Treasure Ch. 03

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Drew continues to explore his timelines.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 02/23/2024
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Treasure Ch 3

The following story is back to my beginning in Sci-fi. I have no idea how long it will be. Or if there may be more chapters. I just have no idea. It began at 3am and was an odd half-woke dream.

I hope you are enjoying the ride. This variation of Sci-fi never interested me. I am not sure I want to know that other Drew(s) have it better than me. Not that my life is horrible, as I enter retirement.

The sex will not start for a bit so please have patience. If that is all you are looking best wishes go with you.

All humans and creatures are over 18 years of age. All humans and creatures are figments of my mind and are not meant to represent any creatures that walk our earth. If one does, please send me an email.

Do we go to the Darkside with Treasure?

He looked over at Pixy and Patricia, they were in a variation of a sixty-nine. Pixy was now in her larger form. They seemed well versed in each other's body.

Drew put his hand on the large jowl and pulled Kitty's eyes to meet his.

"Go share beautiful. Pixy may not leave you anything." Drew stated and smiled. Kitty looked down at his reborn erection and then back up to him.

"It will be there for you when you get done sharing." Drew smiled and commented.

"You promise? I am next my mate?"

"Yes, I promise." Drew paused and then commented "Go now, share with your sisters."

Kitty smiled a feral smile, not that she could have any other due to fangs and structured jowl. She vaulted to the other two and started licking. The honking increased dramatically.

Drew took in the scene. Three sexy female aliens in a scrum. Two eating his cum from the third. The third being almost comatose with the action.

He reached over and opened the device. Flipped it over and slid it back until he was in his timeline.

He released the device and moved it to the corner of his desk.

He had things to contemplate.


Drew was back to his normal place, his used bistro table on his front porch. He watched his neighbors walk their dogs in peace. He waived and sometimes there was some verbal acknowledgment, but it was all done in pleasant passage.

The confusion and anger inside Drew was anything but 'pleasant.' Drew always had an inferiority issue. He knew it and in younger years, tried to be more. Overall, he failed miserably.

Drew kept thinking and sipping his tea. He was angered by the comments made by the Lizard Guy.

As he became more 'seasoned' he learned to curb his reactions to others around him. It helped. But internally noting that he was in the lower third tier for desirable mate did not help his countenance.

Riches, height, and good looks were not the things Drew was made of, at least in his own opinion. 'He was not an Oger.' Drew thought and then paused.

He started to cough and then giggle. This was the first time in his life when he wondered if he was insulting a race that may actually exist.

"Fuck!" He said out loud and a little too loudly.

He just quieted down and put his head in his hands.

He knew he wanted to do it. He wanted to mess with the cosmos and go exploring the other timelines. He spun the device on the glass tabletop in front of him.

It chose this moment to start to sparkle and then vibrate. He stopped spinning and playing. He knew somewhere, deep in him, that he 'needed to answer the phone.'

Drew flipped the device over and placed his fingers in the spots. He not only saw the device engage and hologram light up but felt vertigo. It went on longer than he thought normal. Drew shook his head at his use of the thought 'normal.'

He was breathing deep by the time it ended and he was in a white space. It went on without horizon. No edge of sky or landmarks...just white. But he was not alone.

There was a black desk in front of him and a beautiful green woman sitting across from him. She did not look pleased, but it gave her a Hot, bad chick look. Behind her was a perfect example of the large eyed, Gray-green, skinny, aliens all us humans have seen pictures of (see 'Paul' the movie).

The Grey had his arms crossed and looked pissed.

Drew realized he was still in his own office chair. He had gotten it from a friend of his. That friend was always a bit 'off.' Drew reached between his legs and found the hidden safety gadget. Drew also realized that his other hand was still holding the device. But his hand was still in his own timeline, probably on his own desk. He saw his arm vanish at about his wrist on his left arm.

Since everyone was being quiet and stoic, it gave Drew time to pretend to know what was going on. His only theorem was that he was still in his own timeline but brought to this 'location' via a bubble in time. He was hoping that was true. If he let, go of the device he hoped he would be moved back to his own timeline and not be trapped here under the control of these two.

