Tipping Point Ch. 07


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"I know. I know. I'm rushing you again, aren't I?"

"It's alright. I have to be set in my own mind that I'm ready."

"Okay. I told you I could wait. I will. I guess I'm all fired up about the new job. I have to put the house up for sale, call the movers, and find a place in Charlotte. Luckily, Winston is looking after all that. They'll even let me stay in a hotel suite for up to three months while I find a place to live in Charlotte. Do you think that will be hard, Stan?"

"I don't know. My experience has been confined to the plant and the Holiday Inn. I haven't really seen the city yet. When are you scheduled to move?"

"The middle of February. Frank will be in Houston starting this week, and then back for a month when I get there. Then, we're on our own."

"Okay, well, I'll be in Kansas City before you leave, so I'll see you there."

"Remember, you don't need a rental car or a hotel here as long as I'm in town."

"I remember. I guess we'll have to work out how we handle things in Charlotte."

"Don't you worry. We'll figure something out," she laughed.

When I hung up the phone, I realized how much I was looking forward to seeing Sue again. Just hearing how happy she was made me feel great. I realized I hadn't told her about my conversation with Sylvia. I reminded myself to do it next time I talked to her. In the meantime, I had agreed that we would be together when I next saw her. That would be a big step for me. The question only remained; just how together?

I finally got to a hockey game with Terry Rhinesdorf's gang on Wednesday night. It didn't take me long to figure out just how out-of-shape I was. A two minute shift felt like two hours. Luckily, being on defense I could get a few seconds of rest when we were in the attacking zone. I hadn't forgotten how to skate, and in time, the lessons I learned about playing the position came back to me. Other than my physical conditioning, I wasn't at all out of place on the team. I even managed to have some fun between gasps for breath.

Sylvia had that talk with Tommy a few days after ours, and I was happy that she made the effort. I didn't ask what she told him, but I could see he was a lot more settled about his mother than before, and I was grateful to her for making the effort. I felt they would probably be okay with each other in the future. It would be important to both him and Jilly.

Tommy had also started his night classes at Southern Ohio Technical. Right from the start, he knew he had made a good decision. The result was that I spent most of my nights alone whether I was home or on the road. On the weekends, he spent most of his time with Jilly, even when they were studying. I couldn't blame him, but I needed something to keep me occupied.

I cruised the Internet, and almost by accident I found a course on running your own business. It was produced by a respected university publishing company, and I decided to sign up for the online service. When I thought about it, I really didn't know anything about running a business, and with the income tax season coming up this spring, I had better get my affairs in order. I hadn't received any income other than F & C in the previous year, so that would be straightforward. But this year would be a different story.

The course was interesting, even though there were parts of it that didn't affect me. On the other hand, I quickly realized I didn't have any liability insurance to cover me if things went wrong at a customer. I was starting to see that there was a lot more to running your own business than just finding customers.

Suddenly, my evenings and spare time were filled with learning just what my responsibilities were to both myself and the various forms of government. The good news was that I could continue my study on the road, thanks to the internet. Whether I was in North Platte, Nebraska, or Albuquerque, New Mexico, I was in touch. It definitely helped fill the evenings alone in my hotel room.

I called Sue near the end of January and set up an appointment. It would be the first of my scheduled maintenance reviews, as per my contract. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and she convinced me to fly in on Sunday so that we could have some time together before getting down to work. I agreed. I had foregone a couple of Sunday skates with Teresa, but I found I wasn't missing them the way I thought I might. It seemed Sue was on my mind more often these days.

Sue met me at the baggage carousel Sunday afternoon and I got a big, tight hug, and a big, wet kiss as a welcome.

"Hi," she said, her eyes glistening. "Good to see you again. It's been two months. So much has happened."

"Yes ... for both of us. How are you?" I asked. She looked a bit stressed.

"I'm fine. A bit tired, but that's to be expected. I've been so busy trying to get my replacement ready to take over. He's going to be fine ... it's just me worrying," she smiled.

