The Summer of '67 thru '68


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Unfortunately, a week before we were go come back, a couple from France and their two male friends from Germany moved into a house down the beach, and ...."

Caelan related the story, leaving nothing out, knowing the coaches would find out anyway, if they didn't already know.

"Son, that is a nightmare! How are you doing?" Coach Royal asked.

"I'm all right, I guess. I just can't understand why they turned against me like that! I tried to warn them, and I was going to go get the cops if I hadn't been knocked out."

"It was dirty on our part, but we just needed to know if you would come clean. The Nueces County Sheriff is one of my oldest friends," Coach Campbell said. "He called and told me everything the investigation had uncovered. You want me to catch you up?"

Caelan nodded, and the coach continued. "They found drugs of all kind there, in large quantities, and a lot of money. They also found quite a few films and many canisters of photos. The film still in the movie cameras were of that night, although they think another roll disappeared from each camera because it appears the 'festivities' had been going on for a long time when that film began. They also think several rolls of film disappeared, for that same reason. The sheriff said they first thought of you, but his deputy, Ramos, I think, said he searched your pickup early that morning and found nothing.

Anyway, long story short, the Euros were making and selling porn films, but they were also blackmailing rich folk with films they made of them doing things they shouldn't, usually with the French woman or man, or both. They were also selling drugs, of course, but some of the drugs weren't for sale; they were used to drug targets they had chosen for their porn films or for blackmail.

I don't know much about LSD or Ecstasy, and I sure don't know what a Ti stick is, but that's what they used on your friends. They knocked you out when you wouldn't drink the wine spiked with LSD, enticed your friends to smoke a little marijuana laced with opium, and then gave them each some Ecstasy. They never had a chance once the drugs hit."

"Maybe not, coach, but they had a chance when I warned them the first time, and another when I warned them they needed to come with me; instead, they made fun of me!"

"I know, Caelan, but people don't always make good decisions. After helping coach last year, you should know that. Anyway, they are no longer under arrest, but Danny is having flashbacks, so he is in a rehab facility. Marc freaked out when he found out what had been done to him and what he had done with your girlfriend; he's in a psych ward at the hospital.

Your girlfriend is at her Aunt's house, but she's under 24 hour care and is seeing a psychiatrist daily. She, and the other two girls, suffered damage to their vaginas and rectums that required surgery, and her throat was also injured.

The other two girls are with their parents; they weren't as badly injured as your girlfriend, but they are also seeing a shrink."

Both coaches watched him intently as coach Campbell recounted what he had been told. He was stoic throughout, but they saw him flinch when his friends' injuries were mentioned.

"Do you think, if I had been more assertive, I could have prevented it? I knew those people were trouble, and yet I let my friends fall into their web and get hurt!"

"No one knows, Son," Coach Royal answered. "You did what you thought was right at the time, and that, plus learning from our mistakes, is all we can do. If you had it to do again, what would you do differently? That is the question you need to ask yourself, and when you are in a bad situation, do what you should."

Looking at Campbell, Caelan stated, "Coach, you know I've always been quieter, but I'm fixing to go the other way. It seems like my teammates want me to lead, and I'm going to try. Just rein me in if I get carried away, okay?

What would I do differently, Coach Royal? I wouldn't take no for an answer! I'd make them leave with me!"

"Son, that is what we want to hear! That is exactly what we want out of our defensive captain, on the field and off. We won't announce it until just before the last scrimmage, but you are going to be one of our captains; congratulations!"

Caelan was stunned: to go from freshman team to part-time starter, get hurt and told you'd never play again, lay out a year, and now be the starting middle linebacker, defensive play caller, and defensive captain! That was just too much to even dream of!

Caelan left floating on air, and drove halfway home before remembering to go get the film he didn't have, according to Ramos. He knew Ramos hadn't searched his truck that morning, meaning he was covering for him.

Caelan knew he would regret it, but he HAD to know what the pictures and film showed.

After paying and receiving the film and negatives, he looked at slimeball and said, "Now give me the copies you made!" When he denied it, Caelan grabbed him by the neck, lifted him until only his toes were on the ground, and told him how much pain he would feel if he searched the place and found copies.

