Treasure Ch. 04

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Drew finds the truth of the timelines, BAD and good.
4.3k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 02/23/2024
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Treasure Ch 4

The following story is back to my beginning in Sci-fi. I have no idea how long it will be. Or if there may be more chapters. I just have no idea. It began at 3am and was an odd half-woke dream.

I hope you are enjoying the ride. This variation of Sci-fi never interested me, but a waking dream changed it all.

Interesting question: Does one going looking for THE rainbow? Or just live under the sky under which one was born?

All humans and creatures are over 18 years of age. All humans and creatures are figments of my mind and are not meant to represent any creatures that walk our earth. If one does, please send me an email.

What to do now?

Drew went to his desk and dialed the controls back to his base timeline.

He saw and felt his phone sparkle and vibrate so he opened it once his forty-five was out of sight and within the 'bubble'...

'Just in case they do something stupid,' he thought.

It was the original alien or another being of her race.

"Well, you are still being an asshole I see," she commented.

"Good afternoon, I thought I told them I did not want to talk to you anymore." Drew dryly commented.

"Oh, I am not %^$$#$, I am &^*$% but there is a close resemblance," 'she' commented.

"You are an asshole. Both my creche mate and I agree on that."

Drew tired of alien games responded, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to inform you that with your inadvertent help, we fixed the one timeline. But you have destroyed our research in the other," 'she' stated.

"OK, you have my curiosity. How did I help 'fix' the one timeline?"

"By making the subject who you refer to as Michelle leave your domicile. After she moved back to her original...mate's domicile, they slept. We switched the fetus with one from the mate and that timeline is back to where it should be."

"And the other timeline? The one I allegedly screwed up?'

"Allegedly the human says! All three female subjects are pregnant with your hybrid offspring! Our research is destroyed!"

"Explain to me how I could impregnate aliens?" Drew asked concerned and proud at the same time.

"My Creche mate already explained that there was an odd genetic disparity. Your genetic makeup is...odd, and it caused certain anomalies."

The creature paused again," The ability to impregnate other species seems to be one of those anomalies. My creche mate is so despondent that her other self, in that timeline, is pregnant by you. She had to leave the research facility."

Drew was quiet for a while. He was not dealing well with the thought of having hybrid children and how they may be treated. Would they be made fun of? Or be accepted by the society he saw outside his windows. The scene of aliens cohabitating with humans in a peaceful life.

He snapped out of his worries for the moment and looked back at the alien. This one seemed 'nicer' then the last of her species, 'well except for my honking sex slave," and he thought and smiled a bit.

"If that is all, I'll be going." Drew commented.

The alien did something odd. She held up her six fingered hand and raised one finger. Drew assumed it was a 'pause' symbol.

Drew was not sure of the similarities of communication in the cosmos, but there did seem to be gestures that transcended time and space.

'She' leaned toward his screen and so did he. Her next words were soft and an attempt at a whisper.

"Human, I wanted you to know that I feel you have been treated badly. While I have not been privy to certain discussions, please be aware that you have caused quite a bit of concern. Things are happening on my side of the device. There may be trouble coming your way. This time it will not be a sexy strumpet that thinks too much of herself." She paused to lightly honk in seeming jest.

"Be careful human, there are scarier things in this universe that those idiot lizards." And he watched her reach over and shut down the transmission.

Drew sat back and looked out his office window. He had things to contemplate.


He realized that there was no one he could tell. Nor was there anyone coming to help him. He was alone. And according to one alien, alone against the cosmos. So, he did what he always did when confronted with issues, he did yardwork and played in his butterfly garden.

He thought back to the final discussion with the sexy green Orion bitch. The story of viewing through the portal, the one the device created, was true. She had provided one small truth amongst the series of Lies.

Drew went back into the house and cleaned himself up. Dressed in comfortable clothes he went back to his office and sat with the device in hand.

Drew felt his trepidation. It is not like things had turned out well since he had found the device. In fact, he had not slept well since that fateful moment.

