Three Square Meals Ch. 019


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Jade opened her eyes and saw all the onlookers. She smiled and nodded her head in thanks, as her friends applauded and she stepped down to join them for a drink. The waitresses left, leaving the drinks trays to hover in the air for them.

"How did you learn to move like that?" Alyssa asked Jade in awe.

"This one learnt to dance many years ago. Jade found that most of her master's appreciated her dancing." she explained.

"I've never seen anyone move like that before!" Calara said in amazement. "You looked so sexy, it was incredible!" she said appreciatively.

"Did this one please her master?" Jade asked John with a hopeful smile.

"You were breathtaking honey." he admitted honestly.

"You have to teach me how to move like that!" Sparks pleaded.

"It will be Jade's pleasure." The Nymph replied with a gentle smile. She stroked the redhead's arm affectionately, before trailing her fingers down to the girl's hand and then leading her back to the raised platform.

Sparks stood awkwardly in the centre of the podium, feeling self conscious when she saw her friends watching her. Jade glided up to her and then place her hands lightly on the girls hips before moving in to kiss her. Sparks sighed happily and returned the kiss, melting into the verdant skinned girls arms. Jade pressed her tummy up against Sparks and then she began to sway her hips, using her hands and body to guide her friend, so that she would copy the sinuous movements. Distracted by the sensuous kisses, Sparks forgot about everyone else and just glided with her friend in time to the music, her lithe young body quickly learning how to move in a most alluring way.

Jade was an excellent teacher and she praised her student with kind encouraging words, building her confidence. After just a few minutes under her skilled tutelage, Sparks had begun to move like a professional dancer, her whole body writhing teasingly in time with the music. Calara and Alyssa grinned excitedly at one another and darted up to the platform to beg Jade for their own lessons.

Jade whispered something in Sparks ear and she smiled and nodded. The sultry redhead stepped down off the podium and walked over to John, leaving Jade to teach her two new eager students.

"Would you like to be my first dance partner?" Sparks asked John shyly.

John smiled at her affectionately and nodded, before sweeping her into his arms for a kiss. Sparks laughed gaily before he set her down and then they began to dance together, enjoying the booming tunes of the club as sparks brushed against him tantalisingly.

The rest of the evening flew by, in a blur of drinking, dancing and laughter. The girls loved every minute of it, enjoying John's company as well as each other's. It was unusual for Jade to be centre stage amongst the girls, as she was usually happy to take a back seat and just bask in John's presence. However Calara, Alyssa and Sparks would have none of that, repeatedly begging the exotic alien beauty to teach them new and intricate dance moves.

John stood and watched the girls dancing and laughing happily and wondered at the odd twists of fate that had brought them all together. Jade left the teenagers for a moment to come over to join him.

"This one had a wonderful time tonight master, thank you!" She said with a huge grin on her face.

"We should be thanking you." John said, smiling at her affectionately. "Seeing you dance has been the highlight of the night!" he said with a big grin and pulled her into his arms for a soul searing kiss.

Jade melted into his arms and returned his kiss lovingly. "This one never thought she could be so happy master!" she murmured ecstatically, with a breathy sigh of contentment.

Calara and Sparks came bounding over and urged the Nymph to come and join them again. Jade smiled up at John apologetically, before letting the excited girls lead her back to the podium. Alyssa had followed behind them and stayed to keep John company. She walked over to the balcony and then leaned against it, feeling the pounding base vibrating through her and sensing John's thoughts as he watched her beautiful body. The beautiful blonde looked over her shoulder, inviting him to join her with a sparkling twinkle in her eyes.

John walked up behind her and nuzzled into her neck, carefully brushing aside her hair and then kissing the sensitive skin on her slender neck gently.

"It's been an amazing night." she purred. "thanks for bringing us here."

"I loved it too." John said. "Seeing Jade relax and open up with all of you has been a lovely thing to see."

"She's an incredible girl." Alyssa said earnestly. "I'm so glad we saved her from the pirates."

"All of you are remarkable women." John said. "You most of all." he whispered in her ear lovingly.

"That's one of the reasons I love being with you." The beautiful blonde said honestly. "you say the nicest things." she continued, echoing Sparks' comment from earlier.

John slipped a hand around and placed it on her toned stomach possessively, as he leaned up against her from behind, resting his swollen cock between her taut rounded little ass cheeks.

