The Warlock & The Wizardess Ch. 12


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Time slowed to an unreal glacial crawl as Aldarius's whole being became focused on the imminent impact of his metal-clad fist smashing against Jadrik's irritating mug. At that moment, nothing mattered more to the knight than to finally hear the crunch of bone breaking and flesh tearing once his metal gauntlet wrecked its way through the warlock's face, deleting his mocking smirk forever and smashing his perverse brain to a mush, thus properly restoring justice to the world. That long, perfect instant of fury-laced anticipation and blessed vengeance extended and dilated, as if time really had stopped, allowing the paladin to almost savor the triumph that was soon to be his, as it should be.

But of course time hadn't stopped at all, certainly not outside of Aldarius's anger-clouded mind.

Given how extensively and deliberately he had teased and provoked and finally manipulated the paladin into a state of total brainless rage, Jadrik had no problem predicting Aldarius's dumb and very obvious move. Easily seeing that punch coming, the warlock dodged it with a quick, effortless side step. Not used to brawling nor fighting, Aldarius had indeed plummeted to such a low level of blind, brutish fury that the simple act of throwing that reckless punch had unbalanced him completely, so much so that, when his hand didn't connect with Jadrik's face, the paladin fell clumsily forward, with all his armor-encumbered weight dragging him down.

A dull metallic clang marked the instant when Aldarius, snapping abruptly out of his rage-induced stupor, crashed into the stony altar chest first, deeply denting his golden breastplate and getting the wind knocked out of him. At the same time though, his fist did make contact with the iridescent surface of the planar vortex that framed Lady Zalahjen and her hulking, shadowy Archdemon companion.

Breathless and surprised and even more angry for not having hit the warlock, Aldarius growled as he turned his head and glared at Jadrik, who was standing near him, smirking. Even as the paladin attempted to turn around and charge at the warlock, a guttural word resounded from the other side of the portal, and, to his shock, Aldarius felt a sudden pull on his fist. Baffled, the paladin realized that his hand was somehow glued to the shimmering dimensional rift, as if it was stuck there, and, try as he might, he simply couldn't get it unstuck. As Aldarius roared in frustration and pulled back with all he had in a vain attempt to free his hand, a brief dialogue between the drake-like Lady Zalahjen and the dark Archdemon ensued, after which the massive ape-featured shadow let out a sort of grumbling laughter and spoke a single word of power in a voice so deep and cavernous that it was more akin to the low booming thump of far-off war drums than anything else.

Immediately, a squeaking yelp of utter shock erupted from Aldarius's mouth as he felt himself getting drawn into the planar vortex. Fear descended upon the paladin and drained his face of his previous angry flush, turning his features a ghastly white as he watched his whole hand and then his forearm and then his upper arm disappearing into the shiny, whirling surface. Aldarius's wild eyes were huge with terror, his lips were dry and trembled uncontrollably as he realized what was happening and what Jadrik had done, how the warlock had played him and made a fool of him, again.

Impotent rage and blood-chilling fright warred inside the doomed knight, twisting his face into an indecipherable mask of wordless, ultimate horror. Already sucked in up to his shoulder, Aldarius felt the intensity of the pull from the other side of the portal increase so abruptly and so forcefully that he didn't even have time to curse the warlock or say anything at all before he was dragged away from the material plane and disappeared completely from the world, a look of pure desperation blinking quickly in his eyes, an attempted scream dying on his lips even as they parted, only to be silenced the next moment.

In the blink of an eye Aldarius Van Holt got sucked completely into the portal, whose swirling surface flashed rapidly brighter, only to then settle once again, showing only a disturbingly smirking Lady Zalahjen and, behind her, the shadowy hulk. The apish, darkness-wreathed Archdemon seemed even bigger and darker all of a sudden, because he was now holding something small and glinting in his gigantic hand: it was Aldarius, whose neck the bat-winged monstrosity was clutching in a huge shadowy fist, letting the paladin's body hang limply in the air, as if he was nothing more than a puny plaything, a toy soldier encased in shiny metal armor.

