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She treated, he left.
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This story is about one man's reaction to his wife's blatant cheating. Not really a BTB and definitely not a RAAC so I am not sure how it will score. There is no real sex in this story, so if you're looking for that then just pass this by. As always, I appreciate all comments, good and bad, so please leave a comment.


"Kurt, you rode his thoroughbred all day. It's only fair he gets to ride yours tonight!" She said, turned around, and walked out of the bedroom.

"What the fuck!!" I said to myself.

My mind went over the events of the last day. It started with the drive to Audra's business owner's house in Rolling Hills, California. Audra was giddy, yet somewhat apprehensive. It was the first time her boss, the owner Chet Halverson, had invited his company's department heads to his home. We would be staying until Sunday evening and then heading back to our condo in Los Angeles.

As I thought about the drive I wondered if this had already been planned. There may have not been any actual plans, but maybe just suggestions had been made.

If my anger had not already been high from her walking out after making that statement, it would definitely be raised after thinking that. I continued to review last night and the events of today.

We drove up to the gated community and were greeted by a security guard. This was an area of L.A. that had a lot of famous and very wealthy people. We drove to one of the biggest estates, and I have to admit, I was impressed. I'm sure Audra was in awe also. The house had to be 10,000 square feet, a 2 story Italianate style mansion. I knew Audra's company was multinational, but I guess I never thought it was so big as to allow the owner to afford a house like this, especially in this community.

When he met us at the door he was gracious enough, but with an air of pretentiousness hiding just below the surface.

By 7:00 all of the Department heads were there. Audra is the Director of Human Resources. I was proud of her accomplishments. At 29 she had already been a Human Resource executive at 3 different companies including her recent Directorship promotion with this company. There were four other couples there. The dinner was filled with interesting conversation and, of course, some shop talk. I felt a little out of place. Being a Technology Engineer I spend most of my day working on projects either by myself or with just a handful of others. I think I held my own through it all. I am a "nerd", but I am not socially awkward.

That night, in our own suite, Audra was hot and we made love passionately. After an hour of satisfying each other, we snuggled and fell asleep with smiles on our faces.

I woke up early and lay staring at my beautiful wife. We met at a Starbuck's. She actually had grabbed her latte' from that barista and turned around quickly to run right into me. Of course the lid came off the cup and hot coffee landed on my chest. Damn that was hot!! I inhaled sharply, stepped back, and pulled my shirt away from my chest. I wasn't even looking at the woman who had caused the pain. I was looking down at my shirt. "Damn, now I need to go buy a new shirt." I thought to myself.

Audra was extremely apologetic as I looked up at her. "I am so sorry. Are you okay? What can I do?" She paused and our eyes met. I can't say that it was love at first sight, I am logical enough to know that is not possible, but I did feel an instant attraction and connection with this woman as she fumbled for what to do. "Can I pay for it to be cleaned, or buy you a new one if it doesn't come clean?" She asked apologetically.

I responded with, "Don't worry about it. It's an old shirt, probably past it's shelf life anyways," Yeah, I thought I was smooth. It did make her laugh though.

Well, that was 5 years ago. We dated for a couple years and then got married.

This morning I was on top of the world. I woke up to Audra's lips on my cock, taking advantage of my morning wood. We made love and she told me she loved me.

When we had showered and dressed, we made our way to the dining room where breakfast food was set out buffet style. We grabbed a plate and then sat down to eat. We were almost finished with the meal when Chet came in from his barn, he was dressed to ride.

"So, everyone, I have horses available to ride on the trails in the community. I will be able to point out some of my more famous friends and neighbors houses." Rolling Hills is an Equestrian community. A number of the residents have horses and there are trails throughout the community and surrounding hillsides. We would be taking advantage of those.

I grew up in the Midwest and we had horses on our farm. I was quite comfortable around horses, in fact, I was a member of the 4-H and even competed in my early teens, I smiled, remembering the good times riding my horse. I looked forward to riding again, as it had been almost a decade.

Chet continued to speak. "I've got horses that can handle novice riders, and horses that will need an experienced rider. Let's go out to the barn and we'll pair you up depending upon your experience."

