The Warlock Pt. 04

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As angels can fall...
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Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/18/2016
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I stared down at the kneeling demon before me. I had just gone toe to toe with one of the 12 princes of hell and won. Inside I was skipping for joy running around and giving high fives to everyone. My expression on the outside almost dismissive. Act like you have been there before.

The Demon looked at me consideringly. I noticed and gave him a swat with my newly enchanted mace. It looked like I had managed to make the enhancements permanent. He growled as his head snapped to the side. He kept his eyes down after that.

"Keep your eyes down in my presence weakling prince." I said.

Another growl.

"You don't have to like me. In fact it will be easier for me to know that you are going to try to rip my heart out. Remember this though. As mad as you get, you are still my bitch. Plot, scheme, and maneuver however you want. When I snap my fingers you are going to call me master and If I want you to dance a jig while wearing a dress you are going to do it. Did you have any questions? You can look up now."


I had enough spirit juice remaining from the siphon to throw a small burst of Hellfyre into his face.

"Two things were wrong with that sentence. First their was no master at the end of it. Second It sounded like you were trying to tell me what to do." I told it.

"Also I really don't care for the fact that you thought I was so naive as to remove your restraint without having a contract in place. Stand your ass up."

As he stood I went and put everything I had into a swing at his genitals. For the first time I heard an audible sound come out of it. One that was unfortunately mirrored in my head.

"Kneel your ass back down bitch." I told it.

He dropped hard to one knee. It looked like my mace could actually do some damage to this guy now. Something to explore later. I used one of the first spells I learned and summoned a contract. I looked it over carefully and added a few extra clauses. I ran a another spell over it that would provide me with a list of loopholes. After fixing those and running the spell again I presented the contract to the glowering demon.

"Sign or die bitch." I told him.

This was going to be the moment of truth. If he was going to make a move it would have to be before he signed that contract. Once it was signed he was mine. He rushed up in a swift motion and grabbed the contract out of my hands. It took everything I had do to stand there stoically and look at him impassively. He glared at me for a second and put his hand to the end of the parchment. I felt the tightening of the binding magic wrap around me and then expand to include him. It tightened almost to the point of pain, then released. I now had a top-tier demon slave.


"Let's get this off of you. Although I like the idea of you having a collar. All tame dogs should have a collar that tells anyone who looks who the master is." I said as I removed the collar.

Looking at it closely the platinum choker seemed to be in fine shape. I think I had me a good little idea with that one. I heard Ajak breath in heavily as his power was returned to him. When I examined him with my mage sight it was SCARY how much soul power he could command. One of the safeguards I had built into my deal with him was that he could never look to assess how much arcane punch I was packing.

"Get your weapon and make yourself presentable. We are getting out of here." I ordered.

He went over to his axe and swung it a few times. Then he morphed into a 7 foot armored behemoth complete with inky black armor. We started walking back. He automatically fell into step a half pace behind me.

"No matter what happens you are not to attack anyone. Defend yourself and me if necessary but avoid killing." I ordered over my shoulder. "The time for killing will doubtless come later."

We walked up to the barrier. There was a large group gathered around looking through the transparent veil of the force field. With my new contract I could siphon soul energy from Ajak at will. I summoned enough to shatter the barrier and walked through. I couldn't help but notice that my ability to channel and hold soul energy had increased, seemingly by a lot. Another thing to research.

The reactions on the faces of the crowd ranged from speculative (Alexandar) to fear (Jefferey) to anger (Luthair). The only one showing no emotion was Gwydion. I doubted this guy would sweat in the Sahara.

The silence was broken with an apoplectic fit from Luthair.

"What the fuck Melshimbar why is that accursed beast still on this plane? Our deal was for you to kill it. Not get you another pet!" He was turning a shade of red that I don't think I had seen before.

"Actually if you read the contract," I replied cooly " you will see that the terms of our deal were for the use of any created artifacts and the attempt to stop the demon Ajak'crim'idallion'forseth from randomly terrorizing the Prime Material plane. I made the attempt and used the artifact I created, fulfilling the terms of our contract. Getting control of the crown prince of hell was just a bonus."

"SOPHISTRY!" the wizard shouted. "Our deal is null and void you charlatan!"

"If you choose to back out of the deal I will be happy to use the power from your soul to feed Ajak here for his trip home. Of course I will also get the soul of Alexandar over there and he hasn't done anything wrong yet. Maybe I will just use his soul energy to help facilitate a month long vacation to Fiji with my succubus mistress." Actually I would hold off on using Alex's soul power until when or if it finally came time to go head to head with the Paladins.

"Let me spell this out for you Luthair. You keep to the terms of the deal and I will get access to the archives and artifacts but you still get to plot and scheme against me. If you welch then I take out two major players in organizations that have been a pain in my ass for a while. So I really don't give a flying fuck what you decide but I will not stand here and be yelled at by a fat fucker whose claim to fame is attacking more powerful entities from the shadows. Any time you want to throw down in a duel, you can grab your big boy panties and challenge me. Until that time I don't want to hear another word from your mouth unless it is "thanks" or "this way to the artifacts and archives". Do we have an understanding? Or am I gonna have to smack another bitch up?"

