Tina Turned Her


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When we were back Tina stripped off completely, throwing her skirt, panties and the top across the lounge. She seemed unconcerned with total nudity and made coffee for us all, standing in the garden to drink it as the star light defined the rippling muscles of her back and butt. We were all tired and so went to bed. I can't say that I was surprised that Sheena slept with Tina, leaving me solitary in the room without a view. It was the first time that I had slept alone for many years.


I woke to murmuring noises. It was now daylight so I pulled on some shorts and walked into the lounge. From where I could see that the other bedroom door was open and the girls were on the bed, partially covered by a sheet. Tina was sucking gently on one of Sheena's nipples stretching it out to its fullest length.

I left them to it.

When I returned, they were both sitting on the bed. Tina had put on some shorts, and was brushing her corkscrews of hair which was nice because it made her breasts quiver. It was difficult for me because I was trying not to stare openly at those bullet nipples. "I hate it" she announced. "It's a complete mess and I need to sort it out."

"Do you fancy going into town and finding a stylist?" asked Sheena.

"I fancy having a complete change. Like having it all cut off. And I mean it."

"What? You don't mean all of it" said Sheena, surprised.

"Yes, I've decided, I've been thinking about it for a while. Do me a favour, cut it off for me."

The two discussed it over breakfast but Tina was steadfast. "Get some scissors and get rid of it for me."

Eventually we found some kitchen scissors and Sheena had a go at trimming Tina's locks but it was not enough. "Get rid of it!" insisted Tina, so the cuts continued and eventually the curls were lying across her bare shoulders and on the floor in a pile whilst her head looked like a battlefield. The uneven hacks with the scissors had left little tufts all over her scalp.

She looked in a mirror and considered the scene. "Shave it smooth." she ordered. So I fetched my razor and she removed the shorts to sit on the floor of the shower in the bathroom whilst I covered her head in foam and shaved the rest of the hair from her head, using the spray head to rinse away the waste.

When I was finished she stood and checked the result. The appearance actually suited her very well, her statuesque good looks with her square jawline and small nose looked very sexy. Sheena stroked and kissed the round skull sensuously, then I was told to disappear again.

I spent a few hours lying on a lounger near the pool, pondering the state of my life with Sheena. The breeze was wafting gently and I lay nude in the sun to take full advantage of the secluded location and the heat of the day.

I stood up and wandered into the house. I was feeling hot and sweaty again from the sun and when I checked out the freezer compartment of the refrigerator I found that it had been stocked with ice-creams. I selected one, which I started to eat. The rest of the house was quiet but when I looked inside the bedroom I saw my wife lying on her back apparently asleep on the bed. Her pale breasts were sagging to the sides, nipples flat.

Tina was engrossed with eating her out, kneeling with her well-muscled rump in the air. Sheena had her white legs crossed around Tina's shaved head which gave the incongruous appearance of having a bowling ball in her lap.

Tina's fanny was unashamedly wide open and exposed to my view. Her knees and thighs were spread apart, allowing her crinkled labia to separate and making her clitoris protrude clearly from her hood. Her inner flesh was visible, brightly plum coloured against the dark background. The soles of her feet were towards me, toes scrunched up with the gold ring shining.

I hadn't made much noise compared to their slurping sounds and heavy breathing and it occurred to me that neither were aware of my presence. On a wild impulse, I took my ice-cream and shoved it hard into Tina's unprotected pussy.

There was a pause followed by a shriek and Tina jumped up, swearing. Sheena's legs were locked around Tina's head causing her to be thrown into the air, landing upside down in a naked tangle with a scream. When they had sorted themselves out, they both then started yelling at me. Suddenly I wasn't the favourite person in the house.

Tina checked out between her legs and found herself covered in melting raspberry and vanilla desert, a large lump of which slithered down her thigh and fell to the floor leaving a white smear on her labia.

Without further warning she swung her right hand and slapped me hard on the side of my head, sending me flying across the room. I landed with a crash against the wardrobe, my ear ringing.