Slimeball remembered a few he had 'forgotten' and gave them to him. He went back to Gregory Gym, asked Coach Campbell for some game film to study, and asked if he could take a projector from the linebacker meeting room home with him. Campbell agreed, with a slight grin; it seemed like everyone knew he had the film, but he didn't care; he was going to watch it, even if it killed him.

He got the projector set up and ready for the film, got a Dr. Pepper, and sat down only to hear the doorbell ring. He hid the film and photos from Port A in the ceiling, and went to the door. He expected to be confronted by cops when he opened the door, but found something even worse: Peggy and Amelia!

"What..." is all he got out before they forced their way past him, shut the door, and faced him with hands on hips. Amelia exclaimed, "You don't get to run away from this mess this time, Caelan Kelly!" "You are going to tell us what happened before we leave here; is that clear, young man?" Peggy added. "You are the only member of your group who wasn't and isn't fucked up on drugs, and we need to know what happened!"

"Take a seat on the couch," Caelan ordered; he took a seat on the chair to their left. "You know I was knocked out by Hans or Ernst, and don't know what happened after that, don't you?" "We do," Peggy replied, "but how did it come to that?"

He related the story yet again, emphasizing how Barbara Ann made fun of him when he warned them that he had a bad feeling about their new friends, and again when he tried to get them to leave after he suspected they were being drugged. He described waking up, blood all over his head and clothes.

"But after you woke up, what happened? What did you see?"

Without another word, he got up, removed the ceiling air conditioning vent, and retrieved the film and photos. He returned, sat down between them on the couch, set the photo envelopes and film canisters on the table and said, "I just picked these up. If you really want to know what happened, let's watch the film, and then we can look at the photos."

They looked concerned, but agreed. He ran the film through the projector and into the take up reel. After sitting back down, he asked "Are you sure? I can guarantee you this will get ugly."

They answered resolutely, and Caelan began running the film. After watching about fifteen minutes they took a cry break and made strong drinks. "There is no way I can watch any more of this without drinking!" Amelia proclaimed. The next fifteen minutes were worse, calling for another drink, and then it got really bad. They drank, cried, and hugged each other, the women apologizing for their failure to raise Barbara Ann right, and Caelan apologizing for not protecting her and the others.

No one had the stomach to watch the rest, so they made more drinks and began going through the photographs, which were even worse in some ways; especially the close-ups of sex acts. By the time they were through, many more tears had been shed, hearts shredded, and many more drinks consumed.

Caelan staggered across the street and down a block to a Whataburger and bought their supper because they were all far too drunk to drive. After supper they had another drink and the women cried on Caelan's shoulders. Cried out, and with anger having replaced his sorrow, he held them he regretted that he didn't also kill the damn French woman he held primarily responsible, and her two German flunkies. Looking back, he was pretty sure the law would have found it justified, after they found the drugs, porn films and photos, learned of the blackmail schemes, discovered they had drugged the young men and women to make porn films with them, and tried to kill him!

Unfortunately, going back in time wasn't possible, but he wanted it so badly he hoped his anger would open a time portal and set him down in that house at that time. 'Where is HG Wells when you need him?' he asked the air.

The alcohol and tears had exhausted the women; he offered his guest bedroom, and brought in the few clothes and the bags they had in the car. By the time he returned, Amelia was sleeping in the nude on top of the covers, and Peggy was staggering out of the bathroom naked to join her. He pulled the covers back, allowed her to lie down on the sheets, and then pulled the covers out from under Amelia so he could cover her and her sister.

Even drunk and emotionally exhausted, he couldn't help but stare at their amazing bodies and beauty before he covered them. He hoped his wife would look so good when she was in her forties. That thought, and the fact that Amelia was an almost identical older version of the daughter he had considered as a future wife, brought back his sorrow. He retreated to his bedroom, showered, and slipped into a drunken, restless sleep.

***Ribbon of Darkness over Me***

His dreams were as disturbing as they had been since that day; at least, for a while.

At some point during the night, his love had joined him in his dreams and was riding him the way he loved. He felt her full breasts, squeezed them, and pulled her nipples; she moaned and rode him harder. He thrust up into her, pulling her hips down and burying more of his big, thick cock inside her quivering cunt.