As the massive shadow hulk behind her shook his hand and caused the knight's dangling legs to sway weakly side to side, Zalahjen said something in her eerie voice, her fully black eyes focused on Jadrik. Nodding, the warlock answered with a few brief words, betraying no emotion. Apparently glad with Jadrik's response, the Archdemoness spoke a long, slowly spelled sentence in the archaic hair-raising language of the deepest Hells, all the while showing her needle-like teeth in a blasphemous parody of a smile. As soon as the last word was spoken, Zalahjen rose her hands and waved them in front of her in a swift dismissive gesture.

For a split second, the portal glowed with unbearable brightness, drowning the images on its surface in a burst of incandescent, colorless light. The next moment, once that blinding flash dissipated and mortal eyes could once again look without being blinded, the planar vortex had disappeared, along with the Archdemoness who had opened it, the shadowy monstrosity she had revived, and the unfortunate paladin Aldarius Van Holt.

Silence descended on the cathedral hall for a few long moments as all eyes went to the altar, only to find it finally free of the disquieting swirling rift that had so far been lingering ominously above it. That perplexing gash in the very fabric of reality, from which a sense of subtle yet ever-present threat had exuded, was finally gone.

Instantly, a palpable sense of relief pervaded everyone present. It was as if a fresh, gentle breeze had made its way down into the stuffy depths of the Red Catacombs, lifting the inherent sense of oppressive gloom that shrouded that ancient place of worship and burial, impelling everyone to take a collective liberating sigh. Unbidden cries of solace filled the air, and those glad exhalations soon turned to loud cheering and hooting from the paladins of the Golden Shield, whose joy erupted in full as they realized that their forced permanence within the Catacombs had been finally brought to an end.

Seemingly unperturbed by the disappearance of the rift through which they had come to the material plane, the succubi were amused by the ragged bunch of paladins' sudden burst of happiness. A few of the hell-girls smirked and giggled as they joined in the knights' celebratory mood by rubbing themselves against the still naked, unusually joyful humans, many of whom wrapped their arms around the demonesses, hugging them and dancing with them despite the fact that, technically, it had been the succubi who had prevented them from leaving and had methodically drained them of their life force through sex. At that moment though, sheer happiness prevailed among the paladins, blurring out all other considerations.

Still, most of the hell-girls had little interest for the knights and preferred to focus on tending to Veltheesza instead. Covered in cum and imbued with the lingering aura of the powerful sexual magic she had been exposed to during her steamy orgy with the companions, the indigo-skinned broodmother was surrounded by a swarm of her daughters and sisters in sin. Having laid her down to recuperate from her orgasm-induced exhaustion, the succubi were now kneeling all around Veltheesza, licking Jadrik's and Uli's seed off her dark skin, massaging her huge tits and slurping on her juicy holes, causing the broodmother to mewl and purr in persisting delight even through her momentary unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, within the summoning circle, Uli stood still and ponderous like a boulder, clutching his massive battle axe in one hand and holding it mid-haft like it weighed nothing, while his other hand was resting on the curvy, firm globes of Laeny's sweet little bubble-butt. Even though his flinty gray eyes traveled from the crowd of celebrating knights to the cluster of succubi huddled around Veltheesza, vigilantly scanning his surroundings out of habit, Uli's gaze unfailingly came back to the glorious sight that was nearest to him: the naked elf hugging him and half-asleep on her feet, whose heavenly asshole he had finally fucked and pumped repeatedly full of cum. Incredibly tired, totally sated and dreamily smiling after the ass-centric sex marathon she'd just been through, the blonde huntress was leaning heavily against the dwarf's side, her slender arms attempting, and failing, to wrap themselves around his broad, hugely muscled body.

Laentharyel's eyes were closed and she was resting her head comfortably on Uli's powerful shoulder, mewling sweet nothings into his ear and giggling softly as she enjoyed the feel of his rock-solid body propping her up as his rough, calloused fingers kept avidly squeezing her ass. Sometimes his roaming digits made their way into her seed-slick buttcrack, his thick fingertips teasing her tender cum-oozing hineyhole and poking at her sore sphincter, which, much to her glad surprise and immense relief, had returned to its usual tiny puckered shape. In truth, the elf didn't mind those butt-prodding incursions at all, in fact it turned her on to know that the warrior's obsession for her ass was still as strong as ever, even after he had finally claimed his long-coveted anal prize.