He placed his fingers correctly and the portal opened above the device. He flipped it over and there was only a momentary flickering as the Portal realigned above the device.

He touched the swirl and migrated to his first highlighted tile. What he called the Michelle tile.

He placed his finger and held it and the panorama opened for his viewing.

'Well, the green bitch was telling the truth, 'He thought to himself.

He moved his finger on the tile to see if it would take him through the scene, and it did. He 'walked" from his office to the living room and then paused. Michelle was on the couch crying.

All he originally wanted to see was if Michelle had done as ordered and vacated the house. 'Damn, now I have to go and do something stupid...again,' he thought.

He shook his head and then tapped the tile forgetting about the vertigo.

He ended up scaring Michelle, and himself a bit, as he popped into existence behind her and then gripping the couch to stay upright. She screamed of course.

"You scared me, I did not hear you come home," she commented like her being in the living room was supposed to be a normal occurrence.

"Well, you are not supposed to be here...remember," he commented with a very calm and soft voice.

"I have no place to go." Then she broke into a fit of further crying.

Normally Drew would be overwhelmed over a beautiful woman crying on his couch, or anywhere around him. But then all he had to do was think back to the sexy noises, her urging the younger man along and the smell of her arousal, ALL ON HIS BED!

"I'll give you until the end of the week, but no more delays or extensions Michelle." Drew paused and then added, "You have more to worry about than home accommodations...your pregnant."

He saw her stunned look, but not a peep or retort was issued.

Drew paused again because information flooded his mind. In his mind's eye, he saw her taking a pregnancy test. He saw her reaction to it being positive. He knew that she knew.

He became outraged in a flash.

"What was the plan? Tell me it was my child? Get the old man to pony up for health insurance? Demand child support? Make me the cuckold that helps you through the pregnancy?" Drew paused and became angrier.

She said nothing and would not meet his eye.

"OK, my offer is revoked. I need you gone by the end of day."

"But it could be your baby! Doesn't that mean anything to you?" Michelle commented once the waterworks had started again.

"It can't be my dear, I was snipped long ago." Drew lied. He was in HIS timeline. He knew now who the father was, due to his little alien friends. She did not know all the facts but knew now that the façade was over.

"Call your baby-daddy and let him know he will again be a papa and go live with him."

"But his mother hates me, and he lives with his mom."

"Seriously? Not my problem." Drew paused, understanding how screwed the scene was.

"I am going to go for a stroll. I want you out within the next hour. You can leave what you need to leave here, until the weekend. By Sunday evening your stuff will be out on the curb though." He walked out and went to his art studio at the back of his property. He kept a bit of green weed out there that always helped calm his nerves.

He flipped the device and played with the spiral and was back in his base timeline.


While only 3 pm, he made a comment aloud, "Its 5pm somewhere." He then pulled a GOOD bottle of wine from the back of his cabinet. The uncorking process went without drama. He absolutely expected the cork to break, bottle to shatter or the wine police to break the door down and force him to drink his rot-gut stuff from Trader Joes.

He walked back out to the porch and settled on the bistro table. He settled in and his mood became dour. His whole good-guy persona was 'a pain in the ass,' he thought. Here he had helped her out and he was used again. And potentially could have been used badly.

Either he needed to move and stay in the other timeline with his alien sweethearts or go on walk-about.

He was not feeling well about the whole 'experiment' fiasco and could care less about the alien researchers. He did have trepidation about the speech the one honking alien had given him, warning him.

Drew was into pouring his third glass when he chose the middle route. Follow the advice of the Green Orion Bitch. Drew grabbed his device and energized it again.

He flipped the device over and placed his fingers and ignited the device, then flipped it over and saw the tiles line up stacked in horizontal rows. Where he expected to find the 'Michelle' tile there was only a series of muted tiles.

Drew rolled back in his chair and looked again, yet the Michelle timeline had faded away. He assumed because he was no longer involved in her drama, his participation had been muted. He had no basis for that presumption. It just made the most sense for him.