"Mmm" Alyssa purred. "I need it too." she said, arching her back so she could grind her ass against his cock and leaning her toned tummy into his hand suggestively.

John just held her tightly in his arms, thinking about all the depraved things he'd like to do to the girl, knowing she could hear his every thought.

"You're such a bad boy." Alyssa said in a breathy whisper, barely audible over the music.

She looked out over the crowded dance floor, at the gyrating mass of youth who were dancing and flirting outrageously with one another. Suddenly, the holo-silhouette of three beautiful young women appeared above the dance floor, dancing and moving in perfect harmony with the pulsing music. Alyssa instantly recognised Jade's entrancing dance moves and the crowd below went wild, cheering at the holo-projection of the three anonymous women.

"You know between us four girls, we could help you have practically any girl in this club." Alyssa said speculatively.

"Would you like that?" she asked him, her eyes flaring with arousal. "Picking out a sexy girl and then having us seduce her for you?"

"You're more than enough woman for me." John said gallantly.

"You liar." She said, grinning at him affectionately.

Alyssa turned and hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him longingly.

"Let's head home." John said lustily.

They gathered up the rest of the girls and headed out of the VIP area, back to the foyer. John settled up his tab and Stephanie, the beautiful brunette who met them earlier waved them goodbye.

The night was warm, with a balmy breeze coming in from the nearby lake.

"Come on, let's go take a look at the lake." Calara said with a smile.

John noticed that the two moons of Gravitus were up, one of them waxing but the other full. They bathed the lake in a soothing blue glow and set a lovely romantic scene. The girls moved with him, walking in pairs; Alyssa with Sparks and Calara hand in hand with Jade. The two girls from Karron were apprehensive about being near such a huge body of water, but John sensed their discomfort and moved between the two of them so that they could lean into him for courage.

They strolled around the lake, enjoying the tranquillity and calm after the pounding excitement of the club and soaking in the romantic setting.

Unfortunately their peaceful solitude was rudely interrupted by a large group of men, sprawled on a couple of benches. They were clearly drunk, being rowdy and obnoxious and making catcalls to the girls as John and his women walked past. John rolled his eyes to the girls and they walked past briskly, only for the group to get up and follow them, a couple of the men running past calling to them playfully and then turning to face them and standing in their path.

The playfulness seemed to evaporate abruptly and the encounter suddenly had a more threatening edge to it.

"Hey, why are you running away?" One of the men in front said, a swarthy fellow with a scar on his right cheek.

"We don't want any trouble gentlemen." John said. "We just came out for a fun night, let's not spoil it."

"We'd like some fun too." The swarthy man joked, his eyes roving over the girls, who suddenly felt very exposed in their clubbing gear.

"What do you say boys, would you like some fun?" the man said in a louder voice to the rest of his group who were catching them up from behind.

This was returned with a bunch of less than polite comments, as the men made it quite clear what they considered to be fun.

John unhooked his arms from Alyssa and Sparks and stepped forward a pace. "I'd advise you to back away gentlemen." he said in a quiet voice. "I hadn't planned on breaking anyone today, but if any of you touch my women, I'll make an exception."

Unfortunately the swarthy man was too drunk or stupid to realise the potential danger he was in. He definitely didn't appreciate being told what to do.

"How about I fuck you up." he snarled, drawing a knife. "Then me and my boys take turns on your women."

The flash of moonlight on steel caught the corner of John's eye and he half turned to see that another one of the men from the bigger group behind had drawn a knife too. Knowing that he was the only one with melee combat training, John was seriously concerned. Fighting eight to one, whilst trying to protect four vulnerable girls was not good odds.

The man with the knife held in front of him walked forward a pace, tossing the large knife between his hands in a showy move that was designed to intimidate. His friend darted forward with a leer and tried to grab Sparks, who shrank back against Alyssa. The man chuckled evilly and stuck his tongue out, licking the air suggestively.

Knifeman was now in striking range and he brandished the weapon at John so that the moonlight caught the blade.

"I'm going to bleed you." he said with a sinister smile, before lunging out suddenly in a thrusting stabbing move.