"You brought me here," Drew paused, "wherever this is. What do you want?"

"We want you to follow the direction you were given, you pathetic human, and give our device back!" the Grey was almost yelling,

'His vocal projections 'are pathetic', thought Drew.

"It does not belong to you!" the Grey continued until the green woman raised her hand. It stopped the Grey immediately. His arms were crossed again, and the angry look had been hardened.

Drew just stared into her beautiful eyes and waited.

Drew finally realized that these beings were familiar in certain ways. The Honking alien was in an old Twilight zone episode. The cat woman could be a derivative of the Batman movies. The lizard guy a Gorn from Star Trek and this Orion.

"Ah I see you are picking up the familiarity of who you have met." Her voice was smooth as silk and made him hard.

Drew did not want to be hard today, not at this moment and not in this location. But here he was going from soft, to fully hard at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, we have been in contact with certain human individuals. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes accidental, like you." and then she became quiet.

Drew waited for a full moment in this odd meeting. He counted back from 60 just to make sure.

"Well thank you for the meeting or whatever you consider this. If that is all you wanted to tell me Ill release the device and go back to my own timeline and get along with my life."

The Grey launched himself forward placing both spindly hands on the black tabletop. Drews hand slid from his upper thigh to his crotch,

"You stupid human. Do you know to whom you are speaking?"

But the green woman's hand came up stopping him.

There was silence again. Drew did not speak until Grey took its hands off the table and stepped back to his original position.

Drew's eyes shifted back to the woman and met hers. He opened his mouth to talk but looked into her eyes. She made a small head nod.

"I presume you are Orion or at least according to the representation of an Orion on our Media." She had a small Mona Lisa smile by the time he said that, and she did a very Human, delicate shrug along with the smile.

"So why the drama of dragging me here when you could have popped into my timeline and 'rang the doorbell," Drew finished and waited.

"Hum, me in your timeline, that would stir up some issues," the green woman stated in perfect American English. "And yes, my kind are from the Orion constellation. We do not call ourselves Orion." She paused to look and Drew and survey his face.

"You are here, because you asked to be here," she commented.

'No, I did not," Drew stated pausing his anger," I have been insulted on multiple occasions. Humanity has been insulted on multiple occasions. And I said that if the group of researchers had someone that could be polite and have a discussion with me, I was willing to talk." Drew paused. "That was all."

Then Drew could not help himself, "And then you bring this offensive asshole to insult me more?"

He did a brief pause, "So, with all humility...fuck off," he stated calmly and quietly.

The Grey went crazy and charged around the table and grabbed for Drews throat. Drew, NOT a martial arts person, grabbed the hand that was going for his throat, pulled the k-bar from its hidden spot in the chair and let loose the device all at once.

He popped back into his timeline after a prolonged vertigo. He was joined by a squirming Grey in his lap looking up. The knife was in Drews hand upside down, but that worked because the alien could feel the steel at his narrow neck. The grey large eyed alien just did not know what edge was against his neck.

Drew was flooded with alien images and emotions. His immediate migraine was going to blow the top of his head off.

"Stop it now or I will cut off your head and make it stop." The alien presence removed itself from his mind. Drew stood with the alien still in his arms and drug him across and through his kitchen. He opened his beloved junk drawer and pulled out a partial roll of Duct tape.

With the knife still at the throat of the alien, he dragged him over to the couch and slammed him face-first into the cushions. He grabbed on to a wavering arm and yanked it back, not too nicely, and then kneeled on the grey's back with his knee. He grabbed the other arm and yanked it over. With his mouth he started pulling out a long strip. This was very old duct tape had old school glue that held on to anything.

Drew smiled at the thought of the alien trying to get the crap off later when things calmed down. Both arms tied together by the elbow and then another band of tape by the wrists

He then went and taped the creatures' ankles together. Drew then flipped him over and a string of alien language spewed forth. Then it switched to English, and it was not polite. He stood above the alien and looked at the old roll. He could tape around the alien's head until he shut up. While a fun thought, he knew in his heart someone would come to collect him. Removal of that tape from his mouth would be...painful.