'And how does that make you feel?' he asked himself. He felt like he was his own shrink, psychoanalyzing himself. So, was he an important cog in the cosmos or was he just a bit player helping others along in their journey?

It was not a happy thing to contemplate in his life.

He flicked on his 'Alien' timeline and saw them cleaning the house, working in his garden, and bouts of sapphic love when they needed a break. They greeted the neighbors and seemed to blend in with his small neighboring community.

He looked closer and was surprised to see the Pixy already showing a tiny baby bump. All the neighbors vocalized their excitement. Other alien neighbors were showing a slightly jealous streak regarding the hybrid pregnancies of his three.

He steeled himself and moved forward on the spiral. He felt he had the proverbial two angels on his shoulders. One of light, one of dark.

As he had admitted to the Green Bitch, it was more about the desire to be wanted than it was about the actual sex. That is why he was so drawn to the tile with his three aliens. They all wanted HIM, to cuddle, hold, and yes, the sex was fantastic.

He remembered back into his past. A 'discussion' with his first wife. She had brought home a woman's magazine that proclaimed, 'One way a woman could have better sex with her boyfriend or husband in 'one word.' The statement laid splashed across the front cover.

Drew had taken one look and commented "Well that's easy" and continued to the other fifty chores he had that day.

Later that evening when he was making dinner and sipping wine, Drews wife had asked for further explanation. Drew knew better than to answer. He KNEW better, but he knew he was going to do something stupid.

"Enthusiasm" was his response.

That one-word comment led to further fun and discussion that turned ugly. He had pointed out, as a retort to her comment about she too could be 'enthusiastic' during sex, was that it was 'enthusiasm' to share in the intimacy that was the point of the article. Enthusiasm after he had provided 2 or 3 of her orgasms was not what was being discussed. Convincing her to even entertain the idea of intimacy was the issue.

That conversation and its resulting 'cold shoulder routine' was the final nail and end of their marriage. Being a hostage to someone's pussy was one of Drew's pet hatreds from that point on.

And here he had a timeline where he was drug down and screwed silly just by being in the house. And beyond the sex, he had three aliens that were not fighting, but being loving to one another. Enthusiasm pervaded that timeline.

But he scrolled on and after a bit, found another highlighted tile.

He held the tile, and the view sprang open. He was looking at a woman he did not know, in a kitchen he did not recognize.

The kitchen was modern and of extremely high quality. The table he sat at was mid-century modern. He knew it was his house. He could already feel the background seeping into him.

This was his wife he was looking at. She was beautiful but harsh. Her facial demeanor was tight and angry. He saw flashes in his mind. When she smiled, she was stunning.

The information stream sped up.

He was being harangued for something he would not do...Drew waited, hoping an understanding would come to him. His 'single' mentality from his timeline want to spout back. The information from this timeline warned him 'Not your best choice.'

"God, Damn It Drew!" she pontificated, "I have a chance to be Lt Governor and you were just offered a lucrative position with the developer in Sacramento. What is your problem?"

She paused and then continued, "This sleepy small town will still be here in 4 years and then we can settle back in. Why wont you take the fucking high paid position I arranged for you!"

Drew was going to respond and then he just pulled his fingers away from the tile.

The vertigo swept over him, but there was a worse feeling of dread. He had been there so many times with his two ex-wives.

Completely different...but the same.


He spun the spiral and watched a sea of muted cards. As he continued to spin and play with the cards and watched them go by. Two came up highlighted and then a third all grouped together.

Not being methodical, he held the center card and it opened and enveloped him. His Jeanne was there, the love of his original timeline. His heart stopped but then sped up. She was not his in his base timeline. She had dumped him multiple times and yet his yearning crept back each time and he always tried again.

The information for this timeline flowed fast and unmercifully. It was not all good feelings flowing into him.

He glanced at her hand and saw her rings. The ones he had spent so much time choosing (in THIS timeline) for their symbolic meaning. She was nervously playing with them. He looked at his own hand and saw the plain thin band of gold. Chosen at the last moment because she 'did not have the time.'

