Thorne Ch. 08


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"I think that's part of the problem," Gene said. "You think that everyone is expecting you to become this sweet person when that isn't you. No one is asking that of you. What we're asking is that you remember that you have a family and that you can't keep treating us as if we were shit. We also want you to stop blaming mom and dad and the rest of us for your fuckups. You're just as responsible for your decisions as I was and am for mine. What are you going to so about the baby and the father?"

"I don't know yet," Barb replied.

They talked for a few more minutes before hanging up. Barb sat on the bed with tears running down her face. If she had only been honest, she would still be in Pittsburgh with everything that she ever wanted. She looked down at her slightly swollen belly and began to cry in earnest. No matter what, she didn't want the baby. But she was forced to rethink her part in its conception.

"Shit," she cursed as she lay down on the bed. "Shit."


Olivia looked at Louise for several seconds before she sat down. She felt no threat coming from the woman who was obviously pregnant and wondered what she wanted.

'If you're here to lull me into a false sense of security, forget it."

"I'm not here for that," Louise replied, "but I do hope that you understand that I'm not going to hurt you. I have something that I want to talk to you about and before you say no, hear me out."

An hour later, Olivia wasn't sure of whether to laugh or not.

"You want me to help you get rid of my father? Are you crazy? I don't want to be the head of anything!"

"Olivia, think about it," Louise said. "We've all lost loved ones because of this ongoing war between the hunters and vampires. Isn't it time to end it?"

"I never said that I liked it, but you're asking me to betray my father," Olivia said.

"Your father has already betrayed you," Louise said. "He set you up to fail. Is there another crew that consists of one human and the rest vampire? What do you think he's going to do if he finds you?"

Olivia was silent. She already knew what he would do to her. He would assume that she had already talked and had been turned. There would be nothing that she could say to convince him of anything else. If by some slim chance he did believe her, he would marry her off to whoever he had chosen as his predecessor. A sudden flash of insight hit her. He had already chosen someone. A moment later, she realized who it was.

"Ask yourself this," Louise was saying, "if you really believed what your father teaches, then why haven't you tried to escape?"

"I ... they said that they would kill me," Olivia replied weakly.

"As far as I know, you haven't made any demands to be released nor have you tried to bargain. Why is that?" Louise asked. "The day that you were spotted, you were out shopping alone-why? Where were your guards? Why didn't you wait for your crew or call for a security team?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," Olivia replied. "I just wanted some time alone."

"I can understand that," Louise replied, "Just as I can understand being put in a position that you don't want to be in. Your father is put you in one and now we're doing the same thing. The difference is that we aren't going to kill you. If you say no, then that's the end of it. Our people will continue to fight and lives will be lost."

"What are you going to do with me then?"

"Let you go I suppose," Louise replied.

Olivia looked at Louise, assessing her for a lie.

"We aren't going to turn you against your will nor are we going to compel you to do what we want. Whatever you decide, it has to be your choice."

"So you're saying that I can walk out of here right now?" Olivia asked.


Olivia hesitated. She knew that as soon as she was spotted her life was over.

"Can I have some time to think about my options?"

"Of course... do you need anything?" Louise asked.

"I want to call my father."


"Damn she's good," Thorne said as he watched Louise with Olivia.

"Yes she is," Ethan replied. "What do you think about letting Olivia call her father?"

"I think," Thorne said after a long pause, "that, if anything will tip her in our favor. I listened to the messages that he left on her phone when he couldn't reach her. Not once did he express worry or concern over her. He doesn't care for her as a parent should care for a child, he only cares that she does as she's told."

"Of course there's the question of whether she will allow her father to be killed," Ethan said. "No matter how she may feel about him, he's still her father. At any rate, let's get the phone call over with."


Louise looked in the corner where Nathan was waiting and saw his nod.

"Here, use my phone," she said as she reached into her pocket.

"Is this a trick?" Olivia asked.

"No trick," Louise replied. "Take it."

Olivia took the phone, looked at it and then dialed her father's number.


"Olivia? Where in the fuck are you?" Rufus demanded.

