Three Women Open a Massage Parlour Pt. 02

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Bianca's story - she gives her brother more than a massage!
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/08/2022
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"So Bianca, what do you think, yes or no?"

Regarding sex, I was a liberated woman, up for most things, but what Carla had just told me was shocking. And now she wanted to know if I thought that what she'd suggested was true or not. She must be mistaken, and it wasn't a topic that I wanted to think about, or to continue talking about. I was going to put a stop to this.

With a firm voice, I confidently said, "It's got to be no," and then I gave her a warning, "If you say anymore about it then I'll tell Alison."

I thought that my last remark would irritate her, perhaps even make her angry, but she just shrugged her shoulders and then she changed the subject. She wasn't offended. She'd said her piece, and if I didn't believe her then that was my problem.

However, three days later, to my surprise, I'd changed my mind. After we'd talked, every time I saw Alison and Brad together, I was now more observant, and I noticed things that I'd probably missed before. And none of them were subtle.

It's not unusual for a Mother and Son to hold hands, but they were doing it a lot, at almost every opportunity. And sometimes, when they looked at each other, it was in a way that only lovers do. Once, they were even standing so close together that I thought they were going to kiss. I felt such a fool, why hadn't I noticed all of that before?

When I spoke to Carla about it she didn't say, "I told you so," but she didn't need to, her smug expression said it all.

"You need to tell her. It will be better coming from you."

I didn't want to, but Carla was right. She would be more direct, whereas, I would be more careful with my words. It was a delicate subject that needed to be dealt with by using tact and diplomacy. I could do that, but Carla would find that difficult. She would rush in, like a bull in a china shop, and that would be a disaster.

The next day I got some time with her alone. That was my opportunity, so after taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I went for it. After ten minutes of preamble I eventually got to the point. Even then, I didn't say it, I just hinted at it. I was now waiting for Alison's response. When I got it, it wasn't what I expected.

First she laughed, long and hard, and then, with hands on hips, she said, "Yes, I am fucking my Son. Do you have a problem with it?"

I did, but I shook my head, and then I averted my eyes.

While looking down at the floor, I said, "It's just that you need to be careful. Other people are going to put two and two together and also come up with four."

When I looked up, her face was now serious. She was thinking about what I'd just said. Then she surprised me again, this time by giving me a big hug.

"Thanks for the advice. You're a good friend. I'll have a word with Brad. From now on we will be very discreet."

And they were, to such an extent, that even Sherlock Holmes, after carefully scrutinising them, would have to declare that they were only in a normal Mother and Son relationship. However, Carla and myself knew differently, that behind closed doors they were fucking like crazy!

And that should have been the end of it. We'd all carry on as if nothing had happened, and it would never be spoken of again. As far as the others were concerned, that was true, but not for me. I started to think about Alison and Brad.

They were Mother and Son, did that make the sex special? They were tasting forbidden fruit, and isn't that the sweetest? I was beginning to feel that I was missing out, that they were enjoying something that I could never have.

At first, it was mild curiosity, but it soon became obsessive. After only a few days I was imagining them fucking. Brad thrusting his cock deep into her from behind. I tried to stop, to get them out of my mind, but it was difficult. At one point it became so bad that I was considering talking to Carla about it. I didn't though, because she would find it funny. The last thing that I wanted was for her to laugh at me.

Then unexpectedly it ended, but only because something else had taken its place. Something that was even worse!

That fateful day was a Tuesday. At first, it was like any other day at our Massage Parlour. However, that changed when Greg entered my room. He was a new client, and when I saw him I did a double take.

He was a handsome man with a confident demeanour. A man that most women would find attractive. I certainly did. But that wasn't what had got my attention. To my surprise, I'd suddenly found myself looking at a man who could be the twin of Tom, my elder Brother. There were differences, but not many. The obvious ones were that he was slightly taller, with a larger nose, but the likeness was still uncanny.

"Do I know you?"

He'd noticed my reaction to him.

"No, but you do look a lot like my Brother."

With a nice smile, and while making eye contact, he said something that took me by surprise.

"If you want I can be him."

