Traditions - Summer Vacation Pt. 02

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On the Farm and Cousin make 3.
14.8k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/28/2018
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This is the continuation, of Summer Vacation which was posted as an entry into the 2020 Summer Lovin contest. It became obvious the entire story was too long to post as one, and since the rules say stories cannot be posted in series to the contest, but must be posted as just one story, this is just a non-contest continuation of the story. Enjoy, and as always, love to get feedback and votes!

I hadn't been to the family farm in 15 years, since I was 4 years old, and it looked exactly as my memory told me -- except much smaller.

The huge barn wasn't nearly as big as I remembered. The hen house, which I was sure had housed "thousands" of chickens, wasn't used anymore. And now, more than just a bit dilapidated, it was barely bigger than the length of the house. In its heyday it probably couldn't have housed more than 100 chickens. The big "new house" that had replaced the "old house" that dated from the 1800's, wasn't more than what we now had in California -- except that it had a full basement that we didn't have back home. There was nothing left of the old house except the foundation. The long dirt road out from the small Iowa town that we used to drive on turned out to be just a fraction of as long as I thought it was, merely the equivalent of a few California blocks from the highway. The pig pens were empty, the economics of farming had changed over 15 years, but at least they still had a couple of horses. It's funny how the world gets smaller as we get bigger.

My Aunt and Uncle looked like I remembered, just a bit older and bit greyer, and Uncle Roy was definitely a bit heavier than I remembered, but the biggest difference was my cousin Mary. No longer a three-year-old toddler, she'd completely transformed into a hottie. Holy Shit -- I hadn't seen her since they'd visited us about 6 years previously when she was 12 and pre-pubescent, but now at 18, just graduated from High School, I'm sure my tongue was hanging out. Hugs and cheek pecks all around and we immediately headed inside for dinner.

Just like they had been when they were 12, Andrea and Mary were immediately thick as thieves. I was left with "the adults" as they ran off to be girls together. I just left them alone that night, and with nothing else to do after we got our bags in, found the Xbox in the basement to keep me entertained. I found that with Mom and Dad getting the spare bedroom and Andrea sleeping with Mary that I was going to sleep on the couch in the basement. I played Xbox until the wee hours when I finally gave it up and went to sleep.

I awoke in the morning to bright sunshine and a virtually empty house. Mary and Andrea had gone out to see the horses, Dad and my Uncle had gone down to the little café in town for a "cup of coffee," which I understood really translated to "shoot the shit and solve the world's problems." Mom and Aunt Tracy were just getting ready to go shopping -- so then I really would have the house to myself -- except that I had one hot cousin Mary that I thought I really needed to spend a lot more time with.

Mom and Aunt Tracy left, so I wandered out to try and find the girls. The barn seemed the likely spot, although a pickup just outside it with a horse trailer on it seemed a bit out of place. Regardless, I headed for the barn. It was still as I remembered; a hay loft above reached by wooden slat steps that I would no longer need help to climb. The back door to the barn was open and I heard both a whinny from a horse, and the girls talking. Walking to the back door, I kept to one side a bit, staying in the shadows so I could see what was happening without being seen, but that meant when I got closer I couldn't see what they were looking at.

Mary and Andrea were leaning against the horse corral along with a woman that I didn't know. Just as I stepped up, I heard Mary say "Oh My God -- can you imagine a cock that big? She's a lucky girl, isn't she?" The woman that I didn't know said something causing all three of them to laugh and, as I stepped more into the middle of the barn, I found that apparently the woman had brought a stallion over to mate with what I presumed was Mary's horse; the three of them were standing there watching. The stallion was just mounting up onto Mary's mare, the stallion's giant erection finally finding its target as I watched. The girls were chatting so that, except for that first comment, I couldn't hear, so I stepped out and said, "There you guys are. What's up?"

It turned out, as I'd guessed, the plan was to get Mary's mare pregnant and their "neighbor," a middle-aged woman about our parents age from the next county over, had agreed to mate her with her stallion. Later I found this "agreement" included a sizable sum of money. My showing up seemed to quiet down the girls chatting, but I didn't pry. Instead I took the opportunity to ogle my cousin without anyone noticing.