And indeed, having just royally fucked Laeny's ass, Uli felt even more enamored with her exquisite little butthole, so much so that, despite being quite spent after their crazy fuckfest, his fat dong remained chubby with arousal at the mere thought of sodomizing the gorgeous elf again, ideally sooner rather than later. For the time being though, the dwarf was content to tease Laeny's forbidden orifice with his fingers as she recuperated, resting her flawless body against his own nakedness with her arms thrown around his barrel chest and her delicate fingers playing with the thick braids of his beard. Holding the huntress close with one powerful arm and gripping his axe in his other hand, Uli grinned under his bushy red mustache as he feasted his eyes on Laeny's incredible beauty, breaking his staring trance every once in a while to dutifully glance around and make sure that everything else was alright and no danger was in sight. Unbidden, the thought came to the warrior that the only way to make things better at that moment would be with the addition of a few casks of ale. Apart from that detail though, Uli silently admitted that he had little cause to complain overall.

Relatively used to orgies and sexual marathons yet still feeling more orgasm-dazed than ever before in her life, Shayla smiled at the strange but very sweet image of the delicate elf girl leaning against the stocky dwarf. Not even the fact that they were naked and Uli was fingering Laeny's cum-dripping asshole and pawing at her buttcheeks as the elf rubbed her perky tits against his broad chest could reduce the general romantic vibe exuding from that unlikely couple, and indeed those lurid details made the scene more credible and interesting in the wizardess's eyes.

Smiling, Shayla turned around and walked the few steps that separated her from the altar, near which Jadrik still stood, silent and brooding. Crossing her arms under her huge boobs, the wizardess stopped right beside the warlock and spoke with an obvious teasing note in her husky voice.

"So, you finally managed to get Al killed... And by demons, no less. Nice touch, Jad."

"Archdemons, to be precise. And very powerful ones too..." Jadrik replied distractedly, his voice unusually somber and thoughtful, his eyes focused on the now empty space over the altar where the portal previously was.

Even as Shayla arched her eyebrows in silent puzzlement at Jadrik's uncharacteristically glum mood, the warlock shook his head, snapping himself out of his moment of contemplation. As soon as he turned, his transition into a brighter state of mind was accelerated by the unfailingly dick-hardening image of Shayla's gorgeous nakedness. Standing there with her juicy hip cocked, thus accentuating the generous curve of her big beautiful ass, and her glorious tits pushed up by her crossed her arms, the wizardess was indeed more than stunning enough to dispel the warlock's dark thoughts.

Chuckling and cracking a pleased smirk, Jadrik wrapped his arm around Shayla's slim waist and pulled her closer as he said: "And for the record, I defeated Al in honorable combat. Without even striking a single blow, by the way."

"Oh sure, 'honorable combat', right... Is that what it was?" Shayla quipped back, letting out a chuckle as she gladly let herself be enveloped in the warlock's embrace. "Honestly, the last thing I'd call what just happened is 'honorable', Jad."

"Well, I didn't break the rules, did I?" the warlock replied with a look of hurt dignity on his face that quickly faded into mischievous self-satisfaction, his hands descending languidly down the arched smoothness of Shayla's back, until his palms reached her fabulously plump asscheeks. "It's not my fault that Al is an idiot who'd fall for the oldest trick in the book. Well, he was an idiot..."

"He won't be missed," Shayla conclude with a liberating sigh. Purring softly, she threw her arms around Jadrik's neck and leaned against his lean, naked body, enjoying the warmth and firmness of his chest pressing against her soft bulging boobs almost as much as she enjoyed the feel of his hands massaging and kneading and squeezing her big round ass.

As Shayla rested against him and nuzzled his neck, Jadrik let out a laugh and admitted: "You know, for a moment there I was afraid that Al would go for a kick in the nuts, but no, not even that. Good old Al, predictable and dumb till the end."

Giggling and reaching down between the warlock's legs to wrap her fingers around his meaty, still chubby dong, Shayla cooed: "Good thing he didn't go for that kick... I would have hated if your best attribute got damaged!"

"I would have dodged it, for sure," Jadrik was quick to reply, locking eyes with Shayla and grinning back at her as she nonchalantly started stroking his juice-coated shaft. "Don't worry, my sweet slut. I would never deprive you of my cock. I know how much you need it, and love it."

"Oh, do I?" the wizardess mockingly asked, shaking her bouncy booty and making her ample asscheeks jiggle in Jadrik's butt-caressing hands as she teased back: "That's rich coming from you. You're literally addicted to my ass, Jad."

