The Twelve Tables Ch. 15


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"We'll probably do a bit of both. Lucia invited us to stay with her," Izabella said. "But we'll probably go home with Mama and spend a few days there first."

"We'll have dinner when you get back to the city," he said easily slipping a hand around Peri's waist. "Have a good time with Ben and Em."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing the kids. Angelo is there so there will be a horde of them," she laughed and pulled a face. "Have fun with Papa and you will have fun unwrapping presents!" she said cheerily to Peri.

"It will probably take us forever, everyone was so generous," Peri gushed.

"I'd love to come and help but I promised Ben I'd visit first thing this morning. He was always bossy even when I was little," he said with a smile. "We'll catch up soon though and I will tell you every embarrassing story I have about Josh."

"I can't wait," Peri laughed.


"It must be time for a break," Emilio walked into the warehouse where Peri sat with a present on her lap trying to decide what pile to put it in.

With the precision of a woman who had done this several times, Antonia had divided the space into five sections labelling them Kitchen, living, bathroom, bedroom and miscellaneous. As the presents were unwrapped, each was placed in a section to be repacked into larger boxes for when they found a home of their own. Some things were easily sorted but others like the dainty, exquisitely craft glass bowl she held could go in a number of places and without the context of the home and furniture she would have, the miscellaneous pile grew large.

"Oh what a good idea," Andie agreed. She had been moving between the piles while Peri opened and labelled each piece and Antonia took the cards and wrote what the gift was on each and then on a list for Peri to write thank you cards. They had gotten through most of it by the time Emilio had appeared.

"We've got some coffee and tea in the office," he said, helping his mother to her feet and leading the way through the warehouse to a spacious office filled with old world charm. Peri hadn't been to this office before and she looked around appreciatively at the furnishings knowing they would be genuine antiques.

"Would you like water?" Dante asked Peri, walking into the room with a jug of iced water.

"That would be heavenly," Peri smiled. "How did you know?" She was so used to being offered juice as an alternative to tea or coffee.

"You always ask for water at some stage," he winked. "How's the gift unwrapping going?"

"It's hard without the context of what our house will be like to know where things might go, but aside of that, it's wonderful. Everyone was so good to us," she said enthusiastically.

"What sort of house do you want? I'm sure Josh won't mind too much as long as you're in it. I know I wouldn't," he chuckled.

"I guess I would like something with history, a restoration of some kind so I could fill it with beautiful antiques like this eventually, but with all the renovations of older homes that tend to happen recently it's more likely to be a fusion of modern and older pieces," she said thoughtfully. "I think Josh would like to build a family home once we're married, up at the winery."

"Andreas's winery?" Dante asked in surprise.

"Yes, we love it there," Peri laughed. "It wouldn't be as far to commute to the publishing house as it is to the city and I could work from home mostly."

"I dunno if that's such a good idea," Dante frowned. "I like having you around this place."

"It's not like it is going to happen tomorrow," she laughed at his frown thinking he was teasing her.

"You should show her the conservation room, she might like some of the pieces for their new home," Antonia suggested.

"Maybe Josh and I could look at it together it will be his home too. I imagine he has some pretty firm ideas about what he would like regarding style and furniture," she said thoughtfully.

"Nonsense, it won't hurt you to see what is there," Antonia insisted. "Dante take her and show her while Andie and I have our coffee."

"As the queen commands," Dante clicked his heels together and bowed to his mother. "This way Miss Wells," he bent his arm outwards for her to take.

"I'd rather wait and see what we decide on first. I already have too many things in my head from all these presents let alone adding any more," she said daring to say no to Antonia for a second time since the trial but trying to soften her refusal by explaining why she didn't want to do as she suggested.

"She's right," Emilio came to her defence. "Once she knows the house plan then she can choose wisely. There's no use falling in love with a piece and finding it won't fit in the house the way you want it." He smiled then, "You know if you would like to have a chat with Andie alone, you only have to ask."

