admit they had. "We have lots of options, Princess: Barbie, Babs, Barb, Annie; any of those catch your fancy?" Her little nose wrinkled at those suggestions; Caelan resumed, "BA, Mac, Babsi, Bobby...?" Nose still wrinkled, she shook her head, "Okay, than Princess Barbara it is!" Caelan stated with finality.

Barbara tried to frown and shake her head, but conceded with a smile, "I'm not saying I accept that as my official nickname, but I accept that's what you're going to call me, so Prince Caelan, come teach me to surf!" "Well, actually, I was going to teach the stacked red head with the tiny blue bikini..." he teased, but she glared at him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him toward the surfboards while Judy laughed and Paula yelled "I told you!"

Two hours later the girls were exhausted and getting sunburned, and the boys were starving. Burgers and shakes at Custard's Last Stand was the unanimous answer, but Barbara Ann was concerned about getting her car all dirty if they took it. "Since you don't get dirty or sweat, Princess, why don't you drive your chariot and follow us to my humble beach shack. You can park it there and ride with us in my old jeep."

The group walked toward a small break between the dunes. After carefully covering her seat with a towel and beating the dirt off her flip-flops, Barbara got in her and car followed them to his 'beach shack'. The large rectangular wooden house sat back in the dunes. It rose twelve feet above the ground on five rows of creosote poles that appeared to be more than two feet in diameter, and old-fashioned 2x12 boards that were nailed together. It looked like it would withstand a hurricane, and it had -- several, in fact.

There were four parking slots underneath, and stairs rose beside the parking space on the south side. They took you to a porch that ran along the south and east sides of the house. Another set of stairs took you from the parking area to the large porch located on the back, or west, side of the house, and then into the kitchen.

A long shed stood to the back of the open area, which was surrounded by grass covered dunes. The western half of the shed was enclosed; the eastern half was enclosed to the north and east, but open to the south. There was a wooden floor, and barbells, dumbbells, benches, ropes, and stacked weights were in that area.

After parking in a covered space and putting the top up on her convertible, Barbara deigned to raise her sunglasses and take in the surroundings. She walked around the pristine 1955 black woody 4x4 Willys Jeep Wagon with oversized off-road tires and dual surfboard racks parked in the covered slot next to hers. Caelan could see that she was impressed. She glanced at the new red pickup parked in another slot, and turned her attention to the shed. She looked at the workout area, looked at Caelan, and subtly nodded, as if she now understood his muscular fitness.

She stepped out from under the covered parking to appraise the house and surroundings, and again gave an almost imperceptible nod. "I know this isn't up to you normal standard, Princess Barbara, but it's mine, so be gentle in your appraisal." "It's all very nice, Caelan. I'm very impressed," she insisted sincerely.

Judy and Paula made approving noises as the boys took seats in the jeep and motioned for the girls to come sit on their laps. Barbara climbed in the front passenger door and sat on Theo's lap. She looked at the driver and chided, "'My 'old jeep; 'my beach shack'. Methinks you have a penchant for understatement, Prince Cae!" The others hurrahed his new nickname as they made their way to Custard's, and Princess Barbara further appraised the interior of the classic Woody, and the driver.

The lunch rush was over when they arrived at two, so they were able to acquire a big table. They needed it for the mountain of burgers and fries they ordered, and that much food required a couple of shakes each. They decided one large custard cone was required to complete their gluttony. "Where do you skinny girls put all that food?" Theo asked. Paula stuck her belly out in response, which was farcical because she had no more than a 19-inch waist.

"Where are we going, my liege?" asked Judy after they loaded and started toward town. "To Pat Magee's. Princess lost all her modesty in the water anyway, so I'm going to get her a proper beach bunny bikini. We can't have people thinking we're with someone's mommy."

Amid the resultant laughter, Paula cattily asked, "What do you mean by 'she lost her modesty in the water'?"

"I'm not the kind of guy who 'kisses and tells', so let's just say she sloshes around in the waves so much I'm very familiar with all her body parts. What with trying to get her on the surfboard, helping her tread water to watch for the next wave without sitting on the board, and the waves breaking over her...well, you know what I mean, Paula. We all got a good look at your goodies when the waves smacked you; and Judy's too."

All three girls blushed, but all seven laughed, knowing Caelan was right.