"So big, so big, oh so good," she murmured, and then her insides spasmed around his cock, she cried out in pleasure, and collapsed on top of him, still whispering words of lust.

She lay her head next to his, and brought her legs up to lay on top of his; her tight cunt was now squeezing his cock like a vice, and she was trying to keep him still. He frantically lifted her head by her hair and kissed her with an open mouth, his tongue probing. She moaned into his mouth, and whimpered when his thrusting increased, lifting her off the bed.

He grabbed her by the ass and drove his cock deeper and deeper into her. Her whimpers turned to groans, and she begged him to be gentle; he responded by taking her tit in his mouth and mauling it while pulling her ass down as he drove upward. His cock bottomed out in her cunt with several inches still outside and striving to get inside.

She orgasmed with a loud cry and collapsed on his chest. He wasn't having that; he had to cum! He flipped her over on her belly, spread her thighs, and started pounding her.

He felt someone sit down beside him, take him by the shoulders, and try to pull him out of the warm, wet woman he wanted to fill with cum! She kissed his ear, reached under him to grasp his cock, and begged him, "Let her rest; come fuck me now, big boy."

He rolled off the unresponsive woman, but instead of following her as she rose, he pulled the new woman down on top of him, spread her legs with his when she tried to escape, and frantically pushed his big cock inside her wet well.

She groaned, stopped her efforts to escape, found a more comfortable position, and began meeting him thrust for thrust. Her big tits were hanging above his mouth; he raised his head to capture one in his mouth and the other in his hand. He sucked until the nipple was distended, and held it between his teeth while his hand pulled the other tiny nipple until it was an inch long. She shrieked, but rode him at an even faster pace.

Caelan thrust up into her wildly; he had to cum, but something was holding him back. He released her tit from his mouth and cursed her. "You BITCH! You cheating, lying bitch! I'm going to fuck you until you bleed, you common slut!"

He flipped her onto her back, lifted her legs until her feet were on his shoulders, and began to fuck her as hard and deep as he could!

They were lying up against the other woman, who awoke to the cries of the woman being pounded, and Caelan's continued cursing. "You are a cheating slut! A bitch in heat who will fuck anything and anybody! The more the merrier, right Cunt? You're an alley cat, yowling to attract all the cocks in the town so they can all breed you! How could I have ever believed a word out of your cheating, cock sucking mouth, you dirty whore?!"

Peggy was absorbing his anger and punishment, but not without pain and pleasure. She'd had a lot of cocks in her over the years, but never before had she had one this big that wanted to hurt her. Caelan's pounding was taking its toll on her pussy, but it was also bringing her to the mother of all orgasms. When he grabbed her ass and pulled it even higher so he could go even deeper, the climax of all climaxes broke over her; she screamed her delight!

He never changed the pace, and a second orgasm made her scream again. When he continued without pause, she started begging for him to stop and let her rest.

Her sister, awake now, propped herself up and began whispering gentle words in Caelan's ear. "It's okay, Baby. We know you are angry, but don't completely destroy my poor sister. You need to cum in your cheating girlfriends aunt, and then you can fuck her sorry excuse for a mother again and cum in her. You can knock both of us up and we can produce baby Caelans, since my cheating cunt of a daughter won't be having any. That's it, Baby; fuck her hard, but don't try to kill her!"

Amelia took his balls in one hand, and placed her finger at his asshole. She teased him for a moment, dipped her forefinger into her own wet cunt, and then inserted it two knuckles deep in his asshole. Caelan arched his back, grunted, and filled Peggy's cunt with more sperm than she'd ever felt before.

He stopped fucking Peggy, turned to Amelia and growled, "So you like assplay, slut momma?" He grabbed the elbow she was resting on, pulled it out from under her, and rolled her on her belly.

His cock still rampant, he spread her legs with his hands, pulled her hips up until she was on her knees, and drove his cock back into her sodden cunt. She grunted at the sudden filling, but pushed back against him. He gathered juices from her sister's cunt on his thumb and pressed it into her asshole. She shrieked, and begged him not to fuck her there. He ignored her pleas, aligned his cock with her brown star, and drove it in; she screamed in pain and tried to get away, to no avail.

