There Must Be a Mistake Ch. 10


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"As usual my dear, you are correct my dear. When I aimed at that tiny hole of yours, I don't believe I have ever been more excited than at any time in my life. When I was buried inside of you, and you were smiling at me, I was the happiest man on the planet. You were and still are amazing in bed. It's not as often as it used to be, but it is still amazing."

"I want you to know I was propositioned tonight by your former protégé."

"I'll kill that bastard before he touches you."

"Would you like to know what he said to me?"

"Should I get my shotgun first?"

"You would still miss him by a mile. He said to me, 'If you were anyone else Julia, I mean anyone else, I would invite you to my room.' That young man would never hurt you even if his life depended on it. I believe he has proved that already."

"You have to make me feel guilty after that bastard pushed me into the pool?"

"He didn't push you into the pool. You stumbled into the pool because you were drunk."

"I haven't had a drink... Oh what's the use, you would protect him with your life also."

"He saved my husband; what would you expect me to do?"

Clark got out of his lounge, kneeled down by his wife's, and kissed her. "I didn't marry you because of your wonderful caboose. I married you because I loved you."

"Do you really think I didn't know that, you idiot. I am madly in love with you too. We wouldn't have lasted this long if we didn't love each other."

"Would you like to go up to our room and see if we can make a little noise of our own?"

"We haven't had a 'nooner' in years; this could be interesting."

"I will try to make it very interesting for you, and hopefully for me."

"I will make sure it's interesting for you, even if it's in my better 'END."

"Oh really, that should make my little old man stand up and notice."

"As I recall, he may be old, but he was never little. Let's go upstairs, and refresh my memory."

That evening the formal dinner was delayed, because two couples were late arriving. Along with their tuxedos and gowns, they were sporting enigmatic smiles, and tired faces. Their guests razzed them throughout the evening, about the dangers of old people having sex during the afternoon.

Fred said, "I know you are not talking about Ms. Julia, Sharon and I. We are all many years younger than the old 'Rooster' who crowed this afternoon. He managed not to have a heart attack, while chasing me. He continued having good fortune when he swam the four feet to the steps of the pool, and climbed out by himself; again without suffering a heart attack or stroke. Being an extremely smart man, our former two-term president decided to go for the trifecta, and took this lovely woman to bed. Surprisingly, he scored one for the home team. He roared like the young lion he was seventy years ago, and everyone within twelve inches of his room heard him, and applauded the fact he had tempted fate three times today, and survived. Ladies and gentlemen, raise your glass to the luckiest person in this room, depending on the way you look at it, Mrs. Julia Atwater."

Everyone in the room was sure this tribute was for the former President. As was the norm for him, Fred turned everything he said around at the last moment, and made it a tribute to Julia Atwater instead.

The room exploded in laughter and applause. Clarke Atwater was laughing along with them. Julia Atwater was in Fred's arms laughing and thanking him for what he did to her husband.

"Only you, Fred, only you could do that to him and make him laugh. You could see his chest swelling with pride as you spoke about him, and at the very last second you puncture his pride with the perfect pin. You two were meant for one another. Thank goodness you were not a woman, because I would have lost him to you many years ago."

"Julia, you underestimate yourself. You always have. You don't know how many days and months you carried that man on your shoulders because of your strength. They were dark days during his presidency, and because of the position he put me in, I couldn't help him. It was you that got him through those days and nights. I could see it during the press conferences as I watched him looking at you instead of the cameras. Without you he would've fallen apart. I would have given up the bench to help him if I had to, but you were all he needed to survive. You are an extremely formidable woman, and the other side knew not to fuck with you. If they did Superman would have come out of the shadows and given them a beating they would have remembered for a very long time."

"Clark is right when he says you know everything about him. You also know everything about us. Thank you for everything you have done Fred, you have made our dreams come true."

"All but one of them I'm sorry to say, but he would have killed me if I had done that."

"You are incorrigible Fred."

"Can't you see him as president, with another John-John playing underneath his desk? His approval ratings would have been in the high nineties, instead of the middle fifties."

"Why isn't there a little Judge Hastings running around your house, Mister Chief Justice?"