"What makes you think I'm going to wear a skimpy swim suit in the water with you, Mister Octopus?" Barbara asked after they got out. "And don't think I don't know you what you were really doing when you were trying to 'help me'!"

"Because that curvy little body of yours is craving to be seen and sunned, Princess. After we get you properly attired, we'll go back to the shack, get some loungers, rub you girls up with Coppertone to protect your delicate skin, and drink a beer...or whatever you want."

He paused, wrinkled his brow, and asked, "You are old enough to drink, aren't you?" The girls exchanged glances, and Judy replied, "We are old enough to drink, but don't ask our age; that is impolite." The boys exchanged look; Marcus asked "So we need cups when you're drinking on the beach?" Paula laughingly said that was probably a good idea.

The salesgirl greeted everyone else with a cheery hello, said her name was Donna, and then gave Caelan a big hug. "My favorite big ugly Irishman! It's so good to see you again! How long are you off this time?" "The normal; one week from yesterday" he replied. "Well, then, I expect to see more of you before you head back out!" "What can I do for you today?" she asked the larger group, after untangling her long lithe body from Caelan.

She noted the miffed look on the face of the curvy little brunette and knew this was Caelan's latest conquest. She wondered why -- this petite thing was nothing like his usual fare of leggy blondes like her. "Princess Barbara Ann needs proper beach attire. She seemingly thought she was going to the country club with her parents instead of Mustang Island. See if you can find something more appropriate," Caelan explained.

"Well, Princess Barbara Ann, come with me. We can't have Caelan's reputation as the King of the Beach Bunnies ruined, now can we?" Donna walked toward a rack in the back, and the three girls followed her. The guys looked at the newest board shorts, muscle shirts, and A shirts, and picked out a few of each.

The girls returned with smirky grins; Donna winked at the boys and said, "I think these will keep your reputation intact, oh Mighty Warrior. Anything else I can help you with?"

"Ladies, do you have proper attire for the dance at the Dunes tonight?" Caelan asked. Barbara rejoined, "So you have our afternoon and evening planned already? Do we have a say in these decisions, oh Mighty Warrior King of the Beach Bunnies?"

"Of course; you can decline," Caelan replied. "But WE are going to the Dunes; it's Friday night! I just thought you'd enjoy going, being dancers and cheerleaders and all. The only problem is, Princess BA-BA, you can't wear your country club garb. If you don't have bare shoulders, belly, and legs, and/or if your boobs and panties are obscured when you rock and roll, they will kick you out for violation of the dress code!"

The girls rolled their eyes and looked at Donna, who, with a straight face, said "Why are you looking at me? He just told you the dress code. Do you have proper attire?" Judy turned and looked around, "Where do we find the proper attire?"

Barbara gave Caelan a disbelieving glare, but followed along. They visited the dressing room a few times each, but returned within 15 minutes with more bags.

"The sun is going to set without us getting a proper tan, which Donna says is another part of the dress code, so let's go!" Judy insisted.

The new suits were definitely for maximum sun exposure, and all four boys were sporting wood after they made their appearance on the porch in their new suits.

Judy's suit was forest green; it covered all the best parts of her big boobs, but there was little doubt she was a D cup. Her bottoms were boy-cut, but no boy ever had an ass and legs like that!

Paula had a more modest top on her yellow bikini, padded to provide cleavage, but a much less modest bottom. Her handful titties looked mouth-watering being pushed together like that, but the focus was on her high, tight ass and long, long legs.

Barbara's conservative two-piece was replaced by a little turquoise number that stunned all three boys. Caelan had known she had nice tits and a great ass, but displayed like this she was a knockout! "Damn! You girls are -- wow! Y'all take my breath away!" Marc proclaimed.

The girls pranced past them, went out the door, and started toward the stairs. "Come on before we lose the good sun! We decided the beach would be the best place for sunning, so you guys need to haul the loungers and towels you promised.

The boys trailed and watched the trio of lovelies. "We pretty much hit the jackpot right here, boys," Danny opined. "We've got a 5'8" stacked redhead, a long-legged 5'10" blonde, and the curviest damn little brunette I think I've ever seen! She looks tiny, but she's about what? 5'4"?" Theo reflected. "All we need is one more...or which one are we sharing?"