The Vacation

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A mother, a son and a trip that changed everything.
48.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 04/28/2024
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The Vacation:


All sexual activity including flashbacks are between characters over the age of 18.


I had Tim when I was eighteen. Eric, my now husband, and I had been friends since we were both young. However when we both turned eighteen, hormones took over and the man that was my best friend was suddenly the man I loved. Our first time was in the back of Eric's car at a drive in movie theater two months after Eric's eighteenth birthday. I am not sure if it was all the abstinence but once we did it that first time it was completely impossible to stop. We had sex every time we were alone: We did it in the car, in his room, the boys or girls' locker room at school. He fingered me in class and I jerked him off under the table at his house. Sure, we thought it was love, and in many ways it was. But the truth was that we had given in completely to our lust. We both grew up in religious homes and we were supposed to wait until we were married. But we were eighteen and in our minds, old enough to make our own decisions about such things.

Everytime we were together, my pussy was wet and all I thought about was sex. Eric's dick was this new plaything that I simply could not get enough of. We used condoms a lot in the beginning but as soon as we discovered oral sex and I discovered simply how much I enjoyed making him cum, condoms just took all the fun out of it. That's when things took a turn. Several months after the first time I had swallowed Eric's semen and the condoms went away, I discovered I was pregnant. We were both mortified. Thankfully, despite the initial shock and disappointment from our parents, both our families came together to support us and in summer after I graduated high school, I had my one and only son Tim.

As is often the case, all the plans I had for my life changed when Tim arrived. I have read books and had conversations and watched shows on the perils, sacrifices and trials of having a child out of high school, but truthfully, he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I felt like I was born to be a mother, or I suppose a better or more accurate way to say it is: I was born to be his mother. This was not to say it was easy. It wasn't. My college plans became dreams and then just went away.

A year later Eric and I married and we have done our best ever since to be good parents to our son and to one another. Life for the three of us was good. We were young parents so we had energy to handle the baby years and still found time for intimacy. Eric loved me deeply and treated me like his queen. He cherished the role of dad and husband and has always managed to put us first.

My husband was an intimate lover. Passionate, romantic and serious. Through my twenties, my girlfriends always envied our relationship and how I talked about our sex because he was so attentive and respectful. My sex drive was never that high and that, coupled with the challenges of having a young child limited our sex to once a week at best. But based on what I had heard, this was normal to even being pretty good.

Tim was a handsome boy and in his teenage years he grew quickly into a handsome man. By his freshman year in high school I saw the girls flocking to him. He had an innocent, boyish charm that paired well with his lean but built frame that often had other mom's give him a second look. But it was his eyes that were killer. He had deep green eyes that turned gray when he wore certain colors. Not only were his eyes beautiful, but they were intense, thoughtful and inviting. He took after his father in many ways, but his eyes set him apart.

The attention he got from girls led us to have a family meeting of sorts. The example was a simple one: sex can lead to babies.

"But what about birth control?" he asked.

"Your father and I used birth control," was my less than honest reply. I wasn't ready to tell my son that my enjoyment of your dad's cum had led us to stop using birth control. That just wasn't appropriate.

Our stance was not a point of guilt, regret or shame but rather one of responsibility. Eric told Tim our stance: "If you aren't ready to think about kids then you shouldn't be having sex."

This had the effect we hoped it would and Tim kept his distance from girls. I knew he had girlfriends, but nothing was ever serious and he was more interested in sports than girls for the most part.

High school was going to be a breeze.

Until it wasn't.

Laurie was Tim's first serious girlfriend. They were both eighteen and had been friends for most of their lives. Laurie grew up small, short and scrappy for a girl. I always liked her because she was tough, didn't take shit from people and at the same time had a generous, fun, down to earth personality. Tim and her were friends and during high school they were at one another's homes almost daily. Then something happened. It happens with some girls so suddenly that one day they are rail thin and awkward and then the next they are all boobs, ass and long legs. Such was the case with Laurie.

She went from scrappy tomboy to stunning girl next door in a matter of weeks. Her chest filled in quickly, she was suddenly taller and all her years on the soccer field had given her a sculpted booty that made all the influencer internet girls seem silly and fake. Coupled with her sassy, strong personality she really left my poor Tim defenseless. Some months later at his eighteenth birthday, I saw them kiss in our backyard pool.