She was crying. The information flood increased, and it tore his heart out. She was crying because she had been caught having sex in her classroom with a younger male teacher and she would be forced to go through a disciplinary hearing.

She did not want to tell him, but she knew it would be public soon enough. She was not really apologizing but making excuses for her indiscretion.

And then she made the one comment that broke his heart, "It was just sex Drew. It did not mean anything. It was just sex."

From the flood of information, he knew this was not the first time. It was how he got here to begin with.

While she was his first love as a young adult, she had had multiple affairs during their early dating. And during their late marriage. They were only married after she had an affair with him during her first marriage.

He was washed with all the pain and anguish that he had felt in this timeline. It was soul sucking.

She, in this timeline, was a serial cheater. He was still the romantic idiot that loved her with all his seemed no matter the timeline.

He pulled his fingers off and the vertigo was nothing compared to the ache deep in his soul. He looked at the two other tiles grouped close to the one he just exited and felt that they would be of the same theme.


His soul hurt.

His heart felt like it was bleeding inside his chest. His damaged dream of spending his life with his first true love was in tatters. His concept of self-worth was damaged by looking at all the muted tiles he was in that had no import to the cosmos.

What did he want? He could thrash around and create a mess for himself in multiple timelines.

Why would he do that to himself?

He knew the answer. He knew what needed to be done to heal his own soul. Be with 'people' that wanted him.

'OK, be with aliens that wanted him," he thought and then smiled at the absurdity of that statement.

He spun back to the highlighted timeline tile that sat by itself and tapped.

The vertigo was quicker this time and he walked out of his office. He was met by the view of the pixy in barbie doll size hovering, wings humming as she tried to get a box free from the upper cabinet above the refrigerator. He stepped behind her startling her. She immediately resized and was standing next to him in her five foot proportions (not inclusive of her wing tips).

"Lord, you surprised me!" She commented while she leaned into him rubbing her larger breasts on his lower chest and wrapping one leg around his, "will you please get the extra coffee cartridges down for me?"

"Are you supposed to have coffee in your condition?" he questioned with a smile.

She rubbed her hand on her belly and then looked up at him with a smile and then a false pout.

"Human doctors are so silly. I am a pixy and our pixy doctors giggled at the human desire to take away my fun," her false pout became a very feral smile.

"You know how I get when I have my caffeine," she paused to rub her hardening nipples on his lower chest and her crotch on his leg.

"Does my lord have time to indulge me?" she stopped, and the smile deepened, "Command

me for an hour or two?"

He looked her over with a huge smile, "I am sure we can make time for each other, right now."

He had noticed something odd about her this morning. While her pussy seemed butter smooth, there did not seem to be the larger lips showing. Just smooth skin wrapping down between her legs.

There was no flood of information regarding this being. It was disconcerting. The only memory he had was her sucking him during a previous visit and her extended tongue. Yet she was pregnant, allegedly, with his child.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

He was not sure where the other two were. As they walked, she was running her hands over his body. She made him stop at one of the guest bedrooms. She spun to face him as she pulled him into the room and slowly backed up to the bed. She was slowly stripping him of clothing as they slowly traveled.

His cock was rock hard and was squeezed between them.

She spun them around until the back of his knees felt the bed and then put gentle pressure on his chest until he flopped back. His legs from the knees down were still dangling.

She crawled up on him with a swift but heartfelt kiss and suck at his cock as she crawled over it.

"How do you want her my Lord?" she asked.

Drew made his confused face.

"Do you want her bushy like a normal Human female? Do you want her with short fur like Kitty? Or smooth like a human porn star?" She asked with more urgency, as she rubbed her body on the hard cock sandwiched between them.

"Let's start with smooth, and see how it goes," he responded, not sure what was going on, but he got the general idea.

She sat up suddenly with his cock sprouting from between her spread legs as she straddled him.

He felt tingling on his cock but watched in fascination as the smooth skin between her legs clouded and then formed into a beautiful set of thick outer lips and longer inner lips.