"I... I don't know, but I'm alright-"

"Did they turn you?"

"No, but..."

"Did they fuck you?"

"Dad! No, just listen-"

"How is it that you're calling me? Did you tell them anything?"

"Dad, please listen to me-"

"How do I know that you haven't been turned and already carrying one of their spawn?

Louise watched Olivia as she grappled with the fact that her father didn't care about her.

"Are you looking for me?" Olivia asked with a trace of hope in her voice.

"That's a stupid question! Of course we are! I've already lost an entire team in the search!" Rufus snapped.


"They were killed because of you! A pack of wolves killed them. Who would have thought it, wolves working for vampires?"

"Dad, what will happen if I come to you?" Olivia asked.

"We'll have to make sure that you aren't turned and knocked up by one of them," Rufus replied. "If you're clean, you marry Caleb and give him a bunch of little hunters."

"Dad, why haven't you asked me if I'm alright?"

"You said that you were fine and I don't have time for sentiment, but that leads me to question something that you said," Rufus said. "You said that they haven't turned or fucked you- why not?"

Olivia was stunned. Her father sounded almost disappointed. The realization that he was going to have her killed either way struck her.

"Are they willing compromise?" Rufus asked.

"What are you offering for my return?" Olivia asked neglecting to mention that she was free to go.

"Tell them that I want to meet with them and work out a truce of some kind in exchange for you."

"Who do you want to meet with?"

"Ethan Sinclaire and Thorne Blackwell and they have to come alone," Rufus replied.

"Will you come alone as well?" Olivia asked.

"Of course," Rufus said after a brief hesitation.

"And you'll keep your word and let them go?"

"What the fuck is this?" Rufus yelled into the phone. "You sound like you're working with them."

"I'm not... I just want be sure that the same thing that happened with mom doesn't happen again."

"What are you talking about?" Rufus asked.

"I know what happened at that meeting, the one where you took the girl and mom ended up dead," Olivia replied.

"I can hear that they've filled your head with lies," Rufus said. "Do you have any idea of where you are?"

Instead of answering, Olivia hung up and handed the phone back to Louise.

"If you don't mind, I need some time alone," Olivia said softly. She had a lot to think about.


Nathan met Louise outside of the room and hugged her. He knew that Ethan and Thorne had questions for her, but they had to wait.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired," she replied. "Let me answer their questions and then you can take me back for a nice, long nap."

"Well?" Thorne and Ethan asked at the same time.

"You heard the same thing that I did," Louise replied. "But... I think that she's going to help. Her father will kill her no matter what she does and we won't. Give her some time to think about it oh and by the way... she wants some mint chocolate chip ice-cream."

Moments later, Ethan and Thorne were back in Thorne's office making plans for the next night. They would start searching for Rufus Saunders. Thorne's cell phone rang interrupting their planning.

"Grant, what's happening?"

Thorne listened as Grant told him about the ransacking of his home and the deaths of the hunters.

"Were you able to obtain any information?"

"We know that Rufus Saunders and his second in command are staying in a house that Olivia rented for her crew when they were on vacation. Whether they're still there or not I can't say. There are too many vampires and wolves patrolling the grounds for us to get close enough to see. The leader did mention that by tomorrow evening, another two-hundred hunters would be here. I don't know if you're aware of this, but not only is Saunders using vampires, he has other species working for him too. We need to sway some of these from him."

"You work on that and I'll talk to Ethan about what our options are," Thorne replied.

After he hung up, Thorne filled Ethan in.

"Thorne, if you were Rufus, why would you hire so many other species? I mean he hates anything not human."

"I don't know....oh fuck!" Thorne exclaimed. "He's going to watch while we kill each other off!"

"Exactly," Ethan said grimly. "Grant is right, we need to start swaying these other species to our side and we have to kill Rufus and his second in command with or without Olivia's help."

"That means that the focus of the search parties changes," Thorne said. "Rufus Saunders is now the main target."


William appeared in the kitchen of Ethan's ransacked house and noticed that it had already been cleaned up. "What in the hell?" he muttered as he left the kitchen and went to the dining room where he could hear the old vampire tinkering.