I could feel my face redden. I wasn't a naive teenager, I was a thirty eight year old woman who worked in a Massage Parlour, and just a few words from him had managed to make me blush!

He was a gentleman so he pretended not to notice, but for several seconds there was an awkward silence between us. Then he spoke.

"Alison tells me that you do a good massage."

I nodded, and then with my composure restored, I said, "No, not a good massage, a GREAT one."

He laughed, and I joined in.

It didn't take him long to undress, and as soon as he was face down on the table I covered his bottom with a towel. We both knew that this was going to be more than just a massage, that eventually we would fuck, but first he would get that great massage that I'd promised him.

I started on his shoulders, they were broad like Tom's. I pressed down hard, and he sighed.

"What's your Brother called?"

I hesitated, but then I told him. He was just, like a lot of the men do, making conversation, but I would prefer to keep Tom out of it..

After doing his shoulders I concentrated on his back. I spent ten minutes pummelling it, and then I moved down to his legs.

"I have a Sister."

I didn't say anything, I just waited for him to say more. And I knew that there would be more, as soon as he'd plucked up the courage to say it. It took him a while before he was ready.

"I'd like to massage her."

A casual observer would take what he'd said at face value, but I knew what he really meant. He didn't want to massage her, he wanted to fuck her!

"Can I massage you?"

That got a quick OK from me.

Whenever a client wants to do that I always say yes. Most are quite good at it, and I enjoy the attention that I get from them.

"And please will you pretend to be her? If you don't want to, then that's OK."

I could hear the longing in his voice. This was something that was important to him. He was desperate to do it, but role-playing is not my thing. However, he'd said please, and he wasn't pressurising me, so I found myself saying yes.

I was face down on the table, and like him, I was now naked. When he'd been there I'd draped a towel over his lower body, but he hadn't done that to me, and I knew why. Very soon, after a brief massage, his hands would be on my bottom, so there was no need to cover it.

But that wasn't what happened. I quickly discovered that I was wrong. He wasn't in a hurry. He was going to give me a good massage, and he was going to take his time.

His touch was firm, but also sensuous. I was impressed, that was a difficult combination to achieve. He'd obviously done this before. After about ten minutes, without his hands going anywhere near my intimate areas, I was beginning to wonder if this was all that he was going to do. Then he spoke.

"Ruth, would it be OK if I massage your bottom?"

So that was the name of his Sister.

There was a slight tremble in his voice. This was what he wanted to do to her, or perhaps, what he had already done.

As his hands fondled and caressed my ample bottom, my juices started to flow. There was now a nice warm feeling deep inside my pussy. When he started pushing down, in a circular motion, my excitement went up a level because it was opening and closing my pussy. Before, I'd been moist, now I was wet.

"You should let your Brother do this to you."

That annoyed me, and it took all of my self-control to stay quiet. It wasn't what I'd agreed to. This was supposed to be his fantasy, and not mine. My silence must have told him that I wasn't happy with what he'd said, because he left it at that. And then, perhaps to make amends, the attention that he had been giving my bottom got better, much better.

His hands were now between my legs, and I'd eagerly opened them to give him access to my pussy. I gave a little shudder in anticipation of what was about to happen. Within seconds his fingers would be deep inside me, and hopefully, also on my swollen clit. It then wouldn't take him long to make me come.

But he was keeping me waiting. He was teasing me. Seconds eventually turned into minutes and his fingers were still not where I wanted them to be. They were active, caressing my inner thighs. That was nice, but nice wasn't enough. My excitement was now at fever pitch, almost too much for me to bear. I was desperate for him to finger me. Any longer, and it would stop being teasing and become torture.

"Do you want me to be Tom?"

I groaned, not from pleasure, but out of frustration. Why was he doing this to me?

"Say yes and you'll get what you want. If you don't then I'll stop."

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but what if he did? If he was to leave then It would be a hollow victory. I'd then be all alone with a pussy that was on fire, with only my own fingers to extinguish the flames. I was going to say what he wanted to hear. They were only words, I didn't have to mean it.

"Yes, I want you to be my Brother."

Then I gasped as his fingers quickly entered me.