I was very impressed with his barn, the quality of his horses, and the tack.

"Seeing as we have such a large group I borrowed a few horses from some of my neighbors. I'll assure you that they are all quality animals and you have nothing to be afraid of." He said like we all were inexperienced city dwellers.

I hated that smugness and spoke up, "I'd like to ride this Thoroughbred." I said as I walked up to a gorgeous animal standing proud in her stall. She wasn't even outfitted to be ridden."

"Whoa!" Chet said, "Brandy is a temperamental animal. I don't think she would be a good fit for anyone here."

I opened the stall and approached the horse in such a way as to make her feel safe, yet know that I was an experienced rider. She didn't even flinch, sensing my confidence. Chet noticed this, and with a smirk on his face said, "If you are truly set on riding Brandy, I have to warn you, I am not liable if she bucks you."

I could tell he was trying to scare me as well as show off to the others there. Audra then said, "Kurt, maybe you should listen to Chet and ride another horse that he picks out for you."

I know my male ego was hurt by what she said. It showed lack of confidence in her husband. She had seen pictures, and even trophies of my riding abilities. Why was she questioning my ability?

"No, I believe Brandy and I will do just fine." I declared.

Chet smirked again and then told his stable man to get Brandy's tack. I assisted him as he put it on her. She was a little skittish around him. It made me wonder how he treated her.

When we were all mounted up Chet said, "We'll walk along the trails as I point out some of the more famous people's houses. Then we'll go back to the house for lunch."

We probably spent at least 2 hours walking through the community, him introducing us to the "important" neighbors. I feigned interest as I got Brandy to feel more comfortable with my riding style, and I got more comfortable with how she responded. I was anxious to let her run.

Finally, as Audra and I rode side by side, we came to an area of hills that had been kept undeveloped so that the owner's could enjoy time on their horse, galloping through the hills. I turned to Audra and said, "Let's pick up the pace and let these majestic animals show us what they can do."

"Kurt, I don't feel comfortable doing that. Let's stay with the group. It is the right thing to do."

"Audra, you are riding a Quarter horse, one of the most stable, even tempered breed of horses. You need to trust your mount. The horse knows what to do."

"I don't want to take that chance." She said.

Just then Chet cantered his horse up to where we were at and said, "We'll head back to the house now. I think we have done enough riding for today."

"I was hoping to let this fine horse run a bit. Can't we take a little more time in the open countryside?"

"Well, Kurt, you do seem to look comfortable on a horse, but most of this group is inexperienced. I wouldn't want anyone's overconfidence cause them to get hurt." I could hear the condescending tone in his voice. He could tell I was a rider, but I was a "simple nerd" in his eyes. He was challenging me.

I would play on his stupidity. "It's just as well, Audra feels it's best that we stay with the crowd. I wouldn't want anyone to feel inferior because of their inexperience." Yes, I was goading him. He may own these horses, and ride them occasionally, but he was not a rider. He owned them as a status symbol for his neighbors.

I saw a look of contempt on his face, just for an instant. "Well, lets have lunch and then maybe you and I can come back out and let these beasts run."

I didn't like the way he called the horses beasts. He sounded like they were just dumb animals to him.

During lunch we talked. The others were all talking about the homes and famous people they had met. I could see Chet's chest puffing out with every compliment or comment.

After lunch we sat around on the large patio and discussed various topics. I was only half listening, my mind was on getting back out there and galloping through the rolling hills.

As a few of the guests started excusing themselves to go change out of their "dirty, sweaty clothes" Chet spoke up and said, "So Kurt, do you still think you can handle Brandy in the open country?"

I know he was trying to make me back down, and I think Audra sensed it to.

"Honey," She said. "Let's just relax here and talk with the others." She was trying to keep me from either making a fool of myself or showing up her boss.

I however didn't like his condescending, better than all the others, attitude.

So I spoke up and said, "I'd love to ride, but I don't want to take you away from your guests."

There, now I was either challenging him or giving him an out. I could tell he wanted to see me fail, so he said, "They can find something to do for a couple hours. Let's go see what you've got."

