The Third Wheel

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Best friend hangs around to much.
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It seems like a year but it has only been a week since my perfect world came tumbling down around me. I'm a salesman and spend at least one night a week on the road. That night I was setting in a small neighborhood bar having a beer and watching the people come and go. People watching has always been one of my and my friend, Matt's hobbies. When were in college we would set in bars like this and watch. Matt had this thing about three people being together. "You see that lady over there with the two men?"

I looked to where he was looking. "Yea, what about them?"

"I bet the younger one is fucking her and the other one is her husband."

"How did you come to know about that?"

"I don't know for sure but I would bet a little money on it."

"Why do you think he is tapping that with her husband with them?"

"This isn't the first time I've seen them in here and it has always been the three of them. They come in and have a few drinks and she dances with both of them. I say the older man is her husband because she always dances with him first. After that it mostly just her and the younger guy."

"I don't remember seeing them in here before."

"Well I have. Just watch and you will see him starting to feel her up." He was right. The dance floor was dark and he had his hand between their bodies and squeezing her tits.

"What about her husband? Doesn't he know what's going on?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but I would bet he does. I think he gets off on having another man hitting on his wife. I bet he goes home and watches as he fucks her."

"Man, you are full of shit."

"Maybe, but you just watch, when a couple comes in with a third man that something is going on."

I had been watching a couple and a single man and thought about what Matt had said several years before. It wasn't long before it took place right in front of my eyes. The other guy was setting on the out side of a circle booth with the woman in between him and her husband. From where I was seated I could see under the table edge and I saw when his hand went to her knees. She glanced nervously at her husband but didn't remove his hand from her legs. He carried on a conversation with the other man while all the time his hand was moving higher under her skirt. I saw her knees fall apart, giving him room to move even higher. Only a waitress coming by for drink orders caused him to set up and bring his hand up on the table. I wondered if the husband had any idea his friend was feeling up his wife.

It was then a chill went over my body. For most of the last year when Julie and I went out on Friday nights or weekends Matt was almost always with us. He was my best friend and he was going through a separation from his wife who was also one of our best friends.

Matt and I have been friend since college. I met Julie at one of the offices I visited and asked her out. We dated for a year before we married. Carol was Julie's friend and we got her and Matt together. They hit it off and married a month after we did. Matt and Julie got along good together as did myself and Carol. The four of us were almost inseparable, we did everything together. We were at one or the other's home every weekend. Most of the time we went out to dinner and dance together.

We were real close, maybe much to close. With a few drinks in us we had pushed the envelope more than a few times. Both girls were extremely attractive. Julie was dark headed with beautiful dark eyes. Her body was just right on her five feet seven inch frame. Her legs were long and shapely with the pretty's slim ankles. Her breasts were only a B cup but they were high and firm on her chest and she didn't mind showing them off a little. Her smile and happy personality set her apart from other pretty women. I knew I was lucky to have such a beautiful wife. Not that I am sorry looking myself. I had my share of dates before we married.

Carol isn't as tall as Julie but she is put together nicely. Her breasts are larger, probably a C cup, and every inch of her shouts sex. She isn't as out going as Julie and usually sets back and lets Julie take the lead. Matt is a handsome fellow. All through college he had dates with all the pretty women on campus. He was slightly taller than me but other than that we were about the same.

We have been married five years and neither one has children. We were having too much fun together to be tied down with children. Not that we didn't want to have some at one time, just not yet. As I mentioned the four of us were close. We almost always were together at least two nights a week and would talk during the week. We had our favorite place to go on Friday nights where we could get a good meal without breaking the budget, and later sat around and have a few drinks and dance. All four of us loved to dance and stayed on the floor a lot with our own spouse or the others mate.

After a few drinks we all got really friendly. I know Matt had his hand under Julie's dress more than once because she told me. I didn't raise much of a fuss as I had felt Carol's legs as well as other lovely parts before. I knew Carol had her limits as to how far she would let me go. I had reached that point many times before her hand moved to stop the direction my fingers were headed. She never took my hand away, just held it. Looking at her she would just give her head a little shake, no. I would just wink and let my fingers stroke the soft skin only inches below where I was trying to get. It was fun as we knew that Matt was doing the same with Julie.