He was good, an expert. While he was fucking me with them I felt a finger from his other hand part my meaty lips, it was searching for my clit. When it found it, my little jewel, I almost reached it.

"Fuck, that was good. Rub it again."

He did, but this time more gently. I gave a deep and satisfying sigh. I knew that his skilled fingers would eventually give me that climax that my body was demanding, and that when it occurred, it would be a big one.

I don't know how it happened, but when I realized that it had, I was shocked. But even though it was making me feel uncomfortable, I didn't stop. it was just too good!

At some point, while his fingers were expertly exciting my pussy, he had become Tom. Perhaps, because he looked so much like my Brother, this was inevitable. I knew that this was wrong, that I shouldn't be having such thoughts, but I didn't care. And I wasn't going to stop, in fact, I was going to take it to the next level.

"I want my Brother to fuck me."

And I'd meant it. However, Tom wasn't here, so his twin would have to take his place.

Greg responded as expected. He quickly removed his fingers, and then his cock was at my opening. It wasn't a monster, average at best, but with the mood that I was in, it was more than enough to make me come.

When he raised my legs, it was done roughly, and a lot higher than I would have liked. I was going to complain, but his first stroke silenced me. His next one was even better. We were Brother and Sister and we were fucking. Does sex ever get better than this?

Then, without any warning, my whole world turned upside down. I was in it. As it surged through my body I loudly shouted out a single word.


It was a while before either of us moved. Despite it only being a quick fuck, a minute at the most, it had taken it out of us. He was breathing heavily and I still wasn't fully conscious.

After he'd gone I stayed in my room. I needed to shower, but I could do that later because It was two hours before I had my next client. I could relax, bask in the afterglow of good sex. It had indeed been good sex, but something was troubling me. Tom's presence, though only in my mind, had made it special. And I knew that it wouldn't be a one-off. I would do it again, and I would keep on doing it until it became an obsession. Then I laughed. That was silly, I was sure that I could keep control of my emotions. And also, I was confident that my fixation on Alison and Brad would now be in the past.

A week later I laughed again, but this time sardonically. I was such a fool to believe that I could control my emotions. Yes, my friend's relationship with her Son was no longer on my mind, but my Brother was. I was even dreaming about him. We would always be in bed together and he would be pleasuring me in every way imaginable. It was exciting me, and disgusting me, in equal measures. I felt as if I was going mad. I was going to have to speak to somebody about it, and that would have to be Alison.

Later that day, while Carla was with a client, and we were sitting together, waiting for our next one, I got my opportunity. I couldn't think of a subtle way of introducing it into the conversation, so I just blurted it out.

"Don't you feel guilty about what you are doing with your Son?"

When her eyes suddenly widened, I thought that I'd gone too far, but when she smiled I knew that I was OK.

"No. Perhaps I should, but I don't. We are both consenting adults who are getting a lot of pleasure out of it."

That was logical, but at thirty eight I was old enough to know that human emotions aren't always logical. They are generally a lot more complicated than that.

"I don't know what you're worried about, you don't have a Son. You are never going to be tempted."

That made me wince, because I was being tempted, by Tom. And she'd noticed my involuntary reaction.

"I think you'd better tell me what's really on your mind."

I then did, giving her chapter and verse. I didn't leave anything out. It took me fifteen minutes to tell her all about my time with Greg, and how I was now feeling.

When I'd finished she gave me a big hug.

"If you want my opinion then I'll give it to you."

I nodded, and she continued.

"You have two choices. Stop thinking about him in that way, or embrace it. By that, I mean enjoy the roleplay. And there is a third option if you want to be bold. You might even actually consider doing it."

It was good advice, and I spent the next two days thinking it over. Eventually, after a lot of soul-searching, and being honest with myself, I made my decision.

I wanted him to fuck me!

This time, when I chatted with Alison, it wasn't to help me to decide what to do, it was to get advice on how to do it. She'd managed to seduce her Son, so she was the expert on incest!

"You must remember that you have a lot going for you. Out of the three of us you have the best body."

"But not the best face?"

Her response, though true, was a bit too quick for my liking.

"No, that's Carla."