As I got up to go back out to the barn Audra gave me a look, a look that said, "Don't fuck this up!" She clearly didn't want me to do anything that would make her boss, the owner, look bad.

During the ride I could tell he was trying to show his horsemanship skills. However, I also could tell that he knew I could handle myself. We took the horses, my Thoroughbred and his Quarter horse, into the open field and we let them run. I was one with Brandy. She was magnificent. I lost all track of anything else. When we slowed down and climbed one of the hills I looked back to see Chet at least a quarter mile behind me.

We stopped on the crest of the hill and waited for Chet to catch up. I could tell he was perturbed. He didn't say anything to me at all. We rode along and I let Chet lead, more for his ego than because I didn't know all the trails. All too soon, we returned to his house. I steered Brandy right to the barn and her stall.

Chet got off his horse at the entrance to the barn and said, "I should go check on my guests." His tone made me think that I was no longer a welcome guest.

I spent an hour removing the tack from Brandy and giving her a good rub down. I missed this. Growing up around horses was a great experience.

When I walked to the house I saw Chet talking to Audra. He was quite close to her and I didn't like it. She turned and looked at me. She looked nervous and also a little pissed. I came to her and she said, "You smell, go take a shower and change for dinner."

Well, that was a terrific greeting. She must be really mad.

I went to our room and decided to shave as well as shower and dress nicely for dinner. I had to get back in her good graces.

When I came out to rejoin the group they were all sitting on the patio. Chet and Audra were deep in conversation. As I walked up to them they stopped talking and Audra looked guilty. "I wonder what they were talking about?" I thought.

Dinner was nice, but Audra was still distant. She was avoiding my eye contact.

It was almost 9:00 when we finished the meal, dessert, and the after dinner drinks. We made our way to our room, Audra hardly said a word. Then, when she closed the door, she went into the ensuite with her overnight bag. I could hear her get into the shower. She spent 15 minutes in the shower and then what seemed like forever after the shower doing something in the bath. By this time I had undressed and climbed into bed. When she finally came out she was wearing a teddy that I had purchased for her on one of our vacations. She looked spectacular, perhaps what I thought was going to be a chilly night was actually going to be a chance for me to make up for showing up her boss. Then she grabbed her robe, put it on, and turned to me stating, "Kurt, I'm spending the night with Chet."

I was speechless. I stared at her in bewilderment. Then I found my voice. "What?"

"You heard me. I'm spending the night with Chet."

"What the Fuck!! Is that a joke?"

"No. I am attracted to him, and he asked me."

"You're the HR Director. You know how wrong that is!"

"It's one night. You'll get over it."

"You do this and we are through!"

"Oh, get real, Kurt, it won't affect anything."

"You've got to be kidding!! I can't believe you're even talking about this!"

"You don't own me!" She said. The classic line of every woman that wants to do something she knows is wrong.

"You do this and you can forget our marriage!!" I screamed.

Then she said the line that I'm sure Chet had fed her. "Kurt, you rode his Thoroughbred all day. It is only fair he gets to ride yours tonight."

Then she was gone. I sat on the bed. I know I should run after her, but the fact that she thought she could do this, I would just let her do it, and then welcome her back, was unbelievable!! She could go to hell!

I stood up and paced around the bedroom. I walked to her side of the bed. Something caught my eye on her nightstand. Sitting there were her wedding band and engagement ring. The rings which I had put on her finger when we said our vows. I took my ring off my finger and looked at it. I squeezed it tightly in my left hand, raised my fist over my head and slammed it down, open palmed on to the nightstand. Her rings jumped as I pulled my hand back quickly, rubbing the palm with my right thumb. Damn, that hurt!! I looked at my hand. There was a red ring imprint in the palm of my hand.

Then something happened. It was like a fuse blew in Kurt's brain. Kurt's emotions were gone. He unceremoniously packed his clothes and toiletries in his overnight bag and walked out of the bedroom not even looking back.