"Enough." The word was spoken quietly yet forcefully. Both fat ass and I turned to the speaker.

Gwydion had risen from his seat in the back and made his way through the crowd. As he reached us he spoke clearly and succinctly.

"Martin, your reputation precedes you. I have no doubt that you fulfilled the terms of your contract to the letter. I am also quite aware that there will be aspects of our contract that we do not see until you choose to bring them to bear. As for now I will have a list of Warlock and Necromancer items to you within two days. I will allow you to visit each Paladin site one time to inspect for any hidden Artifacts. Any time you are taken to a black site you will be magically bound and blinded. We will be the sole arbiters of what is and is not considered to be a black site. Also this arrangement is not to take more than one year. You may send one authorized proxy to a site with the option to include another authorized proxy after 9 months. I will be meeting with you once every 3 months to discuss the actions of our paladins and their exuberance. This is to end after the term of two years. This will fulfill the terms of your contract and this is what you will agree to. Otherwise you can have Alexander's soul right now and consider our deal to be void."

Damn this guy was good. He laid out terms that would satisfy the contract then told me to take it or leave it. Oh well I still got unprecedented access to what I needed. I could figure the rest out later.

He gave me that expressionless look and stuck out his hand.

"Also, thank you very much for your assistance. We were out of our depth and your intervention was both timely and welcome."



Since Luthair was the Mage Council representative I decided I would get better service if I held off and dealt with the council directly tomorrow. I had to present Chloe.

The attitude of the command center was interesting. There was a sense of wanting to celebrate a huge victory but as long as I (and more importantly my new acquisition) was there they had a reminder that they really didn't win.

I searched out Gwydion and gave him an address for our first meeting. We set it up for tomorrow at 8:00 in the evening. By mutual consent we decided to go somewhere neutral and come alone.

I teleported Ajak and myself back to my Tower. I was not expecting to see a fist of rage demons and 12 hellhounds standing at attention when we popped in. Xandra was dressed in typical fantasy body armor that looked horribly impractical but showed off every single feature. She always joked about her favorite weapon being a whip but the sword she had unsheathed was glowing with a dark, primal energy.

"Master Melshimbar welcome back, I assume the cavalry will be unnecessary?" she asked formally.

I nodded and she turned and dismissed the other demons with a word.

I saw her drop into what I called her demon headspace and review Ajak. Her beautiful purple eyes widened. She let out a low, sexy whistle.

"Damn boss, you have him wrapped up tighter than a nun's cunt." she marveled. "What are you going to do with him?"

"Right now I am going to use his soul energy to summon our model succubi. Then I am going to give them their marching orders and deliver them to Sarif. After that I am going to give him a couple trinkets and release him back to hell. I need him to build a power base and put the word out among the heavy hitters that the Prime Material has a new Master Warlock."

She gave me a quizzical look as we headed to the summoning chambers.

There is trouble brewing. I wish I could put my finger on it but something big is coming down the pipe. I need to make sure that I have as much muscle behind me as I can so I can take care of things. I sent.

Wow, cryptic much? she sent back. Then she looked at me. You're serious.

We spent the rest of the walk in silence.

As Xandra went about making the preparation for the rituals I saw Ajak in demon headspace checking her out. I was about ready to cuff him upside the head with my mace when he turned to me and spoke into my head.


"How did you know about my apprentice?" I asked


Well damn, that was creative use of wording in a contract. Wait, risen succubus?

"What are you saying about Xandra?" I asked


"How did this happen?" I asked although I thought I knew the answer.


Shit. I did know how it happened.

Xandra came swaying up to me

"We are ready boss. Why are you grinning like an idiot?" she asked.

"Tell you later babe. I got some sex demons to summon." I winked.


After summoning the succubi and giving them their orders, I noticed that Ajak had reverted to his true form. There were six sex demons on one side of the room and a giant two peckered demon on the other side of the room looking at each other hungrily. It felt like a really warped junior high dance in here. I ran through the specifics of our contract and realized that no harm would come from letting these guys play.

"3,000 years in a diamond prison must have given you quite the case of blueballs eh Ajak?" I asked facetiously.


"Don't mark them up and make sure you leave the room in the same shape you found it." I raised my voice so the others could hear. "Same goes for you ladies. You have about 10 hours before I will need you guys, so have fun."

I turned and walked to the door but not before I caught sight of 6 winged shapes flying and crashing into an ivory hued minotaur and turning into a giant ball of flesh. The sounds that started coming from that mass were literally indescribable.

Xandra followed me out of the room without taking more than a cursory glance back at the demon orgy that was about to go down. When I first bound her I would have had to pry her away with a crowbar from the amount of lust that would be generated in that room. Another sign she had changed.

"We need to talk boss" she said as we made our way back to our room.

Does any guy ever want to hear those words?