"You fucking twat!" she shouted. Her eyes glared at me, her pierced nipples stiff with rage. I stepped swiftly backwards out of the room but she was after me, the gold rings bouncing violently. I fled across the lounge area but she was upon me almost immediately and grabbed hold of one arm.

With a twist and a terrific wrench on my shoulder I found myself somersaulting, landing on my back on the hard tiled floor. She still held my arm which was again tugged hard, turning me over onto my face and then her knee was in my back. I found myself completely immobile with my arm twisted up and locked against her leg.

Tina paused for a moment to get her breath. I realised that she was sitting on me with her bare sticky buttocks against my body. She then shifted and started to raise herself to her feet, pressing a couple of fingers against my chin, lifting it up as she did so. This movement levered all my joints against each other in agony and I had to climb to my feet to relieve the pain.

She was clearly using some cop technique for restraining prisoners on me and I was soon teetering on tiptoes. Then she pushed me over so that I lay on the sofa and she bent over me, her metalwork dangling in my face. My helpless situation suddenly seemed hilarious to me and I started laughing like an idiot, which didn't help as she reacted by starting to swing punches at me with her free hand

I was completely overpowered. Her fitness and strength meant that I was no match. Eventually she stopped bashing me on the head and grabbed my wrists, holding me firm with warm soft flesh pressing against my nose. One nipple ring was resting against my nostril, tickling it and making me want to sneeze.

I saw Sheena standing behind her, laughing. Tina turned to her. "Fuck, I've got fanny-freeze. I could have had a heart attack." She was still angry "This dick-head needs a fucking good lesson." She reached down and grabbed my balls, twisting them and sending arrows of pain through me. I wondered where she had that idea from. "Don't get the wrong idea here," she snarled to me, as we both realised that I had grown a good stiffy.

She smacked it viciously with the palm of her hand. Sheena stepped forwards and interrupted her -- but I noticed that she didn't actually protect me. "I agree, a good lesson is what he needs. First, make him clean you up."

Tina moved me so that her pussy was presented to my face. "Lick it, fuckwit, every drop." I complied and carefully removed all the ice-cream from around her pussy together with the red and white dribbles running down her thighs. Then I licked between her labia, as deep as I could reach. When it was all clean again I paused.

"Who the fuck told you to stop" demanded Tina. She still held me prisoner and I was forced to tongue her again, now concentrating on her clitoris, which was bursting from the hood as she spread her thighs even more widely. Soon the bud was stiffly erect, shining and with a raspberry hue to match the ice-cream.

Then Tina shifted and I could feel her picking something up. I felt my wrists being tied together as I continued with my tongue, then she turned and bound some thicker material over my eyes. It was the boob-tube top and smelled of perspiration.

"Keep going, you bastard." Tina snarled and I realised that I had stopped licking. My tongue was starting to tire but I continued as fast as I could.

After some time she moved me so that I was on my back with her pussy out of my reach. I was left with only her anus available and I stopped for breath. I felt a whack on my penis as she told me to lick harder but my breathing was restricted and I was tiring. Another, much harder strike came and I licked for all I was worth, around in circles and probing the tight sphincter.

The fingers gripping my testicles were tighter than ever giving me motivation to keep going. As I did so, I was able to probe deeper into the opening.

Tina and Sheena then rose and I felt myself being lifted roughly into a standing position with my hands released. However something tight was tied around my testicles and a none-too gentle tug meant that I had to walk blindly across the room, led by the balls.

At least my arms, which had been forcibly positioned above my head were now allowed down in front of me. When I tried to feel whatever had been tied onto me, my balls received a sharp pain and I was told firmly to leave them alone.

I found myself bent over the back of the sofa. My feet were moved well apart leaving me exposed, then there was a sudden strike on my backside. I was totally unprepared and reared upwards. Shit it hurt! The accompanying sound of the impact was followed by me swearing.

"Be quiet, arsehole. You handed it out, now you take it." It was Tina's voice and I was bent over again. This time I was ready and the stinging pain had less effect. I heard the sound of a door opening and rustling noises. Whispers from the other two were followed by fingers being placed on my buttocks which were separated, exposing my most sensitive spot.