Then he had a marvelous idea. He headed to the master suite while Drews dog crept closer. The dog seemed to terrify the alien. The alien presence and screaming did nothing for the nerves of his little mentally broken Terrier.

Drew smiled as he pulled down the 'toy box' from his closet. It was full of new sex toys. He had purchased them in hopes that his past lover would come up to play.

'Well, that did not happen, but they are of use now.' Drew thought.

He pulled the ball gag from the box.

He walked back into the living room and shoved the perforated ball in the alien mouth before he knew what was happening. The elastic strap was pulled around the large grey head and then pulled tight...probably too tight.

He then yanked the creature off the couch by its feet smacking its head on the floor. The creature screamed more in frustration. He hit his head on padded carpet after all.

Drew then went to his secret stash locations and retrieved his 1911 45 and then went to stash number 2 and pulled out his 12-gauge short barrel pump shotgun. He went to his desk and settled down with only one additional stop on the way. Drewpulled two hard ciders and then waited for some version of the alien Calvary to arrive.

Drew smiled. At least the screaming and whining had stopped. It was down to murmurs and moans.


An hour and a half later an Amazon truck stopped in front of his house. His dog zipped by scaring the Grey again. The pup started barking through the large front windows at the offending truck. Of course, she did that with the US postal trucks, FedEx, or UPS.

Two men walked up to the door and tried to ring the bell. It did not work but it was not like Drew was not watching.

"Coming!" Drew yelled as the dogs barking went up multiple octaves.

Drew cracked the door and looked out. Just two human guys delivering something. Drew had seen something, like a round white tabletop.

Drew had not ordered a round table, or any table from Amazon.

"Gentlemen," Drew walking backwards "Just give me a second and you can come in". He had gotten to the end of his couch and put his hand on the 12 ga leaning out of sight. He had his 1911 tucked in his soft holster in his belt lined up with his spine.

"Come in please!" Drew stated, trying to sound pleasant.

"So, what business do you have with me today?"

Both delivery guys looked at the Grey trussed up in duct tape. Drew could swear one of them was smiling.

"We are here to deliver an item and pick up this..." One turned to the other, "What were we to call it?"

By this time Drew had grabbed and swung up the shotgun. It already had a round in the chamber, but he wanted to make a point. He racked another round in, and it made an impression. He could be a 12-year-old and he would still be holding a cannon in his hands.

The visitors were still and quiet.

"OK what are you?" Drew asked, irritated that they were cloaked so well.

The one to his right stepped a little closer and his dog growled from behind Drew. Far behind him.

"You probably don't want to know Earthling," The one to the left responded in a gravellier voice. More akin to the Gorn he had dealt with.

The one on his right put his arm out and slowly reached to a spot in the center of his chest. The one to the left was only seconds behind and then he had two huge lizard Gorn in his living room. They almost touched his ceiling.

Drew heard his dog yip and heard nails on the flooring in the hallway as the pup headed to the master bedroom.

"Coward" Drew said with a smile and almost a giggle.

"Ok please change back. I do not need the neighbors asking me why I have Comicon actors in my house." Drew commented as he was slowly backing up to place the couch between him and the visitors.

They easily swung the large disk and set it between his coffee table and his entertainment center. It had a series of emblems on its edge, and they seem to take time centering it to face the center of the couch.

As they stood, they both looked at the grey. "We were told to pick up the..." one looked at the other for a second "Oh yes the Commissioner."

"I am happy for you to take out the trash," and they immediately started to move. The movement of the gun and Drew's hand in the air stopped them. The hand in the air held his 1911, and he pulled the hammer back.

"You did not let me finish. I do want to have one more word with the little grey fellow. Please go stand by the door." They understood that he now held two guns.

Drew sat on the edge of his coffee table and looked over at the 'Commissioner' laying on the carpeted floor with a real pissed off look.

"Since I found the device, I have been buried in things that I never felt existed. Then I was called a 'lesser being'. I was told I was a 'steer that should have been culled.' You started the same bullshit with me because you felt yourself so superior. How does the duct tape feel? I so wish I was there when you try and take it off." Drew paused and looked at the pretend humans and back at the Grey.