"You were always too clever for your own good," she chided him. "Both of you," she turned on Dante, who had chuckled at his brother's words. "I thought it would be good for her to see what's available before she looks at houses. The other boys all have modern houses with modern furniture it's nice to think that Josh is marrying a girl who understands the beauty and quality of some of the pieces we have restored here."

"Why don't we finish off the presents and then if there's time we can all go and look," Andie suggested. "Josh may even be back by then," she said cheerily.

"That sounds like a good idea," Antonia agreed and they went back to the pile of presents. It took very little time to finish the task and Peri was left with a long list of thank you cards to write. As if by magic a couple of warehouse workers arrived and began packing the items into boxes for storage. Peri found herself disappointed that she couldn't use some of the beautiful decorative glass objects immediately but knew it would be like Christmas unpacking those boxes when they finally found a place of their own.

Joseph had called as they were working through the last gifts and asked them to meet them for lunch. As they were leaving Antonia paused and looked at Peri seriously.

"I know you think I am a silly old woman but please have a look at the restorations before you leave. Emilio can take Andie and me ahead and you and Dante can follow us after you have had a little look," she said, "Indulge me, please."

"Just a quick look," Peri agreed reluctantly. "Are you okay going on ahead, Mum?" she asked Andie concerned that Antonia seemed to want to speak to her alone. "I mean we could all have a look if you're interested in the restored furniture."

"That's probably a better idea," Emilio chuckled, "Because Papa sent a car for the three of you. I'm afraid Dante and I would be gate crashing otherwise."

"That sounds like fun then," Andie said confused by Antonia's need to show Peri some old furniture. They went through the maze-like warehouse pathways to another large unlit section. Dante turned on the lights and lit up a huge space crammed full of furniture.

"Go on and have a quick look around," Antonia said to Peri taking Andie's arm and slowing their walk down somewhat. "I wanted to talk to you privately before we left without alarming Peri," she whispered as the others moved ahead. "We thought it would be lovely as the parents of Josh and Peri if we gave them a helping start in their life together. A family member passed a few years ago and left a beautiful little cottage close to where Josh's new company is and we would like to give it to them from all of us as the engagement present."

"From all of us?" Andie asked stunned by what the woman was saying.

"Yes from Joseph and Charles, you and I," she nodded. "Charles has made it very clear that you are now part of our family too," she smiled warmly. "I don't often get to see the other girl's parent's so it will be nice for us to be friends," she added.

"That's so generous but I'm not sure that I could," Andie began.

"It hasn't cost us anything and the kids will have to do some work on it, which we can both help with I'm sure. It's not perfect by any means. I just didn't want you to be surprised. I'd like them to know it is from all of us, not just Joseph and I," she said with a smile. In truth, she wasn't sure if Peri would accept the gift if it were.

"That's so lovely of you," Andie said, "Peri would know that my financial situation would mean that I couldn't have been involved, though."

"You have a partner in Charles and he can well afford to be involved," she laughed. "You two girls are so independent. It won't hurt you to share the load sometimes. That's what family is for."

"We've never had much family so I think it will take some getting used to," Andie agreed.

"I found them," Emilio called having backtracked along the path they had taken.

"I was just explaining to Andie how much more comfortable this Kent sofa is than the modern versions," Antonia lied easily.

"There's just too much to take in all at once, I'd love to come back with Josh, though," Peri said as she came into view of the women.

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Dante chuckled. "I mean you do still work here, after all, so you can access it as you like."

"We had best be going then," Antonia stood and took her son's arm letting him lead them out of the warehouse maze to the waiting car.

They had driven along the valley road towards where Josh's company was situated but had pulled off the main road in the opposite direction to arrive at a quaint little restaurant tucked into the rolling hills of the area. It seemed the new estates that were springing up this far south had left this small piece of the valley in peace.

