Todd Manson - Atomic Surfer


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But Anna was past any thinking of consequences and her husband. In that instant, all that mattered was giving in to and pleasing her new benefactor; the new dominant male in her life.

"Aw... eh..." she sighed as he took her, feeling his shaft burn in her.

Anna let herself be lost in the sensation of a man taking her hard. It felt good to be fucked again. She would get love when she went home. She shook her head of thoughts of her husband and marriage. Dealing with that would come later.

Instead, she focused on her dream coming true and closed her eyes. Todd Manson mistook her smile for ecstasy. But it didn't matter. They were both getting what they wanted.

Still, as time passed, Anna's body relaxed and was aroused enough to reach two orgasms. Todd was in his personal universe as he pumped inside her like a well-oiled piston. He usually lasted longer than the nine minutes it took him to cum. But the new conquest always aroused him more than usual. When he came, it was explosive.


Todd had taken Anna back to his hotel, while Heda found her husband playing a high stakes card game and once again became his ornament. And that is how Anna became the owner of Simms Visions, and Todd Manson played Santa for her.

Sometime around five in the morning, Anna woke up sore from all their fucking and went to the bathroom. When she returned, Todd was awake and smiling at her. Anna hadn't been fucked this good in years. If ever.

"Are all you soldiers this fit and horny all the time?" she asked as she stretched, showing him her body while staring at his.

"Not all of us," he replied. "Some more than others. If I weren't this fit, I wouldn't be in The Unit."

"The Unit?"

"What's that?"

"It has many names. Most people know it as Delta force. Or just Delta."

"What do you do there?"

"It's a commando unit. Special mission. Most are secret, so that's all you get."

Having never met anyone from that walk of life, she was impressed.

"You look like a pro athlete or something!" she said.

She didn't have to lie to puff his ego. It was true. Todd was hands down the best-looking and fittest man she had ever been in bed with. And the best fuck. If letting him screw her was the price of his financial support, she would always find time for him.

"We need to talk," he said, changing the mood.

Not wanting to upset him, she lay on the bed, latching her body to his.

"Anything you want," she replied and kissed his bicep.

"I know you have to get home and face your husband. Is this the first time you stepped out on him?"

She looked away and nodded. But Todd took her face in his hand and raised it back up.

"No judgment Anna," he smiled at her. "I understand that you will go through some moments where you will question what you did tonight. It's part of being who you are now. It doesn't mean you don't love your husband."

"Some would differ with that notion, including him."

Not Vincent or Vince, just "him." As if mentioning his name made what she did worse.

"True, they would," Todd replied. "But they... were not given the option you were. It's easy for them to judge from their place in life. But they don't matter. Nor will they know what you did to achieve your dream. Neither will your husband."

"You don't think he will be able to tell?"

"Only if you act guilty," Todd said as he caressed her nipple. "What you need to do is act as nothing happened. You will have an alibi in Heda. So all that is left is how you behave when you get home. Will you look away from him in shame? Or walk up to him, kiss him and tell him you love him. Then take him to bed and fuck his brains out."

"You make it so simple."

"Because it is. It's your new life now. There is no going back, Anna. You signed the contract with your sweet pussy and mouth."

"I guess I did."

"There is one more thing," he said as he reached between her legs.

"There is more?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, reaching for a tube of lube from his end table. "I want everything. I want all of you."

Anna realized what Todd meant as she felt his fingers probe under her cunt to her rear hole. She should have been scared. But instead, she let him insert fingers in her asshole, enjoying the sensation.

"Do you want me on my knees?" she asked.

"On your back is fine. I want to look into your eyes."

She focused on his eyes as he maneuvered between her legs and raised them over his arms.

"Guide me to you," he asked. No. He commanded.

Reaching behind her, she grasped him at the shaft, feeling his wide girth. His size between her fingers intimidated and enticed her both. She and her husband indulged in anal sometimes, but not often. In the past, she had been either drunk or close to it. This would be the first time sober.

Todd had lubricated her plenty, but she was still a bit weary. He could see the apprehension in her gaze, but she seemed determined to give him what he had asked.