A finger was placed against my anus and then slowly inserted, making me squirm. "Stand still!" Tina barked. I then felt something incredibly cold being inserted up inside my butt and I was allowed upright. A chill went right through me, contrasting with the burning pain on my buttocks.

My feet were permitted to return together and the blindfold removed. Blinking in the sudden light, I saw that the item still tied to my testicles was the pair of panties that Tina had worn the night previously. The feeling in my rear was now agony and I strained involuntarily, expelling the object which fell on the floor. I saw that it was an ice cube from the freezer.

Tina and Sheena fell about laughing while I minced around the room with crossed legs .

"Now you know what it feels like, serves you right." Tina towed me with the panties back to the rear of the sofa. She exchanged glances with Sheena, who nodded at her.

Tina leaned herself over the furniture and stood with her legs wide apart, showing me her round backside and labia. "Right you bastard, fuck me now." My stiffy had diminished considerably with the ice cube insertion and showed no sign of enabling me to comply with her demands. "Come on, I'm waiting" she demanded.

She grabbed my cock and rubbed it hard, then when it had only half-way risen, reached underneath herself and pushed it into her vagina. With some effort and easing her vulva lips apart to allow better access, she managed to pull me in close against her buttocks and impaled herself properly. She pushed against me to make sure it was fully in, then started to grind.

Within a few moments the heat of her moist pussy had worked its magic and I felt myself come to full erection. I started to move against her, but she was having none of it. "You can stop that, it's my fuck not yours." She held the panties and pulled me into her, then relaxed the tug so that we partially separated. She repeated the pull, making me move against her and made sure that I kept to her rhythm. "Don't you dare cum, you shit-head. It'll be the last thing you do."

She stilled and then I felt her body tense, squeezing my cock with an awesome grip. Then she pulled me in, against the tightness of her internal contractions. With tears in my eyes from the pain I resisted the temptation to yank myself from her.

Tina kept controlling my movements with the panties until her breath grew short and eventually she orgasmed. She stood still, catching her breath but then continued. "Make me come again or you'll get thrashed properly." She put both hands underneath herself so that one hand pulled me back and fore, the other rubbed her clitoris. This time she orgasmed quickly, continuing to stimulate herself until she slowed and relaxed so that I was permitted to withdraw.

Very slowly she straightened and turned to face me, exhaling deeply. She untied the panties to release me.

She raised her right knee slowly and inspected her pussy. "Right, behave yourself in future. Don't you dare do anything like that ever again. And don't you dare let me catch you having a wank."


The next day the sun awoke us late, streaming through the curtains. I took a shower, then had a solitary swim in the pool before breakfast. I lay on the sun-lounger to dry in the breeze while Sheena made a pot of coffee and fetched me a mug. "You'd better watch Tina, I reckon. She's still got her eyes on you."

"I thought she'd got over the ice-cream."

"She was really pissed, I don't think she's forgiven you yet."

Tina appeared at the door with a towel wrapped around her hips, her shoulders and breasts wet from the shower. "I fancy going to the beach today, plus we need to get some stuff from the shops."

She slipped on a long yellow dress, tightly clinging around the hips and ass but gaping at the front where it was cut deeply at the cleavage. It was showing an impressive side-boob -- almost to the nipples. Unusually she had flip-flops instead of the ubiquitous boots. Sheena and I put on shorts and T-shirts again.

We piled into the rental car and set off, calling into a supermarket in the nearby town. Tina's shaved head attracted curious glances from other shoppers and the staff and when we had paid for the goods we headed off again. Eventually we drove along a stony track, parking in a rough car park near an impressively long sandy beach.

We found a spot near some rocks and settled down to change into our swimsuits. Tina however didn't bother with a towel to conceal herself and stripped off the yellow dress. Suddenly she was naked, standing openly where people could see her.

I looked around, startled. "You'll get arrested. Everyone can see you."

She was unperturbed. "Haven't you noticed? Most of the people here aren't wearing anything. I don't even own a costume."

I looked around, up and down the beach. Sure enough about half of the people were nude including men and women.