Just before we got to my room a small brown haired shape flew at me from the side and latched on in a big hug.

"You're safe! We were so worried!" Chloe cried.

"Easy there kiddo. If the good die young I plan on living a long time." I responded.

She was probably worried that she would have to start learning by herself and that the deal I made about her brothers would fall through. I could put her mind to rest so she could focus.

"Chloe, if anything happens to me your brothers will still be taken care of. I am giving you all my necromancer volumes in the case of my demise so your training will only slow down. I have a Swiss bank account with 2 million dollars in your name waiting for you. I also have a couple people who owe me favors to keep an eye on you so don't worry. You will be taken care of if I die."

She looked up at me inscrutably and then looked at Xandra.

"You were right, he doesn't get it at all does he?" she asked Xan.

"Nope, but it's kinda cute don't you think?" Xandra asked the girl.

"It is. Okay you guys need to talk. Bye!" she turned and skipped down the hallway toward her room. Was she eighteen or fourteen? And what didn't I get? I don't understand women.

Xandra pulled my lips to hers and kissed me passionately.

"I love you boss" she whispered.

I couldn't resist.

"I know." I whispered back.

OUCH! Her new risen status didn't take away any of her supernatural strength as the punch she threw at me sent me stumbling back through the open door and onto the bed.

"A fucking Empire Strikes Back reference? Really?" she yelled as she jumped on top of me, pinning me to the bed.

"Seriously boss. We need to get this figured out before something else major happens." she said with her beautiful red hair falling in my face and smelling of lavender.

"UGH devil woman let me up and let's talk." I pouted.

"Okay so I love you. I think that is what led to my new condition.You proclaimed love for me. I am no longer a full demon I don't think. It gets rather confusing. What do you know about it?" she asked as she got up and drew her long legs underneath her.

"Ummm THAT is your issue?" I asked incredulously. "I am freaking out about the whole love thing. How does that work between a demon and a human? Do you know how complicated this is going to make things?"

"You worry too much boss. The love thing will work itself out just fine. I have felt this way for a while. I know you would rather poke your eye out with a stick than examine your feelings, but you will probably find the same is true for you. We have been doing fine without over thinking this so we will continue to do just that. No what is worrisome are the changes to my powers. I need to know what they are so I can better take care of you. I am going to say that my body adaptations for sex are still good considering the reaming you gave me this morning. I had Chloe throw some spells at me. It looks like I can be affected by regular magic now. It apparently has to be a higher level spell but that explains why Chloe's shield sent me backwards. As I was setting up the summoning chambers I noticed a resonant power from the summoning circle. I think I can summon, which would make me a Warlock right? Or would that be a Witch?"

"Female Warlock. Witches use spirits to channel their spells. There can be male Witches." I answered absently. It was nice to have an easy answer to give. I switched over to mage sight to see if I could determine anything about her. I'll be damned. My sexy little assistant had the potential to be a top tier Warlock. Ha! The Mage's Circle is gonna love this.

"Xandra you can be a kick ass Warlock. You already have a huge capacity for soul magic. Although I am seeing problems with your base magic capabilities. Probably due to your being extraplanar. Basically it looks like you will be a heavy hitter with some glass cannon qualities. I can hook you up with artifacts that will increase your magical defense but more importantly we can up your soul power focus. My god lady I am gonna deck you out. You are going to be my very own Warlock Barbie fuck toy."

My arousal became evident and she eyed my erection hungrily. She dismissed her armor and instead turned it into the sexiest lingerie set have ever seen. Spreading herself out on our bed, she ran a finger down her body and into her panties.

"To be your fuck toy we would have to fuck wouldn't we boss?" she asked seductively.


Up next, A warlock and a paladin walk into a bar ...

Feel free to keep comments and feedback coming if you want. I read them all.

- Ahaz

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Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 4 years ago
You had me at “ Warlock Barbie fuck toy”

So the warlock badass who is slayer of all is now a 11 yo girl. Playing with dolls decking them out in all the latest trends and artefacts, then dressing them up to be the dream Warlock Barbie fuck toy dream girlfriend.

This story is so good. Demon enforcer on one side and a demon angel on the other. They say the secret to a satisfying life is finding a balance.

sviedsviedabout 7 years ago
Rissen status...

Huh, cool.

The emotionally inept angle could be good, and a thousand brownie points for the Star Wars reference. I'm sad to say I didn't catch it until you mentioned it. :,-[

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Lovin it

Guy reminds me of Ash (Bruce Campbell) from Evil Dead! Loving it!!!

Hail to the king, baby!!!


Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 8 years ago
Lose your editor?

I don't see mention of an editor at the top of this chapter, so I assume you lost touch with him/her or something. And not to be mean, but it shows. The punctuation in this chapter is horrible. Most everything else is fine, though. Don't feel badly; punctuation and homophones are the two things that everyone seems to get wrong.

Story's still rocking hard, though. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great job!

Great flow, interesting story, & most important, you keep on writing! Nothing is more irritating than an unfinished story. Thanks for your work, it is appreciated!

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