Their Way - Andrea and Jay Ch. 04

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First weekend together continues. Setting up boundaries.
17.2k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/17/2019
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This story and the chapters to follow are fiction. None of the characters exist and their names are all fictitious as well. Any names that match individuals in real life are purely a coincidence. But never knows.

Please read the previous story parts.

So...sit back and enjoy the adventures of Andrea and Jay. (And some other people in their lives.) Their first weekend continues.


Early May 2006 Savanah, Georgia.

Andrea had a hard time sleeping after her son and her went to their separate bedrooms. She needed the space to think, and he had been all too gracious to give it to her. The more he was kind and understanding to her, the more she felt closer to him. Closer! Closer? They had sex. She was infatuated with him. The only thing they had not done was fuck. Her relationship with him had changed forever in two days. She, being the older adult and mother should have known better. But as he said he was an adult now and didn't feel guilty at all. Andrea realized that all the guilt she was feeling was from the pressure of the normal world. The world she had tried to embrace now for years putting her family history of incest behind her. But she had failed.

Had she? Or had she finally accepted who she was? Andrea believed in choices and free will. No. She had not fallen in love and in bed with her son because she was predisposed to it. Blaming her parents and brother for her past incestuous lifestyle was a crock of shit and she knew it. Andrea had chosen to seduce her son. Plain and simple.

'This was my choice,' she said to herself. 'But I need to make a decision quickly if we are to continue or not. The window is closing.'

Her thoughts went back and forth in her mind as she eventually drifted to sleep. For the first time in a long time she didn't masturbate herself to sleep.


Jay woke up the next morning refreshed and relaxed. Spotting his usual morning wood, he thought about getting it taken care of himself before starting the day, until he remembered last night. The whole day actually. It all came back in memorable fashion.

He and his mother Andrea had gone way past any lines he expected to cross. They had made out in the living room and kitchen. Had it been real? Yes, it had. No denying it now. The question was, what would happen next?

He made coffee, went downstairs to run some laundry and sat to watch some TV. He was flipping channels when he heard a crashing sound from the stairs.


Andrea woke up some time after Jay and sat up. Everything came back to her. Everything. And as the realization hit her that she had sex with her son, she panicked. No, they hadn't gone all the way, but they had oral sex. In her universe, oral sex was sex. And she had sucked her son's wonderful cock until he gave her his nectar to taste in her mouth. Not exactly what a normal mother did now was it? He was probably thinking awful things of her. And she had told him about her younger years in an incest family. He hadn't been raised that way. Was he repulsed? What, did he think of her?

In a moment of panic, she ran out to find him. He wasn't in his room or the bathroom. She ran downstairs and heard the tv on. She tried to stop, but her momentum carried her down the steps too fast. She almost crashed down the last two steps, then she lost her balance and fell on her side with a thud. It knocked the wind out of her, but she tried getting up. She had to find him. Tell him how sorry she was about everything. About how much she loved him. How she didn't want to lose him.

Jay heard a thud and jumped up startled. He saw Andrea laying on her side with her back to him. She was trying to get up and he heard her gasp. Concerned for her wellbeing, Jay jumped up and ran to her.

"Mom...are you ok?" The reached for her and turned her toward him.

Andrea heard him before she felt his hands on her shoulder and back. Jay was trying to lift her up. She looked up and saw his face full of concern. She was relieved. He was still here.

"Oh Jay...I'm sorry." He helped her sit up.

"What happened? " he asked holding her. There was genuine concern in his face.

"I woke up, panicked that you left and ran down..." she tried to explain before he stopped her.

"Where would I..." he looked at her incredulously, "why would I leave?"

"You're not mad at me?" She asked ignoring the pain on her hip.

"What! Can you start making sense? I'm not mad...I'm not leaving." He shook his head dismissing her concerns. He was more worried about her being hurt. "Are you ok? You just fell down the stairs!"

Andrea was now embarrassed she had made a fool of herself. So much for dignity in front of her son. She reached for him with both arms up. He thought she needed a lift up, but she wanted him to hug her. She was smiling! Jay put his arms around her and tried lifting her. He was greeted with her open legs and her running shorts. He ignored the view, or tried to, and lifted her up.

"Easy Jay" she said as he helped her stand.