"Well, you'll have lots to keep you busy in Charlotte. What did you think of the plant?"

"Oh, Stan ... I was almost overwhelmed. So much more equipment, and so many more people. I've got so much to learn. I'm a bit scared, to tell the truth."

"Don't worry about the equipment. You've got good people in maintenance, and I've been assigned to bring you along on the Helmvac."

"Yeah ... Byron mentioned that. I was really relieved. Maybe you can sneak in some time for me on the other machines if I get in trouble."

"Of course. Don't go worrying about that just yet. Spend your time with Frank on learning what's needed to manage the production floor. That's what's important. People are much more difficult to control than machines. He's a good role model for that. He has their respect, and that's what you will have to earn."

She nodded. She was still clinging to my arm as my bag slid down the ramp toward me. I felt like she was depending upon me to give her the confidence she needed. I didn't think it was necessary, but I didn't want to underestimate how uncertain she was as she prepared to make this big move. Throw in a new city and new people, and I could understand the stress.

As we walked toward her car, we talked about what had been going on in past weeks. I told Sue about my meeting with Sylvia and how much more at ease I was with our parting. I wasn't feeling guilty, and I wasn't angry any longer. Sue was happy about that. I think it gave her the feeling the way was open for her if we decided that's what we wanted. I wasn't in any doubt that Sue had already made up her mind.

As we drove along I was watching Sue, admiring her voluptuous body unashamedly. What made her attractive, though, was her positive nature. She was an optimist, always trying to see the sunny side of things. I was letting my mind wander back to when we had first met, several years ago, and something immediately came back to me.

"Sue, I forgot all about your daughter. I remember you told me you had a teenage daughter ... or at least ... she was back then. How is she doing? I didn't see her when I stayed at your house last December."

She turned and smiled at me. "I didn't think you remembered Elizabeth. Liz, as she prefers to be called, is now in second year at the Missouri Music Academy in St. Louis. She's going to be a concert pianist someday. In fact, she will be touring Europe with a youth orchestra this summer. I'm having a hard time realizing my little girl is all grown up. She'll be twenty in May."

"Wow! Touring Europe! You must be very proud of her. She's almost the same age as my Tommy."

"She's worked hard to get her scholarship and even harder to earn money for this trip. I've helped her a bit, but she's done most of it herself. I'm excited for her, Stan. She has a great future in front of her."

I could see the pride and happiness when she talked about her daughter. I felt the same way about Tommy. I knew that great feeling your children gave you when they turned into mature young people and rewarded you for all the sacrifice you made in their younger years.

When I thought of Tommy, I couldn't help but feel Sylvia had a great deal to do with his turning into a fine young man. It made it that much more important that he not lose touch with his mother. She should share in the reward for her efforts.

Sue must have seen the expression on my face. "What are you thinking about?"

I hesitated before I answered, "Just thinking how Sylvia had contributed to the way Tommy turned out. As upset as I am with her behavior, she was a big part of his upbringing."

Sue was smiling again as we drove along. "I think that's what makes you different than so many men, Stan. You don't let your emotions rule you. Considering what you've been through, I'm impressed."

"There's no need to butter me up, Sue. I ain't perfect," I grinned.

"You'll do," she said, casting a glance at me as she turned onto her street.

It was the first time I'd seen her house in the daylight, and my impression of a neat, tidy, well cared-for property was confirmed. I parked my bags in the same bedroom as last time, but got an odd look from Sue. I hung up my shirts, then returned to the kitchen. Sue had opened two bottles of Michelob and passed me one.

I raised the bottle toward her. "Thanks for the special treatment. You have a lovely home, and you are a very generous hostess."

She smiled and nodded her acceptance of my compliment. She looked a little flushed and I wondered if I might have embarrassed her. I'd never seen that look before. I found I was comparing her to Teresa Croft. They weren't anything alike. Teresa was several inches taller, a slimmer build, and had a certain air about her that I could only describe as elegant. She would have fit right in with the high society crowd.