"Anna," he said. "Do you do this often?"

"No," she replied. "First time sober... so I'm a bit...."

While they talked, she had been rubbing his now lubricated head over her ass-gromet. Placing him over it, she spread her legs wider as he applied pressure. And slowly, he slipped in her.

"Oh, Gawd!" she gasped as she felt more of him inside her.

As Todd fed more of him to her, she found the sensation different than other times. Not being under the influence, she was more aware of it all. How different it felt. Filling. It was stretching her insides yet pleasantly so. After he was as deep as his cock was long, he stopped to let her get used to it.

"Touch your clit."

There he went ordering her again. But she found herself responding and doing what he asked willingly. It sure felt good. And soon, he began thrusting in and out of her slowly. It took her minutes, but she had a mind-blowing orgasm. The first with a cock in her ass.

"I want more," she said.

Todd nodded with a gentle smile. Inside he was ecstatic. Nothing like married ass, he thought; nothing like it.


He had driven her home around five in the morning. She kissed him up the street, so when he pulled up in front of her apartment complex. After she stepped out, Todd drove off.

Looking at their assigned spot, she noticed her husband's truck was not there and sighed in relief. He was not home. Vince probably stayed at the Hansens. Inside the apartment, she had the urge to take another shower. And even though Todd had not once spent inside her, Anna felt like he had. She brushed her teeth and went to bed. She was thinking about what she had done when she drifted to sleep, exhausted.

After dropping Anna off, Todd had returned to his hotel, had a drink, and went to bed. The fragrance of Anna Simms-Renzetti was still on his sheets. Her newfound sexual enthusiasm and responses were still fresh on his mind. Thoughts of her, as well as her scent, aroused him again. He lay still in the dark, not moving, just savoring the sensation, eyes closed... grinning. Eventually, he, too, went to sleep with a smile.


Anna and Vince Renzetti

Anna had woken to an empty apartment the next day. It gave her plenty of time to think about what she had done and how to proceed.

When Vince had returned, she had run up to him just as Todd had instructed her and kissed him. Then took him to the bedroom and fucked his brains out. And for the first time, she had anal sex with her husband while sobber. Later as Vincent slept, she was surprised how easy it had all been to face him.

Anna had done the math. In the time they were married, they had saved just twelve thousand dollars. Saving up the money needed to start the shop on their own had been but an unattainable dream. For his part, Vincent wanted a home and family. Sooner or later, their differing goals would have clashed. This way, she rationalized, her plans and his were both possible. She was getting her business, and they would have money for a house. All it had taken was to give her body to another man. She had indeed traded her vowes for a shot at her dream.

Once Anna began opening her own business, any thoughts of how it had started were long set aside. She had visited her mother's grave and left flowers. But her father had refused to go when asked. There was still a pain in his face from the day before his wife died. What Anna's mother had said about dreams being more critical than anything had shattered all her father thought of his marriage and wife.

Anna took one lesson from that. If she and Vincent were to have a life together along with her company, she could never say anything as cold as her mother's comment to him. And least of all, she could never let on to her affair with Todd. It would be the end of her and Vince. And she didn't want that. It was not Vince's fault that he had not been born rich to give her the option Todd did.


It had taken her a lot of work to get that store running right. So it was not until the second half of the first year that she showed a profit. But once she did, losses were in her rearview mirror.

If Vincent ever learned what she had done, he never said a word. He acted like he bought the story of Heda being the silent partner. That the Mansons had recognized her potential and chose to reward her with the realization of her dreams, still, he had questions.

"So, how does this work Anna," Vince asked. "The Manson's will own the company or you?"

She didn't like the dig but knew she had to answer her husband.

"It's complicated, Vince," she replied pensively. "But once the company is making money and I pay them back the original loan, it will be mine. I mean ours."

"And all we have to invest is ten thousand dollars?" he asked in disbelief. "I know, I'm only an accountant. But the bank where I work requires more collateral than that."