"Come sit on the couch." He walked her over. She realized she was only a bit bruised. Nothing hurt bad enough to be broken. His hands felt so good on her.

'What is wrong with me?' She asked herself. 'I almost broke my neck thinking my son left after we had...almost sex...No, it was sex...cum was flying. Oh, crap I still have his cum on me.'

" you spacing out?" He was actually waving a hand in front of her eyes to get her attention.

"I'm...I'm fine Jay."

She was looking up at him adoringly. Jay was wondering if she was still not herself.

"You sure?"

"Yeah..." she stared at him smiling. "You're here...I'm just fine."

"OK mom. You are kind of worrying me here." He said relieved she was OK.

Andrea just reached out and hugged him...again with that smile.

'Is she blushing? What the f...'

"I'm so glad you're not mad at me." She said holding him tighter.

Jay relaxed and smiled back at her.

"So... you thought I was mad at you?"

She nodded.

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm wondering about that." She replied.

"Mom, are you feeling guilty about what we did?"

She nodded but said nothing looking down. She was still conflicted.

"Well I don't." He replied.

"You don't think, mouth kissing, tit grabbing, a hand-job and oral sex with your mother is wrong?"

He shook his head as if she had asked if he thought ketchup on his fries was wrong.

"No. Do you think less of me for doing all that?"

"No Jay. You're just a young guy whose mother took advantage of his hormones."

"Oh, so I'm a mindless oversexed teenager?" He was now getting irritated.

"No... that came out wrong."

He shook his head and pulled away.

"Yeah it did." He was looking at her clearly upset.

She realized that she had insulted him. Shit!

"NO!" She yelled..."No... Jay please! You..." she said almost in panic. Andrea placed her hands on his hands and looked at him seriously. "I apologize for what I just said. It was condescending and wrong. You may be my son...but you are not a mindless teenager Jay. Far from it."

She could tell he was still upset. And he had every right to be. She had talked down to him. One minute she had been worried about losing him and the next she insulted him.

"Jay. Please forgive me. I was wrong...and that was rude of me. Please." She was practically begging.

He looked at her, rolled his eyes with a hint of a smile and nodded. He didn't like what Andrea had done, but he didn't want to push her too far.

"Well, you weren't totally wrong." He leaned in smiling.

"I wasn't?"

"I may be a I AM oversexed."

Andrea's mouth dropped. She was had. She nodded and smiled in defeat.

"But..." he said taking her in his arms. "Don't do that again."

The way he spoke and by the way he kept his eyes on hers unblinking, she knew he was serious. This was the one and only time he would let her talk down to him. This young man was not so young anymore. He had grown up under her nose and she had been too busy with her problems to notice.

"Jay, I wish I could promise you I won't screw up again, but I can't. And neither can you."

He didn't reply.

"Can you, Jay? Hmm?" She would apologize when wrong, but she wasn't going to let him box her in. She looked back at him as honestly as she could. "But I promise to do my best...if you do the same?"

"Fair enough." He replied.

Their first lover's quarrel. Lovers...lovers! He was her lover.

Jay reached out to her and she fell in his arms. Their lips touched gently...cautiously.

"I love you baby" she whispered.

"Love you too" he said back and kissed her again...and again.

They held each other not wanting to let go. But Andrea felt her skin itch. She remembered their sex last. His cum had dried on her skin and she had slept that way.

"I could use a shower" she said backing off their long hug and kiss session.

"Same here" he replied.

"Join me?"

"Yes!" He nodded smiling; his heart skipping a bit.

As they walked up the steps, Jay stopped at the hallway closet to grab two towels. Andrea continued to the bathroom and he followed after her. He froze as she pulled her t-shirt off in the hallway and dropped it on the floor. Her back was as perfect as the rest of her.

"Common mister, it's just a bathroom" she said as she sensed him lagging behind.

"The view is nice" he replied as he entered behind her. And it was. His mother's ass was exquisite. Sheer perfection. Not small, not big and tight from all the exercises. And how it swayed as she walked! had a little extra sway today, but it was spectacular even on her worse days.

She stopped in front of the mirror and gasped.

"Holly shit Jay! What did you hit me with a fire-hose?" She turned and presented her near naked body covered with dry cum. There was dry cum all over her front.

"Something like that" he said smiling nervously.