The men were seated drinking beer and talking business when the ladies arrived and they all stood as they approached the table, each kissing their respective partner. The group chatted easily through lunch about the gifts and how when they found a place of their own they wold hardly need anything else once they had moved Josh's furniture in. She spoke about the restoration collection and that she would love Josh to have a look at it with her one weekend.

It was Andie who, at the end of lunch suggested that the little valley that the restaurant sat in would be a perfect place for their new home. It was close to Josh's work and not a very long commute to the city or home so Peri could visit as often as she liked. Peri looked out of the windows at the scattered cottages she could see and agreed it was a lovely place and worth looking into. As soon as Josh had agreed with her, Joseph called for the bill.


"What are we doing here?" Josh asked as Charles pulled into a long gravel driveway not far from the restaurant.

"There was a for sale sign out on the road I thought it might be worth a look," Charles shrugged awkwardly while navigating the gravel path.

"You can't just barge in on someone. You need to get permission or something first," Josh frowned.

"It'll be fine, we'll just have a quick look and if it's worthwhile you can come back again with permission of the owners," he chuckled.

They pulled up in front of what must have been a pretty little cottage once but was now hidden behind overgrown shrubs and trees.

"Doesn't look like anyone has lived here for a while," Charles said getting out of the car. "Let's have a look around."

The overgrown garden hid the railing of a wide wrap-around veranda and Peri cooed in delight as she followed it to a large extension at the back of the cottage. She went down the side steps holding Josh's hand and walked toward the rear of the building marvelling at the view they had of the surrounding valley.

"I bet it looks even better from up there," Josh pointed to a large deck on the rear of the house. They scaled the stairs and stood to stare out at the view. "It's a shame we can't see inside, this is almost exactly what we talked about having out at the winery eventually."

"It's lovely, do you think it might be in our price range?" She asked.

"I know we don't talk about money but I'm not exactly a pauper, Peri," he chuckled.

"I know but if you want to build our dream home at the winery it doesn't make sense to spend a bucket load of money on a temporary home," she said reasonably.

"We might like it enough to stay here, do you think there is enough land attached to it for an airstrip?" he grinned seeing her eyes widen.

"Cars don't go fast enough for you anymore?" she shook her head and jumped with fright as she saw the door behind her open and Joseph and Antonia step out onto the deck.

"How did you get in there?" Peri asked in amazement.

"We know the new owners," Joseph chortled. "Want to have a look through?"

"It's your engagement present from all of us, Antonia, Joseph, Charles and I," Andie said happily coming out onto the deck.

"Oh you can't do this, it's too much," Peri exclaimed.

"That's why we did it together, as a family," Antonia came to Andie's side quickly. "You both need a fresh start and this is such a lovely and peaceful place."

"Your mother and I have been dating for as long as you and Joshua," Charles said in a friendly way. "I would hope it's not too much of a stretch to think of me as family by now."

"It is very generous of you all," Josh came to wrap a hand around Peri's waist. "Let's have a look through before we decide whether to accept it or not." He led her inside to look around knowing she would be wary of accepting the cottage as a gift, despite how much they liked it.

The interior had been fully renovated with the rear of the house having a large open plan living, dining and kitchen area that opened onto the deck through bi-fold doors. The front of the house held four rooms all with decorative cornice and ceiling roses. There was more than enough room for two people with rooms for guests to stay and a home office. It was unfurnished but it was not hard to imagine how it would look if some carefully chosen pieces.

"It's a pretty good fit for us, with its location," Josh said. "There won't be a lot of travel time if I work late and its close enough to the motorway for you to get to the city reasonably quickly if you need to. We can always give it back once we have built our dream home," he suggested being more than happy with the property and thinking through improvements he would like to make.

"It's nice that our parents have done it together," Peri said softly. "In all this time I have been taking up all of Andie's time I hadn't given Charles the consideration he deserved. He helped us so much at the beginning of my recovery."

"He's a good man," Josh agreed, "He's probably looking forward to having some more private time with Andie the way I am with you," he chuckled as Peri blushed. "We wouldn't have to worry about neighbours overhearing us here," he grinned enjoying her blushes. "I could make a few small modifications and bring in some specially made furniture."