The word collateral made Anna flinch, but she kept her emotions in check. How could she tell her husband that she had already paid the collateral with her body? That those payments would continue to be paid whenever Todd called her to come to him was something she had yet to grasp herself.

"They said they have been watching me for some time and are convinced I can do it with Heda's guidance. You know she has an MBA, right? She used to work for Manson Enterprises. It's how she and Liam met. She is quite capable."

"So they can pull the plug at any time?"

"In the first year, yes."

"And we could lose our ten grand," Vince said, pinning her with his gaze.

"Vince, it's my only opportunity to make my dream... mine and my mom's dream come true. Please trust me on this. I can do it," she said in a pleading tone. "I know how this business works with all my experience. I have been preparing for this moment for years."

She saw that Vince was not convinced as he looked back at her.

"Baby," she leaned close to him. "Please don't spoil this for me... for us."

"We worked hard for that money, Anna," he replied. "If you want my approval, I want a promise from you."

"Name it," she replied apprehensively.

"You have two years to get this company going. In two years, we start a family. Two kids. I need you to remember that you need to have the place running on its own in two years so you can get pregnant and take time off if needed. Pregnancies can have complications with stress, even without it. My sister lost her first child, trying to be super-cop-woman."

"OK, but that's down the road."

"Two years will be here before you know it, Anna," he replied. "Make sure you hire a good manager to run the shop in our absence, so when the time comes, you don't have to live in that place like some new business owners do."

"How do you know all this?"

"I am the accountant attached to the loan division. The loan officers know a lot about business, and they love talking about being able to spot the well-run ones and those doomed to failure. One worse are the ones where the owner is indispensable. He or she runs ragged, trying to micromanage. But you know all this. I'm just reminding you. Two years Anna. In two years, we have kids. So plan ahead and prepare."

Anna realized that this was the best moment she would have to let him know the part of the agreement she dreaded the most.

"There is something in the agreement we have to sign," she said. "It's related to your apprehension about our small investment."

"What about it?"

"It's a clause in case we..." she looked away for a second, then back to him. "In case we divorce."

"Excuse me?"

"The Manson's want you to feel secure that in case of divorce, you will get your ten thousand back with interest if we divorce before the company is profitable. Once you and I have accrued twenty thousand dollars in profit, that deal will no longer be needed. But early on, if you and I were to split, you will get ten thousand dollars. Plus, what you and I divide up in personal assets. But that is all you would get from the company as it is all you and I invested."

"So they are covering their... assets."

"Their investment," she smiled back to defuse the tension.

"Whose's idea was this?" Vince asked.

"Heda's Lawyers," she replied.

She did not tell Vince that the Manson layers had developed this codicil to protect her from Vince in divorce.

"I am not signing that," he replied. "You and I are in it together. Win or lose. If we make money from your company, so be it. If the company folds and we lose the ten thousand, so be it as well. Otherwise, you have my full support so long as you agree to my two-year deal for starting a family. And that deal is between us, Anna. No contract is needed. Just our word to each other. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, Vince," she said apprehensively.

But inside her, she knew she was lying to him. She had barely agreed, yet somehow she knew that she was not likely to honor it. Having broken their marriage vow of fidelity, she knew she and Vince were no longer a team. Todd had been right. In choosing the deal he and Heda offered her, Anna had changed her allegiance from her husband to herself.

"Good," he said with a smile. "I'll hold you to it."


Anna was left to tell Heda the next day.

"Vince did not agree to sing the ten thousand payout."

Heda listened and just smiled stoically.

"That was always a possibility," Liam's wife replied stoically. "But you are not planning on divorcing your husband, are you?"

"I don't know what I want for him and me anymore, Heda."

Heda scoffed at that.

"Oh no..." she laughed. "Don't tell me you are entertaining notions of leaving your husband. Are you?'

"I'm not sure, Heda. After everything that happened between Todd and me...."

"Let me explain something to you, Anna Renzetti," Heda emphasized Anna's married name. "You have a deal with Todd. Nothing more. Todd is not like other men. He is not interested in being your husband's replacement."

"What do you mean?"

Heda scoffed in irritation.