"It was a joint decision. Sharon had my joint in her left hand and a surgical blade in her right hand. She said, 'No More Children', as she threatened to cut my joint off. I agreed instantly."

"Now I know why my husband appointed you to the Supreme Court. Your decisions are made logically, and not based on bias. You will continue to be one of the best appointments he ever made."

"I hope I never make a ruling that gets her upset. She has that surgical blade in her nightstand."

"It wouldn't matter where that knife is Fred; she has you pussy whipped."

"It is a very pretty pussy Julia. I waited a very long time to meet a person of her stature. It was worth every moment."

"You are born romantic. You two better get some sleep tonight; we leave for the airport at 8:30 AM. Your girls will be waiting for you at Andrews at 11 AM. We don't want to keep them waiting too long, do we?"

"Not one second longer than necessary Julia. I can't wait to get them to Barbados. I haven't seen them naked in a long time."

"You are a pervert Fred."

"Let me see; I propositioned you earlier this afternoon. I tell you I want to see my children naked. Now you tell me I am a pervert. What could possibly have given you that idea Julia?"

"Get away from me Fred, it could be contagious."

"You have been to my home in Barbados, and you don't seem any worse for wear. How did you get your security naked?"

"I gave them the choice: either get naked, or get fired. They got naked, and then three of them had to get bald."

"If I was there, I would have volunteered to shave them."

"Go away Fred, or you may kill the former president. I'm getting horny again."

"On that note, I will wish you good night, and I will meet you at the limousine in the morning."

"Good night pervert.

"That's Chief Justice 'pervert' to you madam."

Julia Atwater landed her Gulfstream 550 at the Andrews Air Force Base as a VIP, because of her husband. She began the long trip from the taxiway to the base operations center nearly 3 miles away.

In the operation center, two sets of identical twins were being fawned over by the young military staff. These women were not dressed like the young professionals they were.

Cindy and Sandy were wearing short shorts that exposed the cheeks of their asses, and tops that hugged their braless breasts.

Danni and Debbie were not to be outdone by their older sisters. They were wearing one-piece spandex outfits, with nothing on underneath. The material dug into the cracks of their asses, the lips of their pussy's, and defined the outline of their supple nipples.

When the sisters saw each other, they couldn't stop laughing and giggling.

The staff couldn't believe what they heard these women talking about.

Cindy asked, "Is there anything new with these drug-resistant infectious diseases?"

"Yes there is sis. If pediatricians don't stop ordering antibiotics everything from a hangnail to a pimple, we are going to lose a generation of young people because the viruses and bacteria we have now are mutating and becoming resistant to almost every antibiotic on the market. We have lost more patients this year due to drug-resistant strains of bugs then we have in the last 10 years. This is going to be a problem of epidemic portions if they don't wise up."

"Great, I'll give you some of my cards, and when you see these same doctors names pop-up, give one to the parents of these patients' that died, and have them call me. I will sue the doctors, and the drug companies for everything they have. Then I will give you a 20% finder's fee."

Debbie smacked her sister on the arm and laughed. "Lawyers, you are all disgraceful and despicable human beings. You are the only group of people on earth that could find a silver lining out of the death of a child."

Cindy put her arms up to protect herself. "We all have to make a living sis."

Debbie screamed, and went into attack mode.

Sandy and Danny stepped in between them. "You two haven't been together for five minutes over the past three months, and already you are at each other's throats.

Debbie, you have got to learn to take a joke.

Cindy, you know your sister is very sensitive about the work she does. Why don't you try to give each other a little room when you talk about each other's work?"

"Sandy, she has to learn to grow up. She lives in the real world, and she should be more sensitive to other people's problems. She makes a ton of money, lives in a fancy apartment, and has isolated herself from the people we grew up with. She should know better. She's 32 years old, and no longer the teenager with bubblegum between her ears."

"I never had bubblegum between my ears, it was ice cream."

"Listen to me Doc; you are not doing so badly yourself. The only difference between the two of you is you see the pain and suffering every day. Sandy only sees it after they walk into her office, months after their operations, or their illnesses have subsided. It is not your fault, and it's not hers either. It's the difference in the way your occupations allow you to perceive the outside world."