During the next three years there was only one time that things went farther than that between the four of us. We were at the beach together. We had spent all day on the beach, drinking ice cold beer and watching both women in their skimpy bikinis. It was enough to give us hadrons all day. That night we went out dancing and I ended up alone with Carol while Julie and Matt made a restroom call. I took advantage to let my fingers do some traveling of their on. Carol had her knees together but the short skirt she had on only came down to the middle of her thighs. She had beautiful legs which I reminded her of as my fingers were trying how to get under the hem of her skirt.

"Joe behave, the others will be right back."

"They probably found a dark corner and Matt is feeling her up as we speak." I notice she went cold for just a minute before smiling again. I wondered what caused that but at that moment her legs parted and my hand slid under the skirt. Her legs were soft to the touch and I stroked my fingers slowly over them. I whispered to her, "You have softest, sexist legs; I could spend a lot of time just touching them."

"I know, it feels good to me as well, but I don't think Julie would like it much."

"What about Matt?

"He probably wouldn't care as long as he had his hands on Julie." I didn't care for him having his hands on my wife but it was fun playing with his so I guess it was about even. My fingers moved higher to the stopping place. Expecting her to stop me, I slowed down. When her hand did not move from the table top I moved higher until I could feel the heat coming from her moist pussy. My fingers stroked across her panties, pausing over her opening. I looked up at her and she was looking at me.

"Don't start anything we can't finish." I could feel the tension in her as she spoke. She didn't make any attempt to move my hand nor did she close her legs. I got the feeling that if I wanted to go farther she would not have stopped me.

I moved away from her crotch, and stroked the part of her leg I was allowed to touch. "Carol, it would be fun to be able to really touch you but we are to close. I would hate too ruin a good friendship."

"Thanks." She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "You are a special person. If I ever have another man than Matt you would be my first choice. That is the problem; with you it would never be just fun." I knew what she meant. About that time the others returned. If I hadn't been so involved with Carol, I might have noticed the swollen lips and the embarrassment they showed. Carol noticed.

Then about a year ago Carol left Matt. No reason was given; just that she needed some time away from him. She would not even tell Julie what was wrong. She moved out and into a condo thirty miles away. Suddenly our foursome was over. Julie and I were left on our on. We went out the same as we always did, but it wasn't the same.

Matt still lived in the old house just down the street from us. He was taking it rough and doing too much drinking. We didn't see much of him for over a month and when we finally ran into him at the food market he looked like hell warmed over. He had almost nothing to say.

Back home Julie stared talking about them. "I wonder what went wrong between them. One week they were just like they have always been and then she took off. I have called him a few times but she has almost nothing to say."

"I've talked to Matt but he claims he doesn't know why she left him. He wondered if she had found someone else but he found out she just goes to work and comes home. She doesn't want a divorce, but she isn't sure she wants to be married to him. He looked like hell today."

"Call him and ask him to go out with us this weekend. He is our friend and we need to do something. I've asked Carol but she refuses to go."

I talked to Matt and he went with us, this time to a different place as I didn't want to bring back bad memories. He went a couple of times and then declined. Both Julie and I tried to persuade him to come with us.

"No, you two go have fun. I would feel too much like a third wheel."

Julie hugged his neck. "Matt, you are our friend. You will never be a third wheel to us. Come on and go out with us. I promise to let you have a few dances." He finally consented to go with us. For the next few weeks he would go some and then skip a few weeks. Finally he was starting to get back to his old self. Now, nine months later he was with us as often as before. Carol still had not come back are asked for a divorce. We would see her from time to time but she never gave us a reason.

Matt was with us all the time. When we went out dancing he danced with Julie as much as I did. He was back to his old flirting ways with Julie. I hadn't minded before and still didn't, only I no longer have Carol to fool around with. Sometimes when I would be out of town he would take Julie out for dinner. She always called and told me if he invited her out. Why I wasn't jealous I don't know, I guess it was because we had always been together.