Sue was much more earthy. There was no sense that she wasn't exactly who she appeared to be; lively, good humored, sexy as hell, energetic, and smart. They were nothing alike other than their individual attractiveness. Which one would I rather be with? Right this moment – Sue. She was creating wayward thoughts as she moved around the kitchen.

At one moment, I was thinking how much fun it would be to have my hands on those two lovely big breasts that she so proudly displayed. Then again, that bubble butt of hers was another sensational target for my hands. I had an almost irresistible urge to run them over those two very taut, round mounds. I suppressed the thought as I could feel an erection in the making.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd made love to Sylvia. Hell, it wasn't making love ... it was just sex. Me getting my primal urges looked after without much emotion involved. Even then, it was better than nothing, and nothing is what I'd been getting for quite some time. So ... if Sue was willing ... was I ready? The question was ... was Sue willing?

"What's going through that fertile mind of yours, Stan," she said, looking at me carefully. "You have been eyeing me since you got in the car. See something you like?"

Busted! I couldn't fool her, so there wasn't much point in trying. "Yeah. You caught me. I was admiring the scenery. I admit it." I tried to sound contrite.

She flashed a big smile and walked to me, putting her arms around my neck. "So ... I finally got your attention, huh? It's about time. I've been trying every trick I could think of. Looks like one of them finally worked. Which one was it?"

"I don't know what tricks you thought you had to use, but one thing that gets my attention is that sexy body of yours."

"Oh ... but which part? Boobs I'll bet. That always gets a guy's attention." At that stage she was pushing those big breasts into me with noticeable force.

"Yeah ... they're very ... prominent ... but ... you have a very nice ... backside too," I stumbled, trying not to offend her.

"You like my butt, do you? Well, grab on and enjoy yourself," she smirked, just before kissing me with a very hot, deep kiss featuring a lot of tongue.

When we finally broke, "You're going to ruin my self-control, woman. How am I supposed to behave myself when you do things like that to me?"

"Just checking to make sure you're paying attention. I told you weeks ago I was going after you, so don't pretend this is all a big surprise."

"I don't plan to fight it ... if that's what you mean."

"Then what are we waiting for?" she asked as she took my hand and pulled me toward the bedroom.

Undressing Sue was a hell of an experience. She was more than just voluptuous. I don't know what the word for it is, but I was unveiling one fabulous part after another. Not only wasn't she shy about my seeing her, she flaunted herself to show me just how sexy she really was. She shook her boobs and wiggled her ass. By the time she was naked, I was stunned, fully erect, and still dressed. I had some catching up to do.

I had some catching up to do in bed as well. I didn't want to rush and I tried to give her as much attention with my tongue and fingers as I thought she could stand. But after a few minutes of oral pleasing, she wanted to get to the main event.

"That's enough, Stan. I'm so wet, I'll drown if you don't put a stop to it. Please, fill me up," she pleaded.

I took it very slowly and was rewarded with her sigh of contentment as I entered her. I wasn't very confident I would last too long, but I would try my best. My best was apparently good enough.

It was dark when we finally gave up trying to please each other any more. I couldn't get it up for a fourth time, and Sue admitted to being a bit sore. Then she suggested we take it easy so that we could go again later. She wasn't that sore.

I hadn't felt this good in many months, and Sue was everything I could want in a lover. It wasn't some contest to see who could outdo the other. It was two like souls meeting in the middle, each trying to satisfy the other.

"That was lovely, Stan. It's just what I imagined making love to you would be like. I'm going to want more of that, you know."

"I was thinking the same thing. We have a lot to learn about each other. I have a feeling there's more to making love to you than what we just did. That was pretty gentle and there was a lot of feeling in it. But, knowing you, I'll bet there's a fun side I haven't discovered yet."

"Oh, yeah. There are times. We'll discover them together. Nothing too wild, though. I don't think that's what either of us wants."

"No ... you're right. But ... I get the feeling we're going to have a lot of fun finding out just what we do enjoy."