"Stop thinking conventionally and grow up. The night of the ball, you left that basic world forever. You still think you are a typical woman who can ditch one man and substitute him for another. If you think Todd is that man, you are sorely mistaken."

Anna wanted to protest but did not. She had to admit; she had entertained notions of leaving Vincent and marrying Todd. But she knew that would be an insurmountable undertaking under their circumstances.

"I know Todd is in the military and far away. But we could..."

Heda first smiled and then laughed incredulously.

"Don't make me laugh. The minute you divorce your husband, Todd will no longer be interested in you."

Anna was shocked to hear Heda say it. And Heda saw the reaction on her face and nodded with a knowing smile.

"Oh, yes, my dear Anna. Sweet married good girl that you used to be. But you no longer are. Are you?"

Anna stayed quiet, realizing Heda was right. She had been the good wife. She left her apartment, the "good married girl." Yet returned a different woman, a woman who had chosen to give her body so she could gain something in return. And what did that make her?

"No, I am not," she replied. "But that doesn't mean..."

"Oh, it means a lot, sweetie," Heda chuckled. "On the one hand, you convinced Todd that you had what it takes to commit to this new company. And so long as you are married, he will call for you. But he will never trust you to be his mate. Assuming he ever decides to get married, that is. And trust me, my dear, Todd is not the marrying kind. He is the kind of man we married women have on the side. The one we go to for fun and games. To get royally fucked."

Anna looked away uncomfortably.

"If anything, Todd will only call on you, as he does me, so long as we are married. So long as he fucks another man's wife. Haven't you figured that out yet?"

Anna shook her head silently as the implication of Heda's assessment of Todd hit her.

"It's actually not so bad, is it?" Heda chuckled. "We have our husbands, and we have our lover on the side. And unlike your husband, Todd doesn't care about anything but you showing up with he needs you to give him his fix."

Anna froze at Heda's starkness.

"Next time you see our Todd, why don't you ask him?" Heda scoffed again. "See if he ever calls you again. It will most likely be the last time he does."

"How do you do it, Heda?"

The older woman's expression changed to one of introspection.

"Unlike you, I have accepted my place. I am Mrs. Manson. Wife of Liam. So long as I play that role, my husband is happy, and Todd occasionally calls on me. That he chooses to, makes me feel special. When he ravishes me, I feel like a total slut giving in to a sex god, taking and giving pleasure. And you, my dear, have had the pleasure of his company to know I am right."

Anna said nothing at that, knowing Heda was speaking the truth. A truth they both shared.

And in time, she accepted her role.


The Mansons were Anna's investors, with Heda Manson being the mentor and advisor as far as Vince knew.

At first, Anna had followed Todd's advice and been as attentive to her husband as possible. While her mind was always on her business, she knew it could all come crashing down on her if her husband were to find out.

As time passed, things between Anna and her husband began to change. She was always busy working late. That was expected from someone starting a new company; she would also be tired and distracted with all the pressure on her. It wasn't long that their sex life changed as well. It was not a general decline, but the incidents of either good or bad sex were sporadic.

Vincent tried going to her new shop to help but soon felt like a fifth wheel. His expertise was accounting -something that was done by Heda Manson's staff. It was made clear to him that it was "handled." So Vince stopped going over.

Most times, he would drive by her new location on the way home from work. He did not go in to bother her, as he didn't like visits to his job as well. But he felt comforted to see her car outside as he passed by. Occasionally it was not there, but it was rare, and he decided to let it go.

Occasionally, Anna was invited to "girl's" parties or lunches that Vince was not. By then, he accepted it as her relationship with her wealthy investors was what made their new life possible. To fill his time, Vince worked more at his job. And that led to them drifting more as time passed. They lived in the same place, but Anna had a life he was not a part of.

Then there were the trips to North Carolina. Something about a sewing company doing some of the work for her shop. She had to make occasional trips there to check on the work of her new designs. She took him with her once, but he was bored as he stayed at a hotel as she went to meetings. After that, she went to North Carolina alone. When Todd called on her, that is.