"Stop that, your parents are in the next room," she whispered smiling with him. "It is perfect, though," she agreed despite her reservations.


Over the next two weeks, Josh and Peri decided which furniture they would take from his apartment and had a look through what was available in the warehouse. Despite looking like a cottage from the front, it was in reality quite a big home. Peri was enjoying the process of putting together their home and spent some time with Dante in the warehouses looking through various area's before they committed to any big purchases. They had slowly begun to move the big pieces into the house but had left the final move of all their personal belongings for a couple of weeks so that they had furniture to unpack their things into.

During the big move, Peri felt nauseous on and off throughout the day and several times had to sit down and sip some water until the feeling passed. She was grateful for Joshes big family who had all come to help and unpacked the kitchen and bathroom boxes with ease. They had left the engagement presents at the warehouse until they were at least partially moved in so Josh could see what they were given, even though he had seen the list that Peri had been working through each evening to send out the thank you cards.

"Why don't we have a glass of wine and relax," Josh said wrapping his arms around her as they farewelled the last of his siblings on Sunday evening.

"That sounds lovely," Peri said softly returning his embrace. They walked through to the kitchen and she took out two glasses as he opened the wine. Peri sat on a stool at the bench as he poured the wine. She felt her stomach roll at the smell of wine and frowned.

"You still feeling a bit off-colour?" Josh asked in concern.

"Yeah," she grimaced putting a hand over her belly. "I probably just over did it this week."

"I'll take you to see Pete tomorrow just to make sure," Josh said taking another glass and pouring her some cool water.

"It will pass," she said looking up at him, "You don't have to take time off work tomorrow."

"Its been great having Rick there. He can handle anything that comes up and I know he will call me if anything urgently needs my attention," he reassured her. "Come and help me test out this day bed," he picked up his glass and took her hand leading her out onto the back deck.

"It's so peaceful here," Peri sighed looking up at the night sky. She snuggled against Josh's side enjoying the feeling of being in their own home. Josh bent his head to kiss her and she felt her stomach roll again from the taste of wine on his breath.

"I'm sorry," she said pulling away from him. "I must have picked up a bug and I don't want you to get it," she rolled further from him willing the nausea to go away.

"It's been a big weekend. There's nothing to be sorry for," he murmured softly rolling with her and placing a hand over hers on her tummy. "We'll see Pete tomorrow just to make sure."

"This isn't passing," she got up and rushed to the bathroom and was sick. Josh followed her and moved in to comfort her.

"Let's get you to bed," Josh said stroking her back. "Then I'll lock up and join you." He had left her to brush her teeth and went to lock up the back doors. Pete had been concerned that she was overdoing it but Josh had thought he was just cautious due to the head injury she had sustained. Now he worried that he had pushed too hard to get here, where they could start their lives together away from the daily pressures of their families. He too brushed his teeth and slipped into bed beside her wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

"I'm sorry," she murmured into his chest.

"Don't be, we're both exhausted and we have a lifetime to enjoy being together. Sleep," he said in a hushed voice and kissed her forehead.

When they woke in the morning, she felt fine and she tried to put off Josh's determination to take her to see Pete.

"You're ridiculous," she laughed, "I'm perfectly fine I just overdid things on the weekend."

"It'll be good to have a check-up then, I need to know you are going to be safe to drive yourself around now that we've moved out here," he argued. "We should probably talk about upgrading that old junker you drive too," he said with a smile.

"It's not a junker," she said defensively.

"No, I guess not, but it's old and needs some attention. I'd worry a lot less if you had something more reliable," he said assertively. "You don't have to argue with everything I suggest. I know you are your own person but I will be far happier if you do this for me. I'm allowed to worry about you, just like if I start working too much or over-committing, you get to tell me about it. We're a team now and whether you like it or not, I'd like to wear the pants sometimes in this house." He grinned.