"Why are you still here?" William asked.

The vampire turned around and looked at him.

"This is my home- why did you come back? Did you change your mind about killing me?"

"No, William said as he sat down in a chair. "I was actually hoping that you would still be here. You owe me a favor."

"If it's to ask me where Mr. Ethan is, I don't know and even if I did; I wouldn't tell you," The old man said.

"I already knew that," William said, "but you do know how to reach him."

The old vampire's silence told William that he was right.

"I want you to contact him and tell him that I want to meet with him. Tell him that I saved your life and that you are contacting him on my behalf as repayment."

"What do you want with him?" the vampire asked after a few moments. "You were with those hunters which means that you work for them."

"That is true," William said, "but I won't be for much longer. Grandfather, will you help me?"

"Help you what? Kill the people who have been nothing but kind to me? No, I won't do that."

"What if I were to give you my word that I mean them no harm?" William asked.

"If I say no?"

"Then I will leave you to your cleaning and find another way," William replied.

"Give me your hands," the old vampire said as he approached William.

William held out his hands as requested and waited.

"Turn them so that the palms are facing up," the vampire instructed.

He stared at William's upturned palms for at least twenty minutes before speaking again

"You are ...good at heart. You were foolish- but good. You have done some bad things, but yet-you are redeemable because-you love someone. I will do as you ask."

"Who are you?" William asked looking at the old vampire.

"No one special, but my name is Travis. I prefer to be called that as opposed to grandfather."

"I meant no offense," William said. "I meant it as a term of respect."

"No offense taken," Travis replied, "It's just that being called grandfather makes me feel old."

William saw the twinkle in the vampire's eyes and laughed. "As you wish," he said looking at his hands.

"So, young man; who may I tell Mr. Ethan to call?"

"My name is William and I will give you a number where I can be reached. I thank you for your help."

William stood to leave, but the old vampire stopped him.

"Where are you going? It's light out unless you're one of those day walkers."

"I am not so fortunate," William replied, "But I can tolerate some sunlight. I will be home in a few seconds."

Seconds later, William was back in his room. He looked around to see if anything had been disturbed. His very dangerous game had just begun. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes after checking his cell phone. He extended his senses throughout the house listening for any conversation that could help him. He knew that Rufus would speak freely because he thought that once vampires were down for the day that they couldn't hear. Caleb knew better, but wouldn't say anything because it would be seen as a challenge.

He started in the small office and struck pay dirt.

"I'm telling you," Rufus was saying, "They've turned her!"

"Rufus listen to me," Caleb said. "Olivia has never lied to you has she? Maybe they haven't turned or touched her. According to my research, the Sinclaire/Blackwell group is the most civilized of all of them. It's entirely possible that they haven't touched her."

"But they can compel can't they?" Rufus shot back.

"Yes, but..."

"I want her dead!" Rufus said cutting Caleb off. "I won't take the chance that they've fucked with her mind even if they haven't turned her."

William listened to the discussion with a growing sense of apprehension. He picked up the phone and made sure that the volume was on. It was imperative that he talk with Ethan Sinclaire as soon as possible. He tuned his hearing back to the conversation between Caleb and Rufus. Caleb was showing rarely seen backbone.

"Rufus, the fact that she's in their hands is your fault. I mean, you sent her here with a crew made up entirely of vampires. If you didn't want her take over for you, why didn't you just say that? Why set her up?"

William sat up on the bed. He could almost feel Rufus's anger at being questioned.

"How dare you question me! I am still the head of this organization! You will do as I say and kill her on sight! Am I being clear?"

"I understand," Caleb said weakly his moment of bravado gone.

William tuned out of the conversation as they had gone to talking about more mundane things. It was now more important than ever that Olivia stay where she was. He wondered if the old vampire had reached the Sinclaires yet. He almost left the room to go back to the house, but decided to wait. He knew that Caleb would eventually come to the room to make sure that he was there.