I sat on my towel for a short while and when Sheena removed her clothes as well, I followed suit -- sitting down and shuffling from side to side so that I wouldn't be noticed. I made sure that my knees were kept close together so that people couldn't see my bits. We placed our clothes in a small pile but Tina was still holding the car key and looking around for somewhere secure to leave it. Then with a triumphant grin she clipped the key to her left nipple ring and it dangled down, swinging against the dark flesh.

The feeling of being undressed in the company of other members of the public was disconcerting. Was everyone looking? Were my genitals too big, too small? I've heard people say that the only people you see on a nude beach are the sort that you don't want to see on a nude beach, but I have to say that this was a mixed bunch. Some thin, some fat. Some were old and with wrinkled sagging skin, but others were young with firm bodies that would grace any porn site.

Nearby, a nude woman with a perfect all-over deep mahogany tan was playing ball in the waves with a man who was actually wearing beach shorts. She was slim, about 25 years old and had long black hair, a full bush of dark pubes and pert breasts that barely bounced as she moved. They threw their ball back and fore, occasionally having to swim across the low waves to retrieve it when it was dropped. I wondered if she was enhanced with silicone implants, her breasts having such firmness and shape. I settled down to watch.

After a while the man walked away towards the car park, returning some minutes later in company with an old lady wearing heavy shoes and thick black clothing. She appeared to be his mother and he carried a white plastic chair with his free hand whilst assisting her across the sand. He set down the chair and the lady sat, in solitary splendour overseeing the beach. He opened a bag and took out a blanket and picnic gear.

As he was setting out plates and plastic containers the nude lady approached him and had a conversation with them both, obviously all three quite comfortable with her lack of costume. Some minutes later another couple joined them and it was clear that there was a family lunch party. "That's a bit weird" I commented. "A right mixture of clothed and unclothed."

"That's the way here" said Tina. "It's Sunday and they'll all have lunch together, it's traditional. They've probably been coming to the beach for generations."

Presently the family sat to eat their lunch, the tanned lady remaining naked; the others all wearing clothes or swimwear. Afterwards the lady slipped a short dress on and they packed up and left, so we had that little extra piece of beach to use ourselves.

We snacked on the goodies that we had bought at the supermarket and shortly Tina went off for a swim, zipping through the water leaving a foaming wake. I had no chance of keeping up with her and Sheena certainly didn't, so we left our gear and feeling bold went for a stroll along the water's edge. The feel of the fresh sea breeze across my bare body was most refreshing and the sensation of walking in public in the nude is something that I'll never forget.

Sheena was much more friendly with me now and it seemed that her coming out had relieved a great deal of tension between us. She even took my hand as we strolled, as if we were young lovers once more. I pondered to myself whether I had missed signs that would have warned me. I couldn't think of any; she had been to college which I suppose may have been an opportunity to experiment. Other than that, not much. I wondered at the amount of stress that she must have been under, just to reveal her true self.

The beach was quite long with a high cliff behind. We carried on much further than we had intended; in the end we walked for about a mile. Our clothes were left far behind so we were completely vulnerable. However we were also invisible; it occurred to me that people wearing costumes were actually attracting attention with their bright colours to the areas that they were trying to conceal.

Other people were strolling naked like ourselves, some sitting sunbathing. At one point we passed a group fishing, relaxing unclothed against some rocks as their rods were propped alongside. We continued past a beach bar and restaurant and then an inlet with a hidden hotel in a small valley. This was now a busy area, with sun-loungers and many family groups.

I realised that we were now in an area where nearly everyone else was wearing costumes but Sheena surprised me by continuing straight past without concern for her nudity, however when we then reached the rocky headland the beach ended.

We entered the sea for a brief dip. The cold seawater was a shock on my hot skin but instead of wimping in the shallows like I normally might, I felt obliged to stride out confidently until my testicles were covered and then dive boldly into the waves. Once we were fully under the water it was really refreshing and seemed natural to not have clothes.

We continued back dripping wet, letting the sun and breeze dry us naturally. As we passed the restaurant I heard the sound of motors, then saw two quad bikes trundling along the beach towards us. It was a Police patrol.