I wasn't shocked or worried. Of course this was the way of things. But I saw my son's innocence leaving him. Truthfully, I wasn't unaware of the times we are living in. We are in the age of hyper sexuality. Porn is everywhere and with cell phones and computers it is accessible anywhere by anyone. I had caught Tim watching porn over the years and for the most part left it to his father to deal with. That was a sort of man to man thing. But as I watched him kiss Laurie I knew that things were going to change. His hormones were kicking in, just like Eric's and I knew Laurie's were kicking in just like mine did. To make matters worse was just how simply stunning the girl was in a bikini.

I suppose you could say all of this started in that simple comparison and a simple hope: As much as we loved having Tim, Eric and I didn't want him to face being a father at eighteen. As I watched my son with his girlfriend I realized how much I had given up to be his mother and how much I didn't want him to be forced to do the same.

"There is no sex drive higher than an eighteen year old boy," Eric said with a smile that night as I told him about Laurie. "I remember feeling like at least half the blood in my body was in my dick keeping me hard and keeping me ready," he said with a laugh.

I smiled at him and laughed. "Do I still look like I did when I was eighteen?" I asked, shamelessly begging for a compliment.

"Anya," he said looking at me in that suddenly disarming and serious way, "You look way better."

I winked at him. "Good answer," I said before crawling over to the bed for sex.

When it came to sex drive and eighteen year old boys, I believed Eric. That was until I turned thirty seven a month later. My friends told me it could happen, I would have a hormone shift and suddenly sex would take on a whole new meaning to me. I always brushed it off because I just never had a high sex drive. That changed. In many ways you can say that all that followed was the result of the change in my chemistry.

Suddenly I woke up with a nervous urge. I wanted it all the time. It was like all of my body had become a series of exposed nerves. Touch felt, better, more arousing. I was one of those housewives that sat on the washing machine because, well, it felt so damn good. I woke up Eric in the night and in the morning with a need to kiss him, suck him and fuck him. I rode his cock hard and when I was on top and I wanted him to fuck me faster when he was behind me. Orgasms used to be a thing of myth and dreams to me, now I could have them while rubbing my clit and watching a sex scene in a movie.

Frustratingly, Eric's body had gone in a different direction. It was harder for him to get aroused and it was harder for him to keep up with me. It wasn't something we talked about. I loved him and I knew he felt shame about it. But the reality was I was left many times wanting more--needing more. So I did what I suppose many women do in my situation. I did my research, bought some toys and did what I could with some good books and some good, tasteful porn. Eric and I still made love and I supplemented this with my imagination and toys. But slowly there was a fire burning in me. In the stillness of the night or in the middle of the day when Eric was gone, I would feel a deeper need for something.

Tim came home one night, later than usual. I was still up, on the couch watching TV and enjoying a glass of wine when he came in. He looked at me with surprise, "Hey mom," he said, turning his body rather oddly to the side.

"Hey sweetie," I replied, glancing at him and then back to the TV. "You're back late."

"Yeah," He said, still being awkward and then he started to head for the stairs.

"Were you with Laurie?" I asked rather absently. I wasn't fishing. I wasn't that kind of mom. If he wanted to tell me things then he would. I wouldn't pry.

"Yeah," he said. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs for a moment. Then he turned to face me. "Mom?"

"Yes?" I said looking up at him. He looked different. There was something. Then I realized what it was. I noticed a rather large bulge in the front of his pants. I was careful not to let my eyes wander to it obviously. My poor son had a huge boner.

He paused. I could tell he was thinking of just going upstairs and dropping whatever was on his mind.

"What is it?" I asked. Admittedly the bulge was distracting me. Not only was my son handsome, sweet and built but it was clear that he was gifted with a large dick. What the fuck was I thinking? This was my boy. My fucking hormones were making me crazy. I shook the thought out of my head. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked as my maternal instincts took over. I could see my boy was working up to saying something.

"I know what you are gonna say," he began slowly. "But I think Laurie and I are going to have sex. I mean, we haven't yet," he said as he was trying to gauge my reaction. "But, it is so hard. It is too hard."