He wondered about his family. He hoped that they did as they were told and went back to the mountains, but when he chose to be; Albert could be very persuasive. The other issue was Harry. He had been and still was their wild card. He knew that as long as Harry was alive, he would continue to endanger all of them. Harry had to die, but could he bring himself to kill his own brother? He didn't think so, but he had to prepare himself for the possibility that he might have to.


Harry stood by the door inhaling the scent of the camping humans. As he listened to their laughter, the need to go to them grew. The more that need grew, the less Harry remembered that it was because of him that his family was hiding in the mountains. He looked behind him and saw that he was in the kitchen alone.

"All I need is a few moments," he said licking his lips.

He looked behind him again and vanished to the porch. After a moment's hesitation, Harry made his way to the campsite of the unsuspecting humans. He stood behind a tree and watched as they roasted marshmallows over the campfire.

"Okay guys," a pretty brunette said after eating her marshmallows, "I'm going to wash up and get ready for bed."

"Do you want me to come with you?" a male asked.

"Nah, I'll be fine," the woman replied. "There's no one up here except us."

Silently, Harry followed the woman to the creek where she washed her face and hands. Harry waited until she was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't know that he was there until he was standing behind her.

"Jude!" the woman yelped thinking that it was one of the males from the campsite.

"Quiet!" Harry hissed as he looked down at her. "You will do whatever I require of you, do you understand?"

His dark eyes flashed several times before the woman nodded her head to the affirmative. Harry looked around to be sure that they were still alone and prepared to feed.

"Let her go," Nell said from behind him. "There's plenty of blood back at the cabin."

"I don't want that warmed up shit," Harry replied. "I want it warm, directly from the vessel."

"What happens if you kill her?" Nell asked. "We're here because you killed someone. Now, release her from the compulsion and let's go."

He was about to disregard Nell when they heard the sound of voices coming toward them calling for the woman. Harry growled low in his throat, released the woman from the compulsion and vanished seconds after Nell. By the time he appeared in the kitchen of the cabin, he had made a decision.

"I'm leaving," he said. "I refuse to stay here while William roams free."

"Where are you going?" Albert asked.

"You're going to let him go?" Nell asked incredulous. "I just stopped him from feeding on a human woman!"

"Have you heard from William?" Albert demanded.

"No, but ...."

While they argued, Harry vanished back to Palm Springs. He stood across the street from the condo and watched for more than ten minutes before deciding that it was safe to go in. He vanished into the condo, but left the lights off in case a crew of hunters was in the area.

Now that he was alone, he could sit and think in peace. He wondered where William was and thought that he knew. It was where he would have gone too-the vacation home.

He weighed his options. The option that made the most sense was that he leave California and not look back. He had money, not as much as he suspected William had, but he would be comfortable. The second option that he looked at was going to the house. The question he asked himself was how it would be to his benefit to do that.

"No benefit to me at all," he muttered under his breath.

He thought about Olivia and anger rose. He hadn't wanted to go on vacation with her or anyone else for that matter. He always vacationed alone that way no one could inhibit his movements. What he appreciated even less was the fact that he was being told what to do by a female. Nell telling him what he could and couldn't do had been the final straw.

Harry's thoughts wandered toward Nadine. He wondered where she was. He had killed the last woman because she reminded him of her. He wondered if she was still alive, but then knew that she was. His planning went from deciding what to do as far as William was concerned to finding Nadine. He hoped that she had a mate and children. He would make them watch him take her before he killed her and then them. The question now was where to start looking.


Nadine sat up drenched in sweat, her heart pounding. She hadn't dreamt about Harry since the night she finally told Leon about him. In the past, the nightmares while bad had an almost surreal feeling to them. In this dream, she was an active participant. She could actually feel Harry's hands on her as he forced himself into her. She felt the bites on her neck and then the pulls as he drank from her. She could hear his demands to "say it!"

At the time she hadn't known what he meant only that she couldn't and wouldn't say it. Her hope was that he would either let her go or kill her. By the third time, his family interfered. They talked in riddles about his turning her and what they were going to do about it. In the end, they decided to leave her to die.