However, I knew that my body on its own was enough to get most men, and it wasn't that I was ugly. I had large breasts, that other women were envious of, and I had the hips and bottom to match. I was a curvy woman. There was a lot of me, but it was all in the right places. With that at my disposal I should be confident. And if he wasn't my Brother then I would be.

"So what do I do?"

Her face was serious while she was thinking about it, but it wasn't long before she was smiling. As always, Alison could be relied upon to come up with a solution to any problem.

"You need to do what I did with Brad. Give him a massage. When your hands are all over him he will forget that you are his Sister. Men are simple creatures, they think with their cock. If you can get it excited then it's game over."

Ten minutes later we had a plan, and it was one that might just work. However, after a week, frustratingly, it still hadn't got past the first step.

Like all good plans, ours was a simple one. I would persuade Tom to have a massage with Alison, but when he gets to our Parlour she wouldn't be available. I would then take her place. However, despite my best efforts, getting him to agree to a massage was turning out to be very difficult. And I was beginning to believe that it might even be impossible.

"Thanks, but no. Massage isn't my thing."

Later on, I gave him a lecture on the health benefits of it. But it was still a no. I waited a few days before trying again. That was also unsuccessful, and I could tell that he was starting to get irritated.

Then, unexpectedly, fate gave me a helping hand when I'd almost given up.

"I've done something to my back while I was playing tennis. Is that offer of a free massage still on?"

I wanted to shout out, and to punch the air in delight, but I kept my cool. Casually, without much emotion in my voice, I calmly said, "Let me check with Alison."

Ten minutes later he had his answer, and of course, it was a yes. I hadn't spoken to Alison, because I didn't need to, I'd just waited a few minutes to make it look as if I had.

On the day of his massage I was a nervous wreck, so worked up, that I nearly called it off. But with Alison's help, and a stiff whisky, I managed to calm down. However, when I saw my Brother enter the reception area, there were butterflies in my stomach and I was finding it hard to breathe. Fortunately for me, a nice smile from him eased my nerves.

Before he could speak, I greeted him with, "Sorry, Alison can't do it."

I could see the disappointment in his face. Hopefully, that would disappear when I'd told him that I would take her place.

"I can massage you."

My mouth was open, but I hadn't yet spoken those words. They had come from behind me. I turned around, and there was Carla.

"My client cancelled so I'm free now."

Then, before I could say anything, she was leading him towards her room. Not telling her about my plan had been a big mistake.

When Alison saw me I was slumped in a chair, with tears running down my cheeks. Between sobs, I told her what had happened. I was expecting her to be sympathetic, but she wasn't.

"Pull yourself together. Crying like a baby isn't going to help. How long has he been with her?"

"I don't know."

Then I looked at my watch.

"Ten minutes, I think."

"Good, it's not too late."

"When I get back you need to be ready."

I didn't know what I needed to be ready for, but I took her advice. I wiped away the tears, and I even combed my hair. When she returned I was sitting upright. and I even managed a smile.

After giving me the once over, she said, "You'll do. Now go to him. He's in Carla's room."

"With Carla?"

"No, he's on his own. I told her that an important client had asked for her. Your Brother is now waiting for you to continue the massage."

When I entered the room I was surprisingly calm, I was just relieved that I'd been given a second chance.

"I'm sorry for all the confusion."

"Not a problem, I can see how busy you all are. All I want is for my back to be sorted out."

That maybe all that he wanted, but if I could skilfully use all of my womanly charms on him, then he would get a lot more than that!

He told me that Carla had done his shoulders so I started on his back. When he winced, I knew that I'd found the area that I needed to concentrate on.

The massage was just a ruse. It was to give me an opportunity to touch his body, an opportunity to be close to him. However, that didn't mean that I had to do a sloppy job. He had a problem with his back and I was going to do my best to help him with it.

After ten minutes of going deep into the muscle that was giving him pain, I stopped.

"It will be sore for a while, but hopefully it will help."

"Thanks Sis."

"I'll do the rest of you, but don't worry, from now on I'll be more gentle."

That got a laugh from him. And I would be gentle, but what he didn't know is that I would also be sensuous. Eventually, my hands wouldn't be massaging him, they would be caressing him!