It is hard. I thought, trying not to look at the big bulge in his pants. I thought of Eric's comment on eighteen year old boys and sex drives. "Are you sure you haven't? Please be honest," I said, turning the TV off so he knew he had my full attention. I was careful with my tone so he didn't feel like I was attacking him. My heart was beating faster. I didn't want him to tell me he was having sex. I wasn't ready to hear that from my son.

"I swear we haven't," he said, looking directly at me with his gorgeous green eyes. "Believe it or not, I actually told Laurie no tonight." He said with a laugh as he walked toward me and sat down on the couch. "Like that doesn't happen as far as I know, boys aren't the ones that turn down sex."

I laughed. He was right. "Why did you say no? I mean, I am glad you did, but why did you say no to her?"

He shook his head. "Shit," he muttered. He didn't swear often, which I loved, so when he did he meant it. "Honestly? Because you and dad have been so cool to talk about it, I just felt like I couldn't do it without telling you first. I know you are worried about us getting pregnant, Laurie told me she is on birth control."

That little minx, I thought. "Does her mom know that?"

"Yeah," he said. "She has been talking to her mom about it and I think her mom just wants her to be ready if we got into a situation where we couldn't stop I guess."

I nodded. I would do the same if I had a daughter.

"So," he said. "I know you guys don't want us to do it, but we are going to. I mean, that's all I can think about."

Eighteen year old boys...I heard Eric's voice in my head. The funny part was that I could relate. I was already planning to fuck my Eric as soon as I went upstairs, or at least try. "Sweetie," I started to smile. "I appreciate you telling me this. It means a lot to me to have you so honest."

He smiled.

"I know it's hard and I know at the moment it feels like the only thing that matters is sex. Believe me, I know what that is like."

He laughed and gave me a look like he seriously doubted I knew anything about wanting sex.

I thought for a moment. I wasn't one for compromise and especially not with this. But I could see how earnest he was and I knew he was trying so hard. "Can you promise me one thing?" I asked, sliding closer to him. "It is just a simple thing."

"What is it?" He asked.

"We are going on our trip next week, remember?"

"Of course," he said, referring to our upcoming annual full week in Cancun.

"I want you to promise me that you won't have sex with her until we get back," I said to him in my stronger, maternal tone.

"Why?" he asked. "What difference will that make except make us want it more by waiting?"

I laughed. "I just know that sometimes time can help clear our heads. Being away from her and this whole situation will help you get some perspective that you can't get when she is around being beautiful and wanting you all the time," I said with another laugh. "I want you to promise me that you will wait and just think about the possible consequences of having sex with her."

"You mean pregnancy?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

"Yes," I shot back at him. "I know it is unlikely and you will be smart. I am not worried about that. All I am asking is that you ask yourself if you are ready for that responsibility in case it happens, however unlikely. In my mind, that will tell me that you are ready." I took his hands in mine and smiled. "I never regret getting pregnant so young. Not ever. So don't even think for a moment that this is why your father and I are so admitant about this. What I do regret is that I never thought about it until it happened. I think that if I had, I would be a much better mom to you than I have been."

Tim smiled sweetly at me and squeezed my hand. "Mom, you are and you have been an amazing mother. I have no idea how, or what you could possibly do to be better to me than you have been."

I smiled back at him and kissed his forehead. "You are sweet to me, honey. So do you promise me that you will wait until after our trip?"

He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and nodded. "I promise, but only because you asked me to. I already know what I will do when I get back."

Perhaps you do. I thought. "Ok, thank you. Now go get to bed."

He nodded, "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too"

He stood up and I caught a glimpse of his shrinking bulge. I supposed talking about sex with your mom would probably be a boner-killer.

I watched him walk upstairs and disappear down the hall toward his room. I crossed my legs a couple times and sighed out loud. Me, on the other hand, no amount of adulting and parenting these days seemed to have any effect on my constant need for sex. I knew Eric was asleep, so it was going to be a long night with my now almost overused dildo and that new book my friend had lent me. She told me it had some pretty kinky stuff in it. That was good. The "wholesome" smut was no longer getting me going like it used to.


"I don't know how you do it," Eric said to me.