Kurt walked through the house, overnight bag in hand, went out the side door, and got into his car. He drove through the community and out the gate, waving at the guard as he passed by. The ride home was uneventful, traffic was light for a Saturday night. All the way home he rubbed his left palm absentmindedly. If he would have looked at his palm he would have seen a bruise forming.

Within about an hour he was home at his condo. He walked in and looked around. He wondered to himself why he had all this "stuff". He brought his bag into the bedroom and threw his clothes into the hamper. He climbed into bed and soon fell sound asleep.

The next morning his hand was quite bruised, but he made himself breakfast and sat at the table reading the news on his phone, absentmindedly gently rubbing his hand.

The phone rang, he looked at the number and didn't recognize it. He decided to answer it anyways. "Hello?" He said.

There was no sound on the other end. He waited about 10 seconds and then hung up, thinking to himself that it was just another spam call. He promptly blocked the number, as he did with all the spam calls he received.

After breakfast Kurt decided to go for a run. It had been years since he had run on a regular basis. He used to do 5K and 10K runs all the time. He didn't know why he had stopped. Having not run in a long while, he took his time and ran only 2 miles. He was huffing when he got back. He was obviously out of shape and resolved himself to run every day.


Sunday morning Audra walked into the bedroom at about 9 a.m. The first thing she noticed was that Kurt was not there. She turned back and walked into the dining room to see if maybe Kurt had gotten drunk from the wet bar and passed out there. He was not there, however.

A sense of dread came over her. Where could he be? She went back into the bedroom and noticed that Kurt's overnight bag was gone. She went to see if the car was still there. Of course it wasn't. She had dreaded that, but expected it. He was mad as hell when she walked out on him. She couldn't really blame him, she had spurned him, all for some mediocre sex. She couldn't enjoy the experience, physically because her hips were sore from riding the horse, and emotionally because she knew what she was doing to Kurt was wrong.

Her eyes started watering. She sat down on the bed on her side. What had she done? Chet had been so charming, that mixed with his power and riches, along with Kurt being an ass when she tried to tell him not to go riding, had lead to her abandoning her husband.

As she cried she dialed Kurt's number. He answered with "Hello?"

"Oh Kurt, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Please? Please come back and get me. We need to talk about this. Please, please forgive me."

There was no sound on the other end of the line. He had hung up.

She tried to call him back, but he didn't answer.

"Oh God, what am I going to do?" She wiped her eyes and looked at her nightstand. Her rings sat there askew and his wedding band sat there in the middle of the top of the nightstand. "Oh shit." She said and reached for his ring. When she picked it up she saw a perfectly round indent in the wood, a circle, the symbol of their marriage. She remembered putting that ring on his finger, and reciting the vows before friends and family.

At that she started sobbing uncontrollably. It was probably a half an hour later that she entered the dining room where the others were finishing their breakfast. Her eyes were all puffy and red,

"Audra, are you okay?" One of the other directors asked.

She sniffled, straightened up, and asked, "Could one of you give me a ride back to town when you leave?"

They didn't ask, they knew what had likely happened. They had seen Chet making his moves on her yesterday. The wife of one of the directors said, "Of course dear, we can leave whenever you are ready."

Audra got the sense that she was not happy with what Chet and her had done.

Audra turned around and went to pack her things. She put her rings back on her finger. She knew it wouldn't be as easy to restore her marriage. She hoped that Kurt would put his ring back on just as easily, but doubted that.

She took off her robe and looked at the teddy on her body, the teddy that Kurt had bought for her. How could she have done this? What was she thinking? Clearly she wasn't thinking of Kurt, or their marriage.

She started crying again as she took a shower to try to wash off the scum that she felt covered her body. She felt so dirty. After about 20 minutes she knew that she couldn't wash off the guilt. She stepped out of the shower and toweled off. She looked at herself in the mirror, at least there were no marks as evidence of what she had done. She wouldn't have to hide herself from Kurt.

She dressed and packed her things. She didn't bother putting on makeup, she knew she would be crying again.

When she walked out into the living room, overnight bag in hand, the couple that had offered her a ride home was already waiting. They had already packed their suitcase in the car.