Over the loudspeaker in the lounge came the message, "Your attention please: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is looking for his four truant daughters. If they are not onboard Ms. Julia Atwater's aircraft in the next five minutes, he is going to Barbados without them."

The four girls screamed, and ran for their luggage. It was gone. They were in a panic, when an Air Force Captain walked over to them and said, "Ladies, your luggage is on board the aircraft. They are waiting for you."

They captain received four kisses, and the girls ran towards the exit, out onto the tarmac and stopped. They forgot to ask what airplane they were supposed to go to.

Then they heard their father yell. "You have two minutes left; move your asses girls, and get in here."

There was a group hug at the top of the stairwell. "Hi dad, you don't know how much we've missed you."

"Yes I do, because I have missed each of you just as much. Say hello to Ms. Julia and get buckled up. We're leaving instantly."

As they cleared the door he pushed a button; the stairs retracted into the body of the aircraft. The door closed automatically, and once the green light was on, Fred moved the lever and locked it. He attached the mechanism for the emergency slide, and popped his head into the flight deck. "Everything is ready to go Julia."

Julia said, "Fred, due to new international flight rule guidelines I have to close and lock the door to the flight deck, until we land in Barbados. No one is allowed up here during the flight, except the flight crew. Tell the girls I'm sorry, but I have no choice."

"Julia they are not children anymore. They will understand."

Fred closed the door and heard it being locked and barred from the inside. He turned and walked down the aisle to his seat wearing the biggest grin.

Their flight attendant had called in sick at the last moment, so there was no one on board to serve them. They would have to do it themselves all the way to Barbados.

He thought, "What a shame."

"What are you grinning about Fred?"

"When we get to our cruising altitude you will find out my dear."

"What are you up to Fred?"

"Trust me Sharon, I promise I am going to be up to a lot."


There was a long line of aircraft waiting to take off from Andrews, but it pays to be a former president's wife. The tower cleared her aircraft for a "Short Field Take-Off."

It wasn't a problem for her Gulfstream. She taxied onto the runway at the 7000-foot marker, spooled up the Rolls-Royce engines, released the brakes, and moved like a rocket down the runway. 3500 feet later the nose of the graceful aircraft lifted off the ground. She turned left to proceed out over the Atlantic Ocean, and avoid traffic from Reagan National Airport. As she passed through 17,000 feet the air traffic controllers turned her South and cleared her via a GPS route direct to Barbados at 41,000 feet. As she leveled the aircraft off, she made an announcement to the cabin:

"Hello back there, we are at 41,000 feet going direct to Barbados. Feel free to move around the cabin, and get yourselves something to eat if you are hungry. I will let you know when we begin our dissent. Have Fun!"

Fred stood up and began to undress. Sharon said, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Exactly, I am going to fuck all of you."

"You can't do that, Julia may come back here."

"Julia told me that there is a new rule. She is not allowed to leave the flight deck, and we are not allowed up there. Now, all of you get naked."

Sandy said "Are you sure this is a good idea dad?"

"If anyone questions me again that person will get it up the ass first."

Debbie groaned. "Oh crap, he looked straight at me when he said that."

"No cupcake, as long as you follow the rules, you get pussy first."

Debbie was naked in an instant.

Fred kissed her and said, "Good girl."

Sharon was the last to get undressed. He asked her what was taking so long.

She laughed, "I have more clothes on then all four of them."

Fred surveyed the pile of clothes the girls took off, and then the neatly folded clothes his wife had taken off.

"You're right babe. You have three times the amount of clothing on and they did. I think you deserve the prize. Girls put all the seats down into a sleeping position. The button is on the armrest. Lift it up, press the button, and hold it until the chair is flat."

Fred went to the closet and pulled out sheets and pillows to cover the makeshift beds. When he was ready he told Sharon to lie down. She knew what was coming. She smiled, and kissed him.

His daughters looked at him waiting for his next command.

He looked at each of them. "Please don't tell me you forgot what to do for your mother?"

Debbie yelled, "Hell no, I know exactly what I want to do." She dove between her mother's thighs and attacked her slit with a passion."