I glanced at him in the bathroom mirror and gave him a flirty smile as I adjusted my sports bra.

"I know you think because I am your husband I am supposed to say that," He said walking into the bathroom. He looked so handsome in his suit and tie. I loved my man in his Big Meeting day suits. "But objectively speaking, I mean as a man," he said, taking a step back and having a long look at my butt snugly in my yoga pants and then back at my eyes. "You are a very hot mom," he said and he smacked my butt playfully.

I laughed and then squealed as he spanked me. I stuck my butt out for him a bit more. That spank felt really fucking good. "Well it's all for you," I said with a hint in my voice. I had some very dirty thoughts this morning.

"I wish I could right now but I need to go," he said reluctantly.

I turned around quickly and took a step toward my husband. My ass was still ringing from that smack and my pussy was getting wetter by the second. "You don't have one minute for me?" I asked with a pout. "I do all this yoga to make sure I am fit and limber and firm," I said as I pressed against him. My hand slid down to his crotch. I knew I was going to win this one.

He took a deep breath, licked his lips and then said playfully, "Well whatever you have in mind we need to be quick, my wife might be home any minute."

I loved this man.

"I will make this easy for you," I said as I dropped to my knees in front of him and started to unbuckle his pants.

Eric looked down at me with lust as I pulled his pants down. His hard dick sprung up to greet me. Before he could say anything in reply I took him into my mouth. I had bobbed three times on his cock and I could already taste the salt of his precum. The taste of him and the feel of his hard dick in my mouth drove me wild, so I sucked hard, sliding one hand to his ass and the other to grip the base.

I looked up at him and took him further into my mouth, again and again.

"Oh shit, Anya!" My husband yelped and his dick erupted in my mouth.

It happened extremely fast and I was surprised, but not disappointed. I sucked it all down voraciously. I gripped his base and sucked as his member pulsated and emptied into my mouth. It tasted good. That was actually an understatement. I tasted so fucking good that I gulped on it and felt a sudden surge of longing when his spent dick slipped from my lips. I kept my eyes on his eyes as I gulped. The truth was I wished I could do this every day for him if not two or three times a day. Ever since the first time I had seen him cum and subsequently tasted it, I had always loved giving him blow jobs. But now, in this new hyper sexed state I was in, I absolutely loved swallowing his loads. I loved the look in his eyes, the taste, the feel and at the same time the knowing that it was me that made him cum. All of it was this delicious package.

"You are amazing," Eric said as he put his pants back on.

I wiped my mouth slowly, "I just want my man to be light on his feet when he goes to work in the morning," I said. I turned around, stuck my ass out at him and started to fiddle with my uncooperative hair.

"I love you, honey," he said as he tucked his shirt in. I could see the affection in his face. I was his queen and he adored me.

As he left for work I frowned in the mirror. It must have been that new smut my girlfriend had me reading but at that moment I didn't want to be his queen. I wanted to be his whore. I wanted Eric to just fuck me like a slut. "Baby steps," I whispered with a smile. I mean I did just suck his dick before work. That wasn't nothing and it was important to be thankful for what we had.

I took a step back and looked at myself. I supposed he was right. I didn't look too bad at all. 37 years old, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders. Still reasonably perky boobs that, when held in this sports bra, looked pretty decent. I turned to the side and bent my leg a bit. I mean, yes yoga pants are supposed to make one's ass look better, but I knew I had a great butt. I always had hips and a slight hourglass figure, but once I had Tim my thighs and my butt filled out a bit more. I had no trouble losing my pregnancy weight, but my hips and my butt kept the extra padding. I wasn't fat mind you, I just had a rounder butt and hips.

I joined a neighborhood moms group and while our kids played we did yoga and various workouts. As time went on I found I really enjoyed the stress relief and yoga, in particular, did wonders for my body. My thighs and my butt firmed up but didn't lose much of their shape. Laurie often told me that I needed to be an influencer or something because of how well I took care of my body, which was a compliment coming from this stunning girl that was soon to take my son's virginity. I took one more look at my butt and smiled. I wasn't vain, but it felt good going grocery shopping or going to one of Tim's games and knowing dads and their sons were checking me out. The best part was that Eric knew it and he knew how lucky he was. So many moms just let themselves go.