"This is my home, it's not much but it is a box that has the potential for Love. This is my town full of good people. This is my state and country that I would truly give my life for. I do not know your culture or planet of origin. But us Humans are a resilient bunch. I warn you now, trouble will follow if you want to play GOD on this planet."

Drew gave a brief pause again. He was going to ask for the ball gag back, but all he could think of was 'yuck.' He knew it would be better if he just ordered another on Amazon. That made him smile thinking of the fake truck outside.

He got up off the coffee table and backed into the opening for his office.

They moved cautiously forward, lifted the squirming body, and put him on the disk. He was gone almost immediately.

"No shit, a transporter pad." Drew said and then the one to his right commented "That is what we were supposed to call it. It has many uses but moving material or bodies is one of them."

"So, what is next? Why the disk in my living room?"

"You are to be visited. I believe you requested an audience."

"By whom am I to be visited?

It came out of Drews mouth oddly and they had some problems translating.

"By Her. She will come to visit and talk. It is a magnificent privilege being visited by a goddess."

"Goddess?" Drew stared at the disk and could not think of anything else to say or ask.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Now please exit my house, my property and preferably my planet."

Drew watched them leave. The false Amazon truck rolled out of sight with his dog barking up a storm.

He went over and tried to lift the disk and roll it out onto his porch. He received a decent shock and whispers in his mind.

"Don't touch. I will be there shortly. Have patience." And the voice was that of the beautiful green Orian woman.


Drew rolled his chair over to the entry to his office. He wanted the couch between the disk and whatever came out of it. He pulled over one of his side tables and placed the 1911 and a cider.

He put the barrel of the shot gun over the back of the couch and waited.

Then she was there. No sparkling, no hum of the transporter, just there.

Drew gasped. "Boy is she here' thought Drew. She was dressed in a lighter green sheath. She was probably five foot eight and could have been naked with the translucent fabric and as transparent as it was. She was facing away from him, and her ass was one of a Greek sculpture. Her shoulders and back musculature screamed athletic femininity.

He took her whole body in, in a micro-second.

"Idiots", she commented quietly, and looked over shoulder.

"Well, when you send a lizard to do a women's work..." she said as she turned around. Despite all the amazing view she was providing and...a scent? Drew started to laugh.

"And what is so interesting that you need to laugh?" She questioned with one eyebrow raised, but Drew could tell it was fun.

"You sounded like every female friend I have." Drew commented while still laughing.

She laughed or did a good approximation of a human laugh. Then she faltered when she noticed the barrel of the 12 ga pointed at her.

"Can you please put away your weapons? I will bring you no harm...I promise," she requested.

Drew thought for a moment and then put the shotgun down and hung it off the back of the office chair. He put the 1911 back in its holster at his back.

"May we sit on your furniture and talk?" she asked as she gestured to the couch.

Drew walked around the sofa from the opposite side and took a seat at a 90 degree, so he faced the Orion with his right hand draped over the back of the couch. She did the same but sat 'Indian' style with both legs crossed.

Drew pulled a slow soft breath, trying to calm himself. He was being manipulated. He knew that she knew what was going on. What little she wore was see-through and her posture on the couch proved she was commando.

Plus, Drew could smell her and could FEEL her presence.

And she knew it.

"Any questions about the cosmos you wish to talk about?" she asked demurely.

Drew knew it was all about manipulation. Her bare pussy with its vibrant green lips exposed and flashing due to her position on the couch. Her stunning body of perfect proportion. Her skin, perfectly unblemished. Her feminine face with its large green eyes. Her long luxurious hair, a darker green...and her scent...

'Damn it!' thought Drew, sucked in each time he looked at her. So, he took a different tact...

"'Goddess'...really?" Drew asked.

"What? Um, I am confused." The Green creature responded.

"The Gorn said I was to meet a Goddess. I presume they were talking about you?"

"Well...when we discovered the Gorn and brought them into the universal group, we may have hinted that we were gods. Over the years it sort of stayed in their collective lizard brains." She finished with a smile.