John side stepped the strike, letting the knifeman overextend himself and grabbed the man's arm below the wrist in his left hand. He pinned the man's forearm in place by grabbing the man's elbow in his right hand and smashed the forearm down on his right knee which he drove up with explosive force. The man's forearm bent in half with a sickening crunch, tearing bone and ligaments asunder and the knife dropped to the floor.

Screaming in pain the knifeman fell back as tongue waggler moved in and threw a wild haymaker at John's head. John sidestepped the reckless punch and then drove his fist into the man's back, the pounding blow striking the man in the kidney's and making him scream with pain and collapse on the floor.

A surprised scream sounded behind him and John whirled to see one of the men from the other group had darted forward to grab at Calara, gripping her wrist in his hand and pulling her away from where she stood next to Jade. A cold shiver of fear shot through John as he realised he was too far back to immediately move to aid the brunette.

"Rawr!!" A throaty growl suddenly burst out from ahead of him.

"What the fuck?!" someone yelled, as John watched in amazement as Jade pounced forward, slashing down at the man's offending limb with her outstretched hand.

John saw that her blurred slash cut across the man's forearm, leaving a deep bloodied gash and causing the man to leap back, clutching his arm and shrieking in terror. The other men backed away, the second knifeman swiping at the air as though to ward her away, before they all turned tail and ran.

John jogged up to Jade and Calara, his face lined with worry.

"Are you both ok?" he asked.

Calara nodded hesitantly and Alyssa and Sparks rushed to the girls side and hugged her comfortingly. John turned to check on Jade and gasped in shock. The Nymph now sported long, sharp looking fangs and when he glanced down at her hands he saw that her nails had elongated and glowed with an ethereal viridian glow.

"Jade are you ok?" he asked her with concern.

The Nymph turned to face him and then closed her eyes and breathed deeply, the claws retracting and the long upper canines returning to their normal size.

"This one was so worried for Calara's safety. Is she alright master?" she asked with concern.

"She's fine thanks to you!" John said gratefully.

"Let's go ladies." He said firmly, turning to the other girls. "I want to get out of here in case that group decides to get brave."

The girls nodded stoically and they set off at a brisk pace back to where they had left the hover-limo and their chauffer. They returned to the limo and piled in, feeling safe at last when the driver sensed their urgency and took off immediately.

Calara began to cry softly as her body reacted to the shock of the encounter, so Alyssa and Sparks cuddled her comfortingly. John held his arms out for Jade and she cuddled into him with a contented sigh.

"I'm very proud of you." he whispered into her ear. "You protected Calara just like I would have protected any of you."

Jade stared up into his eyes, seeing his sincere gratitude and then she brushed her fingertips down along his jawline lovingly.

"This one will always protect you and your mates master." she said vehemently.

John copied her hand movements, trailing his fingers along the soft skin of her jawline.

"I love you, Jade." he said to her softly.

"I love you too master." she sighed back to him dreamily.

John felt sad that what had been such an amazing evening had been cut short by an ugly brutal incident, but he felt even closer to Jade, so something good had come of it in the end.

They returned to the Magnus hotel, feeling drained after the adrenalin had worn off. They had a quick shower when they entered the suite and then curled up in bed, hugging each other and just glad to be unscathed after the shocking encounter by the lake. They drifted off to sleep immediately and didn't wake until morning when the three suns of Alpha Centauri promised a bright new day.

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

Yeah, they really need a few more of mechanical geniuses like Sparks to make more gear for them, ... McCarran Arms and the Steinbeck Armoury would both have love'd to sell more gear to John, ... but Tef said no, ... Sparks new Workshop is going to get multiple workouts very quickly, ... And ten extra rifles with ten suits of armor will have to do for now, ...

-- Soon they'll be following their space map to all the places they wish to get more good gear from, ... starting with the Grey's, (Ashanath), ... This should prove interesting, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

John ordered so few new rifles and suits of armor, ... it just seems like the author (hi Tef) knows what is going to happen and what is going to be needed by the crew in the coming story chapter, ... imagine that .... but then, we all know that Sparks new Engineering lab will get a workout right away, .... and she is truly amazing, ... ;-) ttfn

skippersdadskippersdad8 months ago

Call her Murder Mittens now.

Cosmo5049Cosmo504910 months ago

Alyssa who? JADE!

ranec1ranec110 months ago

patiently waiting for the yellow N

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