Now as I watched the other man with his hand on the woman's leg I thought about what Matt had always said, and it dawned on me that for the last few months Matt had been the other man. For the first time I wondered if Julie had been unfaithful? She was such a beautiful and sexy lady that any man would die to get her in bed. Matt was a handsome man that had never had trouble bedding women he wanted before he married. I knew that Julie really liked him as I had Carol. I knew from that one time that I could have had Carol if I had pushed it. Was Matt pushing Julie, and would she let him have his way with her. I was afraid I already knew the answer; I had just not been paying attention.

I called for my ticket and spent the next few minutes watching the guy's fingers so far up under the woman's skirt that he had to be in her panties. Her husband was just laughing and talking while his wife was getting finger fucked. She brought my bill and I lay enough money down to cover it plus a big tip. As I walked by the table I had to stop. I leaned into the husband and whispered in his ear; "beware the third wheel." I walked on out while he tried to make sense out of what I said.

I went back to my room and picked up my stuff; checked out of the motel and left for home. It was only a three hour drive but seemed to take forever, and at the same time I seem to be getting there to fast. I just knew what I was going to find when I got home. I would have been shocked if I was wrong. My beautiful wife was fucking my best friend and I had let it happen right under my eyes. Just like the fool I had watched earlier, I wondered if he had touched Julie like that with me at the table. Another reason I knew what I would find was that Julie really cared for Matt; the same way I cared for Carol. Julie would never have sex with a man just for sex but with Matt, and he being down since Carol left, she would do it.

It was almost midnight when I turned into my drive. The pain that went through me when I saw Matt's car in the drive is hard to explain. I almost turned around and left to keep from confronting them. Then hurt gave way to rage that my best friend would cheat like this with my wife. I moved to the door and unlocked it. The house is a ranch type so it is all on one level. It has three bedrooms with the master bedroom on one side of the hall and the other two across from it. Being a concrete slab there wasn't any boards to squeak as I moved silently down the hall.

I slowly pushed open the master bedroom door and all most passed out from relief that the room was empty. It was short lived as I heard sounds from the guest bedroom. Outside the door I stopped and listened before opening the door. I heard Julie groan and then laugh. "You did that awfully quick."

"Couldn't wait to get in you, seems like a week since the last time."

"It has been, now fuck me." My wife was asking my best friend to fuck her. Since it had been a week I knew that this wasn't the first time for them. It must be a Wednesday night special as that is the night I am usually gone. It didn't take but a minute for them to get into full swing. Julie makes a lot of noise when she is having sex and she was quite loud now. I pushed the door open and watched as my beautiful wife had her legs around Matt's back and her arms around his neck. They were fucking as if there would be no tomorrow and his tongue was buried in her throat. Her eyes were shut and I knew it wasn't going to be long before she climaxed.

I was right, it wasn't. I had heard it all before when we made love. Julie loved sex and the way it made her feel. Now it was Matt that was making her feel like I had so many times before. My stomach was doing flips as I watched them. Then she cried out as she climaxed. "OH Yes, FUCK ME!!! Then she came! Her eyes flew open and then I knew she saw me but couldn't stop the climax from coming. Then he was climaxing and filling my wife with his juice. I had long ago figured that he was fucking her bareback.

Julie's eyes register shock but she couldn't stop Matt as he climaxed. As he finished I turned and Left the room, shutting the door behind me. All I heard was, "OH My god, JOE!!" I went back to my car and turned around. She was running from the house in only a robe. "Joe, Joe, please come back!" I just kept going.

I had no idea what I would do. My cell phone rang and I looked and saw it was her. I cut it off; no way did I want to talk to her tonight, maybe forever. I just drove. I didn't need a room since I wouldn't have slept anyway. It was after two in the morning when I found myself out side Carol's condo. I started twice to turn around and leave but found myself standing outside her door ringing the door bell. I saw a shadow pass over the peep hole and then the chain dropped as she opened the door.

"Joe, what's wrong? Why are you here this time of the night?" I finally broke down. A man crying is not a pretty sight but she held me until I regained my composure.