A little while later we crawled out of the bed and into the shower. This was more fun for me, washing this very sexy woman. It was almost seven before we got back to the kitchen and started making the supper. Sue had all the makings ready in the fridge. All she had to do was put the ingredients into a pan and cook it.

She was wearing a t-shirt and tap pants, nothing else. I was tempted to slip my hands underneath the shirt and fondle her breasts, but thought better of it when she was in front of the stove. The last thing I wanted was an accident. Then again, those delightful buns of hers were swaying back and forth as she moved from one counter to another. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was undoubtedly the sexiest woman I had ever known.

"Still watching, I see," she said with a smirk.

"I can't help it. Do you have any idea what a glorious booty you possess? It's a good thing you wear a smock at work or you'd be attacked every day."

"I'm very picky about who gets to attack me. You're the first in quite a while."

"I'm honored, Miss Palotti."

She smiled as she moved about the kitchen. I was surprised just how comfortable I was considering I had just made love to a woman while still legally married to another. Was this cheating? I didn't want to deal with that question. It didn't feel like cheating, but ... I wouldn't be telling anyone about this encounter. Besides, it was a private thing between Sue and me. No one else was entitled to know.

I don't know what Sue called that chicken dish she prepared, but it was terrific. I was hungry and there was nothing left on my plate.

"God, what a combination. A sexy woman who's a great cook. I think I'm in love."

"Don't go throwing the "L" word around too loosely, Stan. I take that very seriously," she said without a hint of humor.

"Uhhm, sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It was just a way of saying ... uhhm ... it was just a compliment." I was worried that I had upset her. I was going to have to watch what I said if that was the case.

She turned to me when she finished putting the dishes on the counter. She stepped to me and unexpectedly, sat in my lap, her arms around my neck once again.

"When we made love this afternoon, it was everything I ever hoped for. Somehow, I knew it would be that way. You made me feel special ... wanted ... like I was the only one in your world. You can't fake that, Stan. I know. I've waited my whole adult life for you. Now ... I have to hope ... hope like hell ... that you'll fall in love with me."

I didn't expect that confession. How did I feel? Scared? Unprepared? Worried that I might hurt her? Maybe all of those things. I searched for the right words to calm the waters.

"Sue, I'm just getting over what's happened to my marriage. If you'd have asked me a year or two ago, I'd have told you it was a good marriage. Maybe not great, but ... good. Now, I have to face that it's over and I'm on my own. For as long as I have known you, it's been a case of respect and admiration for you. The physical attraction was always put away because I was married. I couldn't allow myself to think of other women, no matter how much I might be attracted to them.

"Now ... I don't have that holding me back. I don't want to be alone. I want someone who will be my lover and partner ... this time for life. Like you, I'm going to be careful. But ... we do have something ... you and me. There is a special feeling there. I think we should try and find out if we are the ones for each other. In a couple of months, I'll be a single man again. I don't regret what we did this afternoon. It was a great beginning for us. I hope you feel the same way."

She pulled me back to her and kissed me once more with one of her soul-searing kisses. It was the answer I was hoping for.

My thanks to ErikThread and DaveT for their editing and technical skills. Any errors are mine.

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tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

doesnt mean to forget Auld Lang John. TK U MLJ LV NV

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

This is Ch 7. If you are only now deciding it's boring, maybe YOU'RE the problem.

Why keep torturing yourself?

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

with occasional forays into the past. TK U MLJ LV NV

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
your kidding right

This is one of the most mind numming boring tales Ive read on this site, its like watching two cardboard box's in middle of a warehouse fight, goood god somebody kill this fucking story, everyone is alright, okay, just fine, and the son cant hate his cheating bitch of a mother? WTF.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
good catch

This was a real enjoyable story which was well written. I felt it came together nicely and glad that Stan and Sylvia talked it out and that the son also made his peace. Glad he also took that online course on starting a business as I'm sure it will also prevent headaches down the road. I liked how when he made a decision to leave he didn't do it halfway but went the whole route in starting a new life which took some courage. It was a great tale and I thank you for taking the time to share it with us.

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