My sister was dressed almost the same as Mary; shorts, sneakers and a t-shirt, but Mary filled out her t-shirt much more than Andrea did. Andrea's shirt was filled with peaches, Mary's was filled with grapefruit, reminding me of my ex-girlfriend Stephanie's tits. I couldn't help myself, my mind immediately imagined them wrapped around my cock.

When I'd been standing back in the dark, I had no choice but to notice their backsides also; Mary and Andrea both filled out their shorts quite nicely. Even the unknown woman had a nice ass, although in jeans it wasn't quite as admirable as the two younger asses next to her in shorts and bare legs. I couldn't help but wonder if Andrea and I would have a chance to play around again? Probably not, I admitted to myself as Mary was there, but still it was momentarily a nice thought. And the way Mary filled out her t-shirt, with a very pretty face, blond hair pulled up into a ponytail -- I felt myself get a little hard. Despite that she was my cousin, I wondered if maybe she'd like to play the way Andrea had? My own t-shirt I didn't have tucked in, and it was long enough that the boner I was developing ogling their backsides didn't show.

I glanced over to appraise the other woman again. Probably mid-30s, a bit younger than our parents, she was dressed in long pants, a western shirt and boots -- it looked like she was dressed to ride. I was right; later when the horses had done their thing, she put the bit back in the stallion's mouth, threw the reins back over the top and climbed on bare-back. When she had the horse under control, she rode up to the gate which Mary opened. "Ever do it bareback? It's always more fun to ride bareback with someone," Mary said, presumably to Andrea as she pushed the gate closed, but the way she said it, it obviously was meant as a double entendre, and I felt her sidelong glance towards me to see if I had understood that tease.

Andrea heard and understood as she playfully reached out and slapped Mary's shoulder with a "Mary!" with a giggle and then glanced toward me. I just looked away, although I also understood the double entendre and my cock lurched a bit.

"What?" she asked with faked innocence. "Hey, Rick you ever ride bareback? Isn't it always more fun to ride bareback with someone?"

I played it cool, not responding immediately to the double entendre, pretending it had gone by me. "No, I've only ever used a saddle."

"Too bad. Bareback is fun, maybe I'll take you riding sometime," she said. Although her face was straight, her eyes betrayed her true thoughts. There was no doubt in my mind she'd continued the double entendre and she'd basically just offered to have sex with me.


"She thinks you're hot," Andrea whispered when she plopped down next to me on the couch in the basement where I again had the Xbox up. By the time they sent the stallion and his owner off, it was well into the afternoon. Andrea and Mary had immediately disappeared on the two horses and had been gone for several hours. With the Xbox it wasn't much different than at home, but I was a bit disappointed in that I'd not been included.

"She said that?" I answered, not really looking her way but continuing to play my game.

"Not outright, but believe me, she is."

"She's pretty hot herself."

"You like her tits, don't you!" I laughed; she knew me too well.

"They are pretty nice." I pushed pause on the game.

"Why, were you checking out her tits?" She smirked, her patented smirk, the one that she'd been giving me for years when she knew something that I didn't. I knew she had just from the smirk. "When, last night?" She giggled and leaned in closer.

"We went skinny-dipping," she whispered, glancing over at the stairs making sure that no-one had come searching for us in the basement.

"Really? When? On the horse ride? Where?"

"Yeah. In the river, down at the end of the property. We rode over to the neighbors, they are going to let us borrow their horse tomorrow so the three of us can ride together, and then when we were coming back, we went down by the river. There's a lot of trees down there, she called it "The Timber" but the river has a calm area there where we went swimming. She says they do it all the time."

I thought about it for a second. "Who does it all the time? Her and her parents?"

She looked befuddled; that she hadn't questioned who "they" were was obvious.

"I... I don't really know. I assumed it was probably her and her girlfriends, but I didn't ask."

"She thinks I'm hot? Did she say so?"

"She didn't have to, but she does. When we got done swimming we laid out in the sun for a bit and she asked if I'd ever seen you naked. When I told her I had, she asked if I'd ever seen your boner, I told her I had."

"You told her about Christmas... and, you know...."

"No, she didn't ask. She asked if you had a girlfriend... and wanted to know if it was a nice one. I told her you'd broken up with Stephanie." Hearing footsteps on the stairs caused her to sit upright, and I hit the play button on the Xbox. It was Mary.