"That's it" she said turning toward the shower. "Let's go in."

"Jump in and set the water Jay. I'll join you in a minute. Got to pee."

She lowered her shorts and he caught the side view of her naked thighs. She was on the seat before he could see her cunt lips. As he walked past her, she leaned out to kiss his thigh.

"Love you" she said.

Jay touched her back gently as he stepped in the shower.

"Love you too."

He reveled in that moment of closeness and intimacy. He had always wondered what it must feel for two people in love that had a house to themselves. He had seen some of it in his parents in earlier years, but he had been too young to understand those little intimate moments couples have. Now he had that first such moment and loved it. He didn't know how long this was going to last, but he could learn to like it.

He regulated the water letting the stream of warm water hit his back and reached for the soap bottle. He started to wash his body waiting for her to come in.

'Wow...what a day so far,' he thought to himself. The sound of flushing woke him from his reverie. He had been reliving the last days events in his mind.

Andrea kicked her shorts off her feet and picked them up after she flushed. She felt the wet crotch.

'He made me so wet,' she thought, 'I know it's been a while, but when did that happen before?'

She looked in the shower and stopped to watch him washing. Again, she was drawn to him. Tossing the shorts in the hamper she moved toward the shower.

Jay looked out the distorted frosted glass and saw Andrea's naked form approach. His cock hardened as she came in from the far side. As her shapely left leg entered the shower, he held his breath. Running had toned her muscles well. His eyes took in her arms, her breasts, her nipples, her lovely face, her enticing lips, her dark brown hair and those intoxicating eyes as if she was a goddess. His heart skipped a beat as she stood facing him.

Jay was speechless. He stared at her like he had never seen her before.

Andrea smiled and noticed him staring. Last night had been a blur. He had barely had the time to enjoy her body and see its beauty. He couldn't stop taking her in. She knew because she hadn't either. Now she stared at every curve on his body, every muscle and hair. He had hair on his legs. Not a lot, but not on his back. he had some on his chest, but just a small amount. Embarrassed, she stopped staring when he noticed.

"Tell you what mister. You step back here and let me wash this "stuff " off me while we still have warm water. You can stare at my ass until then."

"Yes ma'am" he said again and made way for her to pass. His dick hit her thigh and she giggled. Jay smiled apologetically. He was still unsure of their intimacy.

He watched as she washed her front and wet her hair. Then she passed him the soap bottle and said:

"Earn your keep. Wash my back."

Starting at her neck and shoulder blades, he massaged as well as washed her. As he moved his hands lower, Andrea stuck her behind out and slightly spread her legs. His hands traveled below her waist to her beautifully rounded buttocks. Her gap was open and calling to him.

Andrea was slowly coming to terms with her attachment to Jay. She hadn't admitted to herself yet, but they had crossed plenty of lines in the last forty-eight hours. That they had not fucked yet gave her a slight open door to stopping their sex play. But with each touch and encounter, the chances were getting slimmer and slimmer that she could put this toothpaste back in the proverbial tube. Even if they stopped, their relationship would not be the same. And truth be told, Andrea didn't want to stop. She was loving every minute of her and her son being naked lovers.

"Get down there and look if you want but wash me while you're there" she urged him.

And look he did. But she said to wash her, so he made sure his hands went everywhere with the soap and wash cloth. When hesitated at washing her crack, she arched her ass at him and pulled it apart with her hands. Her asshole looked so small and tight. How did men get in there? He had wondered about that, but he and Jane had never gotten around to that part of his training.

"That feels great...I'm almost done."

Jay stood up just as Andrea turned around. She looked at him smiling then she looked down. His cock was bumping her belly again. Her hands cupped his balls and stroked his shaft. Jay was mesmerized how well she molded her fingers around him and how she applied just the right pressure during her strokes. His own hands moved around to touch her ass. He wanted to do more to it. Squeeze, kneed, massage...lick, spread, finger? More. His mind fantasized what it would be to fuck her there. They had done a lot so far, but he wasn't sure how far she would let him go. Her stroking and his fantasizing made him drift. If this continued, he would come.

"Damn!" there was disappointment in her voice. "The water is not warm anymore."

She let him go and turned to shut off the flow.

He took a deep breath and backed off. "Wow...never did that in the shower before."