He finally drove her down into the mattress where she had no escape, and pummeled her tight ass while forcing his hand under her so he could maul her titties with his hands. Amelia screamed into the mattress, but Peggy was too exhausted to help her, so Caelan continued to drive his cock into her little hole until his ball were banging on her pussy and her ass was compressed under his belly.

Like Peggy, she cried and begged, but felt an orgasm building that would again knock her out. When it began, she cried loudly, her body spasmed, and she tried to collapse. Caelan pulled out of her asshole, got on his knees, and pulled her back onto her knees. He stuck his dirty cock back into her dirty, cheating cunt, and fucked her hard and fast. "You want my baby, slut mommy? You want a little Caelan you can show your nasty slut of a daughter. Like mother like daughter! What will hubby say to his cheating wife when your belly is swollen with my son? You and your sister strolling around together, forty years old with my baby in each of you, telling the world what tramps you are!

You want my cum in your cheating cunt, you better try harder, fertile bitch! I won't cum until you give me a good doggie fucking like the bitches in heat you, you daughter, and your sister are! FUCK ME, BITCH!" Amelia did just that, earning her third and fourth orgasms, and finally drawing a huge load from the wild man who was using her cheating cunt so violently!

After he filled her with sperm, he slapped her on the ass, told her that should have done the trick; both should be bred now! He lay down between them. Each snuggled against his side, and Peggy mumbled, "My niece is an idiot!" Her sister replied, "One of the dumbest people on the planet!" They snuggled closer, and all three fell into a deep sleep.

*** Clouds are gathering over my head, that kill the day and hide the sun ***

Caelan awoke in an empty bed with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on the nightstand. He took the aspirin, peed in the bathroom, and walked back into the other bedroom. Amelia was lying spread eagle on the bed, rubbing her clit. She beckoned him with her other hand, "Peggy went to get us some breakfast; I stayed here in case you wanted some very sore and tender pussy."

He stopped by the bed, grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her head to his cock. "How about a blow job to start?" Amelia looked at his crusty cock and pubes and wrinkled her nose. "Don't worry; that is just you and your sister's juices plus my cum. You should enjoy the taste." She opened her mouth to speak, but he pulled her head forward and filled her mouth with nasty cock. She tried to pull away, but he held her in place until she started sucking and licking. "That's a good mommy slut; clean off my cock and get it hard so I can breed you again!"

As his cock filled with blood, it filled her mouth with cock. He watched her frigging her clit faster and faster as she licked around his cock head and played with his balls. "Okay, that's good enough; on your knees, bitch!" Barbara Ann's mom quickly complied; he rubbed his cock up and down her wet slit, took her by the hips, and plunged it home. Mommy slut yelped and tried without success to crawl away. "Sore! I'm so sore! Please go easy on me, Caelan!"

"Can't take it doggie? Okay, lie down on your back and turn your pussy toward me." He pulled her legs until her ass was on the edge of the mattress, lifted her legs and draped her calves over his shoulder, and rammed it home again. She yelped and begged for mercy, but he had her in a helpless position. "A stallion breeding a mare in heat doesn't worry about her pain; he just fucks her, fills her with sperm, and goes to get something to eat. You were the shameless slut who came into my bed last night and started fucking me in my sleep, and this morning you are lying here diddling your clit and offering your pussy. Now shut up and take the fucking you asked for!"

Amelia took the fucking and she loved it, but she didn't shut up; in fact, she yelled, screamed, moaned, and whimpered throughout, and begged for mercy after each climax, only to be laughed at and pummeled even harder. Peggy returned and came to her rescue, playing with his balls, stroking his body, and kissing him on the back. That proved to be the deciding factor; Caelan rammed the head against her cervix and shouted "Take it mommy slut! Take all my seed!" He emptied five spurts into her that washed her womb in hot sperm, and caused her fifth eruption.

After a couple of minutes he pulled out; a trail of semen followed, running down the inside of her thighs and onto the bed. He released her, and she fell forward with a groan, lying across the bed with her hips on the edge of the mattress and her feet sliding backward on the floor until she was kneeling!