"There you guys are, I was wondering where you were."

Mary had asked Andrea if my dick was a nice one... Damn.

It was later that evening, after dinner, when I'd again retreated to the basement and my games when I found out Uncle Roy had plans for my help the next day. I'd found out he and Dad were going to be bailing some hay and indicated that I "got" to help, so my day was planned. I'd questioned the "bailing," having noticed that most hay that we'd seen had been bundled into big cylinders that a tractor could move by putting a spike through the middle. Uncle Roy said it had never made sense for him to invest in the money for the newer equipment as he just grew enough for feed for the horses and still had old fashioned cubed bailing equipment that worked. I found out the next day this meant using lots of muscle power to lift and toss bales onto a flat bed, and then unloading them again into the barn.

Dad and I got into a rhythm; Uncle Roy would pull up next to the previously bailed hay. Dad and I together could grab the bale with a curved hook and toss it onto the bed of the flat trailer, and then we'd walk to the next bale as Uncle Roy drove forward. Once we got enough on the trailer we'd hop up on, move the bales into orderly stacks, and then hop back off and do it again. When the trailer was full, we got to unload it all in the barn of which, here again, there was an old-fashioned hay mow. The crane in the middle of the barn would lower, one bale would be picked up, the crane moved to the hay mow, and then someone got to pull the crane over and unhook the bale up above and send the crane back down. Here again, once we had too many, someone else would climb the ladder and two of us would stack the bales neatly. It certainly didn't help having Uncle Roy laughing and saying that when he'd been a teen, he and his brothers handled the bales single-handedly. Later he admitted there was no way he could do that anymore either and, if Dad and I weren't there, he'd have had to hire some local boys to help out.

By the end of the day I found aches and pains where I didn't know I could have aches and pains. My shoulders were on fire, and I was totally bushed. I went to the basement immediately after dinner, figuring I'd go to sleep really early. I took a shower and had put on some shorts just because I was going to play a quick game before going to sleep. I hadn't actually got the game started when I heard the door open from above, and found Mary and Andrea coming down.

"Are you sore?" Andrea asked. "I heard dad telling mom he was sorer than he's been in years."

"Shoulders?" Mary asked, coming up from behind and gripping my shoulders with her hands and kneading. I flinched and moaned.

"Shoulders and arms and legs and butt and back and... come to think of it, there isn't much that doesn't hurt."

"Ok, I'll be right back," she said and left, bounding up the stairs. I hadn't really been looking at them, I'd glanced their way when they came down, but now Andrea pulled up a seat in front of me, and I noticed she had on the same shorty PJ's that she'd worn in the hotel room. I wondered if Mary also had on pajama's, and when she came back a few moments later, I could see that she did. She climbed over the back of the couch and slid in between it and me, forcing me forward to the edge, opened a tube of some kind of wintergreen smelling ointment and began putting it on my shoulders. I didn't protest, just groaned whenever she hit a really sore muscle.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to move tomorrow," I said as she worked the ointment into my back muscles.

"You won't have to very much; we're going to run into Cedar Rapids tomorrow and see the Kernels baseball game. They are our local minor league team, so we figured we'd go in and see the game. It's a bit of a travel, maybe hour and a half to get there."

It was right then that she spread her legs, and pulled me back against her, her hands coming over my shoulders or under my armpits to begin massaging my pecs. "Will I be able to just sit and do nothing?" I groaned, just as she leaned forward against me, and I felt the soft press of her breasts against my back.

I'd not had a chance to really look at Mary when she came down, but now with her legs around me, I could see that they were bare. Her breasts weren't bare, there was cloth between her and me, but I could tell she was braless, and her breasts against my back had an immediate effect inside my pants. I looked up and found Andrea looking at me with a smirk on her face and knew she was seeing what was happening in my pants. Mary's hands were magical, her breasts even more so. "Want to lie down and I'll do your legs?" She didn't have to ask twice; both in that everything she'd done had felt good and it gave me a chance to hide the erection that had sprouted in my shorts.

She rose out of the way, I turned sideways and rolled onto my stomach. Moments later, now kneeling on the floor beside me, she began rubbing ointment into my legs, causing me to groan even more as she hit sore spots. She worked up my legs, up my thighs, and even began to press on my butt cheeks, which surprisingly were also sore.