Sandy screamed, "Hey that was supposed to be mine."

Before she realized her protests had taken too much time, Danni's tiny snatch was attached to her mother's mouth, Cindy's mouth was attached to her mother's left breast, and her mother's hand was inside her pussy. There was only one option left for Sandy.

Her senses returned and she took her mother's right breast into her mouth and placed her hand against her clit. Within moments she forgot about her protests, and loved where she was.

Now it was Fred's turn to join the party. He crouched down behind Debbie, and lifted her hips enough to wet the head of his prick. She stopped what she was doing to see what he was doing.

"Little girl, if I were you I would continue what you were doing, otherwise I might miss my target."

Debbie's mouth formed a vacuum around her mother's pussy, and her tongue ravaged her mother's birth canal.

Fred said to his youngest, "This one's for you little one, it's been a long time for us."

With one steady push he sent his entire length inside his youngest daughter. With every inch he heard her keening, as if she was being put onto a spit, to be turned and roasted."

As she felt his hips touch her ass, she was able to relax. She removed her mouth from her mother's vagina and said, "God dad that felt great, would you do again, please?"

Fred was not going to argue with a woman in need. He withdrew himself as slowly as he inserted himself into her. He felt her trying to keep him trapped inside her velvet tunnel by using every muscle in her vagina. There was a pop when the head of his penis broke free of her.

He bent over her, kissed her neck, grabbed her breasts, and told her to put her mouth where it belonged. His prick had a mind of its own as it closed in on its target. It needed no help at all. His hips flexed forward, and it slid inside her about an inch.

"Fuck dad, I've missed you."

He didn't move slowly this time, and his little one's cries came faster. As he bottomed out, his hips flexed backward and he pounded forward with all his strength. On the second stroke she forced herself back against him, as she cried out and came. He did not relent pushing himself into her, with his steady forceful strokes. She did not stop forcing her body back against his raging dick on every counter-stroke.

She screamed, "Daddy, I love you," as she came for the second time.

He did not stop probing her depths, and she did not relent in her backward movements.

"Can I turn over dad; I want to look at you."

He twisted her legs around hard. Her hips and torso were forced to follow the movement of her lower body.

She grabbed his neck and hooked her legs around his hips. "I love you daddy, I've missed you so much."

He lifted Debbie up, while he continued to pound himself into her. They looked deep into each other's eyes as lovers always do.

"I'm close dad, very close. Please give it to me, don't let me cum alone."

"There is no way in hell I am going to let you cum alone baby girl. I'm right there with you; are you ready?"

"Go harder daddy; go harder, punish me, I'm almost there."

Fred pounded into his baby as hard, and as long as he could, but finally he said, "I can't hold it any more, I'm going to cum baby girl; here it is."

"Thank you daddy, thank you, here I go, there I go. Oh daddy, I love you so much. I will never leave you. I will never love anyone the way I love you. I can feel you. I can feel you cumming inside me. It feels so hot, and so good, to feel you cum inside me again."

"You're right little girl, it has been far too long. We must get together more often. I love you too much to let us go this long."

Debbie laid her head against on her father's chest and closed her eyes in peaceful bliss. He carried her to the rear of the aircraft and lay her down on the chair-bed. He put a pillow under her head, and covered her with a blanket. He knew she would be asleep in moments. He would kill to be able to join her, but four sets of eyes were looking at him.

Each of them was wondering who he would choose next. By rights they should already know, because he never varied his selection process. It wouldn't be fair to any of them, because he loved them equally. He loved their mother more.

He slid between his wife's thighs, kissed her pussy, nibbled at her clit, licked her belly button, sucked both nipples, and kissed her passionately.

"Have our children treated you well dear?"

"Oh yes, if I cum one more time, my insides will be on my outside."

"Does that mean I can steal one more of them away from you?"

"Yes you may. If you treat her the way you treated Debbie, you will ruin her for every other man."

"I assure you it is intentional. I love them more than any other man on this planet ever will. I paid $500,000.00 to keep all of you safe for the rest of your lives. I don't know any other man who would do that for strange women, and at the very beginning of our romance madam, you were very strange."