"So true..." the warlock nodded with a smirk, leaning in to plant a long loving smooch on the wizardess's smiling lips as he cupped her bubble-butt more possessively in his palms.

That initial kiss seamlessly led to another and another, until they were locked in a steamy make out sessions. All through their extended soulkiss, Shayla's hand kept pumping at a slow and steady rhythm up and down along Jadrik's recuperated boner, while the warlock sawed both his index fingers into her cum-slippery asshole and masturbated it with lewd gusto, sinking his digits knuckle-deep but also occasionally sliding them almost all the way out and then using his fingertips to pull the gummy edges of her orifice apart, making the wizardess's creamy butthole gape lewdly and forcing her to mewl in lustful desire into his mouth. Whenever Jadrik once again slipped his fingers deep into her anus and resumed pumping away at her forbidden chute, Shayla's kiss-muffled moans grew in intensity, mingling with the grunts of delight that the warlock was letting out between smooches thanks to her sensuous handjob.

Unexpectedly, even as he kept fingering Shayla's delicious bootyhole, Jadrik all of a sudden pulled back from their make out sessions and exhaled before saying: "Unfortunately, my sweet slut, I think our respective and complementary addictions will have to wait a little bit longer to be sated."

"Oh? And why would that be?" Shayla coquettishly replied, her deep blue eyes shimmering with naughty playfulness and deep affection.

"Well, off the top of my head, there's a few things we really should deal with..." Jadrik said, half-chuckling and half-sighing as he began listing the things he'd been pondering on earlier. "I guess we need to have a word with Max and his guys, first of all. It shouldn't be too difficult to convince them to forget about the gory details of Al's demise, it's not like they're fans of the guy or anything like that... And Max seems reasonable enough, for a paladin, so I guess we can probably come up with an official version that we all agree on, something that would be acceptable for his superiors and won't involve us too much, so we can just shake hands and go our separate ways. Still," Jadrik continued with a calculating grin, "I think we should have Max put down in writing that we are now officially owed a blood debt for saving a whole bunch of the Order's knights. As much as I despise paladins, it wouldn't hurt to have the Order of the Golden Shield in our debt, in the long run."

"Yes, a blood debt is a big deal. That would definitely help, sure," Shayla conceded in agreement, all the while pressing her tits more firmly against the pensive warlock's chest and squeezing her finger-stuffed butthole around his currently motionless digits as she continued her steady dick-stroking tempo.

"And we should also decide what to do with Veltheesza and her hell-girls," Jadrik resumed, his butt-prodding fingers once again sawing in and out of the wizardess's needy asshole, albeit at a lazier rhythm than before. "Leaving the succubi here is out of the question, and opening a new dimensional rift to their original plane of existence is going to take me a lot of time and effort, assuming I can pull it off in the first place. It would be much easier to use a regular demonic link spell and teleport them back to the main transference gate I set up in the Capitol. I know that Uli would want to have them working for us at the brothel, and they would have a blast there too, I'm sure, so there's that. We certainly can't bring them all with us where we're going..."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Shayla interjected at that point, stopping her handjob mid-stroke and choking Jadrik's fat dong in her talented hand, forcing the pensive warlock to focus his gaze on her scrutinizing blue eyes. "What do you mean by 'where we're going', exactly? Where are we going, Jad?" the wizardess asked, her voice menacingly calm and pregnant with suspicion. Arching her eyebrows and tilting her raven-haired head, Shayla stared intently into Jadrik's eyes before asking: "Does this have anything to do with what you and the demon Lady were discussing, by any chance? Something about your old buddy Guur'Gaazl?"

An unreadable smile dawned on the warlock's lips as he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. Resuming his two-fingered masturbation of the wizardess's delicious bootyhole, Jadrik assumed a playful, vaguely dismissive tone as he said: "Oh, Shay! Nothing slips past you, uh? My sweet slut is smart, smart indeed!"

"Don't even think you can just 'sweet slut' your way out of this one, Jad!" the wizardess replied promptly, enjoying the warlock's renewed attentions on her butthole, certainly, but not being distracted by them in the least. "Just tell me what this is all about already! What did that freaky lizard-faced Archdemoness tell you? Why did she bring up your orc hero Guur'Gaazl? What are you scheming about? And where in the fucking Hells are you planning on dragging us to this time?!"