"Really?!" Andrea asked with a questioning smile. None of your girls were willing?

"Nope...but it was on the to do list."

"We can do more another time." She stepped out and reached for a towel. She passed it to him and reached for another. Jay went to dry himself.

"No love" she stopped him. "It's better if you we dry each other."

Jay closed his eyes and smiled. 'She is so cool about this.'

They dried each other's backs and chests. Her boobs bounced in all directions as he ran the towel over them. His cock was hard, so she dabbed it on the sides and reached under it to dry his balls.

"Look who is hard again." She said. 'Does he go around erect all day?'

"My turn" Jay said and toweled her belly and groin. She leaned back on the counter and spread her legs. Her cunt slit was there for him to feast his eyes on.

"I don't think we want that dry."

"Oh, trust me" she replied smiling. "Not likely, the way you have me turned on."

"It looks so sexy," he said. His eyes fixated on her. He stood and came closer to her.

Andrea wanted to kiss him and then realized his young hard cock was pointing at her wet spread cunt. She panicked. She wanted him but was still scared of them going too far too fast. Before his cock could get near her opening, she twisted and managed to get one leg on the floor and her thigh in the way of his erection. She saw a bit of surprise in his face and wanted to make sure she didn't hurt his feelings. Before he could say anything, she threw her arms around him and kissed him hard. Her tongue fought his as their kiss continued. She took his left hand and drew it up to her breast.

Yes, she was distracting him for the moment, but she had to control what was happening. She wanted him, but she wanted them to progress to things one step at a time. To rush all the way to fucking might cause more problems between them.

Jay for his part was surprised at first. He sensed that Andrea had just stopped him from fucking her. In fact, he was sure of it. But for some reason he didn't mind. Like her, he worried that something would happen, and she would end this wonderful part of their relationship. Feeling her breast and kissing her went along with rubbing himself on her thigh.

"I didn't mean to jump the gun there. It's just you are so sexy. I just..." he trailed off. He was almost ashamed to say it.

"You just what?"

"I almost went in you...without asking."

She still held on to him.

"I was just showing you..." she looked down " know, myself. I wanted you to see. And got scared when you came too close."

He nodded looking down.

"Are you upset?" She asked lifting his chin to see his eyes.

"No," he said, but Andrea could tell he was. She had cock teased him and felt like shit about it.

Andrea kissed his cheek then his lips sideways. "It's ok...we're both new to this. I'm still figuring it out. Believe it or not I almost pulled my shorts down in the kitchen to let you fuck me yesterday."

His eyes blinked open at her confession. "Really?"

She nodded in admission.

"It's been two and a half years Jay. I haven't had any. I'm weak at times. But trust me, I'm working on it."

He backed off and covered himself with the towel.

"You are upset" she said disappointed and mad at herself.

Jay shook his head.

"No. I'm not actually."

"You sure?"

"I think what we said earlier about not doing anything were uncomfortable with? It should be our guide. Plus...I want you to WANT to do things with me. I don't want to take from... or force things on you."

"Thank you, Jay." She reached out and hugged him. "You're so understanding. Thank you so much."

He hugged her back and gave her a light kiss.

"Let me make it up to you," she said reaching for his clean hard cock. He sighed as she merely touched it.

Reaching for a bottle of baby oil on the counter she squirted a good amount on her hands and sat the bottle back down. Jay closed the top for her as she rubbed her hands together and then took his hard dick in her hands. The sensation of her rubbing it up and down was incredible. Her fingers danced around and under his dick as she leaned in to kiss the tip and lick his precum off. His mother had an almost trance like fascial expression as she handled his cock like a snake handler.

Andrea had done some thinking last night before falling asleep. With those thoughts fresh in her mind, she wanted to talk to her son this morning. But it could wait. Giving him a morning cum was worth the delay. His body was unbelievably spectacular. Unlike his father who had used weight training to bulk up as he aged, Jay still had an almost lanky build. But it was more the body of the runner he was in school. Strong legs, tight waist and broad shoulders. His muscles fit his body well and rippled just right when he moved. And that ass! She wanted to see him in the mirror when he finally fucked her, just to see that tight ass of his going up and down. Having his cock tip in her mouth to lick, she thought, she was past worrying about thoughts of his body. She was way past that.