"You should take your shorts off," she said as her hands fought against my pants.

"I... really?" I asked, embarrassed and not sure if she was serious or not.

"Really. Your pants don't let me push properly. Haven't you ever had a massage before?"


"Massages are normally done in the nude, but you can keep your boxers on."

I thought about it momentarily. I was now lying face down, erection hidden but, so far, what she'd done had felt really good. I reached under and caught the button and zipper, slipping my shorts down without getting up, careful not to catch my boxers so my boner didn't show. She grabbed my shorts and pulled them off my legs and went back to work on my upper thighs and continued right onto my butt, just through my boxer-briefs.

I'd had my face toward the seat of the couch, but now changed directions and found myself again looking at Andrea sitting in the chair across from me. It was the motion and movement of her arm that caught my attention; she had definitely changed from what she was doing as my eyes came across to her. Had she been touching herself? She was sitting back, one leg up onto the seat of the chair, and it seemed to me that she'd had a hand between her legs, but it was just a flash, I couldn't be sure, and now she had them resting on the arms of the chair. Just then Mary hit a really sore muscle and I groaned again and closed my eyes.

Mary kept going up, after grinding the muscles in my butt, she continued up my back. When she couldn't reach any further, she began to shift and as she did, I opened my eyes, this time seeing Andrea's hand withdrawing from her breast. Even from across the open space I could see where her erect nipples were poking through the thin cloth of her top. I just closed my eyes, concentrating on Mary's hands on my shoulders

I was now achingly hard and suspected that Mary might be as aroused as I was, and I knew enough about my sister to know that Andrea was. I suddenly realized all the times over the years where I'd seen Andrea turn aside or withdraw from a conversation and had an inkling that she might be aroused -- and realized as I did, that she probably had been. I suspected she'd be masturbating tonight and wondered if Mary would be too.

Now kneeling beside me on the floor, she again began squeezing my shoulders, doing this for just a couple of minutes, and I recognized that I wasn't nearly as tense as I had been before. Apparently she did too, stopping and dropping back to sit next to me on the floor moments later. 'How's that?" she asked, leaning forward to whisper in my ear.

Opening my eyes again, I found myself looking down the pajama top of Mary. The two gorgeous globes of her breasts provided a valley all the way to the top of her PJ bottoms. There was no bra, she was hanging free. Her nipples were nestled unseen against the cloth but otherwise most of her breasts were visible. With the position she was in, I just knew she must know I could see down her shirt. "Wonderful. I feel much better," I answered sleepily and closed my eyes again, torn by what I wanted to do.

"Anything else I can do for you?" She had one hand rubbing gently on my back, almost mandating that I had a great view of most of her tits.

Shit, was she teasing? She had to be, she had to have seen my eyes looking down her top. What would happen if I were to just stick out my arm and draw her to me? What would she think or say if I leaned over a bit and kissed her? More important, what would my sister say or do -- sitting right across the room, watching? I hadn't really seen Andrea doing anything, just images of hands moving away from where I thought they wouldn't normally be, but my sister seemed to be horny and I had seen her nipples protruding through her PJ'S too. The biggest thing right now was that I only had my boxer briefs on, and I had a raging hard-on underneath me that if I rolled up onto my side would be plainly visible... all these things ran through my head but apparently not for long.

When I opened my eyes again, it was morning, I had a blanket drawn up over me which I hadn't felt anyone put on me, and I was indeed sore. I got up and went in and took a hot shower, just to find that I was virtually the first one up. Dad slept in, despite that we'd both worked side by side, his aches got him down a lot more than mine did.

As usual, Mary and Andrea disappeared for several hours, not reappearing until early afternoon. Unknown to me they had gone on to the neighbors on the two horses and came back leading the third. I was downstairs with the Xbox, bored silly, after having wandered through the yard and barn looking for them and finding them nowhere. When they suddenly appeared, looking for me, they told me they had brought the third horse so that I could ride with them. I went up and found the horse already saddled but didn't much more than climb on and ride around the yard for a few moments before Mary said we really couldn't go riding now, that we had to put the horses away and get ready to go to Cedar Rapids.