"I'm sorry Carol, I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's ok, but what is wrong?"

I took a deep breath, "its Julie and Matt."

She knew at once what was wrong. "That son-of-bitch finally did it. He has wanted to fuck her since day one. I'm so sorry Joe."

I told her all I knew and how I became suspicious. "I don't know how long it has been going on, but it sure wasn't their first time tonight."

"You all wanted to know why I left Matt. It was because of his infatuation with Julie. We all played around a lot together as you well know. But it was more than that with Matt. He wanted more than a kiss and touch. He wanted her in bed. The final straw was when he was fucking me one night he called me Julie. I don't thank he even realized he did it. The next day I packed and moved out. I should have gotten a divorce by now but I still love the SOB. I keep hoping he will come back for me, I guess I can get that divorce now."

We talked until almost dawn. Our friendship was as strong as ever and my attraction to her was just as strong. I loved Julie and would never have cheated on her with Carol or any other woman. Carol was fun, she was up to a certain amount of games as we all had been, but it was Julie I loved. It was breaking dawn when I stood up. "I need to get out of here. You need some sleep before you go to work, and I have kept you up all night."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. I'm not up to meeting Julie right now, it may take some time."

"You can stay here."

"You don't need my problems."

"Anything you need would never be a problem for me." I knew she meant every word she said.

"I could sleep on the couch."

"Are you can sleep wherever you like."

"You remember the time when I touched you and you didn't stop me?" She nodded that she did. "I was really temped that night."

"I know, I wanted you that night so much it hurt. I knew that Matt had followed Julie to the restrooms that night and was going to hit on her. Matt can be pretty persuasive, I am surprised that Julie has held out this long."

"If I stay you have to know that I want more than just a touch and that it wouldn't be because of Julie and Matt."

"What ever reason you have would be alright with me. I haven't been with a man since I left Matt. I wish you would take me to bed and love me over and over."

I pulled her into my arms. She came willing as her soft sexy body folded into mine. Her lips were soft and sweet as they opened under mine. I picked her up and carried her down the hall to the bedroom. At the bed I stood her up and reached for the gown. I slowly pulled it over her head, she was naked under it. Her body was firm and her nipples were hard as I lay her back on the bed. Her feet hung over the edge as I went to my knees and spread her legs. Her pretty pink pussy was right before my eyes and my mouth couldn't wait to taste her.

"Joe, you don't have to do that, I am more than ready for you."

"I know, I can tell just from the taste of you that you want me. It sure isn't a problem for me to do this for you; I love to make you feel good." It was feeling too good and I licked her through her first orgasm; sucking up all her juice and the sweet taste of it. I could have feasted on her pussy all night but I had other things to do.

After cleaning her up with my mouth I lifted her to the center of the bed. I stood back up and undressed. She watched as each piece cam off. When my last piece dropped off I stood before her naked. "You know, it is hard to believe that as close as we have been all these years this is the first time we have been naked together."

"It want be the last, Joe." I hoped she was right.

My hands traveled up her legs on the inside as I had traveled many time up to the stopping point. "Your legs are so soft and beautiful. That is why I had so much trouble keeping my hands to myself." I touched the soft inside of her legs just below her flowering cunt. "This spot is the sexist part of a woman's body to me." I leaned down and kissed the spot on both legs, I heard her breath catch and her hands came down to lock in my hair.

"Will you please come up her and fuck me before I go nuts!" I was more than ready as I moved over her and her legs parted even wider.

I reached for her hand and brought it down to touch me. "Put it in." She guided it to her hot opening and lifted her cunt up as she pointed it at the right place. Her lifting and me driving I was soon in her completely. My balls rested against her upturned ass. She was as hot and ready as any woman I had ever been with. I slowly fuck her. No wild hard fucking, that could come later, and I knew it would. Right now I loved the way she felt wrapped around me. She pulled me down and kissed me. Her mouth was still sweet and soft as her pussy was hot and soft. I could feel every beat of her heart as it traveled through her pussy walls to my cock.